Last night’s City Council meeting, during the public comments, featured the obviously planned by SAPOA commentary by several local landlords complaining about the lack of police near their rental properties, as if Jim Ireton after his months as mayor had created the situation and is responsible for the high crime rates in those areas. They failed to mention that Chiefy Webster, who has been in his position for years during which the situation has become much worse, has opposed reopening the police substations that they say are needed or that Webster has refused the offers of Sheriff Mike Lewis to provide special law enforcement assistance the City.
Does anyone else see the spectre of T. J. Maloney in this stunt?
If Gary Chandler, Dale Dashiell and Richard Insley really want improved police protection and reduced crime rates they would publicly support Ireton’s request that Webster resign..
Those three are allowed to speak without being interrupted, but the 2 times I tried to speak, Louise shut me down because she didn't like what I had to say.
GOD I'm glad I no longer live in Salisbury.
you need to include rodney long in your list of landlords.
if they didn't put trash in the houses, they wouldn't need the police.
Salisbury,You better wake up and get wise.You need to dump those 3 stoopies from the council.
What a joke. I hope Jim takes this for what it is--a political attack--and then gets the housing people to start inspecting these slumlord properties.
It has been proven time and time again police substations curb crime. In the state Salisbury is in I would think there would be no hesitation in opening these asssets. Also there should be more publicity to anon 1-800 numbers to report criminal activity, a lot of people are scared to call because they don't want the police showing up on their door and the criminals seeing it.
Aren't people who read this blog aware of the Fair Housing Act? If someone qualifies for a rental and they want it.... you must rent it to them! If you believe that renters are the cause of the terrible crime in Salisbury you have your head in the sand! Police substations should be put in the trouble neighborhoods as a crime deterent. People who cannot afford to purchase a home of their own are not the cause of this city's problems. Give me a break! Put blame where blame belongs - on the lack of leadership in the SPD and the politically driven city council. Citizens will continue to pay the price until these issues are addressed.
The city needs to take Chandler and Dashiell up on their offer of donated properties for use as substations.
Their presence last night was a ploy, they know there is nuisance property legislation in the works. I wonder how many of those properties belong to them? I also noticed Donnie Williams sat back quietly and let Chandler and Dashiell do the donating. Insley was the hammer. They are right, they own properties in crime ridden areas created by them and the lack of enforcement, under Tilghman, by Code and Compliance.
Salisbury has become nothing more than a rats nest and a den of theives.
Louise Smith is biased and the epitome of evil.
I saw that the slum landlords were allowed to babble along at their leisure, whereas other citizens have been shut down for fear of what they might say. Louise Smith is biased and the epitome of evil.
If I correctly recall last night, none of those three gave their addresses as required at prior meetings by Chairwitch Low-weasel.
10:49, AMEN!!!!!! Why dont people get this?????
If any of these clowns had to live in their own housing stock,in the neighborhoods that they helped to ruin,they would want Webster fired like yesterday.Thank God I moved out of Salisbury and no longer have to deal with these slumlords paying top dollar for a hovel in a crime infested area
donnie williams what a lowlife! would love to see some rich guy buy up the properties around his house then rent them to the dregs of society, and see how much he enjoys life then!
Salisbury Police Department is under staffed. The street patrol can not be everywhere anticipating crime with only 6-9 officers on patrol on any given night. Your City Council needs to allot money for more positions. If it was as easy as the Chief asking for help don't you think help would be here.
Insley, slumlord, has a magnificent house. Fact of the matter is the rental business is highly profitable when you do it as a slumlord.
Let's ask Louise why those speakers didn't have to obey a time limit and didn't have to give their addresses?
It goes without saying that all people need a place to live, including poor folks. Renting to this group of people is fraught with complications. I have known a so-called slum lord that has behaved more like a social worker, helping his tenants, to apply for food stamps, or directing them towards health care for their children. It's tedious and thankless work. Because the tenants are often living on the edge, they often are not able to meet their financial obligations. Hence, the landlord loses money while turning the property over.
Of the tenants, those that can work, often do so at very menial and low-paying jobs. They, and their families deserve to be able to live in peace and should get the police protection that is shown to be needed in their to maintain the safety of their neighborhoods.
Tenants and landlords pay taxes and these police services. Let's start making sure this basic protection is delivered.
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