MSNBC television and syndicated radio host Ed Schultz declared that he would stuff the ballot box in Massachusetts if he could to prevent Republican Scott Brown from upsetting Democrat Martha Coakley in the race to fill the state's Senate seat formerly held by Edward M. Kennedy.
Whatever it takes to keep "the bastards" out of power.
"I tell you what, if I lived in Massachusetts I'd try to vote 10 times," said Schultz on his Friday radio show. "I don't know if they'd let me or not, but I'd try to. Yeah, that's right. I'd cheat to keep these bastards out. I would. 'Cause that's exactly what they are."
Noel Sheppard of Newsbusters.com quipped, "Who says there's liberal bias in the media?"
Sheppard also points out that Schultz's comments came on the same day fellow MSNBC host Chris Matthews lamented that Democrat operatives couldn't "buy" enough votes in Massachusetts to ensure Coakley's victory:
Here's more..
He said what everybody already knew. The democrats don't care about the populous as they have their own agenda.
They have been committing voter fraud for years nothing new here !
So sad that they don't understand how democracy works... if you cheat to win its no longer "for the people, by the people"
So we have a post on a tongue in cheek comment made from a mediocre commentater. I don't see anyone commenting on Rush's blatantly twisted and disrespectful comments on our government's efforts to save lives in Haiti.
11:52, amen. Limbaugh's comments weren't just disrespectful. They were as racist and hateful as they come, without using the N word.
Liberal bias? Please. He's a talk show host. His opinion.
Both sides have blowhard talk show hosts. Limbaugh is the worst though.
All left wing commentators are mediocre and racist hell even Harry Reid is a racist using your criteria ! Either way the cry of racism falls on empty ears it has been used and abused by the left until it's a joke political correctness is dead nobody cares pal !
11:52, and 12:56
Name something specific that Limbaugh has said that is hateful or racist.
Typical liberal accusations without any basis in reality.
You libs just can't stand the truth!
2:18, learn to read.
I used the words "twisted" and "disrespectful". This is in reference to statments from Rush claiming humanitarian efforts, in the face of a massive natural disaster that has elicited a massive outpouring of support from Americans, boils down to simple politics when it comes to Obama.
It's more likely that everything Rush says boils down to ratings.
As far as Rush being racist; again it's all about ratings. He panders to the fears of his listeners. I will say though that the equation constantly repeated by Rush and Hannity during the election was:
Most blacks support Obama + Most Obama supporters want government to take care of them + Obama supporters are "lazy and ignorant" = _______? I'll let you fill in the blank. This is what you heard from Rush and Hannity nearly every day. I know; I listened while driving up and down the Eastern Shore 2-3 times a week.
as for 1:51, Reid was speaking a hard truth, which too many Americans (in the words of Holder) are too "coward" to speak of. Several studies have shown that Americans (White and Black) equate darker skin with being less intelligent, less attractive, and more aggressive. And anyone from the country will tell you that a "black" dialect or even a southern dialect is often equated with lower intelligence.
As a black male from the south, I find it easy to play on that same pheonmenom at times. Lets you pull off the "surprise win" against the competition.
Once again you stupid libs can't back up any of your claims about people like Limbaugh.
Nowhere in your response was there any specific examples of Limbaugh being hate filled or racist.
You can't site them because they don't exist!
You libs are all a bunch of Damn liars!
Amen to 1:51. The race card has been played to the point that is is worn out. It means nothing anymore, which really is a shame because when an issue is presented that really is racism, nobody listens. Big al, the "reverend" jackson and the liberals have made it totally irrelevant.
Well 5:24, I probably did not site examples because as I said, I don't think they ARE racists. Their MO is to cater to the fears and ignorance of their audience to keep them listening/watching. Thats is all; it is a (successful) business model.
The problem arises because too many of you idealogues on the right see Rush et al. as providing FACTS and the TRUTH instead of simply being another pundit ENTERTAINING you with his version of political discourse. I enjoy Rush and Hannity but I step in knowing that the lemons they are selling are not cadillacs.
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