Kendel Ehrlich: 'Numbers look pretty good' for husband to run
"Former Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. is likely to run for governor if he can win, Ehrlich's wife announced at a Republican fundraiser in Frederick on Tuesday night," reports Erin Cunningham for The Gazette. 'The numbers look pretty good,' Kendel Ehrlich said. 'He doesn't want to do this without winning.' ... Kendel Ehrlich filled in for her husband during a fundraiser and 40th birthday celebration for Del. Joseph R. Bartlett (R-Dist. 4A) of Middletown. The former governor had been scheduled to appear at the event at Volt restaurant in Frederick, but canceled due to a business meeting, Bartlett said."
Bob Ehrlich, you'll recall, said back in November that his wife is "wildly enthusiastic" about him running again.
One of the worst things Marylander's did to themselves was vote this man out. In spite of the National economic problems, Maryland would not be in the sinkhole it's in if he had remained at the helm.
I believe it is Kendel who could beat O'Malley. She needs to be encouraged to run for Governor.
He's got my vote
The voters are waiting Ehlrich, we've had enough of the O'Malley mess.
Way To Go Ehrlich...you have my vote...wish it was time for O'Malley to be out in 2009
He certainly has my vote. I am so tired of O'Malley at this point.
I'll vote for him if he is the only republican candidate but I'm still upset with him for creating the flush tax. Conservative HAVE to realize that no new taxes are acceptable and that we need to lower and eliminate some existing taxes. How about this, call a special session "like O'Malley did" and reduce the sales tax back to 5%. If you announced that you would do that, then you would be a candidate that we could believe in!
Please spare us from another term of either O'Malley or Bobby.
Kendel should run for Governor. She would be the first lady Governor for MD and have the backbone to do what MD needs to happen. ACCOUNTABILITY from Politians.
He is elite enough for me.
I need someone who is better than me or my family to tell me how to live and to take my hard earned money and spend it.
Please oh please run for governor. Be my master.
Go Kendel!!!!
Great news to md Voters But how come us easternshore republicans
still get the Balitimore city liberal Demcrats to be in charge of us.
Dixon, Omally the same liberal BS
What would be great is if we could get Ehrlich as Gov and Steele as Senator.
get rid of those Baltimore city liberals who are doing us no good
HOW DID YOU LIKE SHEILA DIXON --took a plea bargain by admitting guilt, but will keep her pension (83,000 per year) and have her record wiped clean (no felony--so she can RUN FOR OFFICE AGAIN!!!! We need politicians with some morals, some ethics--VOTE ERLICH for guv, Lollar for senate!!!
Would rather he run against Babs Mikulski for Senate.
Oh gosh how we need you to come back Governor Ehrlich! We've gone to hell in a hand bag with under O'Malley's direction!
1200-AMEN Mikulski is a leftist little pig that is protecting the SEIU ,ACORN and every other corrupt Democrat tool. Run her pygmy butt OUT OF WASHINGTON!!!!
Bob needs to stay away and just watch this joker of a Governor stew in his own juices along with his hack legislature.
Too early to offer a rescue. Maryland voters wanted Marty, now let them continue to enjoy his leadership.
Maybe down the road, after the next phase of this "Recession" kicks in.
I think I see some expectation management going on in these comments.
Hey O'malley- Your IRA terrorist loving days are over, and take
your anti gun anti self defense Left-tenant with you!
And one more thing, you have ignored the Eastern shore for YEARS! Now you want to come down here and try to buy our votes!
Bob definitely deserves a lot of credit for creating the Bay Restoration Fund. That's probably the most important piece of environmental legislation in Maryland in the past 20 years.
Got my vote too!!
My husband & I will vote for Erhlich. We've often said we hoped he run again! Can't wait to get that bleeding heart liberal O'Malley out. We are for the death penalty, against services for illegal aliens, and for the right to bear arms! Our state would not be in such disarray were it not for the cuts O'Malley made. What is going on w/that land purchase he made for hunting after the state workers got layed off?? How did he justify that??
When will all these state and County workers realize that they are being used like two dollar whores by the liberal democrats in this state?
If you want good public service jobs in this state you have to have good privates sector jobs.
Get a clue people, our private sector has been destroyed by decades of our state being controlled by democrats.
But like the trailer park wife that consistently lets the abusive husband back in the door, we have Maryland progtards, minorities, and water carrying media elites enabling this destruction.
I generally vote Democrat, but I always liked a moderate Republican (I wish there were more of them). Ehrlich got my vote in 2006 and he will get my vote again if he runs!!!
Just no Michael "retarded" Steele
Ehrlich 10'
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