Mr. A, I am watching Obama speech he has yet to look at the AMERICA PEOPLE !!!! Who are the jokers standing up for his every lying word he spits out.? I am sick, I will vote to get him out and anyone that backs him. He is trying to tell us all that he did and he is lying. All I can say is he has done nothing but hurt America. Thank God he give his wife a job. He won't walk away from us, he will run and leave us in his wake as he turns he back on us. He is making jokes telling us what he is going to do to help us. So why has he not don't that? I can't watch anymore, he make ill.
I had made my mind up not to listen to all his empty promises and pats on the back this evening. However, I ended up watching the last 30 minutes and what a waste of time. He is am empty suit, needs to go and get rid of him before he hurts America any more.
haha you people are seriously insane. Our president is the most capable leader we've had in the past decade. He gave a great speech, and announced some great new initiatives. The rest of America isn't going to let you people stand in the way of progress. Get it through your heads.
what you should do is run for office yourself, maybe you would like 8 more years of bush, stealing,lying,and,robbing the american people. im sure you liked 10 dollar gas prices, or have we forgot who created this mess, do the math.
watched 1000 ways to die, was alot better but couldve been a metphor for the way bho has governed! lmao!
My bet is that Hillary will run against him in 2012. Anybody notice that she didn't attend the speech?
How's that Obama thing working out for ya?
I tried to watch. Could only stand about 20 minutes. Had to turn off & go to bed. Always patting himself on the back.
Obama doesn't look at the American people because he's too busy looking at his puppet master the teleprompter that's being controlled by George Soros.
The welfare people just love him , the prisoners just love him , the dead beats just love him and most of all , the devil just loves him!
He supports only those who will accept his beliefs(muslim).He does not like the middle class whites or the older whites. Down with this idiot and more wine for my soldiers .
i can't look at him or hear his voice. he honestly gives me the creeps....i worry for our country-wondering what the next three years will bring. everyone hang on for the ride....
Hey 10:41-To call this idiot an empty suit is an insult to a coat hanger.
2:32 you are blind, gas prices are higher now then they where a year ago.As for stealing andlying to the American people Obama has been doing that since his first day of office .example the health care system that nobody wants(CNN polls) that he wants to give exemptions to for crooked unions , and everytime he talks it'd tax, tax,tax and big business is evil and lazy people need more.Well I've never recieved a job from a poor person.
did not watch, can not stomach to even look at this man!!! Someone that dislikes, okay hates, American should be given a free ticket to Iran, Iraq, where ever he would like to live. I do sincerely feel sorry for his daughters, what a horrible example!! I've lost money in this year, thanks Obama!!
People honestly, name ONE THING that Obama has ACTUALLY himself done that makes him soooo bad...
I can understand not supporting the policies of a president, but one year into Obama's term you people have constantly called him the anti-christ or compared him to dictators who committed genocide.
frankly, as one of Obama's supported- i think that great because your extreme and often irrational displays are actually stealing the spotlight away from your fellow rep's who actually ARE trying to say something constructive and that divergence makes your whole party appear to be too extreme for its own good.
Too all of the petty name callers and people accusing him of being racist against white people (what a joke!), I say this: see you at the polls in 2012. I will be working tirelessly to ensure his second term in office...
good luck! your going to need it ;)
9:04, yes what a poor example of a father. A man who excelled in school and graduated with honors, married a strong, intelligent woman, rose to the highest office in the country, and continues to love and support his kids. Oh how terrible.
You are a prime example of what is wrong with our political system.
9:29 a.m. -- this man went to school on funds for non-citizens of the U.S.; using passports showing his citizenship in various countries (not the U.S.) using aliases. how can you call this a good example to his children, unless you want to raise liars and cheats!! did he really excel in school, or was he pushed through??
12:12, because he's black he couldn't have beat everyone to the top of his class on his own.
Save your conspiracy theories for the campfire stories in fantasy land.
not becasue he is black, but because he is a lier and a racist!
He is taking money from hard working people and giving the lazy a free pass! If he has nothing to hide why is he spending millions to hide his past? thank God the supreme court allowed the corporations to spend on elections. the left has seiu, acorn, the unions and george soros, now they will have a fight on their hands! but of course it will be the hard working public that loses, we always do!
To everyone who points out the color of his skin: Have you forgotten he's half white??
To those who call him Muslim: His father may have been Muslim, but he was not raised by him. He was raised by his white mother and grandparents who were NOT Muslim.
its all quite funny actually the ruling class WASPS shoved a black man down the throats of the working white trash
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