Has the value of your property gone down, but your assessment and/or property taxes don’t reflect that decrease in value? Perhaps your property taxes have increased.
Learn more about Maryland’s property assessment, taxation, and appeal process.
Monday, December 7, 2009
6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Mr. Henry Sikorski, State Supervisor
Maryland Department of Assessments & Taxation
Cambridge-South Dorchester High School
2475 Cambridge Beltway
Cambridge, MD
Sponsored by:
Mid-Shore Chapter
Learn more about Maryland’s property assessment, taxation, and appeal process.
Monday, December 7, 2009
6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Mr. Henry Sikorski, State Supervisor
Maryland Department of Assessments & Taxation
Cambridge-South Dorchester High School
2475 Cambridge Beltway
Cambridge, MD
Sponsored by:
Mid-Shore Chapter

For more information, visit http://www.afpmaryland.com/ or call Maureen Harper, 410-221-7933.
link is dead
Sorry. I'll be protesting the worthless chief of police at that time.
More like Americans for Pilfering. This group is a fraud.
I just need you to know,
I don't want to play by the rules.
It is over.
I want nothing.
Leave me alone.
I'll be there. The state tax rates are a fraud, isn't that right, mr. government paid employee? 4:47??????
Someone with a different viewpoint is automatically some paid troll?
Get a life. You people are really pathetic.
I know Hank Sikorski. He is a product of nepotism, arrogant, and has no idea what he is discussing. Don't waste your time. Talk to Steve Carey in the Wicomico Office. He is much more pleasant and knowledgable.
Repeat this back to yourself:
Someone with a different viewpoint is automatically some paid troll?
Get a life. You people are really pathetic.
It would be really great if someone could tape the meeting for those of us who can't attend. This is very important information.
Is AFP doing anything with/about the unemployment taxes? I know a few small business owners who are very worried about the triple tax coming down the pike in January...
10:18 It certaqinly is on our radar. If you'd like to jump in and help, we'd welcome it!
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