Now I can understand being frustrated but to yell at a kid that is not on your team is wrong and completely uncalled for!!! The ref didn't as much as give john a card and no one from crown said a word! I see John puts all 10,000 he makes a year into the place but teaching kids bad sportsmanship is not what I pay top dollar for!
It bothers more than you can imagine. I coach multiple sports and feel John aka hothead should have taken his feelings up with the other coach and that coach should have handled from there.
Had he yelled at son I may have exploded. Please chime in if you witnessed this!!!!"
If he threatened or even touched the other kid, I would have called the cops... and had him arrested
People are just plain stupid to allow anyone to yell at a player
He yell at my kid and I would have slammed him
If he yells at my son, it'll be the last time he yells at all. I wonder if he can yell without a voicebox? Bet not...
How many coaches at crown have background checks completed? What are the standards. From what I know of John Robinson I would not let him around my pet let alone my children.
Interesting. As I see it, Crown has rules posted all over the place for parents - no yelling into the nets, no standing on the bleachers, blah blah blah. Where are the rules for idiots like this? And who in their right mind would let their kids play on a team coached by John Robinson? Just the kind of sportsmanship I would want my kid learning - NOT.
There is no place for angry parents at kids' sporting events. I have seen many parent "coaches" scream at and berate children on their own teams and aoopsing teams. It doesn't teach sportsmanship and to the parents who sit there and watch these things happen, speak up. To watch in silence as something like this happens is to be part of the problem. Go to the refs or whoever is in authority and insist in civil and respectful behavior.
Maybe he shouldnt be coaching kids at all.
Crown has a code of conduct that all players, parents, and coaches must sign. Why was it not enforced?
Maybe we should start calling Crown or email them. Come on folks, lets put the heat on them!
Main Phone Number: 410-742-6000
ext #101 - Lynn Phillips (laxphillips@comcast.net)
Office Manager
ext #102 - Cole Lacey(colelacey@crownsportscenter.com)
Program Coordinator Lacrosse, Volleyball, Field Hockey & Adult Sports
ext #103 - Chris Wright (chris@crownsportscenter.com)
Child Development Programs (Lil Kickers, Fun Sluggers)
ext #104 - Lori Becker (loribecker@crownsportscenter.com)
Program Director
ext #113 - Adam Manning (manning@crownsportscenter.com)
Marketing & Events (Crown Programs)
ext #114 - Louie Richardson (louis@crownsportscenter.com)
Program Coordinator Youth Soccer
sure 9:58 teach your child to hit instead of yell........great parent you are.
I play soccer on Mr. Johns team. The player #23 on the other team Coach John yelled at said, "Jesus Christ lets get this f-ing game started, Who cares if he broke his stupid arm."
That is exactly what he said. Coach John who had just helped Jermy off the field told the guy. Exacatly this "To grow up and show some respect and sportsmanship." He said it twice. First quiet then very loud! I know a coach is not supposed to yell at other players. But this would be anexception to the rule. Neither the player or Coach John got carded and the ref let it be.
He also told us all to absolutley not retaliate. He is a good coach.
My parents told me I could write to you, so you could see what really happened. Thanks.
All I have to say is HEY JOHN TRY YELLING AT ONE OF MY SONS! He tries that with my family and the two of us will square off toe to toe. I do not care what the kid on the field said he has no place to get in his face and say anything. If this Jerk John Robberson has something to say he should have gone to the coach of the other team or the other kids parents not the minor involved!
Anyone coaching my kid yells at her or any other kids,they just might get punched in the throat....
Anon 12:30, Thanks JR for your rendition of the events. We know it's you because you can't spell!
I know of him through my daughters school and its no big surprise. He is a very unstable man that somehow skates by in life. He portrays himself as a good business man and that just a front. You dont have to be around him long to realize the clocks gears dont mesh. I dont do business with him or associate with him. Hopefully he will be banned from these youth programs or a parent will take action against him. Id like to take him out back for a whoopin personally.
How is this guy a coach?
I coach the team with John. The "KID" that John yelled at (a 16 year old who should know better), did make that exact comment after a player on our team had his arm broken. His arm is broken because one of their players threw him into the wall. Yes John did yell at him because the kid showed the worst sportsmanship in the world then tried to lie about it.
You people that judge and have no clue make me laugh. I can imagine how poorly behaved some of your precious kids are if you say the things you all say...great examples you are as well!!
I have kept my mouth shut so far but I have seen and heard enough. Many of you who claim to have been there and or are friends of Robinson admit yhe did go off on a CHILD. I don't care what the circumstances are, Robinson had no right verbally assaulting a MINOR. End Of Story.
Two wrongs dont make a right. Hes supposed to be an adult.
Joe is that a joke at 5:35? I must respectfully strongly disagree with you. How is a high-school aged boy playing a competitive sport getting yelled at by a coach suddenly so vile?
Are some of you parents serious out there? What do you do when your teenage kids have a job and have to answer to a boss? Or at school where they have to answer to authority figures? We're not talking about 6 year olds and tee ball, its a U-16 team (kids being scouted by colleges at this age). I played competitive sports all the way through college. My high school basketball coach is a legend on the eastern shore and I respect him as much as any man I have ever met, and you bet your ass he chewed me out at practice and games when I deserved it. If I missed a sign on the baseball field and it hurt my team, you bet my baseball coach let me have it too. All my coaches made me better players and a better person to this day.
Rob S
First to the "kid" aka JR my wife and I were standing right next to the glass were the incident happened and the child in question did NOT say those things. Even if he did, it gives john no right to harass another teams player.
It amazes me how his puppet coach would come on here and defend his actions must be another moron without a clue. This hits home more than the people posting
know but another example of Johns great judgment: A few years ago John took kids from a soccer team around to pull pranks on other kids on the teams houses.
This happened around Christmas time. They took white powder and placed around baby jesus' nose as if he was sniffing coke and placed a lamb on the other side as if the lamb was humping jesus christ. There were some other details to the nativity scene but these stuck out the most. The lady involved one of Johns players mother was going to call the cops until John called and said gotcha.
These kids involved were like 11yrs old. I don't care your religious views its disrespectful and wrong and a great set of values to teach tomorrows leaders.
John willing knows his kids on his team mis behave and have failing grades and still allows them to play. He needs to win to boast his ego instead of teaching these kids the right set of values.
To Johns boy toy who came on here to defend him, be careful of the company you keep as people will start to figure you to be as idiotic as he is. Wait a minute
you already are!!!!!
John probably learned this skill from his mother who used to yell at the little girls in her girl scout troop.
The whole family is off their rocker.
Over 30 years ago,when I was in my late teens and early twenties, I coached an 8-10 yr. old boys basketball team with a buddy of mine. We were both single and had no relatives on the team. A few things that I noticed about teams with parents as coaches are as follows; first, most parent/coaches only have a rudimentary knowledge of the game they are coaching, second, the majority of parent/coaches cannot treat their child as a player on the team first and their kid second,i.e., they think their kid is the best player on the field and 90% of the time he/she is not! Finally, most parent/coaches are frustrated athletes that are living their athletic shortcomings through their child. After seeing this fat dump it's obvious that the closest he's come to competitive athletics is picking up dirty, sweaty jockstraps in the locker room after the game. I'll bet he led his team in "swirlees". Seriously, my child played indoor soccer at Layton's/Indoor Kicks for 10 years,and in that time any loudmouth coach was dealt with by the referee, and any obnoxious parent was handled by the management. BTW, all officials were certified referees who also did high school games. I do not know if this is the situation at Crown or if the referee at this game was intimidated by this dope. All in all, if Robinson had a problem, he should have never verbally accosted a player, especially a minor no matter what was said. First you go the the referee, then the opposing coach and finally the facility manager. He's lucky he's not getting sued for verbal assault.
To Rob S. @ 7:35, do you understand what you are reading? Robinson went off on a player from an OPPOSING team! How many times did your legendary basketball coach and baseball coach do that in your athletic career???
Hey 8:26 i guess that Johns boy toy shot was directed at me.. well you are an ass and you are obviously upset that john has some friends that will defend him. you apparently dont have any.. people whining and bitching about a coach yelling at a player need to crawl back into their little hole and keep their mouths shut. coaches yell at players sometimes even if they arent on their team. go into a locker room during a game and listen to a coach there it will be even worse.
8:53, actually yes one time comes to mind... after a game we won when shaking hands our starting point guard was kneed in his "boys" by a kid on the other team. My coach went nuts, deservedly. So since the guy on the other team was a minor, even though he did something absolutely absurd that he knows is wrong (completely unsportsmanlike and foul), my coach isn't supposed to yell at him? Sometimes the kid just flat out deserves it, I know I did sometimes when i was 15-16 or so.
Rob S
There are always two sides to a story and somewhere in the middle is the truth.
I am not judging without hearing both sides, but I do know that some of the 16 year olds that play their need to get their asses chewed out, they have no respect for their own parents let alone the well being of anyone else. Remember we are now in a society where people either dont want to discipline their children or they are afraid to.
Maybe I'm too much of a redneck, but if anyone ran onto the field and yelled at my child in the way described I would have whooped their ass.
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