The Democrat-controlled House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday rejected by a 15-14 vote a resolution of inquiry that would have forced the Justice Department to tell Congress why it dismissed a civil complaint against members of the New Black Panther Party who disrupted a Philadelphia polling place in the November 2008 election.
The party-line vote had been sought by Rep. Frank R. Wolf, Virginia Republican, who, along with Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, said they have been unable to get information from the department on the complaint's dismissal.
"I am deeply disappointed that the Judiciary Committee defeated my resolution of inquiry on a party-line vote. There has been no oversight, no accountability and certainly no transparency with regard to this attorney general and this Department of Justice," Mr. Wolf said.
"Where is the 'unprecedented transparency' that this administration promised? Where is the honesty and openness that the majority party pledged? The American people deserve better," he said.
The 15 Democrats, led by Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers Jr. of Michigan, sent the resolution to the House floor with an adverse recommendation, voting it "unfavorably" out of committee. They described the Philadelphia polling disruption as an "isolated incident" that received sufficient punishment when the New Black Panther Party member who carried a nightstick was barred from carrying weapons at polling places in the future.
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New Black Panther Party member who carried a nightstick was barred from carrying weapons at polling places in the future.
Why is he allowed to carry a weapon in the first place? Geez
And they wonder why people are racist! All the black panthers should be in prison or on death row!
I wish I had been there I would have knocked the crap out of those panthers and shove his stick up his arse !
If this story doesn't wake up America about the corruption within the Obama Administration, I don't know what will. Every day it's something that this administration does that is just plain wrong. I heard on the news that Obama made a deal with the unions yesterday that their members would be excluded from the tax on the cadilac plans. I hope everyone is as frustrated as I.
There can only be white racism. Blacks can not be racist by definition. Just ask Eric Holder.
Where were the POLICE? Allowing this intimidation to happen...It was also a PUBLIC STREET!
They were spotted in Mass. waiting for the polls to open for the senate election. How ironic, they are not for brown.
And there are people that want to hand over control of their health care to these crooked a$$holes!
Why is it OK for such organizations to exist? The KKK are pretty much obsolete anymore. Such a shame... that our own have handed this country over to a bunch of foreigners!
9:38 anon,
didn't we meet at a rally once? I was in a patrol car and you were wearing a white hood and robe- I was keeping a bunch of angry protesters from killing you and you kept saying stuff like you just typed here?
Cletus right?
The Black Cats. LOL What a bunch of racist thugs. One of their members Malcom 2x. That is his real name. Well not god given just his post slave name lol. and I had a chance to discuss the Panthers and why they exist. Basically they are the inner city version of the Klan. Same premise.
If these where whites at a majority Black poll it would have been mayhem. Just like the Black cop pulling his gun in D.C. at a snowball fight. White cop does this he will get a beer with Ohbama and his name smeared by the same man nation wide.
Enough is enough. I do not care what color you are as long as you are a Patriot. if you do not believe in God, America, speak english get the Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu** out. Haiti needs some help. Haiti translates into hell correct. There is a prime example of a slave nation that won independance. Hows that working out for ya. You can not trust eachother. maybe the panthers should cruise on down to Port Au Prince help them people police themselves.
Just a old tired WHITE American saying what others are thinking.
A CIA sniper and a 22 cent bullet could take care of this problem with no Congressional assistance. Put a US Marine guard at the polls next time and see how long these pieces of crap hang around. Its time to take back this country.
Wonder what the outcome would have been if it were klan members standing outside a polling place hold nightsticks? More of the same old issue of double-standards.
No, you can't put a white guy at the poll-- that would be voter intimidation, and the Justice Dept would have to prosecute that.
A black man from Cambridge...really nice guy..once bragged of the eastern shore version of the KKK....He called it the Black KKK....AKA Knights of the Kerosene Kan......true story..He said it without malice...as a Black comedian would ...we both laughed..
dont think that its enough protection, we need more tensers per capita now. If his aids tell him otherwise, lets just try 'nother outlet.
Unless I am totally mistaken, I believe our very own Sen Ben Cardin sits on the Judiciary committee. How can he possibly justify going along with this vote. It just seems that all the democrats have pledged they allegience to the Obama Administration. It's sad, very sad. Please don't forget to vote in November.
Lets see, Navy Seals who capture barbaric murdering radical Islamist that drug Americans through the streets and then burned and hung them are being prosecuted for a "fat lip" that one of the murderers obtained in the capture , but these racist hoodlums walk. Our country is lost.
the seals messed up by letting him keep his lips
In 2012 can whites vote without being intimidated at the Polls by Black Panther Party Members,
and or 2 Million Hatians brought to the US From the Earthquake
Our Countrys going to Hell
The 2010 census and fall elections have just been thrown UNDER THE BUS. This was as clear as it gets. I witnessed it as it happened & thot "where are the election officials?" CLEARLY it was voter intimidation...of the highest order, yet you cannot call it what it is because of "racism".
Hey! I totally know those guys in the picture! Small world...
Provocative Agents
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