"Hi Joe,
I just received a call from a customer telling us they rode by the First Shore Federal in Fruitland and police were everywhere. Looks like another robbery."
This is not the case. The Fruitland Police have a suspect in custody right now. It turns out the individual arrested did an armed robbery yesterday at the Pocomoke WalMart. The suspect held up an elderly woman and stole her belongings, including a checkbook.
He went to the First Shore Federal Bank in an attempt to cash the checks and was in the drive thru when the Bank realized something wasn't right. They quickly contacted the Fruitland Police and arrested the individual without incident.
The Maryland State Police are on their way to Fruitland as we speak to further investigate the situation. You only get it here on Salisbury News.
we need more local banks like First Shore Federal. Great job to the employees at that FSF branch!
Worcester County Beau. Invest has solved another robbery case I heard...Suspects involved being arrested and further investigation continues...Less than 24hours of the robbery..I have to say Salisbury needs to learn from this..Citizens and Government working together
Be there at 5:00 PM tonight at the Government Office Building for the Rally and speak your mind to the Mayor right after we're done.
At least your police department lets you know when crime happens... Not true in Pocomoke. They used to do something like crimereports.com with the mapping, and they occasionally send a scanned in arrest log to the Tattler.. But that's it. We have crime all the time we just only get it through the grapevine and from the FBI UCR...
Great employees who spotted a discrepancy. Way to go!!!!
will pac 14 air tonights meetings?
Great job bank teller. Do you have a sister?
I havent been on for a few days, but I heard the other day that restaraunt 213 was robbed, (actually the patrons at gunpoint) Thursday evening around 6:00 pm. Have you or anyone heard of this, and why is this stuff not made public?
The Fruitland Police Department has solved a lot more crimes for other Departments than they have been given credit for. They are not in it for the credit, they are in it to get the job done.
Now let's see if the judges do their part and give a sentence that will keep him from doing it again!!!
Way to go FSF! They are my favorite local bank.
The whole staff at FSF in Fruitland is wonderful! Didn't know they were crimestoppers too. Nice work!
Fruitland PD Rocks!
Fruitland has a great chief in Mike Phillips and the moral in the Dept. is high. On the other hand, Salisbury has Chief Webster aka "The Deerslayer"(with apologies to James Fenimore Cooper) and moral is...looooww !!
hang him and have the old lady beat him with her cane like a pinata
Great job of the bank staff and Fruitland Police Dept. Lets get them all off the streets.
By the way, can the teller who did such a great job in spotting this possibly give private lessons to Chief Webster???
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