As part of an ongoing effort to keep in touch with community needs, Del. James Mathias and Del. Norman Conway will hold town meetings through February with the goal to help them make informed decisions during the 2010 session of the Maryland General Assembly.
“The 427th Session of the General Assembly is now underway and there are many measures up for consideration such as balancing the State Budget and bills that target sexual predators,” Conway said. “These town meetings will be an opportunity to share any concerns you may have with your Delegates.”
Conway and Mathias are looking forward to hearing about issues important to the citizens of Worcester and Wicomico Counties. The pair held similar town meetings at the beginning of 2009, and they both want to encourage all their constituents to attend again this year. They hope citizens will take the opportunity to share their opinions and concerns with the delegates, as well as learn what the 2010 General Assembly session will involve.
“Please come and let us know what’s on your mind as we continue to work hard for you on the Eastern Shore,” Mathias said.
Those who are unable to attend the meetings can contact Mathias and Conway directly. Their district office telephone numbers are listed below.
The following town meetings have been scheduled:
Sat. Feb. 06 10-11:30 am Ocean City VFD Headquarters
Sat. Feb. 06 1:30-300 pm Ocean Pines Library
Sat. Feb. 13 10-11:30 am Pocomoke VFD
Sat. Feb. 13 2-3:30 pm Snow Hill Library
Sat. Feb. 20 11-12:30 pm Salisbury - Wicomico Public Library
Sat. Feb. 20 3-4:30 pm Town Hall of Berlin
For more information call:
District office, Del. Conway – 410-543-9060
District office, Del. Mathias – 410-352-3096.
seems to be alot of meetings in worchester and not wicomico
This is just 2 more Democrats that need to go in November. They will try to become fiscally conservative from now until November, then go back to their tax and spend ways.
I agree with 12:22. Is this a show for Worcester and Norm thinks he has a grip on Wicomico. He just may get surprised. They had better rethink this schedule and either change on of these places and add one or two more in Wicomico.
Michael James -- we need him now more than ever -- please run against these clowns and you will win this time.
This would be funny if it weren't so pathetic. These two have ignored all of us for years and now at election time they want to hear from us.
AMEN 12:32 that's the truth they can spin whatever they want but both of those men are out for them and not the people who elected them...people like Mathias get into politics for what they can get out of it not what can they do for us!!!
i liked the part "the pair held similar meeting in 2009",
has anything changed since then? how's your electric bill doing? taxes? jobs? hey Norm you fat rat bast@rd! double dipping worthless pos! I don't know why the citizens haven't sent you fat a$$ packing by now!
mutt and jeff, you decide. toss a two headed coin. both are two faced anyway. when are we going to send people like this packing?
2:26 -- Ditto that plea for Mike James, and we really need him ASAP.
Can't wait until November to tell those two goobers goodbye!
another damn waste of time. they will never listen to what the people have to say anyway. They will only listen to those who "donate" to their campaigns.
VOTE for MIKE McDERMOTT..."Your Delegate, Your Voice"!!!!....He will serve our area well..A Christian and leader that we need in Annapolis....Step out and vote..Its your turn to make a difference
This is the kind of Post in which people shouldn't be ashamed to use their real names. To bash these guys, (mind you, I don't agree with much of Norm's politics either) without any credibility is just wrong. For all everyone knows, you're ONE person making one comment after the other simply because you don't like them.
Start giving concrete reasons why, if that's tyhe case. Or simply man up and use your name. I know it's not for everyone but do tell me, what are you so afraid of.
Back where I grew up it would be one thing to say something wrong about a Mob Member, you knew what would happen. These are politicians, not Gangsters. Haven't I proven it enough that I can use my name, say what I want about each and every politician and they're not harming me.
Again, start giving solid concrete reasons or I'm just going to dump the comments. You don't HAVE to use your name. Just be responsible, that's all.
Memo to ANYONE who runs against these clowns: YOU WILL GET MY VOTE.
Mark these words: Any fresh face WILL win these seats!
Joe you just don't know. Conway doesn't play fair behind the scenes. You get a free ride because you are a come here. Norm doesn't want the from here's to say what they know and if they do, they'll pay. Just that simple. He does need to go. New ideas would be a good thing.
Anonymous said...
This would be funny if it weren't so pathetic. These two have ignored all of us for years and now at election time they want to hear from us.
2:26 PM
That is the first thing that came my mind.
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