-----Original Message-----
From: James Ireton
Sent: Wed, Dec 2, 2009 4:00 pm
I have just received this request from Councilman Gary Comegys. I received it from the Daily Times. WBOC-TV has the request. I did not see this request until 3:30 PM today, after all other media outlets had it. I question Mr. Comegys motives when the media has the request before the Mayor does. Yes, Mr. Comegys, crime is truly an emergency. Mr. Comegys has been on council for 6 years, each year denying the police department the requested officers they needed. He did this with his vote, over and over again. Today, after campaigning that crime was not a problem in Salisbury, he wakes up. This administration is working with all allied agencies to address the current spike in our crime rates. I have officially asked for WSO and MSP patrol checks throughout Salisbury. The current situation is this. Our Chief of Police is out of town hunting, and our losing mayoral candidate sends his emergency crime request - 6 years late - to the media and not the mayor. Salisbury needs to know that they have, in me, a mayor that works every day on every aspect of crime. What is clear is that all who serve the citizens don't view their jobs the same way I do.
Mr. Comegys request will be brought before the city council for consideration, if Council President Smith grants the time.
Jim Ireton 203 W. Philadelphia Avenue Salisbury, Maryland 21801 410-749-5712

Editors note: It was at a very recent council meeting that Debbie Campbell wanted to find $86,000 to fund the police and Gary Comegys said he didn't want to take money from the Zoo to fund Police. Today he wants $200,000 to triplicate services. We don't need a crime prevention coordinator, we have WBI, they are already organized and set up. Comegys wouldn't know this because Webster does not participate with WBI.
To little, to late Comegys. You will see how effective you have been as a legislator in the next election.
WOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Now that is the man I voted for. GO JIM!
Oh, and Salisbury has a crime problem? Now the flaming idoits want to blame everyone else, and act like it happened overnight. Politics at it's best!
To 4:08 pm, Der Der did you even read the story? It was proposed by the council member addressed to the Mayor... Secondly It took 6 years to get the councilman to even type this letter up to be sent to the mayor... Third and not least, it was sent to the newspapers before the mayor himself got the letter... To me this sounds fishy and that their up to something...
Note: I did not mean the mayor is
Who cares about the past election??? Who cares who "just woke up"? The fact of the matter is that crime is now at the forefront, where it should be. It shouldn't have taken a letter from someone who just woke up, but apparently (I hope)it did.
Further, where in Jim's response does he indicate anything about his support, or lack thereof, for this funding allocation? All he does is defend himself, as opposed to his lack of action; nor does it outline any planned course of action. This really comes across as very high schoolish; something you would expect our mayor to be above.
I am so sick of politicians across our nation playing the blame game. I am also very tired of these people letting their egoes get in the way of doing what needs to be done; being more interested in defending themselves or trying to get reelected than actually taking a risk and doing something, and actually working for the citizens that elected them.
To 4:08 pm, My apologies for the out burst... I also did not see the last part of the statement... must have been added after I posted...
That right there is why I voted for Jim Ireton. Now Jim keep the ball rolling by terminating Allen Webster and do it now. The time has come Jim and you know it so act while the iron is hot.
Gary Comegy’s you are one very sad person bud. To little entirely too late. You missed that boat about six years ago.
I agree that a "take the bull by the horns" attitude is well overdue, but I'm delighted to finally see it. Good job Mayor Ireton! You/we knew it wouldn't be easy, but FIGHT the good fight!
Pretty lousy on Comegys part. Something truly needs to be done within the City of Salisbury. The fact that the Chief of Police is out hunting during this period of time speaks volumes to his lack of credibility.
Bubba you cant be as stupid as you seem, its darn near impossible. Why dont you resign and get the heck out of the way. Go enjoy your retirment for gosh sakes.
THis comegy's guy is a real rat. If he doesn't think the people of Salisbury are smarter than this.. he is sorely mistaken. Get a life Gary... you and your good ole' boys don't have a clue
"Never send boys to do a mans job" As a business owner every time i call the city police office to file a report they send a baby faced patrolman with six months on the job. That is the last you ever see or hear from them. This city is in trouble, why not let business people vote next go around, we pay the most in taxes!
Doug Wilkerson hit the nail on the head he should resign today after that move. Or better yet I’d like to Jim ask for Gary’s resignation. Hell we all know the only reason Gary played council member was to get his fire department what he could. Gary your job is done now so pick up your toys and go home to retirement.
all these clowns need to go and Webster is at the top of the list followed by Smith, Ireton and Comegys, and the vote stealer too.
Thanks Jim.
Now please address the lack of faith in the chief. Clearly comments made last night displayed a lack of cohesiveness between the agencies as well as the judiciary branch. With this said, an immediate removal of this perceived obstacle would increase the effectiveness of the additional agencies you are asking help from, I don't want to get into semantics over the chief and his actions and past performance. I am merely stating that ones perception IS ones reality. If the additional agencies know their efforts will be appreciated, supported and not second-guessed they will naturally work harder for all.
In closing please let me express my true embarrassment and disappointment at Mr. Comegys juvenile actions. How stupid does he think we are? Again proving one’s perception is ones reality I suppose.
Call them out, Jim. One by one.
Some things never change as I look at Gary Comegys today I see the very same person I remember back when he was active in SFD. When ever things got real hot Gary took off running to the other side taking cover trying to save face. Your still a looser in my book Gary and always will be. Do us all a favor and quit while the quit tens good. You know at this point quitting is really the only way he could gain respect at all in my presences.
I cannot believe that Gary Comegys is contradicting his partner, Shanie Shields, who is on record as saying that crime is not a problem in Salisbury. Shanie said, also,that if the shooters know who they are looking for, then it is not murder.
I'm not taking sides on the debate over the police chief, but the mayor's comment that was something like...the chief is out hunting...
Doesn't everybody take vacation time off? The comment sounds like the chief is being villified by being out of town hunting, on top of everthing else...
As a hunter, I take offense to that.If no offense was intended, none taken
Mayor Ireton you have every right to relive police Chief Allen Webster immediately. Simply by refusing to work with WBI are grounds for dismissal and clearly shows his lack of concern for Salisbury by taking advantage of every tool to fight crime. Mayor Ireton I strongly urge you to take immediate action upon police Chief Allen Webster by removing him of his duties. I would suggest that you immediately ask Sherriff Mike Lewis to aid in temporarily overseeing a newly appointed acting police chief until which time a permanent chief of police can be found. Mayor is time to act!
Bill Bates
Jim Ireton with the smackdown! Way to go, Jim. We can all see what is going on here.
"Crime is not a problem in Salisbury".....City Councilwoman Shanie Shields
Salisbury City Council VP Wants to Use Emergency Funds to Combat Violent Crime
Posted: Dec 2, 2009 03:33 PM EST
Salisbury City Council Vice President Gary Comegys (Photo: WBOC)
SALISBURY, Md.- Salisbury City Council Vice President Gary Comegys is asking the mayor and council to consider an emergency budget amendment that would appropriate $200,000 for the city's fight against violent crime.
Calling the city's problem with violent crime a "true emergency," Comegys sent Mayor Jim Ireton an official memo on Wednesday asking him to recommend to the council an emergency appropriation be allocated from the city's undesignated fund balance (reserve) to accomplish the following:
$150,000 in police overtime for the Salisbury Police Department, Wicomico County Sheriff's Office and Maryland State Police, to be allocated to form an Interagency Violent Crime Task Force, administered by the Salisbury Police Department. According to Comegy's, this coordinated effort will put the needed manpower on city streets to deal with the problem of violent crime.
$50,000 to fund the hiring of a crime prevention specialist within the Salisbury Police Department. According to Comegys, this would be a contractual position hired by the police department to start and maintain neighborhood crime watches and to work with the city's business community in all aspects of crime prevention.
"I know it's a lot a money but we would spending money on other emergencies and this rises to the occasion for that," Comegys told WBOC when asked for additional comment about the memo. He said he has not yet heard back on his request.
Gary we already have WBI. That's what they do idiot!
@5:11 The chief is out deer hunting while there are violent crimes being committed and others yet unsolved. Deer hunting is a fine sport to be enjoyed by anyone wishing to participate. UNLESS you have the responsibility of a crime ridden city on your hands. If he wants to hunt while criminals run rampant then he should be a man and resign. Then he can hunt all he wants.
I assume that "BUBBA" MEANS COUNTING ON Smith and Shannie [WE] need to do something.What a crock of bull after 6 yrs and being partner with the Dream Team.
4:19...couldn't have said it better. Comegys and Ireton both seem to be playing politics in this exchange instead of showing real leadership and taking real action...it is VERY highschoolish.
I bet the Chief has spent more time hunting this week, then he's spent solving crimes in the last month.
Hold off on fire engines, hold off on fire boats and hold off on a new library. Direct those funds to the police department, after they fire the current chief.
On top of everything the citizens of Salisbury has witnessed with our constant violent crimes, it became quite evident what needed to be done as soon as Webster refused help from the Sheriff's Dept. with the East Side Deli shooting. Ireton has missed the boat. I can't even imagine what the Knowles family is feeling right now. The slime that committed that crime is still on the streets because Webster is ineffective and will cost the citizens of Salisbury their very lives if he is not stopped. Comegys is an absolute joke that I won't even take the time to address.
Anonymous said...
Hold off on fire engines, hold off on fire boats and hold off on a new library. Direct those funds to the police department, after they fire the current chief.
5:42 PM
Great point. But unfortunately Jim Ireton supports Bubba, Gordo and Hoppes' "Rapid Response Vessel." Ireton supports their useless HazMat trailer because it is "free" money and if we don't take it someone else will.
If Jim Ireton was serious about this city he would would have fired Webster the first week. If he was serious about this city he wouldn't have appointed Rick Hoppes as the Acting Fire Chief. If he was serious about this city he would not have allowed Rick Hoppes to participate in the selection process for the Fire Chief. If he was serious about this city he would not have allow the city to pay for a Meet and Greet session for the "top three" candidates for fire chief when he knows he is going to allow the unqualified Rick Hoppes the appointment.
Jim Ireton please do us all a favor and resign immediately.
Debbie Campbell for Mayor!!
We need help and money to do the job. My question is, ($150,000 for a Task Force that will be administered by S.P.D.)who is charge at the S.D.P.? Isn't Mr. Comegys a friend to that person?
WBOC just did the best reporting I've seen this year. Congrats Steve Hammond and Elizabeth Harrington.
That pompous ass of a police chief has the audacity to say this is being blown out of proportion. Someone should Gibbs slap him right in the back of his bald head.
Comegys, good lord man.
I hope they do have an emergency meeting. Tomorrow won't be soon enough.
You don't know much about employment law. Obviously, Ireton has been laying the foundation here, and he has had the guts to issue 4 reprimands to Webster, something no other mayor has done. He has called out Gary Comegys publicly now, and I think Gary would be hard pressed to vote against firing Webster at this point. I say kudos to the mayor, who is working very hard with a broken ankle, while Webster is out on a deer hunt.
An amazing sighting! Just walked the dog in the neighborhood of the E. Side Deli robbery, City Police....not Webster (that I saw, at least) all over the place, out of their cars going door to door. Interviewing people in cars passing by, etc. This is great but why 2 days LATER?
Chief needs to REALLY go!
why are you folks defending Ireton? What "help is on the way" has he offered?
politics as usual in Salisbury.
Unemployment law be damned! Fire his incompetent as$ now!
The violent crime task force should be administered by the sheriff's dept. We need more officers and not a crime specialist.
Step right up here sir. Three for a dollar ! Fire the Police Chief and get Gordo and Hopeless for one thin dollar. Thats right we're cleaning house and everybody has to go. We're taking Salisbury back today. But wait! If you act now we'll give you a wanna be Deputy Fire Chief for free. Supplies are limited, so dont delay.
Yes, people are allowed to take a vacation, but in his position (Chief - NOT) could have easily flown/drove home to this emergency situation. Cant believe he would not be accessible to return home for a situation such as the shooting of Greg Knowles. What a worthless Webster is....
4:19, Ireton has already been loud and clear on his support of additional funding.
This needed to be said. Hot Dog Comegys is making a media play while the ELECTED, real mayor is working his a$$ off less than a day after surgery to get us the help that Bubba's police chief turned down!
Direct your "ego" comments at the Big Hot Dog Bubba, who shafted the cops out of their second raise so his fire buddies could have big toys.
5:11, Ireton just stated a fact -- the chief is off deer hunting.
Funny huh? People here feel hunted while cheif is off hunting.
Who jumps in to save the day?
Mighty Mouse, er, Comegys.
I hunt too and didn't take offense. But for Comegys to take his proposal to the press rather than work with the mayor and rest of council shows he's on a showboatin' fireboatin' ego trip.
Let him just once support even one of his opponent's ideas. This was just a bullsh** move.
look I know Jim Ireton, he's not stupid, I am sure He's dealing with a den of vipers. He has to be very careful on how things are handled. If someone were able to come back and win a judgement against the city everyone would be crying why did he let it happen. Salisbury politics has been like this forever! Man-up Jim and keep fighting them! This mess wasn't created overnight and it's not going to be resolved until the voters of salisbury wake up and start electing better people!
comegy's, shields and their crowd ought to be ashamed of themsleves!
Get and Use the $$$ right away
use the 150 as written
the other 50 to dump you know who
severence or whatever,
just get rid of him
comegys is all but done anyhow,, hopefully he's truely seen the light and at least he can be helpful in his moment of clarity
find someone who cares about SBY for the SPD this time, or just close up, save the bucks and let the county takeover
princess anne would be pissed
Can we at the very least ban ECI from dumping their early releases on us everyday; so those people back across the bridge where they came from.
these gang members get sentenced to ECI and it doesn't take long for their family's, cousins or whatever you call'em to move here.
remember - "crisfield's to hot"
6:30 p.m. why you defending Webster and Comegys?
Ireton's laid up and still working to get help while Comegys sneaks off to the media to look like he's doing something after 6 years of doing nothing.
Go, Mayor Ireton! Get us those cops. I don't care whose cops they are.
Well, Jim found his stones! About time and it's about time that he hires a real cop to deal with crime in Salisbury.
Craig Theobald
Compton Police Dept., Retired.
Did someone at least make sure Dick Chaney went hunting with the chief?
Gary is now worried about crime? I find that hard to believe from someone who spend 30 years robbing the taxpayers of Maryland by taking a salary for work not performed. Ask any state employee in the area and they will tell you that Gary spent more time at the fire house then on the job. When Gary drove his personal vehicle he had to ensure he could park close enough to a field trailer so he could hook up a speaker to the scanner to hear fire calls. If the call came in, Gary went, for the remainder of the day. Crime fighting starts at the top, not the bottom.
That made me laugh!
WBOC did a great story tonight. Count me as one of the "fed up" citizens Steve Hammond mentioned. I liked that Mrs. Cohen was interviewed. She and Mrs. Campbell have worked hard on this and the other three, including Mr. Comegys, have slammed down everything these two have tried to do. I would like to see the other three support these two and the mayor. People want change, not the same old same old. Otherwise, Mr. Comegys would be mayor.
But he is not.
Bubba charading as a crime buster -- what a f---ing joke.
Just a credit grabbing, glory seeking stunt on Comegys's part.
How many have died or been shot up or robbed while he was out getting a clue that we were having a crime emergency?
I applaud Mayor Ireton for putting that election losing pi$$-ant in his place.
Salisbury you better wake up! Why would the allied agencies agree to a task force run by the city when they refuse to particapte in WBI? One of the many sad facts is we are ruining some good officers in SPD.
Glad to see the Mayor come to his senses and take charge of this rapidly deteriorating situation.
As for the supposed Comegys' letter, leaked to the press, I wonder who wrote it for that illeterate baffoon. It's completely NOT Gary Comegys, especially the one I keep seeing on PAC14 screaming how sick and tired he is of all the bad crime talk, along with his side kick Webster.
After Councilwoman Campbell mentioned finding ways in budget for funding for law enforcement, again on PAC-14 we see and hear Comegys emphatically stating he wasn't about to take money from the zoo, THE ZOO???? to reinforce our police force. Today he somehow miraculously sees the light, or is he bailing out a sinking ship? tsk,tsk,tsk, the back stabber....
Its outragous that the SPD chief would turn down an offer of help from the Sheriff's Dept. at a time when Salisbury looks more like Dodge City in a Western movie. Fire the loser and let him go deer hunting the rest of the season; he's probably more of a threat to get a deer than he is to catch one of the scumbags shooting innocent people in Salisbury.
Granted Comegys is a hypocrite, but I'll take the funds under 1 condition: New management at SPD.
Wonder if Gordo wrote that letter for Comeguys.
March on the City/County Office Building - is it on for Monday at 5 p.m.?????
And by the way - Gary is and always has been an embarrassment - Thank God he was not elected Mayor or the rest of the state would have found out that in addition to having out of control crime, we're out of control STUPID!
Record days dont happen by acident,huh? Watch the roaches run...
I am so glad I do not live in Salisbury. Jimmyboy's "outburst" is too little, too late - he has no respect at all from the SPD or the local leaders of salisbury so don't get hurt patting yourselves on the back giving him the "attaboys". He is a wimp who will crumble the first time chiefy stares him down - just wait and see. In the meantime all the thugs, punks, drug dealers, gangstas and all the wantabees are laughing their azzes off at all you knuckleheads because they know when all is said and done, your hot air will deflate faster than you can say "Dykes has been fired". As Sylvester Stallone once said "you are the disease and I'm the cure" - wellllll Mike Lewis is the cure and the sooner the county can consolidate ALL services - especially law enforcement - the quicker the "disease" will be dealt with.
$50K for a Crime Prevention Specialist with the SPD???
Isn't that what a sworn officer is supposed to do? Prevent Crime?
This small town needs to take a lesson from the pages of Homicide by Ed Burns. Seriously, "juking the stats" is not going to work. The problem is more systemic!
Get new leadership, one that breeds good policing. Enough is enough!
The violent crime task force is a great idea, however it shouldn't be funded with overtime pay. There should be a semi permant duty assignment for spd officers, wcso deputies, msp troopers, fruitland officers, delmar officers ie like 4-6 from spd, 4-6 from wcso, 1-2 from fruitland, msp, delmar. This needs to be a permanent assign to focus on the violent criminals on a regular baisis. Not just haphazard throw togethr of an overtime smorgasborg of officers. Jurisiditional lines need to be blended to let this task force roam the county at will targeting the criminals, either by traffic stops, field encounters, search warrants you name it..not to worry about jurisidictional constraints
We don't need a violent crime task force, we already have WBI. That is what they do. SPD does not participate in WBI nor does Webster cooperate with the other law enforcement agencies.
Please, Please listen to the voice of the people get rid of Mr. Webster. I would never address him as chief or officer for he has failed in all aspects of those titles.
"Crime Prevention Specialist"...isn't that what the Chief is supposed to do...what a stupid idea and waste of money...well better yet, why don't we take 50,000$ from the Chiefs salary to fund the CPS...LOL hows that...
Yes, and while u r at it, SCREW the new liberry, fireboat, far engines paint jobs and any other unnecessary spending. This should ALWAYS have been...& oh, yeah, & comeegees
200k for a task force my effin' arse.
put the money into ENOUGH well paid cops...no library, no new far truck, no new far boat, no new far house equipment ENOUGH, I say, ENOUGH. Get these guys on the streets & pay 'em their money due...if it's overtime, so be it. (betcha commiegees never refused an overtime pymt ...)
Chief Webster: Reason for termination...insubbordination!! That's it...plain and simple. Bubba just thought that he was Mr Big Sh!t on WBOC last night. Unfortunately, those who only watch the news on tv will think that he is the greatest thing since sliced bread now and he is banking on that. ALL citizens need to know that he did that for publicity and personal gain only!! He doesn't care about crime in this area! If the chief wanted to hunt, he should have been hunting right here in the city limits (the two legged kind).
Daily Rag is pimpin' for Comegys again, trying to make it look like he's the only one doing anything.
Sat on his a$$ for years, now he got religion.
If it's not about politics, why did Bubba feed his plan to the media first instead of the mayor?
Tell you what, Bubba, if it's not about politics, vote to the fire the chief and maybe the people you think are stupid will believe you.
Sure don't now.
8:50 expresses my opinion,
10:32 expresses my solutions.
The last thing Salisbury needs is a Comegys solution, I want the Crime Task Force recommendation to partner with Annapolis funded as requested by Councilwomen Campbell and Cohen - oh that's right Comegys wants to ensure their efforts are not funded, as it would fund a partnership effort with our allied police agencies and Annapolis, something that Webster could never tolerate, so Comegys is trying to undue any chance for a partnership to protect the backside of his buddy Webster! Why is no one focused on this?!!!!
Many of us used to jokingly call Salisbury "Mayberry". Well guess what, I want Mayberry back...and guess what else...Mayberry was run by the SHERIFF! I want that too!
I believe Salisbury has enough officers. They need leadership!
They need to change the priorities that webster has set , if any. It's called WORK!Utilize the resorces you have available , simple.
Who Wrote That Letter for Comegys and WHY now?
It's about damn time Jim, kick his fat ass.
Years ago, the SPD did have an violent crime task force of sorts -- I think it was called ViCAT or something similar. Anyone know? Is that still around or did that go out when Chief Dykes did?
What you're thinking of is ViCAP, an FBI program.
"ViCAP is a nationwide data information center designed to collect, collate, and analyze crimes of violence. Cases examined by ViCAP include:
solved or unsolved homicides or attempts, especially those that involve an abduction; are apparently random, motiveless, or sexually oriented; or are known or suspected to be part of a series;
missing persons, where the circumstances indicate a strong possibility of foul play and the victim is still missing;
unidentified dead bodies, where the manner of death is known or suspected to be homicide; and
sexual assault cases."
more information here:
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