After the Eastern Shore experienced the horrific murder of Sarah Foxwell, who could have ever imagined things could get any worse.
Today I sit back and review 14 pages of documents I read last night, page by page, detail by detail. Let me assure each and every one of you this. I didn't sleep worth a damn last night, all because of what I had read earlier in the evening.
While I can clearly understand just why the rest of the MSM hasn't shared the details of what this scumbag piece of crap Bradley did, let me assure you that not a single one of you could even imagine the lengths this scumbag went to destroy hundreds of children's lives forever.
I have to sit back and wonder, is it worth living out the rest of your life emotionally after being raped time and time again at 2 or 3 years old? Now multiply that by 100 children!
What the Delaware State Police have to go by is video evidence of this scumbag actually in the act. That's right, the man video taped the sexual acts and I hate to say it, Detectives had to actually watch the video of each act in order to charge this scumbag for what he did.
Now think of all of the children he may have raped that wasn't recorded. Yesterday I received an e-mail stating, how could his Staff not know what this man did. To that individual that wrote me, I have to agree. After reading the 14 page document, I too have to wonder just what in the hell was going on in that place. Time and time again this sick SOB would take children into the basement or out buildings on the property. In many cases the children were screaming for their parents, no one heard anything?
Nevertheless, this has to be, (by far) the sickest human being that has ever lived on this earth. Many families that went to this scumbag were on state assistance and were assigned to this piece of crap. I guess what bothers me the most is the idea that it took more than a year for the Police to investigate this man. In the mean time, hundreds, (if not thousands) of children continued to be raped by this man in the mean time. I'm not blaming anyone and I know there's a process. Notice how I don't use the word "allegedly."
In the end, (for me personally) this is the second case in two weeks in which I cannot and will not share details with you. It is the second horrific case in two weeks I sit back and think, just how much will these two cases age me. Now think about the fact that these are only two local cases, how many others are there out there across our Nation? How many Politicians will continue to sit back and protect these sick human beings?
I would have to think that being there are so few of these people on our earth, why wouldn't they, (politicians) just eliminate them forever and rid the rest of us from such a gene pool. Instead, we get to see images of some of these sick people sucking off the taxpayers like Charles Manson.
The next time you vote for someone to represent us, make sure you know where they stand on the death penalty and child sex offenders. Then, if they "claim" to host your own values, make damn sure they follow through with it. As Senator Andy Harris stated on my last Show, "the Governor must uphold the LAW." If he does not, he is then breaking the law and must be fired.
To the many victims and their Parents, may God be with each and every one of you. To the Officers, Detectives, Judge & Jury, May God be with you as well.
How is it that you have access to information that the general public does not? Just curiousm.
I was wondering the exact same thing about the staff. I am a dental assistant, and I know it's a little different, I just can't see how his staffers didn't know what was going on. And why did they keep mum? Having a 3 year old daughter myself, I would've run screaming from the place if I worked there. I wonder if he threatened them somehow? Even so. And I would NEVER let my daughter's pediatrician take her down to a basement unclothed. That is just creepy.
Well Jonathan, to answer your anonymous question I'll simply say, unlike you, I'm respected by the Police and MSM. The one and only individual in that field that did work with you no longer has a job. That's how.
While I do understand there is a very thorough process for the investigators to follow in order to charge someone appropriately in any judicial case... Is there some sort of support or counseling offered to the individuals who have to view these tapes, or records, in cases such as these? I cannot begin to imagine, as a mother, if I worked in this field and had to view such horrific acts what this would do to my brain. These cannot be images that can be easily forgotten. I can't imagine these detectives, investigators, etc. don't want to just blow this man's brains out, or at the very least beat the crap out of him for what he has done to these innocent children and their families. I know that sounds harsh but just as a parent out in society I cannot say that I don't have thoughts of hitting the gas pedal if this man ever walked out in front of my car on behalf of every single person he has affected. I probably need therapy just for even having that thought, although it is the first time I have ever had that sort of thought, but their has to be a need of some sort of counseling for law enforcement for them to keep their sanity... whether in this particular case or any case or this nature.
Joe thats 2,missed the former Mayor.
Don't know if this is true or not, but I have been told by different people surrounding this situation that physicians in the area knew what he was doing. If so, don't they have an ethical obligation to report this, let alone the moral obligation? I'm just curious if anyone had heard the same thing.
anonymous 10:32, Oh come on now, you actually buy that BS?
That would make them just as bad as him. I don't know where some of you come up with this crap.
Joe , please take care of yourself . The only thing worse then knowing is living it . We all love the news you bring and I am sorry you have to bear this burden. May God be with you Joe
What many of us don't understand is, what parent lets a their under (7-8)year old child be in the dr's office by themselves with no parent ? I have 2 kids. One of us, my wife or I, are ALWAYS in the private room with the dr or whoever is seeing our child. I'm not sure I understand this 'leaving kids alone with the dr'.
Sorry Joe but I couldn't even get through but half of this article before I broke down in full sobbing tears. I can't imagine this happening to these defenseless children! It's beyond words. I have never let my children go in the doctor's office without me with them the entire time. I mean, my mother or grandmother even had to go in doctor and especially the gyn. office with me until I was in my 20's. I hope that more parents take head and protect their children more now. They are precious little gifts given to us by God. It is our duty and responsibility to protect and cherish them. And to those parents that can't....there are people like myself that will help.
Anonymous said........
My question is, where were the parents of these children. I don't understand why would a parent would let there children at that young age go back to a room alone. Especially an infant. I feel as though the staff and the parents should be charged. My kids are 7 and 12 i will not let them go alone. I dont care if my oldest is 16, I'm going. I just don't understand.
I think like in any small towns, there is gossip and inuendo, however in this case, this is about children and every single complaint both by parents of his patients and his own staff should have been investigated and prosecuted. He was a doctor for God's sake and law enforcement let all of these people down by calling the prior allegations "unprosecutable". He has ruined hundreds of lives and no one stopped him. He became more brazen and violent with these victims because he was "invincable" he had to know that these complaints were being made and yet he continued to escalate his behavior. Just think, he has always been a violent pedophile and medical school allowed him to realize his greatest dream to have thousands of helpless children at his disposal. Its disgusting and unfathomable how this could have dragged on like it did. Those families will never be the same.
I heard it. Apparently it was discussed on a local radio station.
It comes from gossip... I was told by a friend that she "heard" that his colleages called him "the pedophile" & that they always knew he was "different" but had no proof of wrong doing to report him.
Which is quite possible. Thinking there is something wrong & knowing there is something wrong are two different things. I'm sure that his colleages didn't see these videos & keep quiet but they probably got a bad vibe from him & thought something was off. You can't convict someone just b/c they give you a bad vibe though..
anonymous 11:01, No You Didn't! I have the documents and it would be so illegal to discuss such matters on the air.
The News Journal had a lengthy article last week that was very difficult to read, it is on their web. The real shame is a judge refused a search warrant in 2005 that would have exposed this animal. Now 100's more have suffered.
I never let my daughter alone in ANY exam room without me being right there with her...including GYN. Cases like these 2 should definately make everyone really think about the death penalty. These men are pure EVIL and evil must be stopped.
I read in the Daily Times that his office was a "one man show." Meaning he didn't have office staff. He answered his own phones, scheduled his own appts, etc. As a pediphile, he did this on purpose...so no one would know.
He wont make it to his court date in the Delaware jail.
maybe you can't convict someone for giving you a bad vibe but you sure as hell can run away. I find the parents of these toddlers to be negligent also. You are entrusted by God with the most precious gift ever given and unfortunately most parents are falling down on the job! nothing in your life is more important than that little one you have been granted! I am constantly amazed by our society. you need a licesnse to cut hair, to paint nails, to do the most mundane things but pumping out child after child and then not bothering to raise them properly, or to love them and cherish them is considered acceptable! Even the animals take better care of their offspring! so then that must make most of these individuals less than animals! how about we call them what they are, PARASITES!
DE State Assistance doesn't assign you the doctors. You choose who you want. Which would make it even harder for me as a parent if I were in this situation, to think that I did that. It really goes to show you, that you can not trust anyone anymore. I also could never ever imagine letting my child go to a basement alone with him. The basement, I would love to know how in the world he convinced these parents to let it happen. And then to be gone long enough to have sex and video tape it. Oh it just makes me so angry!
I just read several articles from the News Journal. I am mortified. These poor innocent children. One was only 3-6 months old!!!!! This man should be castrated and then put to death. He is an absolute monster!!!
I am also appalled that complaints filed previously were never completely followed up on. With 3 complaints a judge refused to give a warrant? Come on! This man should have been put in jail years and years ago!
I don't understand how a parent can be in the room and not know that their child was being violated. How can you also let your child go off alone with someone? I know we are supposed to trust our doctors but...alone with the doctor in the basement?
For the victims, I am so so sorry that you are living with this horror. The entire systems has let you down. I pray for you.
Joe this information is readilly available to the public through the charging documents, and it has been available for several weeks.
It is a very sad and terrible portyal of what happened in that mans office, and hopefully the community can learn from these horrific events of recent.
anonymous 3:18 & others,
I never said the information wasn't available. All I said was that we were NOT going to make it public, nor has any of the other local media, as far as I know.
The crimes are over the top and no one should be subjected to such information. I will tel you this. IF you have had access to this information, while most of it is simply unbelievale, the last page is the absolute worst.
Many people probably didn't get that far but if you truly want to have sleepless nights, you just go to the last page and you'll see what I mean.
Mind you, I do NOT recommend this to anyone.
I have been trying unsuccessfully to connect to the Delaware Sex offenders Registry. Is anyone else having that problem today?
DE needs to bring back Public Hangings! This monster should be the first one hung for all to see.
I dont understand how this was being done and why these parents were letting their children be alone? Every Dr. appt I had until I was 17 years old, my mother was there.
Does anyone know who the judge was that would not allow a warrant?? Maybe him (or her) and Bradley can be in 23 hour confinement together; for the rest of their lives.
Joe, you wondered what the effect must have been on the Delaware State Police, who had to watch the videos in order to bring charges. Can you imagine the effect on the Grand Jury, who will also have to view the videos in order to indict and send the case to be tried? I was on a Grand Jury who had to watch similar videos of an accused man forcing young girls to perform unspeakable acts. Some of the women simply could not watch those scenes, but a majority of us somehow got through them and indicted the accused. It was one of the worst things I have ever had to do.
Turn him loose so someone can set him free. If they turned him out and someone did the right thing and terminated his life I don't think there is a jury in the USA that would convict them.
i have an idea,call a full session of the delaware legislature and make them watch all of the tapes,then maybe a law will be passed so animals like this doctor could be put to death.
Perhaps now you publish these comments. 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys by the age of 18 has experienced a form of sexual abuse. Those numbers are astounding. These numbers have been the same for over 20 years.
Only because this criminal video taped his criminal, immoral and unethical activity have the children been believed and this activity investigated. These acts occur at alarming rates across our Nation but unless a prosecutor has a slam dunk case, very little is ever done. The violent acts of the pediatrician occur at alarming rates. Are children and those offended by these criminals believed if it is not on video tape? When does a case go from not enough evidence to investigate thoroughly to enough evidence to get relected, oops, I mean to get thoroughly investigated. The research and statistics are readily available. Pedophiles have an AVERAGE of 60 abused children. For every one reported there is an average of 20 unreported. That is of course in cases that aren't video taped.
By legal system professionals own admissions (in Maryland none the less), less than 10% of criminal cases ever make it to trial. That is criminal cases in general, not to mention sexual assault cases. 90% are plea bargained. "Tougher" laws is not the answer.
In States that have the death penalty, the costs of execution outnumber the costs of incarceration by 3,4,5 and 6 times. Death Penalty alone is not the answer.
The mire is way too mirky. Parents; 1 part discipline to 3 parts love. Communicate from the heart. Educate more by example, less by lecture and yelling. Look at yourself every day in the mirror and know your example is rippling across the world. Give yourself commendations regularly for doing the toughest job on the planet. THank you.
To the anonymous commenter that just tried to post. I refuse to allow your comment up. You keep that information to yourself. I know what happened and I refuse to put up such information.
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