Has anyone seen any of these people, over the past week? While nearly 500 members of law enforcement and other emergency personnel, from all over the States of Maryland, Delaware, Virginia and Massachusetts could be found, these folks seem to have disappeared from the face of the earth. A Senator from Delaware called and offered any and all resources to find Sarah Haley Foxwell. While 3,000 to 4,000 volunteers showed up at the request of Sheriff Mike Lewis, none of these people could be found. These are the people we elected to office, to write laws, to protect us from the evil that is Thomas James Leggs, Jr.
Although our local, county and city politicians are not responsible for writing legislation at the state and federal level, they are responsible for the safety and well being of the citizens of Wicomico County and the City of Salisbury.
Updated: Five of our local representatives responded to the horrific events of last week.
Joe Holloway, Wicomico County Councilman, was at the Perdue Stadium as a regular citizen concerned about Sarah Haley Foxwell. He wasn't giving a thought to his political position, he was there to offer any assistance needed to find this child.
Terry Cohen, City Council Member, attempting to celebrate the holidays with family, has been and is still in constant communication with people in the community. Not as a politician but as a concerned citizen and mother.
Stevie Prettyman, County Council Member, attempting to celebrate the holidays has also been in constant communication with members of the community. Again, not as a politician but as a concerned parent and member of our community.
Jim Ireton, Mayor of Salisbury, hospitalized due to a fall, immobilized due to compound fractures of his foot, called to make inquiries.
John Cannon, County Council Member, was at Perdue Stadium on Christmas Day. He too was there as a concerned citizen and not a politician otherwise, we would have known he was there. (My apologies, John)
We invite these elected officials to let us know if we are wrong, we'll make the correction. Just shoot me an email directly at so we can confirm it is actually you making the statement. If I'm wrong, I'll say so. jd3140@gmail.com
Of all our elected officials, only five were capable of putting politics aside and take time away from their family and holiday events to inquire and express concern. This is a very sad statement. This is a statement that will be remembered, especially during the upcoming November election.
Our dimwit of a Governor, while making necessary budget cuts, found it reasonable to cut $369,000 from the Sex Offender Program. Couldn't he find somewhere else to cut, like MDOT, SHA, DGS, or other departments? Maryland has some of the best paved roads in the country yet he opts to cut Public Safety, specifically the Sex Offender Program. I guess as long as he is safe he doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone else. Gotta make those cuts. God forbid he cut something like the budget for the Governors Office or one of the many feel good programs.
As Mike Lewis stated Friday night on WBOC "this case screams death penalty". I and many more agree 100%. However, our dimwit Governor thinks otherwise. If he had his way no criminal would ever be threatened with capital punishment in this state. He and his bleeding heart supporters would prefer the taxpayers warehouse these animals, while law abiding citizens and victims pay the price for their crimes. I got news for O'Malley, Sarah Haley Foxwell paid the ultimate price for your cuts and bill against the death penalty. Our community is paying the price. All citizens of the State of Maryland are paying the price.
On March 26,2009 the Maryland House of Delegates approved a bill requiring specific evidence of guilt if the death penalty is sought. The same bill was passed earlier by the Senate, and the governor supports the legislation. Calling it a "step forward," Gov. O’Malley indicated he will sign the bill, limiting capital cases to those with biological or DNA evidence of guilt, a videotaped confession, or a videotape linking the defendant to a homicide.
T.J. Leggs was not caught on video nor did he record his heinous act(s). We were told repeatedly that he would not cooperate so it's not likely Mike Lewis or any other member of Law Enforcement, including the FBI, got a video taped confession. The only thing we have to rely on is solid forensic evidence, if we are to seek the death penalty.
In a March 26, 2009 interview with the Washington Post, Del. Patrick L. McDonough (R Baltimore County)said "You have cleverly and successfully killed the death penalty in Maryland," who argued that the bill's restrictions are so strict that prosecutors will not be able to bring capital cases. See the articleHERE
This summer when all of these politicians show up at the Tawes Crab & Clam Bake and are campaigning locally, I hope everyone remembers Sarah Haley Foxwell. While they are telling you whatever it is they think you want to hear, only to get your vote, Remember, it's your vote, use it with extreme prejudice.
UPDATE: We have been advised that John Cannon and Bill McCain were at Perdue Stadium on Christmas Day.
John Cannon was there Christmas day, I saw him.
Not a shock at all. You only see these people when its election time or to collect their bribes (campain contributions.
Let us not forget also MIA - Steve Hammond, Don Elkins, Alice Bavis, and Elizabeth Harrington - our senior "journalists" were no where to be found to report on this situation.
At least somebody finally pulled the plug on that clown Steve Dorsey and brought Jeremy Tucker down from Dover.
Even Mary Mullins (formerly Mary Tyler) and John Dearing have reporting experience, why not utilize them if short handed?
The rest of elected officials have NO ethics. They do not represent the people. I will name the city council members first , comegy, smith and shields. The rest of the county council and state government suck. I can 't think
because I'm too pissed right now.
Please read this story in today's Baltimore Sun: http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/bal-md.salisbury27dec27,0,6454986.story
State Sen. Nancy Jacobs, a Harford County Republican,
Republican Del. Mike Smigiel of Cecil County, are both mentioned in the article as being ready to act on stricter legislation in the next session.
It's unfortunate that our officials from the immediate area are being mum on the issue. Or perhaps the local media don't know who they are to ask them for a comment.
I see ALL of our elected officials whenever they are posing for a camera.
Cannon while a bit of a rino WAS there... no grandstanding, no bs...he was there, just like I was
Joe Hollaway is a good person.
I'm not sure where the connection can be made between politicians or more press being visible during the time of the search, and this awful crime being committed in the first place. Stop worry about what others ARE NOT doing, and concentrate on what YOU can do.
"we must rely on..." ... "we need good fornesic..." blah, blah, blah... YOU are not "we".
LE and SA are the "we" who will gather the evidence, complete the investigation and prosecute this criminal/animal. Quit trying to be part of the "we" in your stories/mind. You are extremely self absorbed and full of self importance. Get over your self and let those who are "we" regarding this investigation do their job.
Joe, these elected "officials" do not work for us. That's been clear for quite a while now.
All the elected officials know how to do is tax and spend and pass a bunch of laws that we don't need. Replace them all.
how can you write a story about who was and who wasnt there when you have no idea? seriously. you already put 5 of them as not being there and you were wrong about those. how do we know they are werent there? do you expect them all to email you and give you an alibi? what a crock of horse.......
It might be that alot of them were out of town. It was a holiday.
Holloway was at the Zion Rd location wed. night.
I think that it is very wrong to take this tragic event and use it to bash officials/reporters for your own purpose. Shame on you, Ghanima!
3:25 Calm down. If you read it again you will see it is meant as a collective "we". It doesn't read as if anyone is stepping on LE toes. There are a lot of us that want to see this animal get the death penalty and I hope WE can get it. WE all know it was the LE's that did the work while WE sat around waiting and watching.
3:54 please tell me what purpose that would be? Does it strike a nerve? Are you one that voted with O'Malley to cut the Sex Offender Program budget? Are you one that voted for the new death penalty law? Or are you just one that was to busy to be bothered?
ghanima allows negative posts on her stories. I dont know who she/he is but i like he/she.
Thanks for posting this Ghanima.
I said in an earlier post that the ideology of liberals is generally to retain the rights of the criminal while conservative ideology tends to focus on the victims protection.
It is then no surprise to find that O'Malley (one of the most corrupt governors we've ever had) chooses to cut the budget of a program that would help protect children.
I don't know the laws of Delaware but it seems to me that a two year sentence for raping a 15 year old is a bit light. Perhaps they should tighten up their laws as well.
And what about the feds? Can't there be some type of federal law that makes states comply with a uniform registry?
We are a heartbroken community. This is a child with whom a community reached out to find, but we lost her long before she died. The SYSTEM that allowed this predator to walk among us contributed to her death before he ever met her. For that, I am sorry. I hope we can save another child in Maryland before it happens again. Want to do something other than complain on a blog? WRITE TO THE REPRESENTATIVES, CONGRESSEMEN, the GOVERNOR and demand that sexual crimes against children be reciprocal between states and INCREASE sentences for first time offenders with LIFETIME monitoring devices to be worn up release (after a VERY LONG stay). Please, the political machine only works when pressure is applied. ACT NOW!
go on craigs list to rants and raves and rear about william webster then check md judicary unreal
It is not usually the liberals who cut funding for social programs. These programs help kids like Haley born into dysfunctional families. Conservatives want all babies to be born but do not want to support the families who can't care for them. OK, the kids are born . . . then what?
4:11 I challenge you to try to adopt a BABY under a year in the United states.
Sorry, I meant 4:32
When it comes to City Council, I'm in no way surprised we haven't heard from the "nasty 3." I am kind of surprised we haven't heard anything from Debbie. I know some of these people may be "away" for the holidays, but there are too many forms of communication available these days for that to be an excuse for anyone who truly wanted to make a statement or inquiry.
I give Debbie the benefit of the doubt until I find out more. Comegys, Shields, and Louise are different stories. They never do a DAMN thing to show they give a s**t about the community, and anyone who sticks up for them deserves just what they get from them. Which is NOTHING.
Thanks Ghanima for have the guts to call a spade a spade.
That's okay Right Coast. I know where 4:32 is coming from and I offer this.
Conservatives don't like abortion but conservatives, who are usually christians, understand that man is not perfect. Through the church and other non government agencies they take care of the woman and child and deal with other problems mankind makes for themselves. Bottom Line - they don't need government intervention. ONLY laws that govern and protect the INNOCENT.
As for adoption - there are so many babies from outside the US being adopted because there are not many babies IN the U.S. - cause being abortion.
If anything positive can be said for this tragic event I believe the citizens of Salisbury and Wicomico County are now so significantly heated that local Politians had better get off their collective butts and start addressing the crime problems and assisting local Law Enforcement with whatever they need to get back control of our streets.For the prospective future candidates there is a hell of a lot of people
that view this blog and express their feelings, you best be
one of them and pay attention to get a good feel of the public pulse if you decide to run.I think the obvious errors made in the past elections will now be rectified in the coming elections. If for one minute you think the criminal event of the last few days and last few months will be forgotten by the voters at the next elections you are sadly mistaken.To members of the Law Enforcement out there, hang in there, help is on the way.For the Annapolis Elite,I wish you the best in your new endeavers our votes aren't lost on you either be they Republican or Democrat.In my 60 years as a resident of this area I have never EVER seen this community come together as it has with the murder of this young child
it gives one a great sense of pride and hope.It was a hell of a way to get a wake up call.
The Winds of Change are blowing.
Jim Mathias's wife Kathy is seriously ill with incureable cancer. I do know the OC paramedics were dispatched to his home on Christmas night.
Excellent post/article. You were not the only one who noticed these facts.
My response to the nay-sayers: All I am hearing is bla bla bla.
I think this post was put up in haste and frustration. You discredited yourself five times within the post itself. I can't speak for the representatives, but keep in mind this is a holiday. Many people travel including our elected officials. And if they are anything like myself, the emotions of the entire tragedy are too much to bear for some people, especially parents of young children. My prayers were with Sarah and her little sister. My family and I prayed for her safe return together. But for me, as an individual who works 60+ hours, Christmas as the ONLY holiday I don't work, and the tragedy at hand. It was just as beneficial for me to appreciate the time I had with my children and to give them an extra hundred hugs. It is a time for humility and caring. I think this post would be appropriate 1 month from now, heck even a week from now to see who has taken the reigns and is really driving for change on the state and federal level. Let's refrain from the witch hunt mentality
Anon 4:59 I am terribly sorry to hear about Jim's wife. He was where he was supposed to be, for obvious reasons. All anyone can do for them in this situation is offer up prayers.
It's not more laws that are needed but the response to breaking the laws that needs to change. More laws will not deter those who ignore the ones we already have.
Everyone, go and sit in on the violation of probabtion hearings and see for yourselves how many chances offenders are given after being convicted of something and then violating the terms of the probations. It's sickening. The judges can't, for one minute, believe the excuses these criminals come up with, but still feel the need to give them "one more chance."
Hopefully we as a community can make something good out of this tragedy. I hope the citizens of this great country wake up and realize that people need to be responsible for their actions. Personally this guy should have a public hanging. I also wish we had police in our banks. All it would take is one bank robber to be shot by law enforcement in the act and I bet we would not have any more banks being robbed. Most (not all) of our elected officials don't care about anything other than their next election and agenda. I'm so sick of this movie star status people give our elected officials. These people work for us, we the people. We the people can make anything happen, and if our elected officials cont. to push legislation down we the people throats we the people will eventually stand up turn this country around. This country needs the people to turn it around and get us back on track. This country was built on christain values "In God we Trus". Working people our what made this great country. The working people that spent there Christmas looking for a little girl most of them had never met. We the people can bring back the values this country was built on. A wise man told me when I was in college "Anything worth having takes alot of hard work and time" When times are tough and I'm frustrated I think back to these words. This is the most wonderful country in the world. I would like to say I'm a proud American. A proud American that believes in morals, grace, helping others in need, no handouts to people that are not willing to help themselves, and a good honest days work. I call all AMERICANS to stand up for this great coummunity and country. We the people can make anything happen.
O'Malley is is all for aborting the innocent and full of "compassion" when it comes to the death penalty for crap like "TJ". He is a hypocrite thru and thru. I find it amazing that when budget cuts are necessary that no thought is given to eliminating all gov't handouts to illegals. How much money could be cut if we were not "educating" them, providing free breakfast and lunch, food stamps, medicaid etc?
I hope I am wrong but it looks like the vulture's are already at work. I DO have caller ID. But when the phone rang earlier, I did not look to see who it was. It was someone who said that they were looking for donations to the local Sherrif's and Police Departments. I was not given a chance to say what I could or could not donate. They told ME how much they wanted. I asked them to please send me the info in the mail and I would assist. The person hung up on me. When I was disconnected, I looked at caller ID and it said..Unknown name and Unknown number. I don't think our local officers work this way. Please don't let this tragedy turn out to be a money scam on those of us with good heart's! Please be aware of the fact that there are still a lot of evil poeple out there looking to profit from a tragedy.
Out of town with no phones, tv's, computers, smart phones? I don't even want to hear that crap. This was publicized around the world. The Japanese know about it but our local officials don't?
Another damned if you do, damned if don't scenario. If the politicians would have showed up, people would have been clamouring that they were there for the publicity and exposure. If they weren't, then they didn't care. Tsk. Tsk.
"Let us not forget also MIA - Steve Hammond, Don Elkins, Alice Bavis, and Elizabeth Harrington - our senior "journalists" were no where to be found to report on this situation."
Hammond, Elkins, and Bavis are nothing more than a bunch of talking heads. Jimmy Hoppa, Lisa Bryant, and Kelley Rouse gave information nothing less than what Hammond, Elkins, and Bavis would have read from a scrip.
I would be careful before I bashed another elected official until I knew their story. Yes, I believe several of them work 24/7 for the citizens they serve. BUT, they also have challenges and issues of their own. Look at Jim Mathias. I know he would of been there if his own family didn't need him that night.
Also, I know Stevie Prettyman would of been there, too, if she were not out-of-town. AS a matter of fact, I called her today on a different issue and she spent at least 15 minutes with me on the telephone. I know I was interrupting her day, but she cared enough to listen to me.
And I know Joe Holloway. He, too, is out of town. Before he left he did stop by the command center. I saw him there.
So, until you know the whole story, please quit bashing our elected officials.
Bill McCain was also there as a parent and concerned citizen - I know because I helped with the search and spoke with him for at least 20 minutes that morning.
6:40 Bill McCain can hardly make the council meeting as it is. I doubt he
left his family on Christmas morning to appear there. Or, are you McCain
writing this?
Why does Joe bother with this blog half the people don't read posts in their entirety and the other half don't comprehend what they read. After reading comments I had to go back and read the post again to be sure I read it correctly the first time. Nowhere is it stated that Prettyman or Holloway were MIA.
People get a grip.
7:14pm You are exactly right.
I am challenging every politician and lawmaker as a survivor of this kind of abuse, a volunteer who helped with Sarah's search and now a health care professional to visit a psyche unit, Eastern Shore Hospital Center, your local health department (mental health), or an addictions program to witness the destruction these offenders cause. The abuse may stop, but the damage can last a lifetime. I really feel the need to speak out now, because so many of us have suffered in silence and shame at the hands of people like Thomas Leggs. What happens when an offender violates a child is that the child loses all sense of dignity, self esteem, their boundaries become obscured, their development becomes delayed and it becomes difficult to relate to their peers which leads to isolation and depression. Many self mutilate, self medicate or consider suicide. Others lose touch with reality completely. It impacts your ability to have healthy relationships and form attachments and trust because detachment occurs when the trauma is too great to cope with. It impacts your ability to have healthy sexual relationships in the future. Because the offender stimulates and organ that causes a sense of pleasure, the victim often becomes sexually active or promiscuous at an early age when they can not process the consequences of their choices, which leads to even more guilt and dysfunction. Because the boundaries are obscured and they no longer have a sense of self, they don't sense danger in relationships that threaten their well being further. Ask any Psychiatrist, Mental Health Nurse, Social Worker, Addictions Counselor, Therapist and they will tell you that one offense can lead to a lifetime of suffering. I have witnessed those who were abused or exploited in such a way that they have NO ABILITY to relate to another human being. They live in a world completely devoid of reality, where delusions, paranoia and hallucinations become their norm. These people started out as innocent HEALTHY children. The only thing wrong with them was they were violated by a sex offender. It is a pitiful sight to behold and I really think the lawmakers need to witness this! As much as I hated and was terribly grieved that Sarah was taken from us, I wondered more than once if God was being merciful. Would she have ever been able to live a normal life or would she have ended up one more addict, one more schizophrenic, one more suicide? The trauma is unspeakable. I don't even think I am doing it justice, but please read this and know I speak the truth! For every Sarah that is taken and murdered, there are hundreds if not thousands suffering through this silently in our community at the hands of a relative, a coach, a teacher, a friend, a neighbor, a minister. If you know someone who is doing this to a child PLEASE DO EVERYTHING IN YOUR POWER TO STOP IT AND GET THE CHILD INTO THERAPY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! And Lawmakers, please consider my challenge to visit one of the places I mentioned. It will open your eyes to the DESPERATE need our children have to be protected and the urgency of creating new laws or amending old ones that put children's rights above offender rights. Health professionals agree that offenders CAN NOT be rehabilitated, only treated. They can not stop their behavior because they are devoid of conscience and can't relate to the child as anything but an object. They are true addicts and their choice of drug is children and they can only be treated, but like any addict are subject to relapse and our children do not deserve taking that chance with! God bless all those who pulled together for Sarah and who will continue to fight for reform!
This is total nonsense.I guess you prefer politicians using this tragedy as a bully pulpit for political gain???
Perhaps our elected officials realize that our law enforcement officers are totally competent to perform their duties.
The poltical BS comments inthis case make me want to vomit...you should all be ashamed for trying to turn this childs death into a political game.
We, the community, have certainly been given a "reality check" in this tragedy. We no longer feel safe like we should in our homes. Instead of casting stones, let us begin to move forward. Contact your representatives and tell them about Sarah. Ask for or demand tougher laws and penalties for child predators/repeat offenders. It is unfortunate that it has taken a tragedy like this to open everyone's eyes to these heinous acts. Lets work together as we did searching for and praying for Sarah to have our legislators create stricter penalties in her honor.
I beg to differ with this ridiculous rant. Elected officials should be judged by how they handle their duties of office, not whether they participate in public events as "concerned citizens".
And did it even occur to the author of this post that many persons were unable to be at Perdue Stadium on Christmas for various reasons related to the Holiday. Or do they have to present a doctor's note of illness to avoid any demerit?
7:53, thank you for improving things with your enlightened commentary, O Pious One
How come Andy Harris is not on your "hit list"? It couldn't be because this site promotes him regardless of his lack of Eastern Shore interest???
Why do we pay Finneran to be the communications officer for the county when he was nowhere to be found? He could have taken the 15 ews appearances and our sheriff could have been leading the troops in the field.
Our heroes were those in the fields looking for her, not those in front of the podium for PR.
Thanks to you Joe for all of the coverage and updates - heck maybe you should have been the spokesman for us.
Politians, regardless of party, prey on the voters by cutting funds from such programs just to be able to stir people that a tax increase is needed to fund these programs in full. It the public was forefront on the mind of our public servants, then they would be looking at cutting unnecessary things. As a state employee, I am currently working at an 8% pay cut and have been told to expect this if not more next year, yet we see stimulus money thrown out just to say we have contracts working. I say out with all incumbants and vote in the janitor,...at least he can take care of the garbage.
8:28, did it ever occur to YOU that if a person can't be bothered to participate in a public event like the one under discussion here, they surely can't be bothered to do a good job handling the duties of their office?
In other words, if they can't park a Volkswagen, they sure as hell ain't gonna park a Lincoln. Unless you're blind, you can see that reflected in Bubba, Shanie, and Louise.
The Daily Rag keeps making this comment I copied and pasted below. There was also a comment by our chief law enforcement officer about other victims. If this toothbrush is a child's toothbrush then it makes me wonder if indeed there were definitely other victims.
"Police searched a 2003 Dodge pickup truck Leggs reported driving Dec. 23 and found a toothbrush and lollipop; however, sources close to the investigation say police do not believe the toothbrush belongs to Foxwell."
11:57...did it ever occur to you that elected officials can do things behind the scenes like provide resources or clear obstacles etc ....they do not have to be "on camera" in order to be of help.Frankly,I find it a bit offensive when politicians try to put themselves in the limelight during situations like this one.
No one commenting here has any idea whatsoever whether or not the leaders you are slamming reached out to Mike or other law enforcement officers during this crisis.
And I did not hear Mike say at any time that he was not getting the resources he needed.
My whole outlook on our community has changed. I feel numb. How could such a tragedy have happened to a pure and innocent angel such as Sarah? We need to dig deeper and fix whatever happened to allow this to occur. Let's at least do all we can to save the next innocent victim.
I'm glad someone else noticed this. Thank You
It's not rocket science folks, these Elected Officials didn't feel this situation was more important than thier holiday plans.
9:31, you're mixing apples and oranges. 11:57 said, "Participate in a public event..." S/he never said one word about making sure Mike had the resources he needed.
You obviously feel comfortable making sweeping statements about everyone posting here and what they do or do not have any knowledge of whatsoever. HOW DO YOU KNOW who is even posting, much less what (or who) they may know or where they get their info?
Stick up for the likes of Comegys, Shields, and Smith all you want. How are they workin' for you????? Apparently a lot better than they are for most of the rest of the city...and THAT goes for a lot of things in addition to this tragedy.
12:11....I am not sticking up for anyone...I am simply not attacking them with no real reason to do so.
But in reponse to the rest of your post Comegys Smith Shields nor any of the rest attacked here are in anyway respnsible for what has happened in this instance.
It is absolutely absurd to take this tragedy as an opportunity to vent your poltical spleen. Give some specifics as to how anyone mentioned here was culpable in this crime and I am all ears.
1:19, boy can you twist things around. I never said they were culpable in this or any other crime. I merely reiterated that 11:57 had pointed out that those named had not attended public events related to this tragedy. Also said (indirectly) that they weren't working very well for the city (the 3 mentioned) in many areas. That's what I said.
Now, how do you get from that that I'm saying they (or ANY of the officials shown in the original post by Ghanima) are culpable in this crime???? Not only did I not say such, I never implied it. Yet now I'm called on by you to give some specifics to support a claim I never made? HUH????
As far as venting my "political spleen", it's my First Amendment right to do so, just as it is the same right for you and anyone else here to characterize it as "absurd" or however else you may wish to characterize it. While I'm sure there are many who agree with your view on this, you've no doubt taken the time to read all comments on this topic. Therefore, you already know there is also a goodly number of people who see it pretty much as I do.
Good day to you, sir or m'am.
"It's not rocket science folks, these Elected Officials didn't feel this situation was more important than thier holiday plans."
"did it ever occur to YOU that if a person can't be bothered to participate in a public event like the one under discussion here, they surely can't be bothered to do a good job handling the duties of their office?"
"Politians, regardless of party, prey on the voters by cutting funds from such programs just to be able to stir people that a tax increase is needed to fund these programs in full"
"give Debbie the benefit of the doubt until I find out more. Comegys, Shields, and Louise are different stories. They never do a DAMN thing to show they give a s**t about the community, and anyone who sticks up for them deserves just what they get from them. Which is NOTHING"
"The rest of elected officials have NO ethics. They do not represent the people. I will name the city council members first , comegy, smith and shields. The rest of the county council and state government suck. I can 't think because I'm too pissed right now"
Just a sampling for you 3:26....these people simply used the tragedy to knock political figures they don't like. It has nothing to do with what happened to Sarah .
Not surprisingly, 3:46, you're evading the issue. The issue, because you made it one with me, is you said I accused these officials of being culpable in this crime. I came back with my 3:26 post and stated the FACTS regarding what I did and did not say. You couldn't deal with that because I stated incontrovertible facts that are still here to be seen. So you go copy and paste a bunch of comments by people (not ONE of which was mine) and say, "Here's a sampling for you."
FLASH: I'm not responsible for what others post here. I'm only accountable for what I say - - -nothing else.
The last word is yours.
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