"My story is hard to tell but needs to be heard..... i moved back to the eastern shore in October of 2001 from Annapolis. Things had changed, people had changed and i didn't know a lot of people here anymore so i went to work for my mom and started my life over... My sister turned 21 in July of 2003 and i took her out on the town being the older sister and we wound up at a local nightclub where i met my soon to be ex husband. Everybody there loved him. They all told me they had only known him a short time but truly seems genuine. After dating a few weeks he told me that he had to take these state mandated classes they were "no big deal" of course i asked what they were for he told me that when he was 18 he met a girl at a haunted park and they made out and her parents found out and pressed charges she was 15 at the time. Which was a similar story he told everyone at the bar... well to me kids will be kids that wasn't anything to hang over someones head for the rest of their life....boy was i wrong....
I got pregnant while on birth control and i figured i am a mature 25 year old adult i will do the right thing so we got married and my daughter was born on June 2 2004 and the nightmares began. A few days after my daughter was born, my soon to be ex husband was arrested for sexually assaulting the girl across the street... he swore it was a set up someone targeting him just for having his picture on the sex registry. I believed him... i fought for him and he was found not guilty after being retained in Jessup for my daughters first 10 months of her life... then when he came home he was never here.. always out with guys, shooting pool, working extra shifts in a bar, you name it he did everything except be a father or a husband.
On March 28 2006, we were shooting pool together on a league at a local bar and when i came out of the bathroom i saw my soon to be ex husband with his hands down another woman's pants playing the mega touch machine.... My mouth dropped i was in shock if he did this when i am in the same building what was he doing when i wasn't with him.... i kicked him out that night. However i am still being to nice at this point in time because we drew up a guideline of visitation, child support everything including the fact that he didn't want my daughter left with his own parents or have her stay at there house for more than an hour... From April till June i let him visit my daughter twice a week as agreed upon. In the beginning he didn't even visit with her he chased me around the house making threats starting fights i had to call the police to get him to stop cursing me and threatening me. He got so violent and irate with me it was bad for her so i would leave the house for a hour so they could spend quality time together only my idea of quality and his idea of quality defiantly have two different definitions.. that was my biggest mistake ever. i left my daughter with a monster.... during one of his episodes he punches holes in the hallway of my house because my daughter wouldn't stop crying.. my daughter acted out his behaviors at 2 years old.. a couple weeks go by and i was giving my daughter a bath and i was on the phone with a friend and when i went back into the bathroom after getting a towel out of the hallway my daughter was inserting a baby nemo toy into her vagina and i gasped and said" what are you doing?" she replied with " nemo is giving me kisses" i was in shock to say the least and my girlfriend told me i had to calm down and take her to er for exam. Social services was called and an exam was done that said her Hyman was intact but there were cuts and bruises that could be self inflicted but the behavior is learned... the hospital and social services told me that excessive petting and touching is almost impossible to prove and that without rock solid evidence or a confession don't expect anything to come of this. He was asked by social services to take a lie detector test and he declined and the the case was closed. I immediately put my daughter into counseling where she has been ever since and still continues to go. She had to relearn what was appropriate touching, who is and isn't aloud to touch there, etc...My soon to be ex husband also became very violent with me. There were many times he would throw objects at me threaten to kill me if i kept her from him you know the rest; same story different girl i had to get a protective order to protect myself and my little girl...The order expired in July of 2007 i was worried i was going to have to battle for divorce yet nothing so my lawyer and i decided to give him a year to make a move...NOTHING... he only ever made four child support payments,so he is behind a little over $14000.00, he lives six houses away from me and no note, no knock on the door nothing done by him to show he cared or wanted to be a part of her life
In September of 2008, i amended my divorce papers to read i want sole custody; no visitation for the father and the father is to have no obligation to the child; no child support no visits, surrender your rights to her and i will leave you alone forever.... he now is fighting me for joint custody and visitation. i just cannot do it.... i failed my daughter once by leaving her alone with the worst monster any mother fears....I am now being told that he is probably going to get supervised visitation and i am not OK with that why, because our state gives fathers the right to their children no matter what their criminal background is. I didn't have enough evidence to convict him of assaulting his own child, her testimony and acting out what daddy did wasn't enough .... put yourself in my four year old daughter shoes... she has to sit a a table with a man she doesn't know that sexually assaulted her when she was too little to know better... and what is she going to think of me for letting this happen when she gets old enough to understand everything.
I still to this day do not know the truth about what happened with why he is on the sex registry for Maryland other than he sexually assaulted little girls between the ages of 10 to 14 and in Delaware he raped a 16 year old girl all of which I found out after I threw him out of my house. This man has committed countless other uncharged sexual acts in our community but i cannot say what they are but i am asking for help... if he has assaulted you or someone you know help them take the steps forward to take action so this man can rot in jail for the rest of his life and so my daughter can have the normal life i have created for her... what is the old saying" you have to break the cycle for the abuse to stop" please help me break the cycle he can NEVER see her again.....
The first link is Maryland showing he has been convicted of sexually assaulting a child the second link is Delaware showing he was convicted of raping a girl between ages of 16 and 17...."

I personally know the Mother and Child in this case and feel their pain. Perhaps our new Congressman Frank Kratovil can open his busy schedule for this case and at least let this woman and child be heard. His past history as a States Attorney would certainly help her cause and quite frankly he could make one hell of a name for himself in the State for doing so.
If any of our readers have a similar situation or as requested in the above message, know of someone who has been abused by this man in the past, please don't hesitate to let us know so we can help this child's future.
All the warning signs were there and this post was a warning to this community. Unfortunately, some didn't take the warning. This low life must have had a way to wiggle into the lives of many and then take advantage of them or their loveones. Let's pray that he never sees the light of day again.
After reading this from his ex wife of what he did to his own daughter he is one sick individual. My heart goes out to Sarah's family. We all need to act together to get these laws changed. We need to protect our little ones.
RIP Sarah A True Christmas Angel
These people are predators and know who to talk their way out of anything. They make themselves out to be the victim and you feel sorry for them and their story. We should not let our anger fade in a few weeks. We need to push for much, much more longer sentences for these creeps in MD and DE. I find it interesting on the DE site he was listed as not a repeat offender and no convictions in other states.
What is the name of his family's business? If they were protecting him, we need to make sure they don't put another cabinet up in this area again.
There are several offenders on the MD site for Salisbury who are currently non-compliant or an arrest warrant has been issued. Joe, post their profiles on this site so they can be found and taken off the streets. Trust me, no matter what they say, they are monsters who need to be off our streets. They do noit change no matter what sob story theu give you.
Well, my sadness is really turning to anger. I did not know this beautiful girl that has impacted my life so much over the past few days, but one thing remains clear. There are many people to blame for what happened to her. I am really pissed that this animal, who so many people knew was a perverted freak, was given so much time and space to do what he finally ended up doing to Sarah. If this isnt a wake up call to you enablers, excuse makers and lawmakers, then you deserve to be in a cell with that reincarnated devil. And no, I am not afraid to give you my name!
first thing they should do to a child sex offender is cut off his penis and fingers. legg you are the lowest piece of sh@t person alive. you have given up your right to breath on this earth. justice will be served only in the way you took this young life. i hope you suffer. you deserve to be hung on the court house steps, but that would be to easy for you. you should burn alive,i hope your whole family suffers also. they aided you their whole life. i hope some of the women you molested when you worked at pickels and seacrets comes forward you ass@ole! r.i.p. sara. we all love and miss you!
A Mother's intuition never lies. Another example of how a smooth, charming, glib a person can be to totally pull the wool over the outer worlds eyes.
Take for instance, the grand New York Attorney that was so well known for his work, the name was Steinman, I believe.
In the early 1990's, this man had two foster children that he kept in a cage with their feces and had his wife so brainwashed that she was scared to do anything.
Finally, he beat the little girl to death and that is how it came out. The baby brother was found in a cage.
This type of abuse knows no boundaries. It does not discriminate and so many times these people can put such a show on to the outer world that noone has any idea what the family is going through.
Mothers~trust your gut ALWAYS. It never lies.
There already is a law that was passed in 2007 called Jessica's Law for the most serious sex crimes against children.The Maryland General Assembly unanimously passed Jessica’s Law during the 2007 session.
Jessica’s Law is named after Jessica Lunsford the nine-year old Florida girl kidnapped, raped and murdered by paroled sex offender John Couey. Jessica’s Law provides for strong mandatory minimum sentences without possibility of parole. For example, the law calls for a mandatory 25-year minimum sentence, with no possibility of parole for a first-degree child rape conviction.
You probably missed it since that was also the year the smoking ban passed...and that was much more important news.
10:56 AM
There are laws on the books yes. Many of these laws are NOT enforced though as prosecutors will cut deals and take pleas to clear dockets.
The Adam Walsh Child Protection Act was also signed into law in 2006 and as of July of this year MANY MANY states still have not funded this act.
If the laws and acts are signed and not funded or enforced, then they are just words on a page. They certainly can't protect child by being words on a page.
the name off the cabinet shop is quality tops
sarah may u rest in peace
The name of the bonding corp was freedom or abba both the same .They had gotten him out.
Is this article referring to Leggs being this little girls father? How appauling if that is the case. Why is it dated for dec 2nd?
One year ago this was written. A Mother who was in fear for her child. This poor little girl, the monsters own daughter!, already one of his victims. This was not taken seriously, this mother was merely ignored by anyone in a positon to help her. And this monster was free for another year to do as he pleased, and now here we all are mourning the horrendous murder of a beautiful little 11 year old girl. Like prior posts have said we all must not let this unity fade. We must act! Changes have to be made. You touch a child, you are never free again. My heart aches for what you had to go through on earth poor Sarah. But I rejoice that you are now in heaven, free from all pain & fear.
Maryland does not have any residency restrictions. Information put out by other states has shown that residency restrictions do not help to prevent sexual offenses from occurring because the victims and the offenders, in most situations, know each other. Having ready access to victims, in private and secretive environments, is how sex offenders thrive. a child sex offender should not live close to school but maryland allows this how F***ed up is this watch your kids theres one a 1/2 mile from westside intermediate!
Joe, first i would like to thank you, your staff, Mike Lewis and all other police, fire and other first responders, Station 7 Restaurant and all the volunteers and other businesses that donated for the tireless efforts shown during this tragedy.
I believe in the coming days this blog will have more influence than ever so I have a few ideas.
After reading the repost of the December 2008 post with all the warning signs about this predator I believe each and every one of us failed Sarah and every one of his victims. We now have the opportunity to hopefully never have this happen again.
While I'm sure we all will be calling our local representatives asking for tougher mandatory sentences for these scumbags I think there are ways we can better protect our children in this area by doing a few things:
1. Through this blog lets start collecting money with a donation link like the red kettle one you already have. Lets take that money to rent a rotating billboard on rte 50 that features the names and faces of these lowlife's. If we cant jail them lets embarass them out of our area.
2. Take more of the funds and supplement Wicomico county's sex offender enforcement. The government may have needed to cut funds but we can still make up for it.
3. Lets find out who these people work for and vow never to do business with those companies ever again. If they can't work here they will move as well.
4. Anyone who knows where these people live and work should keep this blog constantly updated so we can shun them at every turn.
These are just a few of my ideas and i'd like feedback from everyone about how we can keep our kids safe in the future.
Rape is rape and sexual molestation is just that. There should be no first or second or third or fouth degree of this. No plea bargains. Put them in the State Pens with the rest of the convicts There they will get their
just punishment from their fellow convicts. YES THEY WILL
thank you for the name of the counter shop i will do what i can to be sure noone buys from there HEY Mr and Mrs Legg you should have done something to get your low life scum sucking son to talk go to hell for giving birth to such a monster people like you should not be able to procrated rot in hell you white trash low life family! Maybe Mrs legg should stop protecting her son now do you finally believe he is guilty!
Sex offenders are everywhere, in every neighborhood.
There is an old sex offender in W. Nithsdale, he always walks his little dog along the road.
11:20.. DUH..lol..You need to stop and read before you post
Quality tops? Is that located in Fruitland?
I also read an earlier blog that a similar crime was commited in another nearby city about a month ago. Is there any truth to this? I haven't found anything to substantiate it yet.
"please don't hesitate to let us know so we can help this child's future." oh the irony. If only someone had done their job and listened to this concerned mother. People walking around with the liberal conception of "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" for EVERY situation is what makes these cases difficult for court. People want to give people benefit of the doubt, or just don't want to DEAL with the problem at hand. Poor little Sarah could have been saved over a year ago, and this just breaks hearts. This just makes the whole story turn new ways. Sarah, every time I look at your sweet face, it makes my stomach go to knots because we all want you here. The potential a child has.......is overwhelming to this community. RIP blessed angel.
Women always settle for less than they deserve because they have a need to nest.
It doesn't matter whether he was her father or not. It is still appauling, regardless.
I love this idea. I will definitely donate my time and money.
Researching where they work will be easy for few, but many of the lower end do research work and roam from job to job.
The comment has already been stated. On the first offense, make sure it's their final one. Penis & all means of their marking as a man-removed. Second, remove three fingers of each hand. Okay. We'll be civilized. Remove them surgically. What a shame we have think of civility when what i'd like to see happen is have all the registered sex offenders rounded up, put in a room, and starting with the latest scum, be a witness as he's tied to chair, with limburger cheese spread all over his crotch, and then loose about 25 or so hungry rats loose in there with him. It would take a while. But fitting, so very fitting. And then one by one, "fix" all the rest on the list. Deterrent to all the ones thinking this way? I'd think so. Save the lawyers, courts, forget housing and keeping records for these - vermin. When you have a vermin problem, you EXTERMINATE them. End of story.
Whats appauling is that these two parents FAILED to be there for their child. They will have to live with that for eternity, or maybe they dont have a SOUL and it doesnt matter to them.
For the uninformed, the father of this piece of scum was also convicted. He was in jail while the mother was pregnant because he got her pregnant while she was 15 and he was significantly older. There is a pattern with this family that needs to be destroyed. Lock the whole group in a blast furnace and burn the skin off of them. His sister is guilty for providing alibies for him previous and this time as well. The mother is guilty for doing the same and the father is, well enough said in the beginning of this post. Evil on earth? Yes, I do believe so. And apparently it has a residence on Bennett Road in Salisbury!
Put him out in the general population. Let his A$$ feel it. Hopefully they won't do it too quickly. And stop all this nonsense of beating down women because of their whatever situational or emotional needs are. let's all stand up and help change the laws for these rats - no rats deserve better - Write Frank K - that's what they're there for! Make some noise, flood his office and anyone else who can help create new laws, bombard their offices with letters and e-mail. And if they don't listen, then - some of these registered offenders should come up "missing."
Yeah, that would be EVEN better.
WBOC was getting on my nerves showing the POS so long on tv more than the true victim. Unfortunately I am disgusted because my sister stayed married to one who has molested my niece and they have 5 kids.
The problem is that there are no strong men around anymore. Women would not be so quick to ignore all the red flags that pop up if they had a strong male prescence in their lives. Why did the aunt choose to date TJ knowing he was a sex offender? A women with healthy self esteem would've seen that red flag and RUN rather than accepting his lame excuses or assuming he was misunderstood.
A strong male presence in either girls life would've taken care of TJ a long time ago and hurt him bad enough that he wouldn't have done this again. We need to return to the strong family values where there is mother and a strong father (not a DNA donor) in every child's life. That's the best way to protect your children. Sex offenders don't go after these kids.
I fully understand that the community is venting anger and rage, but we cannot become the evil that we deplore.
11:37...it happened in Baltimore a 15 yr old boy was brutally killed by an ex-con. The ex-con name was Parrish. I believe the boy's last name was Mattison. Go to baltimore sun website and search. You will find the article on it.
11:29...sounds like a great idea, but unfortunetly it will not work. You will just have them move to another location to hurt another child. Stiffer penalties to be put in place for sex crimes. Put them away for a long, long time. And in such a case as Sarah's, MD needs to bring the death penalty back. We don't need our tax dollars going to house these assholes in prison.
I think that we should make life very uncomfortable on sex offenders so that they will have to move, they won't be able to get a job or even have a drivers license.
We, as a community, should really pressure the states attorneys office and social services, as well as the judges, to make sure that ALL children are protected. Little Sarah didn't have a chance.
She was abused and neglected by her mother, whose case is on the STET docket. Custody given to her aunt, that had a boyfriend that is a sexual predator. Some women are more concerned with getting laid then protecting their children. I also think that past police reports should be used in court. Nothing should be supressed. There are alot of people that need to be help accountable for their actions in this case, including Thomas Leggs parents, who knew what a scum their son was. If this were my son, I would have beat him to death with a shovel as soon as I found out THE FIRST TIME he did it. Run the parents out of business so they will have to move too.
I often notice that sex offender's crimes do not have details of their "Out of State" offenses after they move to another state....
There has to be a way to set up a National Database that offers details of EVERY offense in EVERY state that these creeps commit.
Earlier this year, I was notified by a frantic parent of our "new" neighbor....her little girl went to our house without telling her mom....I was shocked to find out this offender's past. I was also furious because we had not received ANY door to door notification about this creep....If it weren't for that parent notifying me, I would NEVER have known.
Our DE Sex Offender neighbor's profile simply stated "Out of State Offense"--and offered NO details of his crime. I called the cops and after some research by a wonderful trooper, she called me back & told me that he was only classified as a "Moderate Risk" in DE & they do not notify DE residents door-to-door of "Moderate Risk" offenders. He had plea-bargained his case down. He raped a 12 year old & is a repeat offender.
Also, the school's need to do a better job of notifying the school bus driver's of these creeps....our driver did not know about this guy until I told him. Each bus needs to have a frequently updated book in it---complete with color photos of the offenders & and their vehicle descriptions.....
The DE trooper told me that the schools get updates when new offenders move into the area. The schools should have a current book of the offenders in the area in the office for everyone to see!!!
The Sex Offender registry lists are useless if no one ever uses them! They should have more details of the crimes too...these people always lie about what they did, let's have it posted for everyone to see!
This is chilling to read. If only....
The bottom line is that the judicial system is failing aLl of us. Davis ruark needs to do a better job and put criminals away.
Hopefully everyone will remember that name and make sure that they don't get another penny of business
The entire family is SICK SICK SICK
I can tell you exactly what happened with the first offence he had at 18 yeah we were at a haunted trail and no we were not 15 that is what he kept trying to tell everyone we were only in 7th grade 12 years old. My mother had even told him that the girl was only 12. I helped put him away the first time with a written testimony. My mother also signed a written testimony stating that she had even told him. He took advantage of one of my friends and no it wasn't just kissing. I keep this anon. because I want to protect my self I used to see him all the time at the local bars where I would shoot pool. I never wanted him to know who I was because I didnt want him comming after me for him getting put away.
They do have a national registry.
If you type Leggs into it, both his DE conviction and his MD one show up.
Leave state blank to search all states
I think that us as a communtiy should come together and make our own signs and take them and post them in every offenders yard in wicomico and surrounding areas if they take it down or have a No Trespassing sign then we should stick the sign up on the road across the street or in a willing neighbors yard when they take them down let's just keep putting them up I think we should call the businesses these perverts work for and let them know we will not stand for this I just saw on the website a well known neighbor of my inlaws whom has shopped at our business and been around our kids never alone but been able to hold them and tell us how pretty our daughter is is a child molester I will be posting a sign up around his house and let him know I don't care that it was 10 years ago its sick and we feel blind sighted to know he was around our home. I think any of them that are out of prison should have to wear bright tshirts in the summer time that say I am a child sex predator and in the winteer they should have to wear the shirt under their bright colored jacket that says the same if they are caught at any time without these items on then they are to be locked up in their homes on house arrest for 1st offense and 2nd offense jailed for 1 year. No 3rd strikes. I will gladly donate money and time to organize this and pay for the jackets shirts signds etc. If anyone agrees about the signs please we can come together and get this done this weekend make these signs and post them and keep posting them then agree on here enough true supporters who are not afraid to let everyone know who these jerks are I will post my email if you truly want to help and we will start this tomorrow!!!! I think ill call it the Sarah's Signs!!!!!!
I think it has been proven that Child molesters and sex offenders are not able to be rehabilated. My brother who I have not had any contact with in over 2o years has been in prison for most of his life because he would meet women and have consented sex then choke them. ?????????? He got out after spending 15 years away and did it again. He should have been killed instead of being in jail the last 20 years on our taxes.
I came from an affluent family and had a wonderful normal childhood. This is nothing my parents did or dreamed of for thier child. I am a kind hearted person who will give you the shirt off my back if you needed it. Not all family is evil because of one bad devil.
As in the Leggs case it is my understanding the entire familiy are evil. If this monster and his sister were molested then we failed them as well. I think someone needs to get those children the sister has and have them placed in Foster care. Maybe we can help them before they become offenders.
Joe, could you please publish an article of who the public needs to write, email, etc... to have the penalties for sex crimes longer. This needs to be done and we need the public to help get that done. We ALL need to flood their emails, mailboxes, etc...and demand the laws be changed. We need to have the law named in memory of Sarah. Let's not let her die in vain. Let's protect the children from these savage animals!!
Screw the political side of this and what the state needs to do better as far as a judicial system goes. Im over hearing everyone complain about the government this the government that anytime something tragic happens like this. Bottom line is have some common sense people. You don't date a guy that has sexual assault on children history. I mean for god sake the guy is registered as a sex offender...trust me I know that could mean it happened when he was 19 and some girl was underage. But commone sense is all you need to know that wasn't the case. On the websites where he is registered it has an incident date. Do the math this dude is how old? And his last incident was when? To all you females out there with children, you need to do a bit of a background check on the guys you meet, especially with the technology that is available. Use it to your advantage. This paticular incident has messed with my head the entire time. TJ is a complete an utter waste of life. He is a worthless peice of crap that should never see the light of day ever again. Sarah did not even get the chance to make it out of school, let alone get to see highschool (the best years of a kids life). If this guy can take a child's life with no remorse, I do not see why the state cannot take his with none. It's people like this that goes to show when you bail your kids (in his case an adult with a kid mindset) out of trouble over and over and over the trouble they get in will progressively get worse. I would like to spend 10 minutes face to face with this guy and show him what happens when you do morbid crap and not have a care in the world for anyone but you selfish, worthless, scumbag self. If this guy doesn't get hard time in prison. I'm sure the people of salisbury can take care of him fine.
Listen embarressing them is a great idea to think of but what about the revenge they will feel the need to take think about it they see their face on the billboard and are pissed so they say the heck with it now everyone knows anyway so they find the first little kid in sight and do the same as was done to Sarah just to laugh in our face. And about getting them to move out of our area come on no one wants this to happen around here OR ANYWHERE ELSE so just because they move away from here then the next place they move has the same problem! I think everyone should meet somewhere like the civic center parking lot or Kmart parking lot and throw all ideas out and let's all come together and think of other ways to get their faces where they live where they work and what they did out there so people will know we could print out their pics and info and go to those neighborhoods door to door and pass these pics out and let these neighborhoods know they have a predator and all the info and let people be aware becaus e believe it or not there are still tons of people who don't have internet don't get local news and have no idea nice John Doe 3 doors over was convicted of raping a child or touching or peeping at kids 5 years ago. If you think this or an idea you have is good I say we all meet at Civic Center Sunday the 27th of December 2009 and work together in a good way to get this info out there let's say 2:oo P.M. Let's work together and get this handled. I don't have a printer so if someone does and can print out the pics and the info and bring it with them then that would be great. I will be there I will not post my info on here for all to see but call me K.M. For now if you plan on attending leave a comment on here saying For Sarahs Smile!!!!! Rain or Shine
I believe that as the details emerge from this case that they should go for the death penalty. Then of course they will move it to the western shore and those wackos will give him life. All rights belong to the criminals. The other sick individual is that pediatrician up in DE. His attorney says he's on suicide watch and it's going to be difficult to try that case. What the hell? Put them both to death. If those investigators had been allowed to go into interrogation and physically nail his foot to the floor to find out where Sarah was he would have screamed within the first few hours. Instead their hands were tied because he has "rights". He's been in the system for years, he knows how to manipulate it and he's going to use that to every advantage. No plea bargains. No deals.
First, I don't think it is this man's family we need to be angry with. I personally believe Sarah's immediate family failed to protect her from a monster. Where was the guardian at 11 p.m.? I can't get past all of this, people. I know a wheezle can wheezle his way in, but how did this happen? Who was watching over Sarah? Rest her soul in heaven.
2:37 This man's family started it and fed it. Any family that starts off the way they did and are still acting should be ostracized. They should be held accountable for the many times they provided an alibi for him so that he could get away with his crimes over and over again with virtual impunity. Wake up! This was bred into him. His father is a piece of scum as well and both his mother and his sister lied multiple times to the police and the courts to keep him free. They need to be strung up beside him or at the very least have to pay for both the funeral and to a foundation for abused children for the rest of their lives. The community needs to stand up and make it known that we will not stand for this ever again. It should have been done before, but we cannot afford to turn a blind eye like has been done in the past.
To all those who would like to have a piece of Mr. Leggs: I certainly feel the way you do, but vengeance is not ours, the Bible says. While I'm not a "Bible-thumper," I am a Christian active in my church. If we were to do as some suggest--cutting off the perp's penis, for example--we would be as bad as those countries we abhor so much. Mr. Leggs will receive justice, though maybe not in our time.
Registered sex offender with known domestic violence, Robert Michael Samson. Jan 2010 he will no longer have to register. Trust me, you will hear from this guy again. Thanks to the system, he will be let loose to do more.
12:51 is absolutely correct. None of these kids have strong male figures in their life to protect them anymore.
The break down of families in this society is the ultimate downfall of just about every problem.
Women tend to be extreme either way as so much weaker or so much stronger when faced with a fatherless role model in their upbringing.
I do not care how independent a woman thinks she can be, she needs a strong man in her life while raising children. It is as simple as that.
Women tend to value themselves by how a man makes them feel, rather than to do things for themselves to improve their own self worth.
There are so many other ways to get
your identity other than choosing to be with a looser and accepting less. These woman need role models and counseling terribly.
It is so important for the young girls to have strong female role models if they can't have a strong male role model.
This is what happens when we do away with religion. It is the core value of family unity and this is coming from a very strong willed stubborn female. If you choose to have children, you have to put the family unit first. It is not all about you.
There are so many little ones out there swimming in this environment, I get sick to my stomach thinking about it. I hear stories everyday from my daughter's who work with these kids.
Mother's allowing their little girls to stay with "God-dad" and sleep in the same bed with him while she goes out and parties. They cry to my daughter's for help. It is enough to drive anybody over the edge and teach these selfish mothers a real lesson.
There is so much you can do for these kids and it does not cost much. I have taken two little girls into my home over the years who were in very abusive situations.
One mother was mentally ill and would lay on the couch and sleep all day and then chase this little girl into the bathroom and holler through the door that she was going to take her to where noone would see her anymore.
The other one was four years old and still going to the bathroom on herself. Her mother was a crackhead and her grandmother who was in a wheelchair with no legs was trying to raise her.
These two little girls were with a mile of my home. This is a sample of reality.
It is so important to dig and get involved when you sense something even if you are perceived as sticking your nose in their business. These children have no voice and you are their voice. I don't care if the parents get pissed off. They can get over it.
The bible also says....
Exodus 21:24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
Leviticus 24:20 fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth; just as he has injured a man, so it shall be inflicted on him.
Deuteronomy 19:21 "Thus you shall not show pity: life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot
Let the evils in the slammer handle this.
We have been talking amoung our selves and we were wondering the same thing. Were these 2 girls home alone? My son is 11 and was in one of Sarahs classes and there is no way he is mature enough to stay home alone. These children are such trusting souls they are not equipped to defend themselves against the evil that lurkes amoung us. We have been entrusted with these children to love and protect them. Where was the Aunt that night that monster came and took that beautiful little girl?
I agree with several of our bloggers that if some one has been charged, released, put on a stet, moved to the area,and sexual abuse is anyway connected with them they should be exposed to our community access such as newspapers, online, whatever! We need to know who they are and they need to know we know who they are!!
When a woman, in the course of a divorce or separation, makes a claim that the father had molested or abused their child/children she is often blamed for 'parental alienation' and sometimes loses custody or is otherwise punished. It is very easy, in the emotional time following this tragedy, to say something should be done but next week, or next month, or next year, when a father is kept from his children, or a mother claims he abused them, many will be singing a different tune. So just remember your outrage over the 'liberals' now - because next year/month/week you will be blaming liberals for keeping children from their fathers when a mother makes those claims.
Rumor has it Leggs has been stabbed several times......Joe can you check on this?
4:19 is obviously related to some one in a very bad situation. Liberals..Smiberals! Get a life. Its folks like you that protect these animals! Look around you "this week" and see where it gets us. Always "next week" with folks like you. We are in the "now" and its disgusting and whats in store for victims of these monsters "next week" is disgusting! Thats what you should be using your sad philosophical speeches on!
Ok I've seen enough of the Bible thumpin crap.
There is no God above or anywhere else in the "grand Scheme" of things that allows this to happen to anyone much less an innocent 11 year old child. Abused women have their own issues that they end up battling for years after the attacks. But at least they have the chance to seek professional help after the fact.
Granted the family situation of young Sarah had it's bad side. Granted Social Service should have done more. The "system" is broken. Plain and simple. If we need to start over then let it be done. But don't hand me the religious crap about ...:she's in a better place". Now the family has closure. B.S.
The family and the entire Eastern Shore community is suffering a huge loss. Sarah had many people searching for her over the past several days. Myself included. She had 3 to 4 thousand friends that she didn't even know existed.
Maybe that's what we need. Our community to take care of each other. Obviously God let her down and so did Politics. No wonder the two don't mix.
As for Leggs. You're a POS Dirtbag. I hope that you enjoy every "blanket party" thrown in your honor. Prison has it's own code for garbage like you. Isn't it amazing how the scurge of society can get punishment right. But our elected officials can't. If you believe in Heaven and Hell... know that poor Sarah went through hell to get to whatever Heaven you believe in.
But look at the price that she had to pay. Keep your beliefs in whatever God you have.
All I see is a bunch of strangers who gave up their Christmas Day to help clean up somebody else's mess.
4:19, you are so right. Parents make kids weapons in divorces (both do, not just women). That makes it hard for those who have a real case. Like women who falsely claim rape. Or men who falsely claim women are parading men through the house.
Then there are false claims of child molestation. A man I know had this happen to him. It was awful, destroyed him. The truth finally came out, but his life was destroyed. He had 3 kids. It devastated them, too.
I hope and pray we are smart enough to figure out the right mixture of whatever it is to separate the bull from the truth to protect children without hurting innocent adults and their families, too.
Sarah, my family's heart is with you even though we didn't get to know you. We cannot get you out of our minds. Rest in heavenly peace.
If a man who commits a sin worthy of death should be put to death.
Stet Dockets for Sexual Offenders??! A stet docket for a sexual offender is nothing more than the State saying we'll let you go this time , but if you mess up in 2-3 years we're gonna get ya. So, basically children are being used as "bait" til next time. Unfortunately, for some (Sarah)they paid the ultimate price to finally nab one! Where are your kids tonight Wicomico? Look it up! Stets are everywhere and so are the sex-offenders. Some where along the way, the State loss control of awarding stets. This isnt DUI's and drug bust!!
It's children your gambling these stets with!!
Hey Ruark! Time to go all in and quit bluffing!!
4:32 I hear ya.
4:08: The verses you cite are all from the Old Testament. As we celebrate Christmas, we should realize that everything changed with the birth of Christ; a new covenant replaced the ancient one followed by Jews for so many years. As 3:58 wrote, whatever revenge is to be exacted on Mr. Leggs may not be done in our lifetime. His lawyers will no doubt pursue an insanity defense, for surely someone who does this sort of heinous crime has a screw loose; his mental wiring is way off.
4:27 You are so very wrong. There is no one in my family going through this kind of mess, never has and hopefully never will. So much for your uneducated, knee-jerk assumptions. It's not 'always next week' with my kind of folks. 'My kind of folks' work with children every single day - 'my kind of folks' see the pattern on this blog and in this community - one week you are jumping up and down - until someone you know is hit by the opposite side of the issue.
Where were you in 2008 when this article was originally published? What have you done in the intervening years to protect children? What have you done for the children of Wicomico County other than spew venom an hate when something bad happens? Please!
4:25PM, I was told that this AM by friends, but we thought it was a rumor. It would seem logical to have him in isolation for his protection.
www.familywatchdog.us has 99 offenders in Delmar, MD ALONE!!
That's a small area for so many sexual offenders! This is a great site as it shows ALL sexual offenders and where they live and work. Just put in a zip code.
How do they have that many in that little area with the schools right there? What about the daycares? Or parks?
As the mother of a mentally ill son I do have compassion for TL's mother. We suffer in silence while hoping that something in the brain of our sick child will change or that he will somehow get the help that he needs. Remember that but for the grace of God go I.
I wasn't aware that the article was written or that this blog even existed. To answer your question, I was and continue to work and feed approximately 3 to 400 less fortunate families in our area through believe it or not. A MOTORCYCLE CLUB! Isn't it ironic. Whenever a community needs help the bikers always seem to step up. So now that that's been said. Get off my A$$ and get back to the original topic. Sarah Foxwell. May she rest in peace.
6:15, Way worse than you think!!!
The numbers you show do not include stet dockets or those currently charged pending court!
This is my thought on the hole thing he is going to get his. He will be convicted of the horrible crimes he committed and what ever he gets wont be what he actually desvers. I would like to thank everyone that helped in looking for sarah. She is safe with god now and nn one will hurt he again. May god watch over her family and be with them in the time of sorrow. R.I.P. SARAH FOXWELL
You know, there's been a lot of heat on Ruark and probably rightfully so, but another angle citizens need to look at is the Judges in this County as well. Its them too. Sat in on some trials this past year and its always "sustained", "sustained" and or " that cant be heard" because some guy in 1898 got off because of it.
my husband and I sat down today to look thru the sex offenders in our area...I am SHOCKED at how you can be a repeat offender and only be listed as MODERATE RISK! Are you freaking kidding me??
Absolutely chilling that little over a year ago we were talking about this very...monster.
My heart breaks for this family and for a legal system that can't seem to protect our children from these horrible people.
Has anyone thought about the fact this dirt bag was living with small children in the house. His sister kids live at the same house as his parents. And from the sound of it she has issues as well. Please someone check on these other children God only knows what he has doneto them. He did have them alone at times even in Ocean City. His parents & sister should be held accountable for putting these children in danger.
Dear Joe,
As a grandmother, now I am interested in learning where other sex offenders are residing. I looked on line believing that there was a real free web site, but all I have found are sites that will charge $19 - $29 a month after the first week. Is there a REAL local site to find such information?
Here is the link to the Wicomico County sex offenders list.
watch out if you live on catchapenny rd there are two there one recent conviction sad sad sad i am going to start a mailing campaign for my area if anyone wants to join in here is my plan so far i will chck the list 3 times a month and i will print out there info and send it out to anyone who lives with in one mile of the offender just to warn people that they are there. i am going to do this for as long as i finacially can and rest assure that will be for a long time i am sure. we need to let people know who is out there weather the crime was yesterday or 18 years ago if they did it once they can do it again and i want to make sure people stay aware.I can not do this alone so if anyone wants to join me i am willing to break up the area and i can send a list out all you need to do is mail them leave a message here and i will contact you!Joe can you tell me if you know how offten the wicomico county list is updated.
on a second note Purdue SHAME ON YOU you couldn't find a homeless man without a record to pluck feather you have hired 15 offenders Mt Aire you to have quite a few. starbuck has one dunkin dounuts be aware people of where you are taking your kid and who is talking to them!
I had read this story over a year ago "A Mother's Worst Fear". I know "the mother" and when they showed Leggs' picture on the news the other night for the first time, I thought I was going to drop. My grandson was in the room with me and he said my face turned pale. So now I knew some back story on this monster. I tried to find the story because I knew it had been posted a while back but I was looking under "a mother's worst nightmare" and came up with nothing. I've been praying for my friend and her daughter because this child will have to endure the further horror that this person, who is her father, is now most likely a murderer as well. I can NOT imagine what this child AND her mother will have to go through now. Please keep them in your prayers as well.
Something just has to be done about these sex offenders, they don't stop, they don't go away, they keep harming and hurting females until something like this happens. Registration is obviously NOT the answer!!!! This whole town has been upturned and I hope somehow this will bring light to a problem that has to be dealt with in a way that will make a difference.
1:19 Thankfully, that "mother" had fore thought enough to have her daughter and her name changed so that will help with recognition from the public. My sympathy goes out to them also. How tragic this is for all closely related.
Notice how she wants us to think it's not her fault that she married the guy. She was with him long enough to "feel" that something wasn't right about this guy. So she puts this info on a BLOG so that years later her daughter can look it up. What an idiot!
1:19, VERY well said...a thought provoking post. The author of the "Mother's Worst Nightmare" post from 2008 (and her child) will certainly have MY prayers.
We need a local website of these sex offenders in Sara's name. Not a web site that is controlled by Sate or Federal government{thats part of the problem}A web site controlled and sponsered by our local community!A web site that gives updates of employment or what they drive. This website could be used for the offenders to cooperate on keeping the public informed if they want to live in our community. This web site would also deter them from living here if they don't want to cooperate.
Call it "Sara's List" to protect our children!
Lets build this together as a community please give some feedback on your ideas!
This type of thing has happened before. What about Jermaine Wright? He got away with murder supposedly because of a legal technicality. Actually the system favors criminals like him and TJ Leggs. Also being an "oppressed black man" murdering and raping white women didn't hurt him either. Many consider it justified revenge for slave rapes.
4:32 pm you have a lot of nerve to blame God. When if you look back on society as a whole When God was more involved like prayer in school, society was not as bad. We had to take prayer out of school because we do not want to offend anybody and look what happens. The family unit pretty much has dissolved and crime is higher despite what the media tries to say. My heart is broken for what Sarah had to go through in her last hours but now she is in a better place where she does not have to suffer. I know that I would not want to return to this world after I get to Heaven. May God bless the family and help them through their sorrow and grief because I know that He has helped me when I have gone through many trials and lost of people I loved.
I feel proud to know there are people in our community stepping up to take action. There are some great ideas. How about getting a bus to Annapolis to rally in front of the state building w/a candlelight vigil and posters of Sarah and Leggs, etc. I am a state worker and in a union and they always say there is strength in numbers!! And that our voices need to be heard loud and strong! If someone knew when was a good time to do this so new legislation could be passed would be great. I know Norm Conway is always in Annapolis in the legislature around January. We need our moron of a liberal Governor who just cut $ to sex offender program and wants to abolish the death penalty to be there to hear us to be more effective! Any thoughts??
To 12:45am, I am surprised to learn about the sex offenders at Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts. I'm not surprised about the chicken pluckers. They probably do not run background checks on these low paid people because they do not work around children or an at risk population and background checks get expensive. I would rather a child sex offender obtain a job in a chicken plant where there are no children than end up getting a job at Trimper's Amusements, Jolly Rogers, Chuck E Cheese, or Coco's or the mall! It does make you wonder who is hiring them and who does background checks. And you are right, be careful who talks to your children. Scary!
does anyone notice that on the sex offender registry that only a few of these people are incarcerated. that makes absolutely no since.what the hell is the deal
If anyone is interested in Thomas Leggs past charges you can see it all on Justice for Caylee Myspace blog.Believe me it is so appauling and just ticks me off cannot understand why he was released from jail.
I was 12 yrs old doing a haunted trail for the girl scouts troop I was involved with at the time. He molested me in front of two other 12 yr old girls on the same girl scout troop. I never told anyone, my parents read it in my journal. Charges were pressed and he went to jail for a whooping six months. My thoughts and prayers are with Sarah Foxwell's family. I hope that piece of sh*t rots in jail.
I was molested and the man only got 18 mos, because of a plea bargain. He was supposed to be in there for a whole 18 months. But they let him out early for "good behavior" can you believe that shit?
Sex offenders need to be put to the death penality, when you molest a child you take a piece of their soul. A piece that they can never get back.
They are sick people. They need to bring back the death penalty where the public watches for these sons of bitches.put them in the streets and let everyone stone their asses.
What is wrong with the world today?
Never trust any man around your children!!!!
ive known so many people that have gotten raped and molested.
It happens so much, its disgusting.
and the mothers out there almost allow it to happen. whenever you meet any man and invite him into your home, you need to do a search on him.
Everyone in the case of sarah foxwell seems to be guilty and they should all be punished.
because in the long run they let this shit happen
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