Location: Wilmington Trust, Lantana Drive, Lantana Square Shopping Center, Hockessin, Delaware, New Castle County.
Date and Time: Monday, January 11, 2010, at approximately 9:30 a.m.
Suspect: White male, 35 to 45 years old, clean shaven, possibly wearing a fake black goatee, dark colored zippered jacket with the hood up, blue jeans, dark colored shoes, black gloves, black sunglasses and in possession of a black handgun.
Resume: Earlier today, Troopers were called to the Wilmington Trust in the Lantana Square Shopping Center for a bank robbery.
This investigation released that suspect described above entered the bank armed with a handgun. He ordered several bank employees and customers to the ground while he demanded cash from several of the tellers.
The suspect obtained an undisclosed amount of cash and fled the scene in an unknown direction.
No one was injured in this incident.
Surveillance photographs are included below.
Anyone with information pertaining to this incident is asked to call Troop 2 investigators at 302-834-2630 ext. 6 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333.
Nice photo! He'll be caught with this! Take heed, those with inadequate video!
Nice pellet gun.
I felt one coming, missed it by a few miles however.This is the same guy who robbed the bank in the orange construction road safety vest. Hes a proffessional bank robber. Told Ya its always blurry.
Possibly? That's the worst fake beard I've ever seen. Take away the beard people and put a face on this person that someone out there knows. We can do this! We can get our community back to a place where we all feel safe again.
nice picture.!! he will deffley be caught now.!!!
Hes got military training.
Looks silmilar to the guy that robbed a PNC up that way about 6 or 7 weeks ago.
This guy is golf war or ex cop, hes got 12 to 24 under his belt, hes smart and micro manages. Expand your search & you will see simalarities. Hes a pro.
By the way thats a 38 or a 357 blackhawk. Probably an old single action trigger, it aint even cocked. Lawyer have a field day with that.
Hey, just heard a story about a Delmar Police Officer having a accident and leaving the scene. Is this true.
9:44 it's called the gulf war !
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