It has been confirmed, Mayor Ireton has in fact sent Police Chief Webster a letter asking for his resignation.
The swing vote on the Council Shanie Shields has publicly stated she will not support the Mayor's decision and Chief Webster reportedly has stated he will not step down.
My hat is tipped to Mayor Ireton for listening to the citizens and making the right decision to lie the final decision up to the City Council. Now let's see what the Council is made of. Former Mayor Tilghman is still running the City.
We already know through Webster's arrogance that he is not going to resign. Salisbury is being held hostage.... get used to it.
Makes you wonder why the council will go against so many citizens outcry for the Chief to resign. To deliberately go against the Mayor. To not even listen to anything the mayor has to say. It looks like Salisbury is stuck for awhile. If this was an election year, it may be a different story, but for now its more of the same that has happened the last 6 or 8 months.
This is nothing but symbolism because he knows he does not have the votes. He can look tough with no consequences.
yay! let there be dancing in the streets! (before dark of course)
It would be nice if he just obliged but I doubt it. He will need to be fired.
How unfortunate that the only thing the Unholy Alliance got out of last night's events was that Debbie and Terry should agree with them more. They've clearly missed the anger and hostility that was evident in the public, even those who did not speak publicly. Mayor Ireton did what he should have done, it would be awesome if the others would also do the right thing. OR if Chief would do the right thing. He cannot possibly believe he can be effective after this, if he ever was before.
If the council has to do it, can you make a motion at the council meeting to fire him? Can somebody really explain in detail what has to happen to fire him. No have him step down, fire him.
Way to go Jim, slow out of the gate, but just maybe he will do us proud! Now, how do we get that dumb a** Shanie on board? Takes three............... not going to happen.
Welcome to Clown Town -- Salisbury
Laughingstock of the Eastern Shore
thanks to the "3 stooges" (Bubba, Shameless and Louweasel).
I told you it would be done in about a week. Its time Mr Webster. You dont want all this grief anymore. Sometimes its way past time to just move on. That time is now.
I guess Bubba, Shanie and Louise won't be re-elected next election because they are going against the will of the people.
Mayor Jim (THANK YOU) for listening
Congrats to Ireton, hope Shanie will change her mind. In any event, I voted for Louise Smith last election and will not do so again. Goodbye Louise!
So are we officially in the start searching for a replacement mode or is that all ready been factored in?
Merry Christmas Chief Webster, Ocean City needs Officers!
Is there any chance of Ireton asking for Gordys resignation also? A move like that will save the city millions.
I would like to know more on this consildation of forces ideal.
Thank you Mayor Ireton!!!
Congrats to Jim, tough job but someone has to do it. Again Congrats!
Stabbing this morning on First St. Fire Dept just dispatched to Baker St for another stabbing.
Shanie sounded SOOOOOO edumucated on WBOC tonight. No wonder the city is in the sh*tter!
Please call " Paladin" , let him handle Webster!
ASKED for his resigmation!! The people want him out yesterday not March or June of 2010. I belisve the majority agree FIRE HIM NOW! And that they are willing to deal with whatever BS he wants to try and throw the city's way. The taxpayers are ready to do whatever it takes to get rid of him.
ha ha ha 5:41 Clown Town ... priceless!
if the council doesn't have a majority to throw the bum out, then it's time for a recall election on the council. what's the charter say about recalling them and voting in a council that will look out for the city and it's citizens?
He will resign, and he will do it as if he doesnt have a care or a concern in the world(Nixon)but he knows whats up. Barrie is becomming yesterday real fast. Mr Webster if you have a shred of dignity, come on.
There has to be a way to remove this jacka$$ if the council won't do it. Joe, maybe you can shed some light on it. I think all of us need to start calling and emailing the members of the council demanding that they vote him out of office. He's not going to leave unless kicked out. He's a disgrace to the uniform.
I assume that most of the folks commenting tonight were not at last nights meeting. The mayor made it clear that he could not fire him, after listening to the mayor read the statue it was obvious to me why the Chief feels so secure in his arrogance. What happen to termination without cause? Unfortunately the only way to get rid of the chief is for him to quit. If you think he is not eating all of this press up you are wrong, the only press he will ever get is bad press and he knows it. He does not care about Salisbury he only cares about him self and his ability to do nothing, collect a check and thumb his nose at the people of Salisbury. I sure do miss Dykes, say what you want but he loved this city and took pride in doing his JOB. One last thing to the citizens of Salisbury who didn't get off your @#$ and come to the rally last night stop @#$%^&*& you are either part of the problem or part of the solution!
He won't resign? Fine. Pull his car and put him on bike patrol in the ghetto. Forget to give him backup. Bury him in paperwork. Require him to write essays every day on what a good police chief does. Grade it harshly with a red pen. Make his life so miserable that he wants to quit.
Even better, issue an administrative action to ban him from the police department building and pull his badge. Pay him to sit at home in disgrace. Name a new 2nd in command, and Ireton gives the new guy the support to issue their own directives. You still have to pay him, but at least progress will start happening.
Then let Webster try to run for Sheriff of Somerset county or try to get any other job. He'll look like the biggest ass ever.
Too bad Ireton didn't demand his resignation. Then Webster could get more paper in his file for disobeying orders!
Its time to remove the Mayor and the whole council for any changes to be made.
Joe, I'm afraid we already know what the Council is made of - two members who truly care about what's best for the city and will vote for the best interest of the city on this question as they do all others. It's further made of three other members who are arrogant, rude (well, one of that 3 is just plain stupid..sorry)and couldn't care less about the will of the people who put them where they are. They care about their own butts, their own well-being, and may the Devil take the citizens.
Fellow citizens, PLEASE remember all of this come next election day and vote accordingly. Once we break the 3-2 poison that's strangling the progress of Salisbury, we can actually start to get things done - but ONLY then!!
I can't wait to see the comments that are made when the Chief is gone, whether it's his decision or not, and the crime stays the same or gets the worse. This crime is a sign of the times, and is way beyond the control of one man, or one city.
Fire the bald bastard!
Cheif Webster is an honorable man. He understands how the citizens feel about his performance. He believes he has done a respectable job in a very difficult economic time period for Salisbury. He like the rest of us have watched crime become increasingly worse in the city.
He will resign with respect and dignity.
Good luck to the next guy because this is one tough job in Salisbury.
N. Weeds
Pathetic! Shanie Shields will vote whichever way the wind blows.
I wonder how much Shanie Shields is being paid for her swing vote.
The local fashion shops better start dumping their Webster collections. The Chief is the only one that wears yellow.
If he won'tresign, surely he can be made miserable enough...hold his pay strip him of authority any way you can.
Respect AND Dignity? That ship has sailed, N Weeds. Now we can only hope that he's not actually waiting for the revolt that's brewing. That will occur, but might take longer than the city can actually survive. He should do it now, before his name is Mudd.
Wait...THAT ships already sailed also. How about leaving his job while he can still get another job, if he chooses. If he waits too long and makes the people of SBY too mad, he's going to spend his golden years in anonymity and shame...hoping nobody asks his name. THAT ship is at the dock......
I would like to know which one of our public servants is feeding confidential documents to the press. Whoever it is should be osecuted. hey are breaking hte law and are ahowing us that they would rather make crime a political football than make our streets safe.
It seems to me that the real issue here isn't that our elected leaders squabble about unimportant issues, it's that they disagree on so many important issues. The crime rate has undeniably spiked, for whatever reasons, and there seem to be no new approaches to deterring it. The three council people who always vote together apparently believe that they're doing the right thing, as do the two who are usually on the losing side.
What we have here, folks, is a standoff. What to do? Worst case scenario is we wait until the next election and allow the voters to REALLY break the logjam. Better would be for one of the three to vote with the Mayor. BEST would be for Webster to retire immediately and allow some new ideas and different perspective to take over. Either way it's going to get worse before it gets better, sadly. Both the crime and the disagreements. Your classic lose-lose.
Agree with 8:44, put him on administrative leave pending the next action!
If he don't resign then demote him to bike patrol now that would be funny.
If Webster had a military background he would know the effectiveness of a surge. We will have to wait until one of these kids returning from overseas applies for the job to show him how it is done. This city can be saved, one surge at a time.
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