Sen. Nelson from Nebraska to give measure 60th, decisive vote
WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama says he thinks the U.S. is "on the cusp of making health care reform a reality."
Obama spoke at the White House on Saturday not long after Senate Democratic leaders secured the support of Nebraska's Ben Nelson to provide the 60th and deciding vote for health care legislation.
The president said that "it now appears the American people will have the vote they deserve" on this important issue.
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The vote they deserve is to be voted out of office. They knowingly and willingly are taking this country into bankrupcy. It's criminal what the democrats are doing to this country. The polls are clear on this issue and that is that only a small percentage of americans want this bill. So Mr & Mrs congress person, vote down this bill.
Anybody but Mikulski in 2010!
Obama whom I voted for has turned out to be a self-centered pain in the ass who enjoys attention more than just about anything else - including the good of the country. That said, this whole Health Care business is bigger than any one hypocritical small-minded President , and so it's time to move on. I guess. That of course doesn't mean I won't eventually enjoy seeing the little wanker slapped down when his "usefulness" has worn off. ;-) I also have a lot of anger towards the GOP, they also could do more incremental work. Instead they just piss and moan. Both parties are guilty, but the grandiose plans of the Dems exacerbate the problem much more.
I'm soaking the torch heads and sharpening my pitchfork.
Ready to march on Washington? Are should we go to all the individual senate offices around the country?
Vote for the tea party. That is the only hope that we have left.
A revolution now and again is a good thing! Do you hear us now?
It is too late, we have to fight this Marxist Regime or else.
Republicans lose again, what a shocker!
5:09 I'd love to be there and see the look on your face when it finally hits you what has just happened . Your a fool if you support this bill unless of course you want government in control of your whole life starting with paying 1200.00 more a year for health care than you were paying .
Obama has secured his place as the worst President in American history !
I hope Obama gets assassinated !
I'd love to see a couple of you douche bags march on Washington.
The only place you can march is to Walmart to get some Bud and watch Nascar. Leave politics to someone who has more than 3rd grade education.
Hopefully I can get insurance now.
When will the bill take effect?
What will it cost?
This is a disaster
That is just a little over the top.
I can't stand this guy, and he and the rest of the Dumbocrats are wrecking this country, but your comment is just a bit too much.
We need to vote ou the Dumbocrats in congress and make Obama a lame duck!
New candidates running for office should run on the platform of repealing this entire Obamanation of a bill!
there is no difference between the democrats and the rrepublicans, patriot act still in effect both bailed out the banks and wall street. the jig is up. they pretend to offer the america public the option of throwing the bums out but there is no discernable change in policies! vote for any grass roots tea party canidate and throw all those bums out!
When do we as Americans wake up and realize that it is over? The Dems in the Senate have agreed to vote for a bill they have not read. A bill they have not read! How do they justify that? I don't if it is a good bill or bad bill but the folks that a running this country don't care they will vote without reading it.
What an absolute nightmare this administration and this congress is. May God help this country.
Obama used the stimulus to pay off members of the Senate . Nebraska will never have to pay health care tax's in this latest deal which means the rest of the states will have to pay for them !
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