Chief Allen Webster was scheduled to be the keynote speakers at today's Police Academy Graduation but at the very last minute contacted the Academy and informed them he will not be there.
There are 9 Cadets graduating today at 12:00 at WOR-WIC. 8 of these Officers will go to the SPD and the remaining Cadet will go to Fruitland. This is the smallest graduating class the Academy has ever had.
So, who will step in and deliver today's speech? None other than Sheriff Mike Lewis. At least these Cadets will have someone to look up to and even more so, someone in UNIFORM.
Congratulations Police Academy Graduates. God Speed.
We need a county police department.
This is no surprise. Webster has not been to formal functions for months. He doesn't like egg on his face. Well Al, how does it feel to be the most disgraced Chief of Police in the history? When you go, take that portrait down (of you in a suit/tie) that hangs with all of the chiefs the city has had.
You, sir are a joke.
It must be that "work-related injury"!
congratulations to all!
Thank you for being who you are Mike.......a man of integrity and honor
The quality of this picture is impressive. So is the quality of the man in it.
I would rather have Mike Lewis there.. he is the epitome of a great leader and will represent them with dignity and honor
8 coming into SPD but 8 will be leaving by next year.
The graduates are better off not to hear anything out of Webster's mouth anyway cause it all would have been BS. Congratulations and Good Luck Graduates and Merry Christmas too.
somewhere, some place, and some way, Chief Dykes is smiling. RIP to a real chief.
9;40 Ditto!
Was anyone present when he dropped from his chair?? Maybe J.T.?? The acadamy will now be host toClass and not TRASH.
sometimes its necessary to wear many hats in life,but it takes a certain selfless commitment,only a certain type of person can bring.good job mike.respectfully.and may you and your family have a merry chistmas.be an army of one.
9:52 you may be right, but I don't think so. Big changes are coming to SPD. Stand by.
Wow! That is a small class. My class graduated, I believe, 45 and we started with something like 52.
Mike Lewis can deliver a message! If you have never heard him speak,you've missed something.
He will inspire these graduates - that's for sure.
10:04- Wasn't Dykes asked to resign as well because he was caught up in some confiscated car scheme?
10:39 promises, promises. We've heard all the crap before.
Theres a reason he's one of the most respected officers in the nation
At least there was a call. He just didn't show up for another meeting.
I too would rather listen to Mike Lewis speak. He will inspire them to be the best.
More needs to be learned about Webster payoff. He needs to go now, today and not wait until he has surgery. Sounds like the fire dept.
What a picture! What a leader! What a man!
Congratulations Graduates & thank you, Mike, for being there to represent Wicomico County. You are an honorable man with police work being a thankless job. Glad I live in the "county" aka Mikeland.
Shows just how little he really cares about fulfilling his duties.
Anon 10:04 it was not some scheme. It was a head hunt by Tilghman. The cars were sold and converted to the SPD general fund without going through the mayor and council. So technically the Chief was wrong, however the money would have been given back to spd from the City anyway. Dykes was a real cop, a real leader and a real hero. No one else can fill his shoes yet. Maybe Lewis will someday but he has some more work to do.
Just the title of this post alone made me laugh out loud---and hard!
I graduated the last police academy. After working on the streets of cambridge for 2 months I decided that the job was not for me. I grew up respecting police and thought at least half of the community did. Not the case, everyone hates the police. I did however get to have a day with Mike Lewis training us. What a cop! He is what all law enforcement should be. If only SPD could get someone like this to run the show in Salisbury. My hat goes off to Mike and everything he does.
I just got back from the graduation and let me tell you what. Mike Lewis gave a presentation that was, in my opinion, unprecedented.
His final statement was ......"Welcome to the greatest show on earth"
all eight of these officers will leave Salisbury for better paying law enforcement jobs - which by the way is for any municipality other than Salisbury
Good because Mike is HOT!!! He could arrest me anyday!!!
Sheriff Lewis is the greatest law enforcement officer in the United States, I truly believe this. Mike Lewis will go down in history. He is the greatest thing that has ever happened in Wicomico county. With all fairness, no other officer compares to Sheriff Lewis, he hit the ground running when he became our sheriff and has done more for the sheriffs department in his first term than all sheriffs combined that served before him. I'm very proud to call him our sheriff. Keep up the great work sheriff!
Way to go Mike Lewis!
Thank you from the bottom of the ENTIRE county's heart, even us out here on the extreme EAST end. We are grateful for your tireless vigil, care, and efforts.
Please know you are appreciated and admired.
If there can be a taskforce that can combine county/city that you can oversee and manage with the clarity of decisive action we NEED, please step up. We need your power and your vision and your action.
Thanks again.
Mike Lewis and Lt Lashley,
Your officers are welcomed to come into Salisbury and help us out. God knows we need the help. But don't come here and stir sh*&t up, cuff 'em and then call for a city cop to do YOUR paperwork. You have juristiction countywide. Last night a State Trooper came upon a disabled veh on Rt 50 in Salisbury and called for a city unit because "this is not my juristiction." Really? A STATE HIGHWAY? If you come into Salisbury and want to help out, and you come upon a crime in progress then HANDLE IT!
Actually only six are going to SPD. Three graduated and are working for other departments.
I have had the opportunity to hear Sheriff Lewis speak to a group of young leaders and I can honestly say that this will be a speech these graduates remember for a lifetime.
They should have asked him in the first place!
Congrats Grads!
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