The fund set up for Sarah Foxwell at Farmer's Bank of Willards was not set up as a Trust Fund. It is set up, at least at one family member's request, as an account from which any of the account owners may withdraw.
I'm telling you this not to discourage all possible help for the family, but in the interest of transparency I want to make sure everyone is aware.
I cannot say it enough-this site is my "go to" site for all that I need to know. Thanks Joe.
Thank you, Joe, for the clarification. Although, I do not mind helping with an education fund for the other children, I do not want to give anything to the family. Not sure why they would need financial help...as they should not profit from Sarah's death. All expenses for her funeral have been covered so the family should be greatful their little angel will have a fitting funeral.
I worry that the family (adult members) may not use the donations on the children. I mean with what I have read on the maryland case search about just the parents...kind of makes me think that any donations should be put up for the children in a trust fund so only they can have access to it as they get older..I worry that the children have already been through so much with this family even before this tragedy.
Who are the "any of the account owners" being referenced here?
anonymous 4:12, clearly NOT the children.
I asked the teller about an hour ago at TFBW who was on the account, and she did not know.
The way in which this fund is set up is very concerning. Joe, thank you for this worthwhile information. Why is it not in the form of a trust--as most funds of this nature are done? Think, think.
Thanks Joe that would be a negative on the donation to that fund!
Thanks, Joe. I am 4:12, and that's just what I thought. The phrase "fund set up for Sarah Foxwell" is very misleading.
4:15 I wouldn't think a teller, at ANY bank, would be able to give out that information. If they did, then they could give out anyones info-including your own
Without meaning to offend, I have trouble with donating to an account accessible to a number of "account owners" when I have no idea who those owners are or how they intend to use the funds.
I have felt that the family was suspicious from the very beginning!
So the family set the "fund" up themselves basically!
Its like this, I can not tell people how to spend there own money, But, My money that I work hard for will not go to an account that the adults can spend on what ever they choose...If it were a trust fund for sibblings that they get when 18 years old, I'm all for it.
But I'll be damned if the Aunt,Mother,Father or any adult in that family gets a single cent of mine. Most of the time when someone gets a lot of money (like this account seems to be set up) It's never used for the intended individuals (sibblings).
I searched 12 hours on Christmas Eve with law enforcement and missed time with my 3 small kids and family,I want to also make a monetary donation, but if this is the only fund, Then my 12 hours volunteered is what I will give Sarah....God Bless
Keep an eye out, even if this fund does get set up as a trust, we need to know who is named the trustee/trustees.
Who set this account up Joe originally?
I don't have a problem in donating money in her memory but not to be able to be used for anyone.
I will keep my money and spend it at the local business that helped out.
I would love to know which fund the Sheriff supports, that would be helpful.
Somebody sees dollar signs here, and I personally think they should be exposed.
Also, more than likely, we as taxpayers are already "contributing" to this family.
This family should not receive a single nickle as a result of Sarah's murder. Sarah could not help that she was born in a family that put her at risk for this type of situation.
For those that feel they need to donate to a cause as a result of this situation should consider those that do for situations like this. Donation to your local fire department or police department. Donate to organizations such as Camp ESPA. Camp ESPA is an organization, set up and run by local police officers where many of the underprivileged and at risk children of the Eastern Shore have an opportunity to spend part of their summer learning new things, while at the same time having a good time. At Camp ESPA the kids have riverfront for boating, a pier for fishing, a swimming pool, several acres of land, and a fully equipped clubhouse, which features sleeping quarters for 30 with full bathrooms and showers.
Again, be smart about your giving if you feel you need to give.
Mom and Dad deserve absolutely nada Just a good swift kick in the ass. Hope someday I will find out why He gives children to some people. jackkcharl@aol.com
What's the minister's who started the fund's role?
I wouldn't mind a board made up of church members agreeing to the terms of the trust, having docs drawn up and acting as trustees themselves. One of the provisions I would like to see is that the parents have to contribute, even $20 per month. Just something to show them that there are no free rides in life.
Good point "4:45". I would hope not any adult in her families. map
5:18 thanks for the tip on Camp ESPA. I've never heard of them. And Joe, they need volunteers for an April 1st fund raiser. I'll help bail you out!
From the day my daughter was born until she graduated from college last December, I carried life insurance on her. If she had passed away, the money was for her burial only. Anything left over would have been donated to charity in her name.
I could not have looked myself in the mirror if I had used it for anything else.
I completely understand funds being set up for children who have lost their parents but I am trying to wrap my head around why this family needs a "fund". They haven't incurred any expenses in this ordeal, i.e.: medical, funeral, etc. The funeral has already been taken care of... so has anyone asked them what they plan on using the money from this fund for? I do understand why some would be willing to donate to educational funds for her remaining brothers and sisters... so they can possibly turn their lives around and better themselves in the future. But I just don't see the need to arbitrarily hand out money to the family. Do they have to pay for the efforts of those who searched for Sarah? I wouldn't think so. My dad drowned almost 20 years ago and I don't remember getting a bill from the DNR, Coast Guard, Fire Departments, countless volunteers, etc. who helped look for him. Why should a family profit from this sort of tragic event??
Id like to see a legal fund set up to help to fight and get a WORTH WHILE bill passed in Sara's honor. Possible to get a death penalty passed for atleast these kinds of sickos?
That "family" gets nothing from me and I hope and pray child welfare will look into any remaining children in that household and they're well being. Sara was FAILED by her "family". Other than her lil sister is a hero in my book.
our tax dollars are already paying for these children. Im sorry i have bills of my own to pay and i have had family members who have passed away as well, but my family damn sure didnt try to profit from it. As everyone already knows that trash knows all to well how to play the system and play victims to get what they want..too bad they didnt put half the effort in to keep Sara safe and alive.
like i said before and my post was not allowed. Might as well give the money to oral roberts himself.
5:32 makes a good point. What expenses have they incurred as a result of this ordeal? With funeral and burial costs covered by an anonymous benefactor, why is there a need for a fund?
5:32 AMEN!
I'm surprised at the Bank of Willards for not making the trustees known if they expect any donations. I, for one, think any donations to this fund would go to a lost cause, as apparently, this family lacks so much responsiblity.
And to change the subject--the preacher who was on TV asking us to 'forgive and pray for Thomas Leggs" is asking an awful lot at this time. We surely know his destiny. If we're going to pray, let's pray for Sarah and the good people who helped in the search. We should count our blessings to have such dedicated law enforcement officers. Sheriff Mike Lewis has set an example for our entire country. I just hope the State's Attorney can do the same.
Hmm just go down to 13 and pricilia and buy direct from a 'dealer' take to her family and cut out the middle man.Oh and your supoorting a 'local' buisness.Its a win win situation.
Seriously no donationfrom me.I will make a check out directly to the c.a.c.
The funeral is already being paid for by local donors so don't see any need for this account do you? The family should not benefit from Sarahs death. Just my opinion.
I would rather donate to the Wells fund to help with tipping fees to get rid of the flowers and teddy bears then give money to the family..
Why would you donate when they can use your money for anything! This is not right! A scholarship should be set up in her name. I feel so sorry for Sarah the obituary was nothing. May she rest in peace.
I don't agree with giving all the donations to the family, but I do believe maybe a small donation with a cap on it (maybe 300.00) for them to use on groceries, etc. I just worry about the kids if they are maybe living paycheck to paycheck like most of us during these hard times. The aunt probably missed work (and pay) while searching for Sarah and also time while helping the other siblings through the mourning and immediate grieving process.
What's wrong with donating to the family?
Man you people are ugly.
I dont feel the family should be able to make money from this either, that being said, i have been employed at two different financial institutions and information such as the type of account(i.e. personal, trust, escrow)or the owners of the account would not be information that could have been given out. if the management at the bank finds out who leaked this information, the person could lose their job. god forbid these people find an opening for a law suit. then they really will clean up. be careful what you disclose and to whom. tellers can't even comment if they have seen someone's spouse in the bank earlier in the day let alone blab info to total strangers. again, i dont want the family to profit from any of this. im not on their side, i just think that all this gossip could hurt more than help in some cases. think before you speak please.again, the only information a bank teller should give is that the account is set up for donations to the sarah foxwell family, not the names of the actual account holders. we know who that is(the parents) just by common sense.
Knock yourself out and donate money to the family, 6:51. I'm sure you will be at the Bank of Willards first thing tomorrow morning with money in hand-sarcasm intended.
Seriously, alot of us are concerned about the well being of the children, but do not want our money going to the adults in the family. The adults have shown no sense of responsibility thoughout their entire adult lives.
I can answer that 6:51. the answer is we don't know who the family is. The kids are scattered about, the biological parents may or may not be in jail,and most of us would hate for any donations to land in the hands of someone as irresponsible as the Aunt. I cannot let go of her role in this.
6:51 - Give till it hurts.
Some are just choosing not to take a chance on enabling the same bad behavior that has been previously recorded in the public records. Allowing this behavior to be funded by such a tragedy would be another tragedy, in some peoples opinions.
Why would we donate to people who know how to take care of NOTHING???? Why should they benefit from Sarahs death?????Those children need to be taken out of that home and put into some sort of care, this family has failed these children from the beginning. Please tell me what is right about donating to the family?
6:51 pm: what's wrong with donating to the family? seriously?? these are the POS's that put her in this position to begin with. She knew he was a sex offender, knew he knew where the key was and did nothing. The parents apparently are not capable of taking care of themselves let alone any kids. Any money should go to a trust where only siblings can get it once they turn 18. Or, like one comment said, set up a scholarship or something like that in her name. No need to give money to these people who, in my mind, attributed to her death. Just my opinion.
To 6:51 Then you take your paycheck every week and put it in their bank account then. And if you don't then you must be one of the ugly ones.
6:21 My thoughts exactly. I am sure the family did not have vacation/sick time that would pay them for their bereavement time. This family still has bills that need to be paid during this tragic time. I agree not to support the family in "gaining" on Sarah's death, but I am sure that they need time to grieve themselves and need a paycheck during this time as well. I also agree that a scholorship in her name would be a great idea, rather than educational funds. These kids will most definately be able to get pell grants from the government as they are most likely under the "threshold" of annual income. Something many of us are not/will not qualify for.
you people are sick! Sheeple
6:51 why should thousands of dollars go to the aunt or the mother and father of Sarah... her death is not an excuse to raise a bunch of money. I would love to donate to this fund if it was in the form of a trust fund for sarahs younger siblings... but i don't think thats the case. Her funeral has been paid for.. what more does the family need? I'm not giving my hard earned money to the aunt so she can buy whatever she chooses, ex: car, furniture or whatever. If the aunt wasn't out drinking at the bar that night this probably wouldn't have happened in the first place!
Well 6:51, donating to the family is ok if they were respectable. Donate if you want, but not me. I would gladly donate if the funeral expenses were needed. But we all know it has been paid for. I don't see how we can donate to an aunt who knowingly dated a sex offender and brought him around those children. Shame on her and she will have to deal with that the rest of her life! Those children that are still in that house need to be taken away from her. I would gladly donate to the care of those children.
6:51 - do you really not see anything wrong with "my child died, please give me money, not to help a specific organization, or pay for related expenses, but just because". If there is a VALID reason that we should give, please share!
It would be nice if some of the money went to counseling for Sarah's siblings, or if you want to give, you could give to a charity in loving memory of Sarah. Also, I would love to see Sheriff Lewis recommend a charity close to his heart that we could donate to in her honor, I have never met him but I think he really stepped up in this situation as a community leader. Thank you to all the volunteers and law enforcement who spent hours and hours of their Christmas to search. Lately there hasn't been alot to be proud of around here, but how our community responded gives me hope.
Hey Joe! It said in Sarah's obit that she was preceded in death by a sister. Do you know what happened to her sister who died before her?
anonymous 8:26, the child died at 2 days old.
Do we know for sure that the aunt knew up front that he was a sex offender? Or did she find out afterwards and cut things off? I'm just curious- I see a lot of people saying she knew, but I wasn't sure if that was known info at this point or if it is just speculation.
Also- does the caregiver of the children work? Does that caregiver have paid leave time from work? If the caregiver works but doesn't get paid when not at work, then I MIGHT see some sort of donation fund- but to be used only for a mortgage/rent and other household type bills- and only for very limited duration- like one months' expenses. I wouldn't want to see the remaining children facing homelessness or having their needs put aside because of a lack of finances.
I absolutely do not believe that the family should profit from this in any way. As a parent, I couldn't fathom profiting if, God forbid, one of my children were to pass away. I agree with what someone else posted too- money to go towards a bill in Sarah's name that would call for more stringent laws in the hopes that another family could be spared this fate.
Thank you 6:51 AND countless others that feel the same way and have posted on here. If they need groceries I would GLADLY buy them groceries for those kids. But I will not hand them cash not knowing where it will be spent. And I have a feeling I am buying their groceries as it is via my tax dollars.... I don't have a problem with that either as long as it is needed and they are not abusing the system. What I do have a problem with is the "Oh look at me. We lost a child. Please pay us." By the way, how did one of Sarah's other sister's die? Does anyone know? Just curious, maybe they are still in debt over that situation and that is what they plan on using the money for... Oh but then again maybe not. Anyone who can comment on here can look at case search and see the numerous times judgments have been filed against any number of people in this family for unpaid bills and wage attachments were ordered on some. Some of you will read this and immediately call me the "B" word, but as I said before... I would gladly buy them groceries if they are needed but cash is an absolute NO. So if anyone wants to let me know where to drop the groceries off feel free to let someone know so it can be posted.
"6:13" You are right about the OB. No Names at all. map
Thanks Joe! She is now in heaven holding her baby sister.
Probably due to drugs poor thing.
EVERYONE please think about Sarah here. She is still in pain for the way you all are acting. STOP our christmas ANGELS pain. This is her family she loved all of them very much.
I think the legal fund idea was a great one.Designate a reputable trustee and start a legal fund aimed at tougher laws against all sex offenders?Just might work!
wait for the rest of the story to come out, those children had no one to protect them from this monster. The family has no business with children. Give them your money and you are a fool.
6:51, Id much rather be ugly than stupid!!! Why the hell should anyone help this family? The child would still be alive if the parents would have done their jobs as parents and since they didnt the aunt steps up and takes these kids who she damn well didnt protect and brought in a child molester into their home and lives, and yes she damn well did know he was a child molester and thats is why the child is dead. Her aunt was suppose to protect her and instead she gave the child predator means by letting him have access to a key... to make it known it was there meant to say here is access and then here are children you evil thing!! The aunt needs to go to jail for child endangerment and enabling a child molester to do what he did!!!!!!!
8:55, what planet are you on. The girl is dead and all of the gifts, money, and prayers will not bring her back. period.
As for her parents/guardians, they sure did a poor job of protecting her.
I still say do a scholarship fund that way Sarah will be helping out someone who needs it. She can always be remembered instead of her name on a bank account that someone will just abuse. Was the aunt really out drinking all night or is that assuming. A scholarship fund is the only sensible thing to do then you know the money is used for a good thing not someone abusing or spending it on things that only defeat the purpose. Keep Sarah name in good faith, god bless her little soul. She suffered enough. I pray for the other kids involved what will happen to these kids and how old are they. Did the aunt have them all?
The state is already buying there groceries I'm sure. Either way, if the family is out of work and loosing wages at this time due to this tragedy social services will step in and give emergency assistance for groceries (food stamps), utility bills, rent and TCA which is Temporary cash assistance. The family will not go without the neccessities due to lack of work in a crises. The children and family would also qualify for medical assistance which would cover any counciling needed.
Therefor there is NO REASON WHAT SO EVER FOR THIS FUND OTHER THAN TO RAISE MONEY FOR ALL THE UNNECCESSARY THINGS which I'm sure all the money raised thus far will be blown on. I do not agree with these people making a financial gain off of the death of this child. I am just as worried as the next person as to the care of the other sibbling(s). But if you give a "parting" bunch of uneducated people thousands of dollars to run off and blow in the bars, drinking and drugs chances are they will be home even less (with the children) than they were before because they will be able to afford to GO, Go, go! As for the education and scholorship of the sister my thoughts are establish your own "fund" for her and make a one time donation to her on her 18th Birthday or her Graduation Day. That will assure that the money goes to the right person.
What is the RUSH to donate right now anyway? If you wait 6 months to a year you'll probably be able to log on to Salisbury News and read headlines stating "Sarah Foxwells trust fund was spent on drugs and drinking" or even worst "Aunt kills Sarah's sister in DWI accident". Sometimes for families like this having the neccessities in life can be better.
everyone here loves RUMORS! Do we even know the people taking care of her USE drugs? Do they have a job? If my daughter was killed i wouldnt be able to work for quite a while. Before you guys give them a hard time someone bring some facts. You all are worse then a bunch of menopausal housewives.
The "facts" are on the Maryland Judiciary website, Mike, look for yourself before accusing. We all did.
Curious. Do any of you remember Ellwood Leuschner, a repeat sex offender from California that came to Salisbury in 1977 and murdered 2 innocent boys ages 9 and 10. Troy Krause, Rusty Marine .... Their bodies were found in shallow graves on a farm in Mardela. Those boys were from trailor parks. I suppose you didn't think their families deserved any kindness either.
Yea, 10:02 just let the state take care of them. They are brimming with money and it's all FREEEEEEEEE
10:50 accusing who of what exactly? and please send me a link or paste something substantial that shows me that her guardian is a worthless drug abuser. im not saying that it doesnt exist im sure you have it bookmarked tho since you seem to have all the information.
Why is everyone bashing Sarah's family? They are grieving for God's sake!!! Did you ever think that maybe they didn't put their names in the obit because they want to mourn Sarah privately? As far as the money goes, if you don't want to donate then DON'T! But God help that you don't have to go through the pain and bashing they are going through everyday. To have to open the newspaper or turn on the tv and see a constant reminder that they lost an innocent 11 year old girl rips their hearts out more and more. They have not been able to work since Sarah went missing, they along with the children will need grief counseling, to be able to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. What's wrong with giving $5 out of your pocket? Surely you can go without fast food for a day just to help those children! And yes, think of the children. Sarah's siblings have to deal with losing their beloved sister for the rest of their lives. So, like I said, if you don't want to give money then don't but I hope you never have to go through what they have been for the past week and what they will be facing in years to come.
again look up mother on md case search site but she has other names
also other baby dad w.criminal history...ADAM L POWELL
look it up guys
why should little sarah be the one providing for this family , when they (mother, father and aunt) did not provide her with the one thing that did not cost a cent--protection from this POS! The aunt admitted she knew he was a RSO and where were the parents...Did they not know she was dating this man or were they simply not that involved in these kids lifes.
Also, why would this "family" not have there names published in this poor childs obit..They want your money, but they don't want you to know who they are...So disrespectful.
My heart just breaks for Haleybug, she (like all kids) deserved so much better then this..RIP baby girl
This family WILL profit. Here is a fact for you and a link to follow.
Criminal Injuries Compensation Board
Instituted in 1968, the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board helps victims of crime. The Board administers compensation for innocent persons suffering physical injury or death as a result of criminal acts or in their efforts to prevent crime or apprehend criminals. The Board maintains an office and staff to investigate and hear claims for awards filed with the Board. The Board pays up to $45,000 for innocent victims of crime who have been injured.
If you want to keep up to date on what is going on with Leggs through the court system go to www.vinelink.com and register.
When you register your phone number it will ask for a pin number. I spent 10 minutes trying to find out how to get a pin number. It is a 4 digit number that YOU create.
Easy way to keep tabs on him and anyone else in the court/prison system
I dont want to hear when any one of you cry about bums asking for money on the street. The people coming up with the story about their fan belt and out of gas. If you are giving money to the family of Sarah, then you should not complain and give money to the bums. You know what the bums do with the money.
They will not get a dime from me!
Thanks Joe and good idea 6:36.
There are so many accusations going on here. First of all, I don't believe the family has asked for any funds. They did not ask for donations.
Some other things that need to be cleared up as people are just assuming. The children were not left alone the night that Sarah was taken. I'm not speaking for the mother or father because they did not have custody of the children. The aunt did go out that night, from what I understand this was a very rare event. Also, she did not know that Leggs was a sex offender. She only dated him for three weeks and only had him in her home one time. Leggs is a very sick demented person. He is the monster, not the caregivers that Sarah loved so much. Whether the caregivers receive any money or not isn't my point. I just want to say that people have to stop attacking them when they haven't asked for a single cent! The last thing on their mind right now is money. I understand the community is mad and hurt right now over what happened to this angel but take a moment and put yourself in the family's position. I know I will get slammed over that comment from people who are judging saying they would never be in that position but you never know what will happen in life. Just ease up some and for Sarah's sake concentrate on the real demon here. Really think hard about if one of your loved ones was Sarah. I haven't heard from any of Sarah's teachers or parents of her friends saying that she was mistreated or neglected at home. If any of you are single parents have you never gone out of an evening leaving your children with a babysitter? Just in case you are wondering, I do not know the family. I'm just tired of people accusing and assuming things that they really don't know the facts on.
8:55 she's not feeling anything! All you are going to do by donating money is feed the mother's crack habit!!!
I do not feel the family should have even been able to set up this fund like this.
This was very misleading to the public.
To profit from little Sarah's death is wrong. I understand the family is grieving but every family who loses a family member, whether is it by natural death or murder cannot be allowed to go and openly collect money to go into their bank account.
I had NO problem with the fund for the funeral expenses as those funds were for a specific purpose and were for SARAH.
I agree with 9:28. This is discussed as a "fund for Sarah Foxwell" at a particular bank. How is this for Sarah?
saw Kelly Rouse on a commercial yesterday for this fund...again without any mention of what the fund will be used for
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