MIBG Scan clear!
Sorry it took so long to get the good news on here and I am going to keep it short to get some sleep. Still not sure what is going on with the pupils. Sent us downstairs to see Brooke's opthamalogist after the scan results were back. He was not sure what was causing the problems but reassured us that there was no swelling behind the eye and optic nerve looked good. Everyone has decided to chalk it up to a reaction from the antibodies and it will eventually resolve once she is done with the antibodies. They will be keeping a close watch on it and she will be continuing with the clinical trial. By the time we were done with everything she didn't get admitted until about 6:30 tonight. She will be starting round 3 of the antibodies first thing in the morning. I will keep you posted on how it's going. Thank you so much for your prayers and support. This past week was so difficult fearing the worst but I guess this is our life now. I don't know how I will ever get used to it.
God Bless,
Cancer Fears Brooke!!!
you GO girl!!!!!
Faith! Its the only thing that keeps us all from giving up sometimes!
Praise God!!
Continued prayers for your family and your precious Brooke!
AMEN!!!! We will keep Brooke and your family in our prayers!!!!
Don't ever "get used to it," Amy, not ever. Don't accept this as a way of life. Keep fighting, keep hoping, keep believing that your precious child and your family will beat this. You will remian in the thoughta, prayers and hearts of all of us.
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