LONDON - BRITISH media are reporting that a prominent health expert has claimed that the H1N1 flu scare was 'faked by drug companies'.
The Daily Star newspaper reports that Wolfgang Wodarg, head of health at the Council of Europe, says the H1N1 scare was 'one of the greatest medical scandals of the century'.
Dr Wodarg also said that drug companies convinced the World Health Organisation (WHO) to declare a pandemic in order to increase profits. The newspaper also reports that the Council of Europe will be holding an emergency debate on the issue before the end of January.
'It's just a normal kind of flu. It does not cause a tenth of deaths caused by the classic seasonal flu,' Dr Wodarg told the Daily Star. 'The campaign of panic provided a golden opportunity for representatives from labs who knew they would hit the jackpot in the case of a pandemic being declared.'
lol I never understood why the news went crazy over the flu
More like faked by the Obama administration.
Trying to scare poeple into supporting his communist health care plan.
I don't believe anything that comes from this President anymore!
obama does not control drug companies at all.pharacudicals are trying to make a mockery of the president,by treating him like microsoft,just a little at a time.monopoly.
"Faked by the Obama Admin..." Bwahahahaha you people are getting worse....
FYI- H1N1 was around LONG before the Obama admin. Just sayin' haha
You have your head in the sand!
Told you so. Man that felt good.
I see the Obama apologists are awake !
10:02 - That's exactly the point. H1N1 has been around all this time - why the recent attempt to make people believe that everyone was going to die from it?
Just sayin'
And - people should be outraged at the fact that they were scared into running right out and getting these vaccinations - the same vacinations that have been recalled for not having the proper amount, making them inactive any way. Idiots.
It may have been around long before Osamas admin, but it sure as hell was never overblown like this before. What is Obamas boy Rahm Emanuel favorite saying? Never let a crisis go to waste.
I have been preaching this since the start! All the wasted dollars spent on needless medical care by people who where scared. Medical reform at its best!
It was the world health organization that raised concerns about H1N1. If The Obama admin did nothing, you would ALL be "outraged" at his lack of action. You people don't care about world health issues- you just want another reason to justify your outward hate of our president.
tell me I'm wrong.
that's what you get for listening to the media and your lying government and the UN! hahahahahahaha!
just keep drinking the koolaid.
I never signed up for a shot and kept my kids away. Total bs. Now you know what "Obamacare" will teach you! Total BS!
Hey, let's vote that Healthcare thing in right now no matter WHAT it says!
Slow down, sheeple, the republican plan is a lot better, and needs review. It proposes tort reform and buying across state lines as a base! It's worth a read.
Yes the H1N1 flu has been around for some time but like the bird flu it was rare for a human to get it. But the virus mutated and began to spread very fast. WHO never seen this coming and freaked. First reports showed a high death rate but as the virus spread it became clear that it was not near as bad as they predicted it to be. To be honest I think this was the perfect wake up call because it could have been much worst then it was. When it comes to stuff like this I rather have or government over react rather then under react. P.S I dislike obama as well but I will defend him if I don’t think he did any thing wrong and in this case did his job well.
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