It was announced yesterday at the Salisbury Fire Department that Volunteer Deputy Chief Gordy is taking an extended leave of absence. It is known that he dropped the city car off on Monday and headed to Florida with his wife.
Morale has picked up just slightly and will improve considerably when Richard Hoppes and John Dru Bragg and his PIO are gone!
Morale has picked up just slightly and will improve considerably when Richard Hoppes and John Dru Bragg and his PIO are gone!
So Webster & Gordy are both gone at the same time?! I think hell is going to freeze over, couldnt be happier!!
Is it just a snowbird vacation or something more (hope hope!)
Thank you, Mayor Ireton, for ordering a new search. That sent a message!
The fire department will finally see a savings now that Dollar Bill is away. This blog and its posters are solely responsible for this exciting news. The people who post here have made the public aware of all the unscrupulous activity that this man is part off. He may say he doesnt read this, but I know different. Hoppes getting snubbed for chief has messed up his master plan for the "NEW" fire department. The firefighters have spoken, both career and volunteer and the message is clear. The have had it with this man and his cronies. Jim Ireton knows what this guy has done and he wont tolerate it. So long Dollar Bill.
This is the best news I have heard in some time. Good work guys. You have stuck together and sent him packing. He's cracked under the pressure and he cant get his way anymore. Enjoy the peace at the firehouse.
Great news!
I for one am glad that he will not be volunteering his efforts to bankrupt our city for a while. I hope he really really really likes it in Florida.
Maybe the city should consider paying him to "not volunteer". We could really save a LOT of money by paying him to go away.
Mayor Ireton, take a hint from NBC and get this guy out of here.
Oh he reads this blog!
He reads it everyday and See did too. See used to print out all the comments on the citys copier. An office worker found a stack that he sent to the wrong printer one time that was two inches thick. They read it everyday to see how to fly under the radar.
The Fire Company has had its share of bad publicity in recent years. Mr Gordy is usually mentioned along with the post. Maybe its a good idea for him to move on and bring things in order.
Mayor Ireton if you are the reason for this "leave of absence" I want to thank you personally. Now what you need to do is get rid of Hoppes and appoint a fire chief. And that doesn't mean bring in an outsider who knows nothing about the city of Salisbury or the Salisbury Fire Department. Barrie Tilghman brought in an outsider several years ago and Stephan K. Brezler ruined the department back then. Hoppes kissed Brezler's butt to get where he is today. Gordy and See kissed Brezler's butt to get where they are. An outsider can make changes but the wrong people have the opportunity to get to them just as Richard A. Hoppes and William Gordy did.
Mayor Ireton we implore you to make the right decision.
A TO DO list for the new Deputy Chief.
Spend money. Lots of it. Alaways be dreaming up ways to spend money for big toys.
Run the Fire Department. Make the appointed Chief feel needed but have your nose in all issues, especially Career matters.
Grease politians. Smooze with any politian who can do something for you. Assure a 3 to 2 vote always.
Threaten Volunteer stations for money. Tell them you will get it even if they feel its not worthy. Otherwise shut them down.
Apply for many unecessary grants. Get FREE money for all your toys.
Retaliate against anyone who stands in your way or disagrees with you.
There are your marching order. Now go forward. SPEND !SPEND !SPEND !
Rick Riley
Eastern shore native,Ocean City. Applicant for Chief.
Thats some funny stuff there. You got it right there PGFD.
12:36 how about some names? who would YOU nominate?
Thanks again Joe for putting out the " FIRE" lol
Does this mean the annual fishing trip is off now?
Is Gordy taking his son with him? Well, I guess we can all fantasize, can't we? LOL
Lee Smith should be given the Volunteer Deputy Chief position. He held the position until See unceremoniously removed him and put Gordy there. Its been bad ever since. Hes a good man and would bring things back together. Hes got my support.
Rick Riley: experienced and knowledgeable, local ties, great person but nobody's fool. Change from the outside can be good if you pick the right person.
If the three they named as the top three were dropped, I would hate to see whats below them on their list. Werkheiser and Riley didnt even get an interview.
Anon 1:40, none of them are man enough to put names out there. They just want to hide behind their computer.
Riley would be a good choice. He grew up in O.C. and has always kept his heart close to home. He has experience with Volunteer and Career fire services and has his own training company. You can only hope to get a Chief as good as him.
Who cares why hes gone. Just enjoy it while hes gone. Dont trust him because he has to be up to something. Jason lives.
I dont think Riley has a degree.He's got a load of training and has experience as a Chief.
Lee Smith should be placed back in his position that was stolen from him by See and Gordy. Lee did an outstanding job for not only the volunteers but the entire department. Unlike Gordy he is not a cut throught or a back stabber. Lee did the job without being in everyones business like Gordy.
Anon 1:50
Their not going to put their names out because they would be retaliated against. They're better men than what you think.
What difference does a degree make? They let Hoppes in the top three with no degree. The good ole boys at work there.
Come on Mayor - forget a committee. You review the resumes and interview candidates yourself.
RICK RILEY for Fire Chief!!!!!!
Shouldn't this information be coming from a press release. Where is the P.I.O.? Decemination of this information is strictly prohibitted by Acting Fire Chief Richard Hoppes.
If not for sbynews none of these changes for the better would have ever happened. Joe deserves the credit for first discovering these situations, next by disclosing them on HIS blog, and then by sticking with them until they cried uncle. Wicomico County is so much better because of his efforts, and I'm very thankful to him. Now that we've gotten a new Mayor, Police chief, and Fire Chief, it's only a matter of time until we see a real turnaround here in the Greater Salisbury area.
Hang in there, fellow Wicomicoans.
When the goin gets tough , the tough get goin!
RICK RILEY...Now that is the best thing said on here all day...33
Hmmmmm, don't need a degree.
Ad reads "equivelent experience" or something like that.
That's how they got around the degree requirement for that brownnoser Hoppes.
How will Hoppes know what to do without Gordy there. All those big words and nothing to use them for. Hops is Gordo's boy. He groomed him to take over and give him free rein in all SFD isuues. The Pirate really has no idea what to do now. You can only walk around and smoke so much.
You people act like Gordys gone forever. He's running things by phone from Florida and he will be back. The power is too big a rush for him to quit.
Yall put too much emphasis in Hops and Gordo. Your department is a bigger joke for allowing the pirate as your career Deputy.
How about Skip Carey as a candidate for chief; he has the fire and EMS background and does'nt kiss anybody's butt.
Why would he be in Florida for any long period? I heard that he just bought a very expensive house on Tony Tank Lane.
Skip Carey get's my vote, cause he knows that the answer is always "C". If I can help by telling Ireton that I will.
Good. Take your mission statement,training rodeo,special operation geeks,memos and sop's, punk son,14 million dollar firehouse and dont come back. Youve broke us.
AXE Carey would clean house. Youd see a better fire department and less bulls**t. The training would be real and the weak would not survive. About a dozen of you might make the cut.The rest could count seagulls and worship Jester and Bragg.
Anonymous said...
Rick Riley
Eastern shore native,Ocean City. Applicant for Chief.
12:56 PM
Rick Riley is not qualified or deserving of a position in the Salisbury Fire Department. Take your PG County Wannabe azz to PG if you love them so much.
Anonymous said...
How will Hoppes know what to do without Gordy there. All those big words and nothing to use them for. Hops is Gordo's boy. He groomed him to take over and give him free rein in all SFD isuues. The Pirate really has no idea what to do now. You can only walk around and smoke so much.
4:30 PM
That is some funny stuff..What the heck is Hoppes and Bragg going to do without Gordo leading the way for them???
Anonymous said...
12:36 how about some names? who would YOU nominate?
1:40 PM
Anyone but you Hoppes!!
A Deadbeat Dad!!! Good choice for Acting Deputy Fire Chief Hoppes. Ireton why did you and Pick allow this choice?
Circuit Court of Maryland
Go Back
Case Information
Court System: Circuit Court for Wicomico County - Civil System
Case Number: 22C89000336
Title: Faith Bragg Vs John Bragg
Case Type: Civil Non-SupportFiling Date:10/03/1988
Case Status: Closed/Inactive
Case Disposition: DismissalDisposition Date:07/29/2005
Plaintiff/Petitioner Information
(Each Plaintiff/Petitioner is displayed below)
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
Name: Bragg, Faith M
Address: Domestic Relations Section
City: FranklinState:PAZip Code:16323-0369
Defendant/Respondent Information
(Each Defendant/Respondent is displayed below)
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Name: Bragg, John D
Address: 305 Park Heights Avenue
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21804-5607
Court Scheduling Information
Event Type: Contempt HearingNotice Date:
Event Date: 07/29/2005Event Time:01:00 PM
Result: Held/ConcludedResult Date:07/29/2005
Related Persons Information
(Each Related person is displayed below)
Party Type: Interested PartyParty No.:1
Business or Organization Name: Wicomcio County CSS
Address: 309 Calvert Street
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21801
Attorney(s) for the Related Persons
Name: Geleta, Esq, Michael
Practice Name: Wicomico Co. Department Of Social Services
Address: 201 Baptist St.
Suite 27
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21801
Document Tracking
(Each Document listed. Documents are listed in Document No./Sequence No. order)
Doc No./Seq No.: 1/0
File Date: 06/10/2005Close Date:06/10/2005Decision:
Document Name: See Docket Sheet for Previous Entries
Doc No./Seq No.: 2/0
File Date: 06/10/2005Close Date:07/29/2005Decision:
Document Name: Payments Received
Doc No./Seq No.: 4/0
File Date: 06/10/2005Close Date:07/29/2005Decision:
Party Type: Interested PartyParty No.:1
Document Name: 4D Motion for Contempt
Doc No./Seq No.: 5/0
File Date: 06/10/2005Close Date:06/10/2005Decision:
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Document Name: 4D Subpoena Issued
requested by CSS court date July 29, 2005 at 9:00a.m.
Doc No./Seq No.: 6/0
File Date: 07/06/2005Close Date:07/06/2005Decision:
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Document Name: Return of Service - Served
Subpoena Requested by DSS served 06/29/05
Doc No./Seq No.: 7/0
File Date: 07/29/2005Close Date:07/29/2005Decision:
Document Name: 2+ ProSe Parties when Hearing Entered
Doc No./Seq No.: 8/0
File Date: 07/29/2005Close Date:07/29/2005Decision:
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Document Name: 4D Open Court Proceedings
Case called for Contempt Hearing. Defendant not present. Stae dismisses Contempt Petition; granted.
Judge W. Newton Jackson; presiding
Court Reporter; Debbie Dickerson
Doc No./Seq No.: 9/0
File Date: 07/29/2005Close Date:08/06/2005Decision:
Document Name: 2+ ProSe Parties when Case Closed
Doc No./Seq No.: 10/0
File Date: 11/01/2005Close Date:11/01/2005Decision:
Party Type: Interested PartyParty No.:1
Document Name: Attorney Appearance Terminated
Michael Geleta
The complete case file can be obtained from the Circuit Courthouse.
Anon 8:03
You obviously dont know Mr Riley. Hes more than qualified and would take him over any of what Ive seen thus far. I know your feeling down because he probably stepped over you and took your line at some point. Dont worry they couldnt tell who you were. Everybody was watching him and thats OK. Chill.
Why dont the Assistant Chiefs apply for Chief ? They should be qualified and familiar with your system.
PGFD 6873 said...
Anon 8:03
You obviously dont know Mr Riley. Hes more than qualified and would take him over any of what Ive seen thus far. I know your feeling down because he probably stepped over you and took your line at some point. Dont worry they couldnt tell who you were. Everybody was watching him and thats OK. Chill.
10:13 PM
Dang, I don't know who you are talking about but it sounds like you would smoke Riley's pole if you got the chance.
Typical childish redneck wannabe FARMIN!!!
@Anonymous PGFD 6873 1013pm,
OH BOY stealing someone's handline. WOW...HE IS MY HERO!! That is incredible stuff no wonder you say he is fire chief material. Carry your wannabe PGFD Butt back across the bridge.
What are the last three letters of Problems?
This has been said and is the mentality of See, Hoppes and Gordy and that is why there are many problems in the Salisbury Fire Department. These problems continue to grow under Hoppes and Gordy.
Who ever is selected for the Fire Chief needs to be a Paramedic with a strong background in Emergency Medical Services.
A Paramedic ? You dont have to be a Paramedic to understand what is needed. A real administrator that is well versed in emergency services and can formulate a plan for his needs will suffice.
When you take Paramedic training it is expected that Emergency Medicine is the purpose. Fire behavior and pumps are not in that manual and you dont do clinicals on a fire truck. Most of us have a desire to ride ambulances and do what comes with it.
You guys in Salisbury want to be called Paramedics but you dont want to ride an ambulance. You want he pay and the title but nothing to do with an ambulance. I would love to work for Salisbury, but firefighting is not why I took Paramedic. Try doing your job first and maybe your new Chiefs job will be easier.
Well paramedic god of sussex county. Heres the problem in Salisbury that you dont have to deal with. The medics dont mind going on calls or riding the ambulance. But when your doing the work of Hart to Heart and Bailey's taxi service, it indeed gets old. So you worry about chasing ambulances in your little work truck that resembles "squad 51" and we will worry about getting a fire chief and putting fires out.
Take the good with the bad. You signed up to be a Paramedic and get paid well to do so. So "JUST DO IT". We have something your City obviously doesn't have,good morale and dedication to duty.
you should post a thread about Gordys association with Station 2 when they tried to separate from the city. He told them how to separate and then abandonned them when it failed.
Well put 10:23 AM.
"Uninvited volunteers, useless donations can cost money, time — and lives"
This is exactly what happened when the idiots from the Salisbury Fire Department invited themselves to travel down to New Orleans during Katrina at taxpayers expense. The SFD got a call from FEMA stating they weren't needed and they were not invited. Bill Gordy took it upon himself to continue South anyway. They didn't even make it to New Orleans because they new they weren't needed. They went to another area and freelanced because Bill Gordy had a friend there. They were also stealing fuel from potable federal fueling stations and putting in fake pin numbers. So the affects of Bill Gordy's stealing as a representative of the Salisbury Fire Department goes way back to 2005 and beyond. It's true, ask Acting Deputy Fire Chief Dru Bragg he was one of them that went down there.
The other blog defends his mole from the Salisbury Fire Department.
"Despite rumors that Chief Gordy is leaving the SFD, I can assure you he isn't going anywhere as he always heads to florida this time of the year. I know the people out there that don't like him wish it was true, but sorry bout your luck."
Sussex Paramedic said...
A Paramedic ? You dont have to be a Paramedic to understand what is needed. A real administrator that is well versed in emergency services and can formulate a plan for his needs will suffice.
When you take Paramedic training it is expected that Emergency Medicine is the purpose. Fire behavior and pumps are not in that manual and you dont do clinicals on a fire truck. Most of us have a desire to ride ambulances and do what comes with it.
You guys in Salisbury want to be called Paramedics but you dont want to ride an ambulance. You want he pay and the title but nothing to do with an ambulance. I would love to work for Salisbury, but firefighting is not why I took Paramedic. Try doing your job first and maybe your new Chiefs job will be easier.
9:07 AM
The problem with many idiots that claim to be paramedics, like my friend from Sussex County, is they have know clue how and EMS Department should be ran. If his theory was accurate then why hasn't the City of Salisbury ever had a fire Chief "that understands what is needed." Idiot's like that guy are their own worse enemy. They think that paramedics are only qualified to "do their job" which means riding a gut bucket only. In case you didn't know it, Paramedics make the best Fire Chiefs and that has been proven throughout the country.
This is SO typical! Everyone wants to run fire calls, hates the ambulance, but 80% of the calls are medical. Stop crying and do your your job! No, it's just to dam easy to go to work, get paid to sleep, and then want to ride the big red truck. I swear I lose more respect for the fire service everyday. Be carefull what you wish for "boys", a real Chief will put your lazy ass's to work!
Maybe the Salisbury Fire Department needs to be split up into 2 agencies. They can be called the Salisbury Fire Department that handles fire calls only and Salisbury EMS that handles EMS calls only. A separate Fire Chief and a separate EMS chief and each chief would understand what each department needs. This would more than likely be the best plan for everyone.
Paramedics make the best Fire Chiefs ? Look at us here in Baltimore. A Paramedic from Minnesota with no clue about a fire. We have always been the pride of Baltimore and now look at us. Its been tried all around the metro area and failed evry time. I know you guys have your issues, but dont compound them with a cot jockey.
Lets face facts here guys. Nobody enjoys EMS and the BS that goes with it. Many cities in the US function well with a fire chief and EMS Director. The fire chief handles fire and Rescue while the EMS diector handles providing patient care and transports. Fire and EMS need each other and in most cities help each other. I believe Salisbury used to be that way. You might want to look at what worked before. Whatever your doing now doesnt seem to be working.
Brezler opened pandoras box in 2001.Paramedics on fire apparatus and a Union. Out of control and down hill ever since.
Ok Sussex county Johnie or Roy. Maybe i need to make this a little more clear. Everyone at SFD that so desired to become a medic, did so to be EMERGENCY PARAMEDICS..You would think that someone with the intelligence of one of the GOD's of Sussex would understand that. Since afterall, you guys run only on ALS calls. At Salisbury, its like being in a very expensive taxi, or doing a commercial ambulance jobs duties. NOBODY is complaining about going on true emergencies. So in closing, as i said before you worry about calling Rampart and we will worry about a chief and the 12000 calls being run a year.
Graver Digger
Right on well said !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
J. Cruse said...
Paramedics make the best Fire Chiefs ? Look at us here in Baltimore. A Paramedic from Minnesota with no clue about a fire. We have always been the pride of Baltimore and now look at us. Its been tried all around the metro area and failed evry time. I know you guys have your issues, but dont compound them with a cot jockey.
4:08 PM
Hey J Cruse or who ever you are. I believe the comment about Paramedics making the best fire chiefs is right on the money. Paramedics have to make life and death situations and you don't. One thing for sure is your Paramedic fire chief can do your job BUT YOU can't do his!!
Grave Digger....I do believe the volunteers at station 1 are out of control with that $30,000.00 +++ room that was built in a city owned building. A city owned building that the career people cant even get in, because the locks were changed "because, we dont want them in here". Can't wait to see how trashed that place will be in a year. So you talk all you want about the career people and the "union", but when the pick up posse and their girlfriends end up in trouble out in the playhouse it certainly will be entertaining.
Not only is the second ranking officer of the Salisbury Fire Department a deadbeat dad who doesn't like to pay child support, he doesn't pay his bills. And Mayor Ireton authorized acting chief Hoppes to appoint the Pirate as acting deputy fire chief? WTF! This guy is responsible for spending YOUR money. In a real city because of public safety being a sensitive position this deadbeat would never have been hired. Leave it to Smallsbarrie!! Way to go Jim Ireton. Oh by the way Jim let me remind you that Gordy, Hoppes and Bragg actively worked to get Comegys elected as Mayor!!
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Case Information
Case Number: 020300028252003Claim Type:CONTRACT
District/Location Codes: 02 / 03Filing Date:06/09/2003Case Status:BANKRUPTCY
Complaint, Judgment, and Related Persons Information
(Each Complaint, Hearing, Judgment is listed separately, along with each Related Person)
Complaint Information
Complaint Status: BANKRUPTCY
Status Date: 10/30/2003Filing Date:06/09/2003Amount$15255.96Last Activity Date:10/30/2003
Related Person Information
Connection to Complaint: ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF
Address: 110 WEST ROAD, STE. 222
City: TOWSON State:MD Zip Code:21204
If Person is Attorney: Attorney Code:000116Attorney's Firm:MARGOLIS, PRITZKER, ETAL
Connection to Complaint: DEFENDANT
Address: 29800 JACKSON RD
City: SALISBURY State:MD Zip Code:21804
Connection to Complaint: PLAINTIFF
Address: PO BOX 6065
City: SIOUX FALLS State:SD Zip Code:57117
Case History Information
(Each Event listed for the case is listed below in chronological order)
Retired Fart said...
AXE Carey would clean house. Youd see a better fire department and less bulls**t. The training would be real and the weak would not survive. About a dozen of you might make the cut.The rest could count seagulls and worship Jester and Bragg.
7:55 PM
LMAO!! I always wondered who Retired Fart was. Nothing like self promotion huh Skip!! You never were a real firefighter or paramedic. Good try though.
Rick Hoppes please do yourself a favor and step down. You are not qualified for the position and no one wants you there. Save face and step down now so that you may be able to retain your deputy position.
Just for the record Skip Carey got demoted and then fired from his paramedic job in Ocean Pines. His wife was also kicked out of the volunteer ranks for wrong doing. Skip has been worthless his entire career as a volunteer farmin and a paid paramedic. Ocean Pines did the right thing when they got rid of him. Salisbury doesn't want him back.
Well precious little darlings of EMS, not every call is an emergency unless your the caller. To them its an emergency and they pay your salary. They expect you to respond and help them when they call. You feel bothered and dont feel you should have to respond. You knew this when you applied for the job but still wanted to work here. Now you who do you feel the City should send to the citizens call for help? From reading your comments there arent many emergencies that you feel the need to respond to. Maybe we dont need Paramedics or ambulances.
I'm not Skip Carey. Retired means worked here when times were better.
Retired Fart said...
I'm not Skip Carey. Retired means worked here when times were better.
8:26 PM
Well if you "worked here" then you would know that Skip Carey is a pathetic choice for anything in the Fire Department. Once again thanks Skip and thank you fro reading SBYnews.com.
Richard Hoppes please do what is best and resign. The vote from the Volunteers and Career Firefighters was spoken loud and clear. You are not wanted by either and all you would do is continue to create controversy. Do what is best and step down immediately.
Hoppes and Bragg need to go. They are still wasting tax dollars on gravy overtime assignments for Braggs live in girlfriend firefighter paramedic Melissa Brown. Isn't that unethical to all Bragg to supervise his live in girlfriend? Ireton what the heck are you doing? Take care of this problem.
Mr. Albero could you please move this to the top again. This is an important local issue and it deserves the much needed attention.
Joe you were instrumental in making Webster step down so please keep this post at the top of your blog. There are currently 78 comments and you would get many more if it was at the top again. Thanks again.
I know lets get "Pinky" back then we can Ta-He-He all the way to the fire calls. Mr. Ireton and him would really get along well....
Oh and Roger Shiles for Deputy Chief.....
Now there is a good start on things.....
This is just gossip being spread by the whiney career guys and the so called union. Nothing is changing until this group acts professional.
Professional?? Your kidding right?
The career guys are professional. Not all but a good majority of the volunteers, do not participate in training to better themselves. The fail to follow orders from officers at scenes. And lack the training that the career staff is required to have. Not bashing any volunteers at all, but think about this. A volunteer Asst. Chief was just promoted and that individual has not been able to pass the firefighter test to be hired by the city. Now what's unprofessional??
Skip Carey is a joke! He was kicked ot of Ocean Pines FD and his wife is so obnoxious it is sickening. We don't need him that's for sure
Can someone tell me how the career firefighters can work 24 on and 72 off and then do another 24 on the day before or day after their original 24 on and that be safe. And why are we paying all this overtime?
Why aren't they on 8 hour shifts?
They dont get overtime...Only place in the world, where you can work over 40 hours a week and not get paid any difference. Hence why they have to work multiple jobs.
Anonymous said...
Can someone tell me how the career firefighters can work 24 on and 72 off and then do another 24 on the day before or day after their original 24 on and that be safe. And why are we paying all this overtime?
Why aren't they on 8 hour shifts?
3:17 PM
This is the same exact conversation that Gordy and Bubba had at a city council meeting.
Gordy I thought you were in Florida on Medical Leave.
Thanks for reading SBYNews.com Gordy, but quit telling people you never read it.
Joe, do you still have the audio clip where bubba and gordo were talking about the career firefighters working the cadilac shift?
Bring back Tony Sterling !!
yes, 6:13 Where is Tony Sterling? Will he come back?
As for career members having more training than volunteer members in some cases may be true but there are volunteer members that have more than any of you do and just remember you get pay or comp time to go to class what do we get.... thats what i thought. So please take your career bull***t and stick it.
The only overtime/comp time given is for mandatory classes...ie. medical recert in which volunteers are not even required to have. And because you took classes in 1980 does not mean your upto standards. And if i remember right, you guys get a retirement from just coming to the firehouse for your "FH". So yeah, you do get something. Like i said, there are people that have been made officers in SFD that could not pass the basic firefighter written test. That is something to be proud of..
Mayor Ireton do the right thing and appoint someone that can bring cohesiveness to the Salisbury Fire Department. Hoppes, Bragg and many of the paid officers in the paid ranks forgot where they came from and hate the volunteer firefighters. Please get rid of those creating discord in the fire department now.
Dru Bragg for Chief. Dru is a great guy and very knowledgeable on the fire scene and a great chief to work for. Dru has always been my friend and I would follow him anywhere.
Thanks for allowing these post on your site. Disfunctional would be an understatement for the fire department. The two recent chiefs would claim that everything was fine and it was just a few disgruntled firemen causing the turmoil.
This thread exposes much of what the firemen are putting up with. Career vs. Volunteer, EMS vs. Fire, Nepatism, favoritism, poor leadership and wasteful spending and the list goes on. You have to recognize you have a problem before you can solve the problem. The leaders wont acknowledge it so it festers and you have the current mess.
A fool can see the situation with the live in girlfriend and know is not right. They have been telling the boss for years and he denied the facts. If you dont handle the little things, they become big things. Thats where they are now. You cant have two Fire Chiefs and have success. You know who needs to step aside.
the volunteers in salisbury are ridiculous. all they do is sit around and complain about career guys. the funny thing is they have it made. who washes the equipment for them? career guys. who cleans their firehouse? career guys. who checks their equipment? career guys. who fixes any problems at the fh? career guys. who do tehy run to when something is wrong or they need something? a career officer. the volunteers are crazy and should be put back in check. they are not an intergral part of that fire department and they need to realize that they arent so special. they would not last one month in the county. so for all you wanna be volunteers shut up. including you danny hill. just because you take online classes doesnt make you smarter. your still a cocky retard who needs to be a fireman first before you try to be an officer.
I am not from Salisbury but I spend a lot of time in the area. On January 9, 2010 I attended Senator Rich Colburn's Brunch and there were 2 guys in what looked like fire department dress uniforms. One was heavy set and the other was balding. The one that was balding was walking around with his chest stuck out and like he owned the place. Your sheriff introduced the guy as the fire chief, but I am not to sure about that. If those guys are leaders of your fire department then it is obvious by the numerous post there are problems in that department.
So glad I only visit the area.
The two at coulbornes party was none other than Bragg and Gordy. Bragg was the one with his chest out and Gordy was the one playing your fire chief. They were kissing butt on politians. Thats how they play the game. Bragg was way out of his league.
My name is chuck and i want to make one thing clear, I am NOT posting on this site as gravedigger or anyone else, my attention was called to this spineless geek using some mane which would point directly to me. To who ever it is my true friends know its not me and thats all that matters, why don't you grow a pair of balls and be a man and show yourself, or continue to hide under the guise that you want to be me.
@11:00 AM. You are so true about bragg. WTF is Ireton thinking allowing this guy to attempt an emulation of a fire chief. Gordy is nothing more than a kiss ass and a wannabe. Ireton get rid of those clowns or we will make sure they are your downfall in the next election.
Career fire fighter's posting here are not helping the department but instead pushing their own agenda. No wonder they are a mess. The only reason the volunteers could get away with they claim is because of their behavior. Not man enough to sign their name but immature enough to cry like a baby.
Over 100 posts on this topic alone. Simply amazing. I have been following this drama for quite some time now and with thousands of posts about the Salisbury Fire Department and it's negative issues you would think Mayor Ireton would be man enough to take care of the problem. Mayor this is not helping your career in politics.
To the members throwing stones at each other the focus of this letter to the editor is to make the public aware that there is so much discord within the Salisbury Fire Department. Although the root of the problem with you all casting stones at each other is the many years of poor leadership including what we have now. What we need is a leader that knows the internal problems and is willing to be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem. Please continue to post and make positive statements about changing the current administration.
I was told that the acting deputy chief Dru Bragg does absolutely nothing at the Salisbury Fire Department. I was told that if you wanted to find him all you had to do was look in back of the fire department on Cypress Street and you can find him by the fire hydrant smoking cigarettes all day long. Sure enough I rode by there twice last week and he was out there smoking. How many breaks is he entitled to all day?
@2:16 PM, Ireton isn't going to do anything about it. Ireton is a heavy smoker himself.
Bragg pretends to be a Marine with his hat pushed down to the bridge of his nose. Mr Braggs humerous attempt to emmulate a U.S. Marine is dispicable. Living a fantasy.
Why would a man of Gordy's wealth want to spend two minutes in the Salisbury Fire Department ? Dont give me that dedication crap and service. If that were so he would still be in his hometown of Delmar. He left and was out of the fire service for ten years living in Nithsdale. How many volunteers live out there ? Notta !
Makes you wonder whats really going on here with political alliances, land and apparatus purchases, grant money. Just hearing about him planning the station 2 attack on the City raises my curiousity. Will the true story ever be told ?
I have attended a few FD functions and observed the officer with the cap. Either he does not know or does not care how to properly wear a uniform cap. Will someone please take the time to instruct him on the correct way to display the dress cap. Save him the embarrassment.
Dont look for the pirate smoking before 10 am. Hes enrolled in the work from home program. He may not show till 1 pm somedays. When he does arrive youll find him walking around pimpin or smoking by the dumpsters. That productivity for ya.
Backyard Bash I agree with you. Every day I work my tour that is the scuttle heard around the fire department. It is also speculated that he is working hard to get his paramedic girlfriend off the ambulance and into an office job. Is he a wannabe black guy because he does look like he is "pimping" when he walks. That moron must be in love with himself.
Bragg's a joke and his "woman" would like a porcupine if all the ones that in started sticking out!
The pirate has been pressured by his lady to reproduce. This is causing much trepidation with JDB. Her Baby Daddy. Gotta nice ring to it dont you agree.
Why do they call Dru Bragg "the Pirate" ??
A full time PIO would allieviate all these problems the fire departments having. I'm the fire chief and I said so.
He was given the name because he wears an earing in both ears like a girl and dresses like a bum. His hat is always turned around backwards. You know, pants pulled down hat turnt sideways lookin like a fool. Real officer material.
The idiot tried to hang himself at worwic tower call. What an act he put on to get attention. Everyone knows hes a fake.
Your people know what an embarrassment this guy is to your department. Why dont you do something about it instead of complaining about it.
That was an accademy awrd performance after the water tower hanging. He milked it for all the attention it brought. Madam Cottage Cheese lost it when her hero faked his hanging.
Ask Insley where the name came from. He tagged him with the pirate years ago.
Anonymous 9:33,
I was in disbelief when I got the phone call saying "dude your on sbynews". I thought how the hell is that. But I have to say it warms my heart to see that you think so highly of me. Even though I know that it shouldn't, the fact that you singled me out, out of all the volunteers in Salisbury means I must be the first thing you think about when you get out of bed. But I will say for a "cocky retard" I'm smart enough to realize that you singling me out in such a broad attack on the volunteers means you passively idolize me, and no I didn't learn that in any of my online classes. But see here's the thing, it seems like the only difference between me and you is the cocky part (just in case your not intelligent enough that was an indirect shot at calling you a retard). Especially considering that I'm maintaining a 3.86 GPA in my courses, so technically I believe that does make me smarter. But I just want to point a few things out "smart guy". Check your post before you call someone a retard. Especially since blogger now has spell check. You misspelled "they", you didn't use proper punctuation and aren't even smart enough to right click on the words underlined in red and correct your mistakes. Wow, you really put me in my place. I'm not even going to comment of the attack on me and fighting fire. You would have hurt me more by writing my name on the bathroom wall under for a good time call, considering you apparently feel so strongly about me and didn't have a big enough set to sign your name to your handy work. Everybody is big behind that anonymous label. At least have the decency to let me know who you are since you wanted to make an unprovoked attack on me. Especially since not one member has ever come to me and said a cross word to me. Because believe me, if I knew who you were I would have made this address on a private level, and I don't ever say anything behind someones back, or anonymously as you choose, that I wouldn't say to their face. So in your attempt to try to make the rest of the volunteers and myself appear inept and useless, step back and really admire the way you created such an immature and unprofessional image of yourself.
Anonymous said...
That was an accademy awrd performance after the water tower hanging. He milked it for all the attention it brought. Madam Cottage Cheese lost it when her hero faked his hanging.
9:12 PM
That was a funny incident from our Special Ops Executive Office wannabe. He had no business doing what he did because he is clueless. The funny thing is he was transported to PRMC because he enjoyed the attention. They found absolutely nothing wrong with him so they discharged him. His live in girlfriend wasn't happy with that so she called her step daddy doctor who suggested he go to Dorchester General Hospital in Cambridge for a second opinion. LMFAO DGH is nothing more than a Doc in a Box. They also found nothing wrong with Bragg but they told him what he wanted to hear and sent him home. What a joke. Please get rid of these clowns so the Salisbury Fire Department can become a respectable department again.
Mr Hill,
Please give your ego a rest and stand by for the next realert. This column is about three main characters that plague your department. Noboby thinks of you in this sea of volunteers or cares to persue you. Your irrelivant to any aspect of this equasion. So that being said, just chill. Keep your temper down, smoke another joint and please keep a job.
Ms Pirate should have no trouble reproducing with the many years of experience compiled. Strange wonder that some police officer or paramedic hasnt already hit the bank.
Can someone tell me why Station 16 was dispatched for a fire engine to assist a Princess Anne ambulance with lifting assistance at the front door of the ER at PRMC? Do you mean to tell me the nurses, techs, doctors and maintenance workers are to good to step outside to help lift a stretcher? PRMC is the largest employer on the Eastern Shore and they can't even provide lifting assistance on their own property?
Is the city of Salisbury getting compensated for this lifting assistance? NO!
Is the city of Salisbury paying for the salaries of 4 firefighters as well as fuel and maintenance on a new fire truck? YES!
What if there is a fire and that fire truck is committed to waiting for the Princess Anne ambulance to get to the ER?
What if one of the firefighters injure themselves?
How much is this costing tax payers?
Danny Hill what is the Online college you are going to and what kind of degree are you getting?
Anonymous 2:17,
Yet another person hiding behind that anonymous label and judging from the fact that you can't spell equation or pursue correctly, your probably not literate enough to read what was posted by anonymous 9:33. If you have such a problem with me, why don't you let me know who you are, or confront me in person? Oh I know cause you only get the guts when anonymous is your name. I could have cared less how many characters were in the equation. I never said that this post was about me nor was I a factor in the equation. I didn't even know any of this was going on till I was told that my name was mentioned by someone who did feel the need to pursue me for some unknown reason. I have to give you a standing ovation for your feeble attempt to lay me out with the smoking a joint and keeping a job comment. Bravo, cause if you knew anything about me you would know that smoking is a past time event for me (which is no secret to anyone who knows me) and I have no problem owning up to the mistakes I have made, and I had no problem keeping a job before the housing market floundered and the HVAC business took such a hit. Even though a lot of you career guys will say working for a commercial ambulance company is just playing emt, I've been at that fake emt job for almost a year. So rather than worry about me keeping a job why don't you spend some of your efforts on insuring you still have a job pending the next round of budget cuts.
Anonymous 3:33,
I'm attending keiser university, the on line portion of their college is based out of Sarasota,Fl but they have a few campus locations around Fl. I'm getting an associates degree in fire science.
Maybe Gordo is going to visit Ricky Riley in Clearwater. Try to get on his good side. What ya think!
Gordys #1 boy has been appointed Asst Chief at 1. Better have eyes in the back of your head. Gordy ran out two fine men and ignored the warnings of many about this P.A. kid.
On line courses. What a joke. Is that like Columbia Southern that the paid men got a diploma from. There is no campus for crap sakes. School wont change your style.Better start with an attitude change first.
Bragg announced that Gordo will be running SFD business from Florida. e mails, phone calls and occasional visits. I told you he was still running Salisbury.
Anonymous said...
Bragg announced that Gordo will be running SFD business from Florida. e mails, phone calls and occasional visits. I told you he was still running Salisbury.
11:45 PM
Sorta like Bragg working from home!!
Anonymous said...
On line courses. What a joke. Is that like Columbia Southern that the paid men got a diploma from. There is no campus for crap sakes. School wont change your style.Better start with an attitude change first.
11:42 PM
Columbia Southern University is not a real college and the city taxpayers are wasting thousands of dollars on this FRAUD! You would think an educated Mayor like Salisbury has would put a stop to the farce real quick.
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