At approximately 4:40pm Salisbury P.D. was notified of a burglary in progress at 608 Church St. Officers arrived to find one #1 male (juvenile) and one #1 female inside the house. The two suspects attempted to flee, but were immediately caught and detained. During the investigation, officers found that a window had been broken in the back of the house apparently to gain access. SPD supervisor arrived to secure photos of the damage. Both suspects were subsequently placed under arrest and transported to Wicomico County Detention Center. Two officers remained on scene awaiting arrival of the property owner. It should be noted that while officers witnessed both suspects inside the house, the two blamed each other for the burglary.
Photos Courtesy Of Malaki Greer
Caught in the act - they didn't resist arrest enough...that would save us a trial, incarceration, recidivism, and repeat offenses
Good Job SPD!!
OFC Dimare Rocks!
Great job officers, take the streets back!!!
Malaki should go through that area during the night time and take pictures too...
They both blamed each other-imagine that. When the chips are down is when you find out who your friends are.
Now if the Atate's Attorney's office and courts will take these matters seriously, we stand a chance of making Salisbury safe again. Our police department would also be able to stop re-arresting the same thugs all of the time.
Nothing will happen to the juvenile and he probably knows it.... I'll bet he's already released to a parent who obviously didn't supervise him well in the first place.
Two thugs blaming each other for a crime is like two whores discussing good family values. Nobody cares what they have to say.
Two low life thugs that were caught - and blaming it on the other! I can just hear them yapping back and forth all the reasons they were there and covering their butts. Take them in and throw away the key!
They deserve nothing better than a 2 x 2 cell!
Birds of a feather flock together!
Who is the stud at the steps?
It is SO refreshing to have our men and women out doing their job. Thank you to them and to our new Chief for being a REAL Chief!!!!!
That would be Officer Kissinger
He is new and doing a damn good job Keep up the good work jesse
Hail to the CHIEF (new one)!
Wow, must have been some real valuable stuff in that house on church street.
All them cops.
Anonymous said...
Who is the stud at the steps?
10:49 AM
Alan Webster you know who that stud is!!
How many cameras do they need?
Anonymous said...
Who is the stud at the steps?
10:49 AM
That would be Hazel Beauchamp.
Malaki is a stud himself. I think it's great that he was there to show proof that under new leadership, SPD is out helping to make the Salisbury streets safe again. Get'em SPD!
the polce should maintain a permanent presence on church street? remember when there was a substation there?? now there's always 3 or 4 thugs selling drugs on that same corner.
There were only two unarmed, easily compliant robbers right? How many cops are there? Is this like a voluntary fire thing? Everyone has to respond to get their monthly credits in? LOL!
Anon 3:39,
Obviously you cannot read. These two "easily compliant" robbers tried to flee, had to be wrestled to the ground, and STILL fought after being slapped with cuffs! Go back under your rock please.
4:44 At this point no one is wrestling ding dong!! You are the reason so many people hate cops and will never give them a break! Take your testosterone home scum!
3:39 Did you read this on the blog or in the police report? If it was confidential information, why are you breaking department conduct by passing it onto the public? Do you think you live by your own code of justice or the same one the rest of us have to apply by? I agree with 6:52
SPD works hard like this on a regular basis. I want to say it was luck that caught these two criminals, but I think a fast response and the skills of the two officers who caught them also played a big role. Don't knock the officers until you have walked Church St or Delaware Ave at 3 am alone. Criminals are hard to catch, you can't arrest everyone who looks suspicious. That would put 75% of Salisbury behind bars. Good job to those responding officers. And thank you to Chief Barkley for supporting our men and women.
9:56, "75% of Salisbury behind bars?" Do you really think over 20,000 people look suspicious? God tell me you aren't a cop! The overwhelming majority of Salisbury are law abiding citizens who want nothing more than to go to work, church, school or the Mall without any hassles or interaction with police or criminals. There are people (not just on Church St or Delaware Ave) who may look suspicious and you should follow up should they give you "reasonable cause" which is more than walking down one of these streets. BALANCE is the key. However, if you have the perception you stated in your blog this is not balance and causes great concern! SPD do your jobs, to protect & serve without prejudice and you WILL BE SUPPORTED!
10:17 this is so right. if walking down the street is suspicious then things will get real bad when the weather gets better. omg what about those who run in their neighborhoods. they are thieves that need to be shot and taized too. what of those who drive nice cars they are all drug dealers. this is my compalint. why not do your police work and arrest those who break the law and leave most of us alone who follow it. most of us pay for you, leave us alone!
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