The Wicomico County Sheriff's Department just held a Press Conference and we've been told there's no new news other than to say they have in fact brought in the National Guard and that they have expanded the search.
As you know, we'll keep you updated just as soon as new information comes in.
I'd like to thank Station 7 Restaurant and Applebee's for calling me this morning and letting me know they will be delivering food packages to the Command Center this morning. Station 7 is actually bringing their trailer up there to serve food whenever the search people want it.
UPDATE: WBOC is reporting wrong information. Perhaps they should send their Reporter home to get some sleep. After last night's grand standing and ticking everyone else off out there, today they are reporting they are searching 25 bodies of water. WRONG! They are searching 25 different areas and 2 bodies of water. Come on guys, get your information straight.
Thanks Joe for keeping us informed and we all are praying that she is found safe.
I wish they would figure out a way to make this guy talk!!
He knows where she is, he has nothing to lose at this point, need to get it out of him!
I will continue to pray for the safe return of this little girl and pray for her family as well.
Joe, do they need volunteers? Can you post something about whether the public can assist now in the search?
I say lie to TJ. Tell him that the charges will be dropped. When he tells where she is, public hang that SOB right then and there. There is NO reason why he should live. This is the lowest of the lowest. He will get whats coming to him in jail. Justice will be served because we all know the justice system wont. Look at his criminal background. That says enough. Thank your local judge for letting these monsters out.
I am so heartbroken that it has taken a tragedy to bring people together, but it is very heart-warming to see all of the support from the community. I pray that there is a Christmas Miracle and that Sarah is found soon.
Everytime I see Leggs' picture shown on t.v. it makes my stomach turn. What a worthless excuse for a human being!
Thanks to our community for pulling together in such a sad time. Big thanks to Joe for whom without we would be in the dark! This little girl is in our prayers and we hope for the best outcome. Bring her home for Christmas!
I agree why don't he just tell them where she is. Every time I go by and see these officers on foot searching I just tear up. What on Earth can we do to help. Our prayers are strong in hope she will be found safe. Please let the community help, thousands of people can cover a whole lot of territory. I am willing to go out and help along with several family members and friends. This is something you see on tv not in our area but these perverts are everywhere now and like you have said before Joe, we use to know our neighbors but now adays we don't know anyone .
my prayers goes out to Sarah and her family i hope that Sarah is found soon
Joe here is what bothers me, There were 2 offenders in the area .Ok what about the other one was he cleared,
Also why havent they heard from the mom?
Altho boc did a bad interview ,Lewis did a good job .MY question is why are they holding HOPE do they know something we don"t. I am sorry something does not smell write here !
Everyone needs to remember that the police are in the middle of an investigation and any members of the public could inadvertently disturb evidence. It is nothing personal but I think we should let search teams do their job. Meanwhile I am very curious to know why this guy was not incarcerated. I am not a parent but this terrifies me with my nephews. God please help us find this beautiful child.
Ok, I've been thinking about this. Everyone knows or has heard of TJ in my age group (30 to 45). If he has taken this step wouldn't it be reasonable to suspect he planned this out. He's not stupid he's sick. I just have this feeling she wouldn't be where we would look. Not to mention that if he is refusing to give her location he has reason to believe she won't be found. I am hoping that our team of investigators has brought in profilers. It's going to take that to find her. I know the families of both parties though it has been years since I've seen Tracey and Tommy. Regardless of who has made what decision where this is not the time to bash them. My heart is breaking for them. For Haley. Please Please have Godspeed and get the best profilers to break down his thoughts and crime so that maybe she can be found before she has perished!!!!!!
Beat it out of him for God's sake...everyone who cares turn your head!!!! Torture is what is called for in this situation. We need to know where she is and if she is safe!!!! Station 7 and Applebees that is very thoughtful...Please everyone search high and low for her. Take her home to her family and the comfort she so needs.
anonymous 10:44, there are hundreds of thousands of people following this story and as a Parent, I don't want to hear this has become a "recovery" mission. Sheriff Lewis is perfectly right by saying there's still hope. There's always that possibility, (especially as more time passes) that this child is held up in some one's home, we just don't know as of yet.
My guess is that Sheriff Lewis found evidence in the vehicle Leggs was driving and I also believe he does no more than is being let out there. The idea, (to me anyway) is to keep every one's hopes up to continue the search and time will tell.
In the mean time, think of Sarah's loved ones and just let these people do their job.
time to call in the FBI interigators and get this information out of the guy. Take a page out of Jack Bauer's book. He'll crack!!
This piece of crap should of never been out to begin with.He has already been in trouble before for messing with children. People get outradious time for lesser crimes but sex offenders I guess aren't considered to be as dangerous, YEAH RIGHT!
There are alot of roads running threw the woods off of Brown road. You could get deep into the woods if he had a truck. Its all overgrown cutover back in there.
anonymous 11:00, the FBI is involved.
TJ will never talk. He is arrogant, selfish, and pathetic enough to not care whether or not Sarah is ever found. This bastard cares about no one but himself. He needs to be beat down, but if the police do it, he will walk free on "technicalities." Great job, law enforcement! We know you are doing everything you can!! Keep it up!
From what I was just told the search is now moving to Winter Place Park, that was the last known places he was tracked via his cell phone.
The on-scene reporter did not start the "25 bodies of water" rumor. That was the in-studio guy. Dorsey picked it up after the guy in the studio said it.
That was without a doubt the worst coverage of a breaking news story. The reporter on the scene needs to be replaced.
Why do bad things happen to good people?
Stop posting and criticizing the mistakes the news makes. Jesus Christ a little girl is missing. Makes you all look really bad!!!
I say let a couple of the local residents in the interrogation room with him and turn off the cameras. I remember TJ from school and he was lower than pond scum then. Nothing has changed as we can see other than he has become more dangerous. I'll volunteer to get the information out of him. Just get his hospital bed ready for when I'm done!
Sex Offenders rarely serve an extended period of incarceration. Many people would be surprised at how many people that they know are actually offenders. They may be your neighbors, go to your church, work out at the same gym or even deliver your mail. The only way to change this is to let your local official know that you want STRICT punishments for these offenders. Demand a more public version,billboards perhaps, of the sex offender registry is necessary. The rules concerning notification to neighborhoods when an offender moves in are very lenient and pretty much un-enforced. I look at the list once a month and I am always surprised at the amount of "normal people" who have committed these horrible acts.People I see everyday.
God Bless Sarah Foxwell!
May she be returned home safe and sound.
I promise you I can make him talk give me 20 min. He should have no rights they should torture and beat him till they find out where she is, he doesn't deserve any better!!!!
We all hold out hope for the safe return of this little girl. Going forward, let's all remember who volunteered to step up and help the searcher's - my family will be frequent customer's of both Station 7 & Applebee's.
breaking news... shoe print exactly matching the girls shoe found by one of the 2 ponds being searched....
Joe, I remember when the mother of TJ's daughter wrote for help when she was facing this monster in court for a divorce and visitation.
I hear the sister (Tonya Holland-Leggs) is into heroin, cocaine, pills and any other drug she could get her hands on, she is also facing many charges in Wicomico County.
Seems to me like the whole family needs to be locked up and the key tossed away for life!!!
I pray that this little girl is safe and returned home and please Lord erase her little mind of all of this so she can continue the beautiful life you had intended for her. Her and the family of this child our in my prayers.
give me 10 mins with him, I'll get him to talk!
the aunt should be charged as well with child endangerment if she knew his offender status!
Lets all just keep hoping for a miracle.
The way the MSM (16, 47 and the Daily Slime) have botched or ignored this tragic story, we need your coverage and questions live from the command center -- there's another news conference at 2 PM.
And please keep the latest update at the very top of this blog so we don't have to go thru the other stuff to find it.
PS -- tell Obama to keep Gitmo opened for people like Leggs.
Joe, I just heard the cops are @ Bank of Delmarva in Delmar because they found a little girls clothes. I just heard it, don't know how true it is. Can u check it out and let us know?
Helicopters east of Delmar at 10:30 a.m.
That reporter Steve Dorsey from WBOC is the pits. He needs to be fired. He has no business reporting anything. He asked the same question 3 times to Sheriff Lewis. He should have just refused to talk to him. Call and report this to WBOC and maybe he can get a job somewhere else.
Law Enforcement searching the Refuge Rd area. Also Williamsville Pond just brought up.
Lets keep our eyes on the ball people.
Williams Mill, not Williamsville. Sorry.
This bastard was on the street because the system cares more about him than they do about the innocent. That's what makes the scumbag lawyers rich. He will get his just reward in prison but if the system fails again, it's time for a good old-fashioned lynching for him and the pediatrician in Lewes. These are not people-they are monsters that need to be eliminated!
This guy needs to be punished for the crime. Put a gun to his head, tell him to tell them where she is, and then put him out of society. He does not deserve to have a trial, and does not deserve to sit in jail the rest of his life. Because in Maryland, we don't believe in the death penalty, and we would rather pay $45,000 a year to keep a sex addict in jail. Although, if he gets there, he might not be there too long. He might be killed in a matter of months once they find out while he is there.
What vehicle was Leggs driving? To me that would be very important info to get out to the public. Someone must have seen him driving somewhere, and it goes to reason that a person commiting a crime like this would be distracted...maybe cut someone off, etc. near where he left her. Could possibly help narrow the search area.
Take it from me, a former military interrogator, there are plenty of ways of getting this piece of crap to talk, i.e. sodium penathol (truth syrum), water boarding, sleep deprevation, etc. Unfortunately, the liberals in this world have given the criminals in our country far too many rights. Give me a break. This S.O.B. should be tortured until he speaks, then he should be tortured until he dies! I guess that's what "general population" is for since the "civilized" segment of our society does not allow such barbaric practices. What a shame...
This is more than I can digest. I am getting sick over this. My gut tells me something is really wrong.
there is at least 1 house empty on bennett rd. due to foreclosure. there may be others. have these been checked??
Grant him full immunity and immediate release in exchange for her location.
Then release him into my back yard. He wouldn't hurt another child, ever.
Someone should let LE know about the empty house on Bennett.
How come no one anywhere is talking about the Mom's involvement in this?
Sodium pentathol should be used on anyone that has committed a crime and won't talk. You have no rights as soon as you committed a crime.
yes, what about the mother...she was so unfit she had two children taken away from her? I want to know more about the so-called "mom"...
He drove a gray mustang with a black strip down the front of the hood I believe. It was also a loud mustang.
Allowing this POS to "lawyer up" was a mistake. And I disagree with the post-person who said all the evidence would be thrown out if we "obtain the info" in an unorthodox way. Just the evidence found AFTER the beating... I mean, interrogation, would be thrown out. If they have enough for an arrest then they should be able to convict. If she is alive you can use her testimony. Every now and then you have to say "F the system" and get it done. SHE'S A CHILD! BRING HER HOME!
10:51 AM
We all do Joe. But you have to be realistic too.
"Vengeance is mine" sayeth the Lord.
(Killing the animal that did this terrible crime would be too painless anyway.)
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