As if I'm not tired enough, after writing this entry for the past 1 1/2 hours I became disconnected from the internet and hadn't saved my work! So here I go again...
After waiting a week to hear if Brooke's cancer had come back, which Praise God it hasn't, just a little over 24 hours later we had another terrifying night. Last night Brooke's blood pressure dropped dangerously low to 62/25. She was given 2 fluid boluses and a blood transfusion to try to bring it up with no success. The PICU team (doctor and 2 nurses) came to Brooke’s room to evaluate her and thought it would be best for her to get moved up to the PICU (which as a parent of a child with NB these are probably the second most dreaded words you could hear… often NB parents are told if their kids go to the ICU they most likely will not survive it). But as the room full of people were discussing what to do, Brooke woke up ticked off that everyone was talking and making so much noise. We left the room to finish the conversation in the hall when someone else came to the room to do a chest x-ray. Brooke became increasingly agitated that no one was letting her sleep and her blood pressure began to rise! I was afraid to let her go back to sleep so I asked her if she wanted to stay awake and do a craft. We wound up staying awake until 4am doing crafts & then watching a movie but her BP remained at a safer number. The PICU team came back around 12:30 last night to see how she was doing. After watching her going a mile a minute, doing craft after craft only stopping to take pictures of everyone in the room, they decided she was safe to stay on the oncology unit! More answered prayers! So even after not going to sleep until 4am she still woke up at 7:30am raring to go. I’m exhausted but so grateful that her vitals have stabilized and that we were able to stay in our little comfort zone of 3 central. Just to look at her now smiling and playing like nothing ever happened last night it such a miracle. Thank you Kellie, Liz, Dave & John for taking my late night and often frantic/tearful calls! Please pray we have an easier night tonight.
God Bless,
Amy (Brooke’s very tired mommy)
Thank you Jesus!!!!
Amen! As one of Brooke's nurses on her many visits to PRMC I must say how impressed I am with both of you. I see the scarifies you have made for her, and the strength you have to keep pushing forward through it all. I attribute Brooke's breakthroughs to you and your husband. It is your love and dedication to her and her illness that make her the amazingly strong little person she is. Our one single encounter changed the way I think about the children I treat and how they perceive the environment. The most positive thoughts and prayers for you and yours every day and night!
My Prayers are with Brooke and Family.
Thats awesome!
She is a tough cookie!
God Bless all of you. How intuitive of you to think of keeping her awake with crafts! We mommys know our children and what is good for them. Keep up the fight. Go Brooke!!!
Praying for You,
Another Mom
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