Ok, so I am a pretty loyal reader and I would like to thank you for all the hard work you put in for the community. I am from Wicomico county but I have resided in DE for over 8 years now. Your dedication and determination are not missed by those of us who still give a damn about this area.
That being said, I was taking a few people to church this morning (a nice local place of worship) and saw a familiar face outside. I only had my phone with me so the pics aren't the greatest but I assure you....it's her.
I had to giggle to myself because (thanks to you) all I can think of when I see her is the photos of her flipping you off and that nasty "cold room/too thin blouse" pics. So my question is, has she always been a regular attendant of church and still blatantly broken several commandments on a daily basis or has the public pressure forced her to reconcile her life and beg for God's forgiveness? Just me being curious I suppose. Still, it makes me wonder if she goes for the public appearances now that we all know the horrible and possibly illegal things she did to this town for 10 years?!
Editors Reply: Dear Loyal Salisbury News Follower, I am more than pleased to see that the former Mayor Barrie Tilghman is finding peace with God. There aren't many buildings/businesses in Town that would welcome such a person unconditionally. God clearly works in mysterious ways. I believe that's why they also created Boarding Schools. Some kids just don't fit in, even at home.
Thanks for the update. Barrie, may God be with you always.
I am no fan of the former mayor, but I must comment on this post.
Her sins are no different than the ones that you and I committ. We are ALL sinners, and God doesn't see any one sin as worse or better than the next. Also, as Christians, it is not our place to judge ANYONE, for that is God's responsibility. As you judge, so you will be judged. As a Christian, I'm glad to see her attending church. I pray that God is working in her. And I pray that God is working in you, because obviously by your actions and judgement you need help also.
Mardela, I agree. I also think anyone should be allowed to attend church without worrying that people will be taking pictures of them with their phones. How old is this poster, 12? I am also surprised you posted it Joe, but hey, it's your blog! LOL
9:46 Amen
Them churches just want their 10%.
If there is a god I can pretty much promise you he will be mentioning your self importance and codemnation of others when it is your time to be judged. I hope you are as superior as you think you are. good luck on that
Udder Madness
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