Folks, this is by far THE BEST SHOW we've done yet. Be sure to watch the videos on the right hand side of the Blog to catch this week's Show if you don't get it on cable.
I got the final product in last night and it could be up sooner than 10:30 AM but let me assure you, you're going to truly like what we have delivered this week.
Remember, you can see it at 10:30 on WRDE Comcast Channel 9 or Mediacom Channel 99. If you're still not getting in your basic Comcast Channel 9, call me or e-mail me and I'll walk you through what you need to do to get it. It is a BASIC Channel and you get it for free. However, when they switched over to digital broadcast they changed the boxes and you need to call Comcast for a new free digital box. Again, it's FREE from Comcast. If you have Comcast, you should get channel 9. If you don't, call them and tell them you want the new digital box.
That being said, tell us your thoughts after the show airs.
UPDATE: We were having technical difficulties with today's show so we pulled it down temporarily. Once you see Show 5 up on the bottom left hand corner it will be available again. Please be patient while we make the proper corrections.
That was a helluva show!
I like how at the end of the show, Joe shows that he is the bigger man by saying that Webster is a good guy and just needs to get it together.
The new version of Joe Albero was a pleasant surprise. Hopefully, the stars of the show will have a productive meeting of the minds.
Will be interesting to see if a leopard can change his spots!
Great show, Joe! The sound worked out a lot better with the lapel mikes. Now if Webster would just go away...
Unbiased and at the same time expressing your own opinions without being aggressive and one sided. Nicely done. I liked it when the people spoke and it show’s there really is a problem and we need a solution whatever that may be.
I'm afraid that comegy , smith and shields will never move from their position. That would be admitting they were wrong. They are part of the problem and always have been . When they or if they become part of the solution , then things will get better.Comegy thinks he can buy some sort of solution to the crime problem , this is not a problem that can be fixed with any amount of money. Good leadership is what they need and don't have .
Those 3 are suppose to represent the people that has never happened.The police chief has never set the example.
I noticed that the chief said that the approval had been given to him to keep residence out of the city by a council vote of 4 to 1. Let me count the votes:
-Mike Dunn - Aye
-Gary Comegys - Aye
-Lynn Cathcart - Aye
-Shanie Shields - Aye
-Debbie Campbell - Nay
Am I right?
The three who wield the majority votes on our council have relegated Salisbury to the trash heap. They have no ideas on how to keep the city moving in a positive and fiscally conservative direction. They have been swayed again and again by those whose goal it is to make as much money as they can as fast as they can and then leave the city a maggot-ridden husk -- they're halfway there already with that effort, and with the three of them in office for five more years, it'll be a DUNN deal.
Good show, Joe! The best yet.
Great sound, display, and set graphics. The video cuts off part of the way through the show and does not restart? Please advise.
anonymous 2:39, it doesn't cut off, it's buffering. Depending on how fast you Internet speed is, some take no time to load and some can delivere portions before you have to wait several seconds for it to continue. There's a ton of graphics on the show and you wouldn't believe the size of the entire thing overall. Be patient, let it continue to load and enjoy the show. Thanks, Joe
Great show Joe. I don't know who's doing your graphics and production but 47 and 16 could take a few lessons from your people. My only complaint would be that it is a shame you only come on the air one day a week.
That was the BEST SHOW I have ever seen in my entire life!!!!
Better than LOST, better than Jeopordy,
better than Wheel of Fortune, why it was better than Scorchy's Corner!!
Excellent job and greatly improved technically! Your more moderate position plays well and I believe more effectively. Need to work on the unholy trio to get them (or at least a more intelligent one of them, if any) to realize that their job is to better the city for all of its citizens, NOT just to wallow in perceived power and ignorance.
anonymous 2:39, I stand somewhat corrected. There are so many people watching this show it's actually slowing it down. I guess that's a great problem to have. Sorry about the delays but do be patient as it loads.
You went soft.
1:33, no...the council that hired Webster and changed his contract was was long before this last one.
I can't get WRDE on 31.1 over the air. in Salisbury MD.
I think WRDE shoud rent a sub channel on WBOC 21.4 or WMDT 47.4
Loved it but it took me an hour and 45 minutes to watch it here because of the buffering.
Keep up the great work Mr. Joe!
And I love your new format!
very good show...wished I could have been at the rally..but had prior engagements...I really do agree with you on the fact the Cheif of the police needs to live in the same city..how else can they effectly do their job right??? two thumbs :o)
Sorry Joe but I couldn't hear most of what you said due to traffic and what I think was shopping carts. 2:57 Your man crush is disturbing.
You clicked on the show from the week before. Wait another 30 minutes and this week's show will be up again. There was so much traffic on it we had to re do it to accomidate the volume. Thanks, Joe
Joe your show has come a long way in a short time. You have come a long way over time. Now if you could just conquer the need to make everything about you. The I, My, Me mentality is your greatest downfall. People know you are the catalyst behind many things don't keep reminding them, it takes away from everything else you do.
Keep up the good work. Rome wasn't changed in a day and neither will you be. Good things take time to build.
Hey, Joe. Great show. I mean that. But I think 9:29 has a good point. It would be more of a service if you did less on your involvement and how you would do this or that and do more on what happened.
That said, 10 steps forward from where you began. Keep up the improvement.
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