Joe, there will be a returning U.S. Marine Lcpl. Ronnie Storm flying into Salisbury Airport December 11, 2009 . Time of arrival is around 8:00 PM. Ronnie had just gotten home from a deployment to Afghanistan. So please come out and support your troops.
I will be there.
U. S. Marine Corps Retired.
Please check the arrival time. First arrival flight at SBY is around 10:20
God Bless you Lcpl Storm.
Thank you soldier - Americans are proud of you and thank you very much for your service for our freedom.
Marines aren't soldiers, get it straight.
Why aren't Marines soldiers? Do they take offense to being called soldier? I need an education on this, because I don't want to be disrespectful.
marines are marines. the army has soldiers the air force has airmen and the navy has sailors.not sure what they call men and woman in the coast guard.
Anonymous 12:39 don't be so hateful to someone that may not be educated in the correct terms of Our soldiers in different forces
Next time please more educational in your comment...at least anonymous 11;42 thanked them and said they were proud of them...
The Marines are diffrent from other branches it's a Corps "once a Marine always a Marine" there are no ex-marines!
Oh, please. Get off it. You must be one of those marines. Get a grip and stop taking the attention from the point --
Support our troops at home and abroad! Welcome home Lcpl. Storm!
Our freedom is not in doubt, balance, or question. There is no way the cave dwelling terrorists who hijacked 4 airplanes and crashed them could have ever taken our freedom.
Only our elected officials and the unelected officials they appoint could ever remove our freedom from us. The police can also remove our freedom. So can the IRS. But that's it. Except for the FBI. Well of course, the CIA can remove our freedom if they suspect we are planning to make others afraid. But that's it.
The soldiers don't fight for our freedom. They fight for
well it doesn't matter what they fight for. They do a darn good job of it. So welcome home!
Oh, and thanks for all the fighting.
yeah Ronnie! welcome home!
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