Folks, there are many comments coming in and e-mail messages as well asking me if the rumors about Thomas Leggs being stabbed, beaten, whatever else others are trying to pass on, they're NOT TRUE!
I brought this question up to Sheriff Lewis yesterday in the Press Conference just to officially clear the air and NOTHING has happened to Thomas Leggs. "We have an obligation to protect Leggs" said Sheriff Lewis. He has not been hurt in any way. He has not been hurt. He has NOT gone to PRMC.
So everyone needs to stop spreading such rumors. He is in solitary and not in the general population. STOP spreading these rumors. If something happens, you know we'll be the first to let you know.
Maybe he should be in general population. Justice will prevail.
Too bad.
What a shame, they should put him in the gen pop and then we wouldnt have to pay for his trial
Thats the problem take him out of solitary and put him in general population. When I saw the statement that we have a obligation to protect Leggs I almost got sick what about the obligation we had to protect Sara? The system is so messed up. If they kept him in jail all those years ago Sara would still be here. Lets protect Leggs like they protected Sara!!!!!!!
thanx for clearing that up joe. i figured that they were unfortunantly just rumors. you sure would be the first one who let everyone know. you have been the first to let us know everything else thanx again
Who was the judge that suspended most of Legg's sentence for a sex crime with a 12 year old girl in 1997?
"We have an obligation to protect Leggs" He has more protection than the victims. The criminals have more protection than the victims. THAT IS SAD! These victims never had the protection. The laws didn't protect them. I hope he does get stabbed or beaten. The system sucks.
I hate when people spread romers.
Such disappointment!
amen to that, if I ain't read it on here, it ain't happened. and I don't mean in the comments section! Thanks Joe for keeping it real,what a great site, no pop up b/s ads, nothing, just great reporting. Best wishes for 2010 and keep bringing us the news!
Let the romer be true and wear out his face with a baton.
Well he should be in General Population..... Good Ridence to bad rubbish!
Joe thanks for keeping up on this story ...once again WBOC'S coverage is horrible! As for Leggs may he die a slow painful death and burn in hell for eternity!
He will remain isolated locally. Once sentenced to life he will also always be in a SEG unit with the other magets. He will never be in Gen-Pop. Didnt help Dalhmer, trust me someone will get him, he will run into a real boogie man one day.
I hate when people spread RUMORS too
People please use spell-check before posting. These comments are getting a lot of attention. When every post has a spelling error, it really makes this community look uneducated. Thanks.
According to Public Court Documents, Seth Mitchell is the private defense Lawyer that helped get Leggs off these heinous crimes the first few times. Nasty.
You will find wisdom in the darnest places buddy.
Oh well. For once I was hoping a rumor was true.
Is it sad that Leggs is probably more protected than us (people in the community). Something is not right. They should not have ANY "obligation" to protect him at all!! I know they are probably just trying to keep him alive if he actually confesses something, but in reality do you really think he will? No. He deserves to be put with the gen. population, where he isn't protected at all against the other animals of this community
Anon 11:08 AM, WELL??????
11:21, I don't know if you're being critical of Seth Mitchell or just making an observation. American law, as you know, allows everyone a defense lawyer; if he/she cannot afford one, one will be appointed. It's certainly not Mitchell's fault that he was doing his job; if he was able to "get Leggs off," then we must have been doing a good job.
It seems that we are so incensed over Sarah's death that we want to blame anyone we can think of: Social Services, Gov. O'Malley, the Legislature, the judges, the defense lawyers. Then we start attacking people like the Wellses, Sarah's aunt and other family members, etc. Maybe there are many who had some little part to play in this horrid event, but let's put the blame on Thomas Leggs. If his brain was wired to do this type of heinous crime, could anyone have really stopped it?
Protect him! Why?! Crimminals have more rights than victims and honest people. I am so sick of it. There is no means of death that would be enough for this piece of crap in human flesh!
11:08 IDIOT ! did I spell it correctly ?
Everyone seems to forget the phrase "Innocent until proven guilty" - While we all are sure he is guilty there cannot be a double standard. What if you or a loved one was wrongly convicted of a crime, held in jail until the trial, not protected and badly hurt or killed only to have it proven that they never commited a crime? Then everyone would be shouting "why weren't they protected?"
There has to be a balance and unfortunately that means safety and protection for the guilty as well as the innocent. We do not need a world where people are killing people for something they "might" have done or something they are accused of, that is why we have a justice system.
You know its ok that it didn't happen this time...remember richard spicknall? well he probaly didn't think it would happen to him either and he was considered to be in solitary confinement when they found him dead in a shower...he didn't just drop dead by himself or natural causes so never fear Wicomico County and everyone else...he will get his day when he gets where he'll spend eternity!
Two packs of smokes to the inmate who shanks Leggs.
1:33 pm ~ No, I am not an idiot. Yes, you did spell it correctly. :) Forgive me if I don't want people from all over the United States to think that my community is made up of uneducated hillbillies.
You know what? If my tax dollars are going to pay for keeping Leggs in jail for the rest of his life, then give me my money's worth. Put him in the general prison population; let him get beaten to within an inch of his life. Then send him to the hospital where he can recover, go back, and get the hell beat out of him again. And again and again. That's money well spent.
3:11 Two packs of smokes? I will donate a pole dance.
It was nice to chuckle at that pole dance comment after so much sorrow, thank God for humor. please, don't attack me, I'm just saying I chuckled, so did you! Fact is we are all victims of this bastard for he consumed the Christmas season with his actions, and now I look at his picture and see pure evil. But the worst thing is I look at people now and wonder about their potential for evil, what is lurking behind their eyes, and I hope I get past that and back to being myself again.I can't stop wondering what made him progress to murder from the attacks, what pushed him over, and then to seemingly not care about getting caught; he didn't cover his tracks at all, why? I mean thank God he was caught, but the recklessness of it, why? and I am not making light of rapes and his prior crimes, just asking and would love to ask him, why?
i will up the anty to a case of tasty-cakes to the shanker of leggs.
3:54...you make house calls??
"Shanker" of leggs? Sounds like we are going to need an STD clinic before its said and done.
10:54am-That's not a correct statement. I used to work for the DOC.(Division of Correction) Once this man is sent away to a Maryland State Prison, he will be in general population. He will not be in SEG. He may go to SEG after the first attack of an inmate, then after that he will play the system. Then he will find ways to remain on seg. But even on seg, he can and will get harmed!
But let's hope this animal goes across the water to one of the Baltimore area prisons. That's where he needs to be! Too many guards at ECI for him to get shanked good. But then again, an inmate was killed at ECI not long ago. The inmates know when the guards are watching and what time is good to attack.
9:40 ... Shank means to cut or stab with makeshift weapon.
I did get a chuckle from your comment.
4:11, I know what you mean when you say, "But the worst thing is I look at people now and wonder about their potential for evil, what is lurking behind their eyes, and I hope I get past that and back to being myself again."
Sad but true.
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