Blogger Billy Burke went to court today on felony charges for wire taping. His attorney tried to have the case thrown out but the visiting Judge would have nothing to do with their request.
They tried to claim that a Public Official does not have the right to privacy and the Judge threw out their request for a motion for acquittal.
This put Mr. Burke in a position to plea a deal with the States Attorney. While he will be found guilty for a lesser charge, Mr. Burke will have it on his record for breaking the law, (once again) and illegally recording Mayor Mike McDermott without his knowledge or consent.
No doubt, (with Mr. Burke's warped mind) he will be on his Blog later today claiming a victory in some way, shape or form. However, there's no doubt at this point their tails went between his legs and they retreated to the lesser charge.
The state of Maryland does not alow an individual to make such recordings without the permission of the subject being recorded. Plan and simple. Billy Burke knew this and has been found guilty of such.
People need to realize that MD is a TWO party consent state meaning both parties need to be aware they are being recorded (except for certain law enforcement exceptions requiring a court order). In the age of camera phones with audio/video recording i see this being a big problem.
This guy is a nut case. Word around town is that he's going bankrupt on his property and just refuses to work. He's a bum living off food stamps. Stop blogging Billy and go get a job.
Burke didn't win and that's all there is to it. Once a criminal, always a criminal.
why dont you report all the facts and not just what you want everyone to hear.this is the most bias blog ive ever seen
oooh but don't ya know that all that bad talking and sitting on his ass behind his computer talking trash about his own town is his job? to bad no one listens him or gives a crap about what rant he's off on now.
Billy and JT, what a pair of no good troublemakers that live off everyone else, plain and simple.
People also need to realize that public officials did not stop being human beings deserving of basic common courtesy and respect, with rights under law, too. It's a wonder anyone steps up to the plate.
"He's going bankrupt on his property"? Nope, she's boasted many a times on website from her family, dumbdumbdumb to put his name on property as check property tax sales in spring as usually on it. Laughing stock of town, how they point finger at others and should point at their own reflection first. Do either have a job? Heard word on street is he charges as a teen of something to do with automobiles-maybe theft-you know what they say about those who steal, lie and don't care who they hurt? Yep, he's claiming a victory but sleeping dogs don't lie down for long. Mr. B still doesn't see anything wrong with what hedid. He never does and never will.Devious. Scheming. Vindictive. Few others come to mind-that's enough to think on.(And never does she -same thing.)they have lost any credibility. Joe, thank you for not being what Mr. b is. For standing up what was right thing.
Think about this if Mr. b really thought he did nothing wrong why hide the recording device?
WAs reading comments by B's. She thinks she married an honorable man. Ok the Captain of the Titanic stayed on the ship as it sunk. But he lost all sight of the reality of things around him. Is anyone even following the Pocomoke Tattler anymore? Doubtful. Anyone with a brain knows this is plain delusional.
Heck, Mr. b will find another person to bully shortly. His wife will join in. Website lost any credibility. Few bother following.
Bash the Burkes instead of considering the legal ramifications. Joe, while Billy biased his article in his favor, you biased against. Great job. Now no one really knows what happened. ACORN. It's the same. Everything out in the open. They didn't prove him guilty of the felony because he didn't commit it. However, Our lovely liberal state put in a weasel clause that disallows the distribution of recordings without two-party consent. So, even if you could bend the law and record it because it's not private.. You can't distribute it.
ACORN was in Washington, D.C. NOT in Maryand.
Oh please. Enough already. Go bury your heads in the sand. Did it. Didnt show recording device. Didnt ask. Didnt get permission. Thought above the law. Lost election. How many NOW? Sorry, Sorry, Sorry. DOnt even know state. Am glad, JOE, you did Smart and right thing. Thanks Joe for being a man of TRUE INTEGRITY.
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