DATE & TIME: January, 15 2010 @ 0859 hrs. LOCATION: 28831 Adkins Road, Delmar, Maryland
CASE NUMBER: 10-54-000447
CRIME: Burglary
VICTIM: Kirsten Nicole Johnson
On 1/15/10 at approximately 0859 hours, Tfc Pardoe responded to 28831 Adkins Road, Delmar, Wicomico County, Maryland in reference to a burglary. A black male was knocking on the victim’s front door and then went behind the house. While behind the residence the suspect attempted to open a window. The victim gave a description of the suspect as a black male approximately 50 years old, 6’0” feet, 180 lbs., no facial hair. The suspect left the residence in a Pontiac Grand Prix red in color bearing unknown Maryland registration heading towards Jersey Road. The victim was unable to provide any further information.
Should have put one bewteen his eyes and drug him inside. case closed
Don't any of you guys own a gun? If not buy one and use it!
who got killed in Hebron during home invasion?
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