DETROIT -- A grand jury indicted a Nigerian man on Wednesday on charges of attempting to blow up a Detroit-bound Northwest Airlines plane on Christmas Day by trying to use a weapon of mass destruction.
Another Salisbury News Reader said: Why is the Obama administration refusing to prosecute these terrorist as terrorist and not common criminals?
Obama is blk,nonamerican and muslim
What a waste of tax payer money and a bif security risk for the country.
He should be immediatly turned over to the military for interogation and trial. If found guilty, he should face a firing squad! Nothing less!
I guess we can't expect this from President milk toast!
Americans believe in certain "inalienable rights", or if you will, "God given rights". These are rights which are INHERENT in being a human being. They are non-negotiable. We have the freedom to speak because we have vocal chords. We have the right to legal counsel and the right to due process because we are humans.
These are not American rights. We, as Americans, believe all humans should have these rights.
It is un-American to refuse these rights for other Non-American individuals. We believe government should serve people . . . not the other way around.
A person has been acused of a crime. In America, we believe the person has a right to due process, legal counsel, and the assumption of innocence.
Don't let the criminals who have usurped power in America to refuse these rights to ANYONE. We stand for these rights. If the least of us loses these rights then all of us will lose these rights.
Our government is treading on our rights and those of other people also. I personally believe this individual in particular has been set up as a patsy by the criminal CIA organization or MOSSAD. We Americans must defend this person's right to a fair trial.
Think about this please!
Thats Obama!
5:34 This is an act of war so he should be tried in a military tribunal. End of story.
The Police read him his rights,,,,WHY and What rights?
Bush tried and convicted the shoe bomber Richard Reid as a criminal and not a terrorist, and that was only three months after 9/11. That worked out well.
Why do you guys hate the US justice system?
Anon 949. Have you been in a cave for the past 10 years? Look at all these criminals being let out only to do more crime. I hate people like you. Obama supporter!
5:34... wow!!! GREAT comment. We need people like YOU in office.
Tedh... an act of war? I want to apologize to you for the last regime that ruled this country. They went out of their way to confuse the terms war and terrorism.
people are funny... you preach and preach and preach conservatism, but then when something happens you immediately switch to mob mentality, anarchy.. kill 'em all!!! c'mon people make up your minds... laws or no laws??? Constitution or no constitution. I don't understand why so many people forget that we are the world's example of democracy and with such responsibility, we have to keep people with the lawless mob mentality in line. I mean don't get me wrong, your Anarchist way of government could work, but it simply is not OUR way of governement
its funny you progressives demand that we follow your opinion of the law when it suits you but you have all but thrown out the constitution when it comes to what this president and congress is doing to this country. criminals what about all of the progressives in congress who have broken the law and not been tried.
we are at war. they declared it. they laugh at us because we supposedly treat them with rights. they are trained to abuse our system. in the meantime we become more and more of a target. we did not try war criminals during wwii in civilian courts. they went to military tribunals. that is where these terrorists belong.
You leave no room in your world view for the possiblity that our own government is lying to us!
The purpose of a jury trial is to keep our government in check.
Think about that please. It is un-American to behave the way our elected officials behave. They are not Americans in the traditional sense. They represent an effort to change our great Nation into a global government.
so how is our own government lying to us about a man that tries to blow up a plane after training in yemen with al quaida who has declared war on us.
or about a soldier who shots up an army base after basically declaring jehad.
what our government is doing is being so politically correct (sticking its head in the sand) that they are putting this country in danger.
maybe what they are lying about (and this includes the previous administrations) is their true intent. bush is a progressive, mccain is a progressive, but at least they want to protect this nation.
Your response is full of assumptions you have accepted as truths because you heard it on main stream television. YOu are mind controlled.
Wake up please.
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