Sheriff Lewis has asked that any citizens wishing to provide assistance in the search for Sarah Haley Foxwell, to come to Shorebirds Stadium, tomorrow morning, at 0700 or 7:00am. The search will continue to be well organized under direction of law enforcement and other officials. Sheriff Lewis has asked for hunters, familiar with the areas of Wicomico County they hunt to join in the search. There is still hope that this innocent child will be found alive. Let us not give up hope.
When asked about Leggs previous incarceration, Sheriff Lewis stated Leggs was not incarcerated long enough, to which Davis Ruark agreed.
He also stated Thomas Leggs is being completely uncooperative and is offering no assistance in locating this child.
When asked about Leggs previous incarceration, Sheriff Lewis stated Leggs was not incarcerated long enough, to which Davis Ruark agreed.
He also stated Thomas Leggs is being completely uncooperative and is offering no assistance in locating this child.
can anything be done tonight? can a search party get together tonight? this little girl should be home before Christmas...
they should take his ass out in shorts and tee-shirt barefoot and make him search in shackles and handcuffs, i bet he'd take us to her... everyone else in the cold looking for this poor little child, lets take his ass out in the cold. Dont let him sit in his cell all warm acting like an ass, take him out in the cold..make him freeze his ass off or take us where she is!!
Not surprising.. once he talks he knows he may get the lethal cocktail.
And a side note, you morons posting that you want 10 minutes with him and you will get the info, give it a rest. "Interrogation" is a lot different than beating. I have see firsthand what works and what does not. I have never seen fists work.
Quit with the Neanderthal mentality and pray for Sarah.
I so wish they would let us help tonight. This community is big enough to come together and with all of us, we could find her without search dogs or divers, because all we need is the love in our hearts and we would find her...Please Sarah hold on...
We don't search dogs, they have this community with hearts full of love, and together we could all come together and find her..Sarah please hold on
isnt ruark the one that sent him to jail though?
She needs to be home NOW! This sick bastard is getting his rocks off on this whole situation and this poor girl is no where to be found! I blame her family AND HER MOTHER! I can't imagine what this poor little girl has been through and or is going through. Keep hope alive for lil Sarah. He needs everyone's prayers and everyone's faith. Hurry up and come home Sarah. So many people are waiting with open arms and tons of kisses, and lots of big hugs.
Joe I turn to your sight because I know you have the most current information. Out shopping today I could'nt concentrate on what I was doing. All I could think about was this little girl. Can you set up text or email updates on all your post in the future. I know the news stations have something like that. It would really help us keep up on events like this. Thanks for keeping us informed.
not talking is he ! bet he would if we could #$@@%@!!^^&* him please just 10 minutes
My prayer is for the Lord God Almighty to put a pressure on this man's heart and soul. For him to tell where this beautiful little girl is. I pray for each and everyone of the people involved in searching for her to be protected and blessed for their efforts.
Give me 10 min with this prick, some acid, an xacto knife and a torch.
Let the limp wristed liberals burn a candle and fall to their knees.
i agree 5:40 with all the concerned citizens we could get a massive group together and cover a large area...i mean why are they saying they don't want community help until tomm.?? what if tomm. is too late?? it is cold and dark out there and this little girl if she is out there needs to be found and brought home NOW...
cut one finger off every minute until he tells you where she is
Is that the new acting Salisbury Police Chief! IN UNIFORM TOO! Already setting a good example! Thats awesome. Out there showing the community HE IS the man for the job!
Honestly, blaming the mother or family is ridiculous. Do you do a background check on everyone in your life? All they did was put her to bed, I'm sure they never thought they may not see her again. I don't think 10 minutes alone with this man would be an answer, I do, however, agree that he should be shackeled, put in a pink t shirt and fuzzy pajama bottoms with no shoes and sent out on a search for her til she's found. He has ruined a little child's life, tore a family apart and ruined hundreds of Christmas's for anybody that has a heart in this town. I can't even begin to imagine the pain and anguish her family is currently feeling. I have an eleven year old myself and my heart weighs so heavy on this one.
As horrible as this situation is, I pray that they find that baby alive and return her to her family. I also pray that each and every one of us take a moment, actually focus on our own children and appreciate the joy they bring because tomorrow is not promised. I'm sure her family never thought this could happen to them as well. Anyone can be taken at any moment. Love one another, forgive, don't take a single moment for granted and appreciate the gifts of children, grandchildren and any person in your life that has made you smile. They are truly gifts from God and are in your lives for a reason.
I pray that Sarah is safe. I pray that she is alive. I pray that she has not felt any pain. I pray that her family finds some sort of relief and I pray that each and every one of you get something from this message.
Topper, yes. Just watch Man on Fire with Denzel Washington. Excellent movie.
I will be out there as soon as my daughter goes with her father tomorrow morning. Until then I will pray.
5:39 - people are angry - don't you get that? They have a right to be. So can it okay. Everyone knows people have rights, innocent until proven guilty, etc.
But law enforcement usually know things we do not - they have this perp and he's not talking. The community is angry and well they should be.
I kind of like the idea 5:38 had of taking out in this sub freezing weather in shorts and tee shirts. No coat until he tells us where she is.
May God Bless her and keep her safe until they find her.
Truly, this makes everyone angry and hurt so for a little girl that has been robbed of her happy time of life when she should be playing and carefree. I wonder when we are going to realize that we have no punishment to fit the crimes. The criminal has more rights than we have working, living in communities, and paying taxes. When are the people going to DEMAND THAT THE PUNISHMENTS GO WITH THE CRIMES. DEATH TO KILLERS OF POLICE AND DEATH TO MOLESTERS OF CHILDREN. AN EYE FOR AN EYE AND A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH. IF JOHN DOE KNOWS HE IS GOING TO DIE FOR KILLING HE WONT BE SO QUICK TO KILL. To Speedfreak's comments: What does it have to do with being a democrat or Republican? For the love of God wake up America.
Someone said there is an age restriction, My 16 year old daughter wants to walk with me is that ok??Who can I call??
I wish the best for this little girl. It is a shame that her family chose to associate with such a person.
To add to Joe's earlier post about "1909" I guarantee you that in 1909 they would have beat the living sh*t out of this guy until he talked. And honestly, that's what they should do today.
I think they are going after people that KNOW the woods in the area they want to search, they are wanting to keep the search coordinated and Lewis even mentioned not all will be able to help. That is the reason they mentioned hunters that know the woods, they will assign them that area if they are familiar with it, and show up dressed correctly for the weather in the morning, at 7am it will still be 32 outside but it will start warming up as the day progresses, good and bad, you will loose some of the snow tracks and the rain will wash away evidence, the morning is going to be an important time and anyone that can should help.
Lets get Sarah found first, then we can deal with the scum bag.
6:10, if you're speaking about the black officer standing just behind Sheriff Lewis, I believe that is Leatherbury from the MSP.
6:10 yes, that is Ivan Barkley. It has been a long time since Salisbury has had a chief of police proud enough to wear the uniform. It's a wonderful site to see amidst all of this sadness and sorrow.
All you people who are advocating violence for this guy, but then condemn it in other circumstances, are simply hypocrites. All of you profess to be such good Christians and say let the Lord judge- well what are you doing in this instance? Let's focus on finding this little girl and quit being big talkers. None of you have the gonads to do anything to this guy either way unless there's a crowd of you.
A terrible situation, but so GREAT to see acting SPD chief IN UNIFORM and PRESENT at an important scene.
This creep Leggs, deserves a public hanging.
I got news for you 6:59 I have the gonads and the training and I don't need a crowd.
If the defendant invoked his Miranda Rights, and thus he's not talking to investigators, areas for these searches are speculative at best. Since the defendant could have driven anywhere in this county, as well as Worcester and Sussex counties, during the hours he apparently had her, what residents should do is check the immediate surroundings of their own neighborhoods and home. With a snow pack still being on a good portion of the ground, tire or foot tracks will indicate if anyone entered a wooded area. And since the odds are it was dark when the defendant concealed the victim, he probably didn't venture too far off of a paved road and into the woods. I would also suggest that investigators reexamine areas close to the house, and even research the home itself with fresh eyes, where the victim was sleeping. Years ago I was involved in a case where an elderly lady was missing from her home. The house was thoroughly searched, and canine searched the yard and surrounding woods and area We could find no sign of the woman. About an hour later, a neighbor across the street from the woman's house found the woman's body in a grove of leyland cypress trees as he walked down his driveway to retrieve the Sunday paper from his mailbox.
When Lewis introduced them all and got to Barkley he didn't even hesitate, and you could see Leatherbury look over at him and smile. Good moment caught on camera, good news for Salisbury.
The worst part of this whole thing is they have the guy in custody, he KNOWS what happened to this girl. Not only did he abduct her, he left her somewhere in a condition known only to him. He is the lowest of the low because he has known for more than two days what happened and hasn't said a word. You could hear Lewis holding back the anger when he spoke of the man and how he wasn't locked up long enough. This scum deserves the maximum penalty possible and no jury should show any mercy. He's probably claiming innocence hoping he'll get off.
I'm not all that knowledeable about police procedure, but realistically isn't this more or less simply a body hunt at this point? Even if he beat her badly and abandoned her, is there any realistic chance that poor kid is still alive after almost two days in freezing temperatatures?
6:59/7:00 - I'm not sure the officer in the press conference is Leatherbury, but unless the new SPD chief wears a MSP uniform, it's not him. It's an MSP officer.
Get a Navy Seal in there with the guy...they are trained to bring people to their breaking point and nearly death if need be....they are trained professionals. I don't even know you Sarah and I feel so much love and hope for you. I bet your an amazing little girl!! Be strong sweetie~you will have a rescuer one way or another.
"7:00 - I got news for you 6:59 I have the gonads and the training and I don't need a crowd."
You're a message board tough guy, and the perp would probably wind up raping you in a scuffle. Focus on praying for the child not silly posturing.
Anonymous said...
.....What does it have to do with being a democrat or Republican? For the love of God wake up America.
6:30 PM
I has a lot to do with it. It is your liberal Democrats that are giving criminals more rights then the victims.
This monster should have never been put back on the streets. He should have been castrated the first time he violated any poor child.
Your democrat morons are keeping criminals free to do what ever they want. Your liberal judges are giving them to much freedom. Now what kind of freedom does that little angel have now. The criminal judges and liberal elected officials have to answer to a higher power now. So every time you vote for a liberal democrat think of all the innocent victims that have to suffer because of your ignorant vote.
I just returned from the prayer vigil for Sarah. She is a dear friend and classmate of my son's. It was amazing to see how such a terrible act can bring a community together. We are all just hoping and praying that this child be returned safely to her home. It makes a parent realize just how precious your children are. May God continue to watch over Sarah and all those helping to rescue this precious child.
Anonymous said...
All you people who are advocating violence for this guy, but then condemn it in other circumstances, are simply hypocrites. All of you profess to be such good Christians and say let the Lord judge- well what are you doing in this instance? Let's focus on finding this little girl and quit being big talkers. None of you have the gonads to do anything to this guy either way unless there's a crowd of you.
6:59 PM
Lets see how you feel about this if your child was raped or murdered by a monster like this.
I tell you what pal... I have a pair of gonads to show you if you are brave enough to put your name up here.
Police just found underware.
DUH - just actually paid attention to the picture on this site - yes, it is Barkley on Ruark's left.
~The really sad thing is because of all of this publicity this controlling evil person is getting, it is validating him and he is probably getting off on it because he feels he has out smarted the ex girlfriend and the police.
You cannot make a sociopath feel remorse or empathy. Pedophilia is pure evil, it is the devil's workings.
This is cause to form a march for the change in the pedophile law. Ship them out on an island away from all kids. Removing sex organs will do nothing because they are bullies and this is a form of control.
I am headed to mass and we will raise the roof in prayer that this little one is free from pain, cold, and hunger. I also need to pray for myself and ask god to forgive me because I could drive a pitchfork through this man's face right now and not even flinch.
Maryland's Missing and Unidentified Persons: www.marylandmissing.com
My prayers are with you little Sarah.
Leatherbury & Barkley are both in the picture
does anyone know the scanner freq for the search ???
The black man at left in uniform is Leatherbury of MSP. The black man in uniform behind Lewis is Acting SPD Chief Ivan Barkley. The other white man besides Lewis is State's Attorney Davis Ruark.
Barkley was a great choice. I know it is a great sorrow to start a new path with something so sad and gruesome as this.
Sarah, I am praying for you with all my heart.
has anyone heard any more? are they looking anywhere else tonight????
show your support, show up 2morrow and assist in the search efforts!
We'll be there tomorrow morning, ready, willing and able to help in any way that we can!
What woods are they looking in??? Like what areas do they want to look in as far as where a hunter would be familiar with???
I talked with the FBI agents today. They have not looked into the possibility that it could be one of the genetic parents, and don't know where the father lives.
Don't you think this is a distinct possibility of finding her alive???
"Katie said...
Get a Navy Seal in there with the guy...they are trained to bring people to their breaking point and nearly death if need be....they are trained professionals."
Seals are not trained to torture or interrogate. You have been watching far too much bad TV.
8:24 I just heard the father was locked up with the guy too. How true that is, I'm not sure.
Unfortunately, I cannot search due to a vision disorder. Is there anything I can do at the command center?
There was HEAVY police activity off of Johnson road this evening. More than ten unmarked and sheriffs vehicles with ambulances and firetrucks.
Look people its not about politics or religion we have to find thi slittle girl ad get her home safe and sound. I've had 16 christmases this yr and so far this is one i rather not repeat i feel for this little girl and i dont even know her. All the peopl that are in my cell phone are praying and greiving for this little girl and they dont know her either. but this community can come together and find her! Everyone at my school has most likely heard about this. In fact one of the girls i text has graduated from my school and her mom and younger brother work/attend my school and the police were right near her house and they found the ropes that tied Sarah up and her clothing. This girl doesnt' know Sarah or her family but she is greiving for them all she saw everything and that girl is praying to God they find litlle Sarah. Her life is to short to end now. BUT please continue to pray for her. QUIT fighting about politics and religion and how you would deal with this creep of a guy just ty adn help if you can to find this little girl and return her to her younger sister and her family.
Have they thought to check recycle bins and dumpsters in the area? I know the trails at winter place have lots of hiding places. That's where we would go as kids.
I believe that the father was already in jail on unrelated charges. He was bailed out last night to be with family
The FBI does not know where the biological father is as of 5:00 pm tonight. And they are not looking for him.
Twice today I have seen people up at abandoned houses, obviously searching on their own. Good job people, do what you can.
We know Thomas Leggs is a sex offender, but do we have any details of what he did?? What about the aunt, father and mother??? Do they have a criminal history?
any x-girlfrinds that can tell us any of his parking spots. if by chance he has any friends does he hunt or ever mentioned any parking spots or trash talk if he had to get rid of a body what he would do. somebody must know somthing that can help narrow down a search area or some kind of clue. i have been looking on google maps looking where he may of stopped (woods with no houses nearby etc) if anybody has any comment that may help at least step up anonymous BG
9:04 I know where the biological father is so I know the f b i does.
Ever see the movie Payback? All you need is a baby sledge hammer and his toes ... he'd talk
Why not offer him a glass of water with truth serum in it and then start asking questions???
keep hope...areas can find bodies that are larger than this, lets come together Salisbury- think! let's bring Sarah home safe. Somerset Co is a lot of fields, thinking south?
i have a 10 year old daughter .. i cannot imagine what everyone in the family is going through.. dont judge too harshly.. keep sarah in your thoughts.. we will find her.. and i will be there willing to do whatever is needed tomorrow morning. As for my daughter..she is here in my bed for the night.. holding her tight.. not letting go for a while... counting my blessings
ex-friends, old classmates, family, neighbors of this scum must have some ideas as far as spots he may have gone. maybe places he used to go and drink, do drugs, etc anybody ideas????
Next time Sheriff Lewis has a news conference, he needs to say "I will not be taking any questions" and end it there. The media covering this are some of the dumbest people I have ever heard (excluding you Joe), especially that Deborah woman and that guy from WBOC that was on there last night.
Seems like they all have some of "my way" in-em Joe.
9:32, there are alot of entrance points to the property east of Brown road, samwiched between Dagsboro & Zion. Kinnamon built in there and never finished, Ive hunted it, lots of old loggin roads. In the snow, I dont know. On that cut off road from Rum Ridge to back of east Delmar has alot of swamp and a Beagle club property. Theres a burnt hiuse there to.
If this is a worst case scenario {god forbid} the child was probably driven out of the immediate abduction area where witnesses would have been familiar. Victim most likely taken to a secluded environment the perpetrator was very familiar with as he would have been very freaked out to go anywhere near strangers or well lit areas. Couldn't go too far if it happened Tuesday night because he would have to be home by early Wed. a.m.-most likely wouldn't risk going near any bridge requiring a toll. Weather was cold and dark, and if he was not smart and paranoid he probably did not hide the victim terribly well. Hiding spot is probably old fishing/hunting, place to get high or place to do things with other females from past experience. Site may not be in Wicomico, but most likely in adjacent county like Sussex or Worcester. I am not saying this to be gruesome, but hardcore search should probably be expanded 30 miles in each direction from abduction site if there are adequate volunteers tomorrow. Good luck and god bless.
Are they planning another press conference tonite?
Joe, is this for real? Can we as citizens show up at 7 am to help with the search. I realy want to help if I can.
Of course it's for real. Do you really think we'd drag people out on Christmas morning for nothing? By all means, be there if you can. I will be there bright and early. Dress warm and DO NOT bring children as they will be turned away.
Just want to thank you Joe for your posts, your involvement and taking your time to get the facts and do it right. You are an angel to Salisbury.
My heart goes out to all who knew and loved this little girl. I hope and pray she is found tomorrow. God IS looking over her.
Good luck.
Can we find the 5 pm press CF video anywhere?
TJ Leggs' sister that lives with him is a drug addict and has charges pending now. Her name is Tonya Holland. She has 3 small children who she has put through terrible things. TJ lived in the back garage or shed actually. And the truck of his that was mentioned tonight by Sheriff Lewis was actually his fathers. TJ drove a newer black & silver mustang. I rode by there today to try and get a picture to post but it wasn't in their driveway. If you look at any of their family's history....there is something really sick about that entire family. I pray that Sarah comes home safely and that the 3 children that were living in the Leggs' residence are finally taken away from their mother and that family. Just like Sarah, they deserve a fair chance. Let's pray she gets home safely and Ms. Holland's children are finally put someplace safe.
I had to run into Salisbury today and the whole way there I was looking along 50 at one point I saw something red sticking up from a fenced run off pond and slammed on the brakes hoping and praying it wasn't Sarah. I don't know this little girl but damn it I am so mad right now. I couldn't tell what it was but it was just a small red cloth of some sort from what I could see. When I pulled into the Toys R Us parking lot I looked at the buses and thought what if he has her on a school bus since he knows schools are out until the first of the year. Or what about the motel they closed in Salisbury, what if he broke into one of the rooms and has he tied up in there. Or one of the many abandoned/foreclosed houses.
Have his parents been questioned to find out when he came into the home? Was it 1:00am or was it 8:00am that tid bit of information would help us to know if he had time to transport her further from Salisbury.
Sex offenders should have to be visibly marked so everyone can know the risk they are taking by allowing the sick SOB into their lives. Damn it this is wrong and it really really angers me. I am sitting here feeling guilty because my children are safe and that is not how it is supposed to be. We should all expect our children to be safe and the dag on government to enforce that.
Please hang on Sarah, please be ok somewhere and please please someone find this little angel and bring her to people that care about her and make her safe and warm.
Actually, the Gumboro swamp is a good place to look and it is not that far from the current area being looked over.
It is very secluded and very few vehicles use it during the night especially during snow since there have been known treacherous accidents in there in the past.
There are woods totally surrounding the whole area and the swamplands come right up to the road so it makes disposal extremely fast and easy.
Kids have always gone here alot while riding around because it is a known spooky location.
I feel that he crossed over the Delaware line and headed to an easily accessible secluded area.
He could have shot down 54 onto Rt 30 very fast.
Please Guys add this to the checking spots.
Just a thought...maybe all local mini warehouse storage complexes should be checked to see if Leggs rented a unit in his name or if the manager would recognize his picture and vehicle.
Is it really necessary 2 blame family now? If u listened 2 the news report,he had no key.what if he knocked & she answered the door! and then he took her. They said he had done WORK FOR THE FAMILY. How many of us have hired,roofers,contractors,plumbers had service work done,delivery's 2 our home. WAKE UP! ANYBODY we allow to our home or that we meet can be this person. If I'm not mistaken, a guy hired 2 do the roof for the family,came back & took the Eliz Smart from her bed.
So where are the Mother and Father?
Why dont they have custidy of the girls?
There was police on johnson rd? i hunt out toward bear swamp. i will be there bright and early. lets bring this beautiful girl home. what age is the cut off for children?
i know the guy,hung out with him he use to come in chef freds all the time,he use to work at pickles bar in oc as a bouncer.he huung out in willards mounths ago you got cypress swamp,sand pit plenty of woods so yes they should start expanding the search.never would have thought of any of this from him
How do you know that children will be turned away? I have an 11 year old son that has attended school with Sarah and this has affected him pretty bad. He is willing to give up his Christmas to help search for his friend. He has been going out in the woods with his father for years and you're telling me that he will not be allowed to search?
10:05- you are correct I know of this family as well. Specifically TJ has always been a creep. From what I know his first offense was having "consensual sex" with a much younger girl. However, this stuff dates back way before this. When he was in high school he was a groomer. This is a term used to describe preditors who lure in victims. I remember one time passing the karate class in the mall and he was just watching the instructor teach young girls.
As for his other charges they appear very offensive in nature. I would encourage others to look up what the difference between 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th degree sex offenses. You would better understand what we are dealing with here. He at one point was charged of all of the above. He is categorized as a child sex offender not just sex offender.
amomymous 10:13, As long as I have anything to do with this, no children will be allowed. How do I know, I asked the Sheriff in the Press Conference by saying, "I'm confident you do not want children in this search, right?" He replied, no children will be allowed.
How can you possibly being such a small child and possibly come across her in perhaps bad condition, (God Forbid) and live with yourself!
NO CHILDREN will be allowed.
I checked the Maryland Court site and TJ, along with the Mom & Dad have several cases on them, This poor Child.
If we dont go to the stadium yet still park our vehicles where they wont cause someone else to wreck,(and us not to get stuck) and search on our own will we be in trouble?
Joe I have a question that was not asked at the news conferences (or at least I did not hear it asked). Can individuals begin looking in areas beyond where the police are searching right now? I live in Dorchester and I was thinking about the road that is closed by the scale house near the Vienna bridge and also a few other roads where it would not seem out of the ordinary for someone to stop and go off into the woods. We all feel so helpless right now and even though we all want to do what our gut tells us I want to know what the police feel is the best thing to do.
This little girl has become Salisbury's child, actually she has become the eastern shores child because we all want to bring her home safe and sound. My children said tonight they would give all their gifts back to Santa if we could just bring her home....man talk about something making a mommy and daddy cry, even the kids see it is wrong that monster is on the streets yet the judges don't, thats really sad.
Do you know how easy it is to open a door without a key if there is no deadbolt or chainlock? All you need is a credit card to swipe down the crack. If anybody wants to get in, they can very easily.
Especially this type of person.
I live in Salisbury and saw a bag on the side of the road in a wooded area tonight. I pulled over to investigate, but it was just a bag that probably blew off of a truck or something. This is constantly on my mind when I go out. Anything or anywhere I think to look - I do. That's how this little girl will be brought home, the intensity the community has taken to bring her home. We truly care about his little girl, and our hearts go out. The search efforts will prevail. God bless and MERRY CHRISTMAS.
Is there any way to volunteer to help search tonite? I can imagine if they would take volunteers into the night as well, a lot more area can be covered. Please, let me know! I want to do something!
Please people I know we all want to help. But protect your young ones. In the words of Joe god forbid it not end the way we want. Do you really want your incident child to really see how vile this world is. I work with kids who have experienced all kids of trauma. Trauma much less that this. Seeing something that horrible could ruin your child life.
As for the adults say a prayer, come out and search tomorrow. We unfortunately lost the innocent life we once had. Allow them to keep that as long as possible.
The Los Angeles Times has following information in story just posted on their website: "A charging document says Leggs was the last person seen with Sarah.
Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis said Sarah was last seen Tuesday night at her home on Maryland's Eastern Shore. A relative discovered she was missing early Wednesday while checking on Sarah and her 6-year-old sister.
"She wasn't in her room," Lewis said. He said there was no evidence of forced entry to the home where the girls live with their aunt, who is their legal guardian. Leggs is a former boyfriend of the aunt, officials said.
A "juvenile witness" awoke during the night Tuesday and saw Sarah leave the bedroom with "Tommy," and said he was wearing blue jeans, an orange jacket and white sneakers, the charging document says.
The statement of probable cause also says Sarah's aunt, Amy Fothergill, with whom Sarah lives, noticed that Sarah's green toothbrush was missing from the home. Deputies found a green toothbrush and a lollipop in a truck Leggs admitted driving. Leggs said he had been wearing jeans and white sneakers the previous night — the same clothes he was wearing when police questioned him."
OK, I should have been in bed over an hour ago but I need to explain something to everyone.
Many wondered why the search so far has not allowed private citizens to go out and look. It's a good question and I have a really good answer.
You see, there have been many search and rescue dogs involved from al over the tri state area.
If you were to go out there, you may interfere in their scent tracks and destroy their mission.
They have covered all of the key areas and I'm confident the expense is also overwhelming. While there's been a greater chance of finding her alive during those critical hours, better they go it alone.
At this point, the odds of her survival, (I hate to say) is now very slim and we need all the people we can get to start searching.
I hope that makes sense to everyone and helps you understand why they chose to go the route they did originally.
10:19 You have NOTHING to do with it.
He has everything to do with this you idiot! He has done more for this community then you could probably ever dream of doing. I agree, I would not want my child to come across anything that is a possibility of seeing. Thank goodness they will not let children attend!
This guy is a freak alls he wants is attention hope he rots in hell.
I hope they have really checked out the family of Leggs. His sister Tonya Holland is a very abusive, drug addicted maniac. Her recent baby was born addicted to herion. My son goes to school with her son and he told him that not only does his uncle (TJ) molest children but his grandfather (TJ's dad) does to!!!!!!!!!! This came from my own son. What is wrong with this family??
look closely at the pic of TJ's truck when was the pic taken? also if you zoom in on the pic you will notice the vehicle has not been moved no foot prints etc...also signs of another vehicle beside it tire tracks in the snow but none from the truck some one might want to examine the pic if its from the
joe. get some sleep. see you in the morning
tom sawyer
for all you liberals who don't think 10 mins alone with him would work, then all i can say is, give me 10 mins with anyone and they'll tell me everything i want to know!
if it don't work for you then you ain't doing it right! maybe it's time for a good old vigilanti justice. I am tired of seeing the crime in this town escalate. Time for people to arm themselves. If you don't own a gun buy one! who else is gonna porotect your family if you don't?
This is what happens when people turn their heads and ignore what is in front of their faces. Rumor around the neighborhood is that TJ comes from a line of pedophiles. His father and his grandfather from what I heard. TJ apparently has been engaging in inappropriate behavior since he was a young boy according to what some are saying on this blog. Where was the intervention? Someone should have looked into his home situation when he was younger and exhibiting his inappropriateness. When bad situations are covered up and ignored, they fester and blow up in peoples faces. TJs ex-wife accused him of molesting his own daughter and she was told that without "concrete evidence" nothing could be done. He had already served time in MD and DE for sexual assault on minors and his inappropriate behavior with his own child was ignored by "officials."
Don't get me wrong, I think that it is great (and awesome) that Salisbury has bonded together for Sarah but maybe this whole situation could have been avoided if Salisbury had bonded together earlier and done something about the inappropriate behaviors exhibited by the Leggs family for decades prior to this abduction.
Children need to be protected and believe me, when TJ got out of jail and though he could roam around the neighborhood unattended, many of us in the neighborhood let him know that we knew who he was, that would keep an eye out for him and he better never be found around my house or my children. He never came "strolling" near my house nor many other houses in the neighborhood again.
I am still praying and hoping deep in my heart that Sarah out there somewhere waiting to be found.
Katie, The comment you just sent in is information you should be giving to the police, they can sort it out. This isn't for the blog, it is for the police. Please, call 410-548-4891 immediately. They work 24/7 someone will be happy to talk to you.
FBI was at my home today. Canvased the neighborhood. Everyone gave as much info as we could to find Sarah
Yes, matter of fact I just got off the phone with them. Is it ok to have my name on the comment that you wrote me earlier. Kinda scares me now because I have been writing things on here all day and I'm sure people know who I am and that makes me nervous. But I did call them and tell what I knew and I hope it helps.
i just assaulted my sister. NOT. but she is turning me in so i get celled up with him. then i will tie him to OUR cross and take requests. ur friend. SUPERMAN.
There was a statement made that Navy SEALs aren't trained to interrogate. How right you are, however; they are trained in enough painful combat techniques to make the man talk if need be. Most of the SPec-Op community can and would be more than happy to have some unsupervised visitation with this piece of maggot vomit. And for the record, Sodium Penethol is not a "truth serum". It hardly ever works in the dosages needed to still get coherent information. On the flip side, excruciating pain, and the feeling of being near death repeatedly (i.e. water boarding) will make even the hardest of hard talk eventually.
ANNON 8:26: The Navy Seal Trainers can bring anyone to there breaking point, they are truely trained professionals, I stayed on an Island back in September where they train, these trainers are "Gung Ho" I saw them run past me twice one morning, that means they run the entire Island, as far as the Navy Seal's they r trained to kill, I think Katie was refering to the instructors not the Seals themselves.
Only the best make it past that training, at the completion they get a nice bonus, "IF THEY MAKE IT"
"for all you liberals who don't think 10 mins alone with him would work, then all i can say is, give me 10 mins with anyone and they'll tell me everything i want to know!
if it don't work for you then you ain't doing it right! maybe it's time for a good old vigilanti justice. I am tired of seeing the crime in this town escalate. Time for people to arm themselves. If you don't own a gun buy one! who else is gonna porotect your family if you don't?"
Why in the world do you think this is a liberal vs conservative issue. It's not, it's a reasonably intelligent people vs morons issue. TV fantasies aside the perp is an ex-bouncer who would probably be bouncing most of "give me a minute with him" internet tough guys in this thread off the walls unless they had their mommy holding him down.
Torture usually gets you crappy quality information of questionable worth. For all the purported terrorists the US tortured with waterboarding and other methods we got very little of any worth, but we most certainly got our reputation as a fair nation of laws thrown into the global dumpster, and Bin Laden is still free thanks to G.W. Bush and his collection of dunces.
Let the police handle this. Stupid, violent vigilantes with delusions of grandeur usually just make things worse.
2:18 said: "Why in the world do you think this is a liberal vs conservative issue. It's not, it's a reasonably intelligent people vs morons issue."
Actually,it's the laws that are made and enforced that protect our children from these monsters and that is very much a conservative vs. liberal issue.
Do you really think a conservative president would have this sicko Kevin Jennings as the "safe" school czar?
Do you really think a conservative gov. would cut funding to a sex offender unit?
I guess you're going to also contend that judges who dole out hand slaps for sexual offenses against children have nothing to do with how liberal or conservative they are.
Tell me, oh intelligent and compassionate liberal. After you get passed the 10% probability of getting an abused victim to trial to face their accuser, those 12 juror votes have nothing to do with how liberal or conservative they are? I can't count how many times I've seen jurors fall for the "pedophile was victimized when he was a kid therefore we should feel sorry for him and let him go" trick by his defense attn.(Liberals love this koom-ba-ya crap)
Do you know what laws are on the books in your state regarding crimes against children? Do you know how your local judges rule in cases regarding children?
It was less than 20 years ago that myself and a handful of people in this state fought hard and long in Annapolis to get laws changed to protect children. Do you know that this state use to consider certain sexual acts perpetrated against children as misdemeanors!?!Sad but true.
I don't even want to get into how hard we fought regarding victim testimony laws. I'm sure you're way too intelligent and up to speed on that issue for me to inform the likes of you.
And I guess that applies to your abundant wisdom regarding the psychology of public outcry to a crime of this nature as "delusions of grandeur" ?
Actually, you're wrong again. It is very normal and appropriate for people to be enraged and to vent that emotion. They haven't so easily and quickly lost sight of what tortures that child might of endured. And when I use the word torture regarding a child rapist, I could only wish that they only endured an enhanced interrogation technique with several doctors standing by instead of the REALITY of what they endure with their last fighting breath.
You are naive and uninformed. Or, lets use your wording....stupid.
Will there be continued searches in the mornings, sunday and monday. I am out of town but would like to help search also when i get back.
I thought about that comment and thought~what a joke~I could feakin' care less about who sees what I write. I wish I knew more. Wish I could help. I'm disgusted. I'm at a loss for words now. I was really hoping for good news this morning. Does anyone know anything yet? Well, Sarah, Merry Christmas sweetie~for what it's worth. I hope you will one day find peace and happiness. My heart and thoughts are with you. You have literally touched the hearts of a countless number of people. I am still hopeful for your safe return. Best of luck to all of the people who are out searching this morning. You are all saints and God bless you and your families.I could not be there this morning~but a piece of me is. You are special people. Joe, Ghanima and all of you hopefuls, I wish you and your families a Merry Christmas!
7:57 Get real. No one wants these guys on the street, liberals included. I don't know TJ or the Foxwell family, but it's clear the families are dealing with very serious issues. Someone on this blog said TJ's father was abusive and a molester. I don't have any sympathy for TJ now, that's for sure, let the bastard rot in hell, but there was a time when he was a young child, as innocent as this little girl everyone, liberal and conservative, is praying for and trying to help. TJ the baby should not have been left in that house. It is a known fact that children who are molested and abused learn that behavior and act it out. As you said, the laws were squat 20 years ago, and even now they have no teeth. But what is happening to the children who are being abused? We're only hearing about Sarah because she's gone missing. What about TJ's sister's kids and his own kids. They don't need just to be taken away and protected in a new environment, they need counseling to try, while they are still children, to reverse the damage that has been done to them. If not, they will almost undoubtedly become the TJ of the next generation. Children need to be protected and they also need to be nurtured, but unfortunately there are some parents who don't provide that because they're too f**ed themselves to do it. Because of that it IS appropriate to look at what TJ's life was like as a little child, NOT TO EXCUSE or get him a light sentence, but to learn that if we don't intervene innocent children are being turned into perps. That HAS to change.
MERRY CHRISTMAS SARAH, you are in our hearts.
have the nearby areas been told not to dispose of trash in dumpsters? just thinking right outside of their house is beaver run's dumpster.... i hope they didn't get the trash early wed morning.
Do we have any idea as to the amount of time that elapsed between his last cell phone GPS marker (apparently somewhere in the area of Winterplace) and the exact time and location that he was apprehended as to estimate the "outter circle of probability" of her probable location?
We have to think outside of the box as to her location. This guy is a monster, likely has thought of the plan that he has set into motion for years, possibly decades. The most perverse ideas that we as good upstanding citizens can contemplate, wouldn't cross his radar as the most innocent of thoughts.
Has the vacant house 2 houses (east) Lois Ave been checked? This house as been empty for two years and has in the past been broken into. I know I reported it. This house is very close to the crime scene.
Where was this clown convicted of a sex crime in DelawaRe? Which town? Did he ever live in Delaware and what high school did he attend?
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