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Child Sexual Offenders
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How many times does he have to commit these crimes before they put him in prison for life? This is now his 4th victim although it is his first kidnapping. Someone needs to shoot this bastard.
11:07 amen i hope he rots in hell.
Does anyone know what his relationship to the family was?
Who is that on the scene reporter idiot on WBOC at 11?
He should have been executed upon his first conviction. Can you believe we still have judges across this country that let these worthless pieces of sh*t off with probation after being convicted? This is probably one of them!
I couldnt agree more 11:07. People- BE INFORMED of who and what is around you!!
I just want to go there and take a knife and cut his s*** off and pour lemon juice on it
he is the mothers boyfriend
He waived his rights when he took this child. Screw him, his rights and anyone that defends him.
Judges take note, we are sick of this type of people being let out of jail after only a few years. KILL THEM ALL
There have been other victims but they were not reported and even some head turning....not by police but by people in the community. He was a bouncer and prayed on intoxicated women as well as the children her prayed upon. I have know this basterd for a long time, he is a wolf in sheeps clothing. I only knew him from work but the more I saw the less I liked. SICKO! I hope bubba gets ahold of him in jail and shows him the way of the world!
Human Garbage. The family of this child should be aloud to pass the sentence on this bastard. Inject this bastard and make the world a better place.
If anyone touched or touches my daughter in a manor like this. Their judgement day will come before their time in court from a range of 100 yards away with a nice lil rifle. Maybe as the perv is walking into the courthouse!!!
Please make this suggestion to Mike Lewis. Show a picture of the suspects vehichle. Someone might have seen it where he took her and that could narrow down the search.
You know the very very sad part is the fact it took something this severe to open people's eyes to the extent these things are happening. Also that it took this for people to realize how many offenders are around us every single day. You cannot fix what you do not acknowledge, we see it now let's put a stop to it.
Yes that WBOC news was piss poor quality. I am glad my eyes got opened to the list of offenders, I am quite shocked at some of these employers, but most importantly I do hope the young lady is alive and unharmed.
He is a sick bastard. I knew him when I was little my mom worked with his sister and I babysat his sisters two kids over there house once after that and me telling my mom how uncomfortable he made me I never went back! I totally agree with anon 11:13
Someone pleassseeee kill that F*cker sloowwwlyyy!!! Peel his dick with a potato peeler and pour salt on it.
Y'all are idiots. He was arrested 4 times. All 4 times was for something different. He is on the registry because he had a relationship with a 15 yr old when he was 19. If you do your research, you will find this out.
If you look him up on court cases in Maryland, he has a whole page of convictions. Appears has his own child too. poor kid. He should still be rotting in jail now from first victim
Ugh, all these college kids on WBOC are awful - take note this is what happens when you let talented people go, and replace them with cheap help. Where are Jason Newton, Melanie Lawson, & Weijia Jiang when you need them?? Heck even bring back Steve Summers with his anger management issues, he was a great anchor.
Fire John Dearing and Craig Jehalka now these two clowns have made all the wrong changes at WBOC!
If he did this, then he needs to be put down, no curing him...actually, all pediphiles should be put down
Blow his head off!
If they have him in custody and he has been charged with kidnapping why hasn't he told them where he left her? I have known TJ since he was a little boy and he indeed has issues but I thought he had got his life back on track somewhat...guess not!!!!Lord please be with this little girl and bring her home to her family for Christmas safe and sound...
Anyone who would defend this less-than-animal is as sick as he is. Nevertheless, I've no doubt there are way too many out there that will try to.
11:31 that sick bastard has been molesting children/young girls ever since he was a teen. The girl in Delaware was only 12 or 13 and what about the one in Hebron, how old was she? Then there are all the other young girls that never reported him. Go cry your research bullshit to someone that wants to hear it. He has been a pervert since puberty and he hasn't changed a bit. You would be singing a different tune if it was you or one of your kids he molested.
Someone had better get control of this county before we do it for you.
Some of these people on this list are really messed up, and I wonder how many of the employers listed know about them.
11:31 you are the idiot.One time seeing a sex offense on a CHILD on a persons record is enough for me!
where was he a bouncer?
Waterboard the bastard until he tells where the little girl is.
he used to hang out at the cactus club waiting for girls to have one to many drinks.
waterboard nothing, hook his nutsack up to a 12 volt battery I'll bet he'll tell you real quick where he left her.
he also molested his own child, and i heard he raped a girl behind that piece of shit cactus club bar .. they should hang this monster by his balls an let pitbulls eat at him then spray alcohol all over him an shoot little arrows at him.... i hope the little girl is still alive.....
11:31.. i cant agree more! As i said, put him down! Let te family of this poor girl and all the others he has f"ed up do work on him in a room with no doors or windows, them burn his ass alive. Make sure its a slow and painful death.. and btw.. anyone who defends him, no matter what the reason, you are just as guilty as he is for supporting someone like this, obviously he did it, and is somewhat guiding the police in their search
He bounced at the Cactus Club....he was a bar back for a year or so then he left and came back as a bouncer. He is just scum!
11:31 - drop your kids off at TJ's
he used to bounce at the cactus club an he hung out at chef freds,,,if he even looked at my girls i would beat the dog shit outta him an not think twice about,,,,,kill all sex offenders
When ole TJ gets to prison, he's going to wish he WAS dead. Can you imagine all the guys behind bars who have children at home? They'll start thinking what this pervert did to these poor kids amd realize it could've been their kids instead. When they do, it just might be "bye bye" TJ.
Couldn't happen soon enough.
True enough he tried to touch and get me back in high school on my parents property. I told my mother and brother, after that he was no longer welcome on our property. I know of two case one in Delaware and one in Maryland. He will never change and I hope the police and judge through the book at him.
Just checked the case search and that idiot has been charged 11 times with sex offenses and domestic violence. WTH is he still doing on the out to commit crimes again.
oh my god i am his ex-brother in-law what do i do i have two kids that i hardly ever see because of his crazy family .my ex-wife his youngest sister is a supposed to be reformed heroin addict and a repeated thief and she has full custody of my kids .i have got to get them away from there but i cant get the help and support i need . i cant work i dont have a car or my own house thats a big reason why i dont try to get them. BUT I CANT STAND FOR THEM TO BE AROUND THEM so my heart goes out to the little girls family ill pray for you and please someone pray for me and my two kids that unfortunatly are related to him.oh and by the way i hear that his sister says that he has witnesses that knows where he was at the time it happend
He looks like that guy Eric Emily from Crisfield. He goes by the name Flea.
When the hell are you idiots going to realize that our country has become to liberal and the criminals have more rights than the victims. How many more children have to be harmed before you people wake up?
Vote Republican!
i think he was a bouncer at island way what a piece of shit
and i can almost bet that he would drug them...I was drugged there one night but was able to call for help before it got to bad...I PRAY NOW THAT SARAH WILL BE FOUND AND THAT SHE WILL BE FOUND ALIVE..IN JESUS NAME PLEASE BRING HER BACK ALIVE
if i were an interogating detective, i would be beating the pi$$ out of this guy to get info. fire me from wbi after i find her and then appoint me chief of sby.
Has anyone ever thought he could be the one responsible for the girl that was drugged and badly beaten up a couple of weeks ago? From the information on this blog, it seems he preys on anything that is weaker than he. EVIL. There is no need to let him live.
12:05.... shows how narrow minded you are, this sick bastard has nothing to do with political affiliation. he is deranged and sick, needs to be put down... how dare you at a time like this disrespect and humiliate this poor girls family by putting a political comment on this thread. What kinda of insensitive asshole are you? i hope you have children and i hope they see what kind of selfish, arrogant, self righteous ass you really are.
about everyone wanting things to happen to him in prison. scum like this are protected in prison. called protected custody. look it up
I know him, and I have to agree that he needs to be punished for what he has done. SOMEONE EVER LAYED THERE HANDS ON MY CHILDREN AND THERE WOULD BE RACE BETWEEN ME AND A JUDGE. I WOULD GET HIS ASS MYSELF! I hope he tells them where that little girl is, so that if she is hurt in ANYWAY, she can be helped, and be with her mother. Hell has no fury like a ma-ma's. I am praying for that little girl, and I hope that she is ok, and my heart truly aches for that little girl and her family. May god allow them to find her alive and well, and that he rots in hell. The bible says those that are sexually immoral, will rot in hell. I HOPE IT FREAKING HURTS!! God knows he deserves it!!
12:04, get family lawyer Mark Brennan. He got my daughter for me and if you do everything he tells you, you will have a shot to get your kids too. Cockey, Brennan and Maloney Law Firm in Salisbury.
Sick F*&* told everyone in school he had sex with his cuz. This guy had issues in school and we all knew he was F*&^*ed up. Wicomico county court system should be held 100% accountable for this punk. Thje judges let him go. LT Roberts, here is your compliant registered sex offender. GET off your AZZ and do more work. STOP being a crooked cop and covering for your BUDDY who is a registered sex offender! Im sure LT Roberts knows this guy too and let him slide many times. I cant believe this guy has been compliant the whole time. F U wicomico county!
If this girl is alive and dies for any reason because they cant find her in time, the Lawyer should be held accountable also. The lawyer is keeping him from talking in a chance to get him off. You know damn well in his heart the lawyer knows this piece of shit is guilty but we keep defending them.
I just cant see why as a society we even tolerate these assholes. Christmas Eve and this girl is suffering over the people who let this man walk.
Everyone should watch Law Abiding Citizen and everyone involved in this creeps case should be punished for letting him walk.
um...ex brother in law.....our ex wife is not reformed anything! she is still nodding out at the house with the kids!she cannot stop taking pills to substitute for the heroin. your little girl is having serious problems...even your son. have you seen him lately???? blew up because of anxiety issues and even had severe panic episodes when they moved back into the parents house. dude! you need to get those kids away from bennett road and away from that leggs family forever! Who knows what tj and the grandfather have done to them! I think tj's dad should be arrested for doing it to his own family too!!! But they just keep covering up for each other. SICK!
want him to talk? let some of us Mom's in the room with him...oh he'll f'in talk alright. trust me.
the police have kicked his parents and his sister which is my ex-wife and my two kids that she has custody of out of the house they all live in on bennett rd so they can search it they are all staying in a motel room somwhere. as i said b4 you think hes bad check out who i was married to Tonya J Holland his sister on case search look at the cases around in mid august the last time i got to spend time with my kids was on the first week of august then she flipped out on me AGAIN so i stayed away and now i know why she was ready to get rid of me again her records show why i dont know maybe he did it and maybe he didnt but what ive always wondered was why has he always put hisself in these situations if he is so innocent does anybody agree with what im wondering about
i say get the info out of the bastard then just shoot him. i will glady pay for the ammo to do so. why waste money on any POS like this by puttin em in jail. praying for the poor girl with my heart and soul.
If he did it...Cut his junk off and choke him on it slowly
I'm sure andrew mcdonald will represent him
well...you are just letting your kids get abused! Any child at the Leggs residence on Bennett Road is subject to abuse. Plain and simple. I thought she was going to finally lose all 3 kids to social services this summer when she wrecked twice with the kids in the car and totalled both of them. She couldn't drive them anywhere but she conned her way out of that too. Just like TJ does. He has been doing this to little girls since he first started going to the Bowling Alley and tried it on my little sister. He stalked me and I had to report him but thank goodness 2 weeks later is when he was arrested for the child that he was making out with outside the mall movie theater. So I didn't have to follow through because he went to jail. And I was a 25 year old woman...how much more scared is a little girl???? How much more scared are all those little girls out there that he has done this to before???? Keep TJ Leggs, his father and his sister Tonya away from children!!!!
Look again at most of his court records. Many are STET or dismissed. WTF is that all about? They keep letting him off on the charges what a crock.
what do you mean our ex-wife who is this do you know me or would you help me and maybe speak on my behalf i just got to see them on this past friday til tuesday my sister went and got them cuz she dosent want me to see them and they both cried thier eyes out when they had to leave -it had to be one of the hardest things i ever had to watch
Hello Social Services WAKE UP and get the children out of that house. What is it going to take to help them. At this point I am sure they have already been abused and are on the same track as the mother & Uncle. HELP THEM NOWWWWWW! I don't even think the father of these kids should have them. They need help and a fresh new start. Bless them dear god.
all i can say is VOTE VOTE VOTE!get these liberal ass clown out of office.our own government which is suppose to protect us allows things like this to happen.they make laws to protect trash like this sick F***.oh were afraid to infringe on his rights you know what when he made the choice to commit such a crime he should have had all of his rights revoked.if we the police were allowed to do interrogate properly without punishment law suits or lawyers this poor little girl would have been found already.
Bill Lewis of Parsonsburg (Morris Lenord Rd) did the same thing to someone in my famliy. The judge just ordered him to attend classes! But my famliy feels the pain everyday! My mother is not allowed to see her grandchildren because she chose to stay with the man. As far as im concerned my mother is dead to me!
These people are sick!!!
You want judges to start holding these POS accountable? Pass a law that if a child molester is released without serving the maximum amoung of prison time and offends a second time the judge who released him back into society is charged with contributing to the crime punishable by the maximum amount for the crime committed. The judges keep doing this crap and our OUR children are the ones suffering because their children are grown or in private schools in upscale nieghborhoods. Stop giving the criminals more rights than the victims and law abiding citizens.
I can't even sleep because I cannot imagine what that poor girl is going through and feel so helpless knowing she may be right around the corner scared and hurt. What is this society coming to? Damn any person that hurts a child, they do not deserve to live.
I testified against him when I was in 7th or 8th grade because he took advantage of a friend of mine. I see him all the time I am very glad that he doesnt recognize me or even know who I actually am. I see him at break time all the time and every time I see him out there I tell everyone I know what he had done
well thanks alot joe for letn someone put me down and not letn me defend myself
Back in July or August, I sent Joe an email on my concern for a gentleman that works in the mall and has contact with kids all day long, and people responded to my concerns very negative, but now that something happen I bet they want to know who that sex offender is, I mean really, if your child was touched by a sex offender for any service's, shoe's, ear peircings, etc, wouldn't you want to known that he/she is a sex offender and that you are making the choice to allow him to do the services on your child! I suggest that all business post a sex offender works here sign so that we can decide the smart thing to do when it comes to our kids, and only if that job consist of sex offender working around children.
ex-brother in law, you are capable and ypu are responsible for protecting your children. You need to file a motion for full-custody immediately. You know the problems Tonya is and has had. If you aren't able to care for the children yourself than ask that social services assist. It'll be rough. The kids may need foster care until you are able to care for them but they will help you regain your life, work and a home for the children and custody once you have proven you are able to care for them. Only you can do something about this. You can do it.
Ex-brother in law, you might want to check somethings out yourself, for instance Tonya filed for custody on 8-21-09, case no. 22CO09001114, there has been a CONTEMPLATED dismissal sent on 12-02-09 BUT that doesn't mean isn't been dismissed. You need to act Immediately by going to the clerk's office and requesting a copy of what has been filed ASAP and you need to RESPOND in writing to her filing that you agree or not. She is no doubt trying to isolate the children from you. There is an attorney there to assist you in your response.
The mom is just as responsible for allowing this guy into her home. She should get the same punishment as this guy if he is found to be the one involved. Its time we start pointing the finger to the ones that caused this to happen as well.
Where is this list of where the sex offenders work? I saw mention to WBOC but don't see anything on their website?
Sarah lived with her aunt not mother. Her mother doe not have custody of her.Which right now isn't important.That scum bag was a ex-boyfriend of the aunt.That sick f'r needs to rot in hell for this. I know the aunt and grandparents and all of the kids and neither one of them deseved this.
Sarah,honey your family will bring you home sweetie.
The last time I saw him was a few months ago and he worked in a bar in Ocean City over the summer.
Why has no one mentioned the mother's role in this!!!! As far as I'm concerned she endangered her own daughter by having a relationship with this creep. I wouldn't allow my daughter to be within a 200 yards of someone with his prior convictions.
I believe that she is to blame also.
Isn't it possible that with the holidays mother was missing her daughter and he brought her to her? Has this been ruled out? IF this Leggs person is the boyfriend of the biological mother, and if mother didn't have custody of her daughter, I mean-is biological mother ruled out as having something to do with the young ladys disappearance,NOT in a malicious way, in order to see her is what I mean. Holidays take an emotional toll,people don't always think straight.It would be wonderful if it turned out that he didn't harm Sarah at all, rather, he-however misguided-wanted her to be able to be with her real mother. I don't know, I just want to believe everyone has some good in them and that they love somebody.
i am close with the family and the mother is a piece of shit i agree but the bottom line is sarah hailey is missing noe is the time to pray for her safety be pissed off at her later i say lynch her but lets keep our focus on that baby girl then give me 5 minutes alone with that asshole and jenny
This guy was a bouncer at pickles in Ocean City too. If you notice he was charged recently (September) with BURGLARY and Malicious destruction of property by OCPD.... he was released on $10,000 bond!!
Facts in this case should have NOT allowed him to be on the streets. Only reason we dont have another rape victim is because she woke up to him standing at the foot of her bed with no pants on!!
The Owner of SIGN FIXERS.
And the employees are on the SEX OFFENDER SITE!
I JUSTR READ IT! They can stay away from my business now!
That Gary Klienman guy was just here last week fixing a sign when my daughter was here. Bright Green Truck.
Expose these people Joe! Please do some real good with this awesome site!
what high school did he go to.
ok, now I got it.I knew that the biological mom, Jennifer, who in all my dealings in the school setting with her showed nothing but concern for her kids, had lost custody to her sister. The sister likes telling folks that Jennifer is a "drunk", guess it's better to have them around a child molester. and those of you labeling this young ladys mother- But are you strong enough to point that high-powered perception at yourself? yeah I stole it from Silence of the Lambs,but are you? are you so perfect? Bet not.
Parkside high school
Seriously.......Eric Emily...Flea may be alot of things but it dies niot even look like him and Flea would not even think of doing something like this.....Praying for little Sarah that she is found safe and sound....and don't forget all the police and USAR teams searching for her and they remain safe and injury free.....Go get em' Joe
TJ Leggs went to Wicomico High School graduated from there in 1998 or 1999. I went to school with this sick individual. And to find out were sex offenders live and work go to www.familywatchdog.us type in your address and you can see the persons picture and there convictions.
He went to Wi Hi
Could this be the same person who attacked a lady in the parking lot of Chef Fred's a few weeks ago?
I know his sister Tonya. She has no business having any of these kids. She takes up for this sicko she calls her brother. I just hope Sarah is found safe and returned to somewhere she will continure to be safe. Also the ex husband of Tonya needs to get those kids away from her and that family ASAP. TJ was always around those kids and i just hope he never did anything to little Sam. I hope he rots in hell
months ago, you had this guy's picture up on this blog. I believe that it contained a statement or plea to have him locked up from his ex-wife or something. I clearly remember that there were allegations of a mollestation of another little girl, her daughter I think (with a play toy, I believe). I distinctly remeber this, as he was a weekly regular at the poker night at the VFW and I sent a link to your site to all my poker buddies in disbelief. Can you repost that so we can see the history of this guy?
I am confused...is he the mothers boyfriend or the aunt who has custody of this poor child? If it was the aunt then she was kidnapped from the aunts home?
kill 'em. the world would be a better place.
He needs to die.
He doesn't deserve to live, if the little girl didn't get to, he doesn't need to.
Yes the bastard is sick. But giving him death row in stead of a life sentence would be doing him a favor and not giving him the punishment he really deserves; like having to watch over his shoulder every second of every day. Let the prisoners deal with him. As far as the mother being blamed that is just hideous. She may have always been apart of his live and it was because he was a con artist evidently. Other than the mother being a loud mouth she was a loving and caring devoted mom. As for the father other than him watching porn an an ex alcoholic he was a devoted father as well. Nobody gives a book on how to raise kids. The Leggs kids was never molested nor raped by the parents I know for a fact. A mother love never goes away either. Yes i agree with alot of the comments about the scum but that does not make the parents scum. I guess alot of the society in and around Wicomico County would be pleased if the parents and the siblings would commit suicide. It is a shame on how much of a toll it takes on the families of the
victims and defendants family.
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