Next Tuesday you can expect some serious fireworks at the Wicomico County Council Meeting. If you thought the Pen Deal was a biggie, wait til you hear what's next!
Remember those government purchased toilet seats for $500.00 each and the hammers for outrageous prices, oh boy, just show up on Tuesday and wait til you see what just may become National News.
during what segment of the agenda do we look for this "topic"?
I'm REALLY sorry I'll miss it. I'll be in Florida. Hoping lots of people can get time off work to make it!
Wicomico County under Pollitt has become just like Salisbury under Barrie Tilghman. Thank goodness Joe Holloway takes the time to dig thru the reports and point out problems.
Why the County administration continues to disregard common sense after the landfill episode and other things is very disturbing. And Pollitt and the Council majority are unconcerned about the actual price paid – like $300,000 per acre for a parking lot – because it’s tax money that “must be spent.”
I'll bet this is long overdue.
I hope you're right. Those people keep spending like they have it. AND like it's theirs to spend.
Someone needs to point out that money that comes from the state is ALSO tax money paid by tax payers....just like ME! Squandering state money is just as bad as squandering county money or city money. WASTE IS WASTE and must stop.
If they "found" three million dollars they should pay the County employees that were forced to take furlough days!
When will the Princess Anne and Pocomoke City AUDITS begin?
11:30~I will drink to that one.
Just wonder if its Wicomico civic Center boss again.
Before that meeting, Pollitt will "find" another three million dollars!
Pollitt is nothing like Tilghman. Tilghman ran the city into the ground. Pollitt came in when there was nothing before him and had a lot to organize and deal with. He has done a good job and I am glad we have a full time person pushing for he best of the county instead of a part-time mayor that had her own personal agendas. Thanks Pollitt
anonymous 3:22 Thanks Rick glad to know your still in the office today catching up on current events.
Anonymous 3:31
You are = you're, not "your". Maybe you should study English as well as current events.
If it is not spent here in Salisbury, it will go to some other part of the state. Perhaps Ocean City will get it...oh wait, they just did. LOL
Maybe we will find out how corrupt the Superintendent of Schools is. He wants to cut out the Magnet Program just because he doesn't like it. A program that is working for excellerated learners. If he is worried about cutting something from the budget then maybe he should cut his salary?
Here are some budget cuts that could happen in the Board of Education:
1) Furlough Days like the state and county.
2) Eliminate take home vehicles from Board of Education employees.
3) Eliminate Free and Reduced Lunches.
4) Eliminate one if not both Assistant Superintendent positions. Wm. Cain is retiring again so eliminate that position immediately.
5) Eliminate the sports programs. Kids go to school to learn, not to play games.
6) Postpone building Bennett Middle School.
7) When schools are built use just basic materials and designs. There is no way Bennett High School should have cost the millions of dollars spent on it. It is a Taj Mahal castle. What a waist.
8) Eliminate the 10 Professional Days granted to teachers for their profession development. Most don't even attend seminars or programs on those days off that parents have to take off work or find a baby sitter.
9) Get rid of John Fredericksen and promote someone local.
rick pilott ran fruitland in the ground and doing the same to wicomico county.as for the landfill scandle it is over forget it the county employees dont need the stress about it on them.and the county employees should get reembursed for furlow days and get their raises like the city of salibury gave to their employees,the employees are already underpaid and taking from them was not right.and just where was pilott going to spend 3.5 million on that was hidden another parking lot,or a desk that cost tax payers 4500 dollars.cant wait to see whats next
yes, and thats exactly why we have airbags- you dont need to be an Einstein to know what ice looks like on the road. BTW, joe- you have the time stamp wrong in your outro
I wonder why Pollitt never attends these meetings? Also, 12:08 that is EXACTLY what I said during PC at the last meeting.
I watched this guy on cable. He deserves his position. So does Cannon.
Fruitland's spending should be exposed also. So just how much is the manager and his assistant being paid? And for doing what?
6:56 don't make me laugh
Fruitland hired HIM thinking they were getting someone who knew what he was doing.Afterall he was a mayor.Seems all he knows how to do is play on his pc during office hours while everyone else does his job.At meetings if he's asked about how somethings coming along or if he's working on it his response is always the same he'll look into it.Never does get back with u on it.
Fruitland goes and hires an assistant for Him.So now the taxpayers of Fruitland are paying twice the price since two are being paid for the same job.Why keep him?Fruitland has the same problem Salisbury has with the council, 3-2.He's brown nosed one of the council members into believing every word he says.The president doesn't want to start anything because his name might be in the headlines that way.That wouldn't look good for someone in the banking business these days.The third one says one thing, votes another.Always sides with the president and the mouth of Fruitland.
Isn't there an election this year or maybe next year?These people better start preparing to run a campaign or run out of town.When is His contract up?Fruitland needs to hire Her, fire Him.
thanks rick! for letting sharma skate free!!! ur a piece of work...lol.
EarToTheStreets said...
I watched this guy on cable. He deserves his position. So does Cannon.
6:02 PM
Let me guess: Gary Mackes wants to buy another piece of land with Program Open Space Funds to further deplete the county tax rolls and never be developed.
If the 3.5 million was found in the roads accounting. Who is responsible for over looking that mistake. Was it the accountant at Roads or the Finance department. This was not just a small couple hundred dollar mistake this was major. What is going to happen to these employees? Are they just going to cover their ass like they usually do.
When will this meeting be held? Daytime, or evening?
To 4:11,
Please stop whining about having to take care of your own kids when teachers have professional days. Clearly you need to brush up on your knowledge of the education system. Granted, Wicomico County is making and has made many mistakes (I am not a fan of the way they have run things or the way they spend money), but don't make ridiculous statements about teachers/children when you clearly don't know what you are talking about. I agree, Bennett high should not look like the Taj Mahal, I agree that they could eliminate Asst. Super. position or postpone Bennett Middle, but don't assume that all teachers are not taking advantage of professional days to help better YOUR child's education. The vast majority are hard-working, underpaid, professionals who deserve our community's respect. And, no I am not a teacher, just a reasonable human being.
To 4:11 you are an ass
1. free and reduced lunches are paid for by the state not county or city
2. They cannot stop the construction at bennett as the project is not a a point where they can do that
3. Sports programs are needed to keep kids active and give some of them a goal to keep doing well in school
some of your points were valid but these three make you sound like a retard .... i will get you your hockey helmet if you like.. but do not attack the school system.. go after the other forms of wasteful spending in salisbury like the fire department or city goverment
this found money is exactly like the wwtp in salisbury, the water sewer fund. they "found" almost 20 million, and "needed" to raise rates.
There all jerks.
Hey face it our gov dont have a clue what to do next.
We are going broke as a nation and out leaders have not a clue what to do next.
Suggestion, JObs.
We should all be worried about the way that they are spending OUR money in the county and the city. Show up for this meeting and the city one a week from Monday. At that meeting the city council plnas to increas funding for PAC 14by 50% while the county is cutting. Speak up. Enough is enough...anybody else here getting a 50% increase of anything other than debt for taxes, groceries and utilities?
Maybe the board of Ed could save some money by not flying people out to California to recruit teachers. Or maybe by not buying meals at the old mill on the county taxpayers dime. To me if the boe will be able to reduce spending without affecting the quality of education and not imposing any paycuts, then their budget is too large to begin with. Also, the magnet program isn't a mandate. The mandates are supposedly the reason the budget has to be so large. (actually it is salaries), so quit whining about it being cut. It apparently is a luxury, not a requirement.
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