DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Thursday, December 03, 2009
"I think we're a pretty fairly taxed State"
Yesterday, Tuesday, December 1, 2009, may go down as one of the landmark days in AFP-Maryland’s still-young history. About 75 members traveled to Annapolis to participate in a public discussion about the upcoming legislative session of the Maryland General Assembly, featuring Speaker of the House Mike Busch and Senate President Mike Miller. When we arrived, some members were effectively barred from taking part in the discussion.
First, we were told we could not enter because the room was full, even though there were clearly empty seats in the Joint Hearing Room. Then we were told that all questions would have to be submitted in writing to a panel that would decide which ones would be asked. Many of our questions went unasked and unanswered. Only after the event ended were some of our members allowed to personally address Speaker Busch. Of the questions that were asked, Speaker Busch and President Miller were clueless when it came to jobs, taxes and the budget (my commentary is in parenthesis).
· When asked about how they plan to help small businesses create jobs, Speaker Busch said there was nothing the General Assembly could do – they had already done everything possible. (With record unemployment, I find that incredibly hard to believe)
· When asked about taxes, President Miller said that taxes are “the dues we pay to live in a society.” (I would love for President Miller to find that phrase in the Constitution)
· When asked about the impending $2 billion budget deficit, neither Busch nor Miller would take responsibility – and instead blamed the lack of revenue on slots! No coherent plans on how to solve the budget were revealed. (I would like to refer these guys back to 2007 when they jammed the largest tax increase in Maryland history down our throats. Afterward, they both proclaimed that the structural deficit was “solved”)
We learned two important lessons yesterday that will guide us as we make plans to bring common sense to Annapolis.
First, we witnessed the lengths Maryland’s liberal political elite will go to avoid face-to-face questioning and dissent. Rather than engage taxpayers in an open and honest discussion – as they and promised to do last night -- Miller and Busch hid behind a pre-selected panel. They decided at the last minute that the only open and honest discussions they were interested in could only take place with people who agree with them.
Think for a minute of what these leaders are going to do when the session starts and they see us every day, in every hearing, talking to every legislator, about every spending and tax priority.
The second thing we saw last night was the power of the people. Members of AFP-Maryland are hard-working people, tax paying mothers, fathers, and entrepreneurs. We took time away from our families to travel to Annapolis last night to let the elite liberals in charge of Maryland know that the days of out of control spending and ever higher taxes must end. They succeeded in shutting us down last night - but this is only the beginning! We must continue to our trips to Annapolis and let the politicians know we are not going away until they clean up their act. Remember, we have the power. In 2006, these folks were voted into office. In 2010, we can vote them out!
-Americans for Properity, Maryland
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I think it's time for another bus trip!
C'mon Delmarva, let's tell Annapolis what we think of how they are running our state.
When will the masses and the minorities realize that the reason we are in this mess in this state is because of the LIBERAL democrats!
From guys like Rick Pollitt and Mayor Ireton who are soft on crime all the way up to Bush, Miller, and Governor O'Malley, who looks at businesses in this state as hosts that they can feed of off like ticks on a Hebron hound dog.
We are losing our state because of crime and drugs that our elected officials ignore.
We are losing jobs in this state in record numbers because liberal Democrat policies have sucked the very life blood out of private enterprise.
Notice I said JOBS, because guess what, if you work for the county or the state, you may pay taxes, but overall, you are just another flea on the dog that is the taxpayer.
When will this community rise UP and say enough?
The LIBERAL democrats have been in control of this state long enough and it is time to kick them to the curb!
Great post RCG
Keep the pressure on them. There has never been a better time than now to vote these big tax and spenders out of office.
lt's see baltimore city, baltimore county, montgomery county, prince georges county, howard county. that's where all the money goes! failed entities, all of them, all run by democrats. Look at who gives how much to these state legislators, they don't care about us! good luck on changing it, to many people just don't care! sad! very sad! let's start with our city and county first and work our way up! If Guliani could clean up NYC crime, I wouldn't thnk it that hard to clean up salisbury.
Why not just stop paying your taxes....also stop utilizing any and all public services. The same knuckleheads that bitch about taxes are bitching about crime and fire protection.
This is an excellent post. I wish the blog had a "Like" button to click, like Facebook!
AFP is right, these bullies at the top of the mountain in Annapolis need to go ... I just hope the AFP folks have a candidate who will bring solutions instead of more kvetching.
1009 more liberal hyperbole, we are not bitching about taxes, we are bitching about excessive taxation so that while the rest of the private sector is crumbling under our feet, the elected officials are staying in power by rewarding the "public sector class" with all paid holidays off, huge compensation, and generous sick time and retirement.
Who do you work for?
Maybe we are losing jobs due to 125,000 foreigners that enter this country with green cards and visas thanks to efforts of MIKULSKI AND CARDIN.
She says her priority is JOBS, JOBS, JOBS but for who??? NONAMERICAN WORKERS!!!!
Thanks Mikulski & Cardin!
We see that getting jobs for foreigners is more important than putting Americans to work.
At least foreigners can not vote yet. However, Marylanders will let you know how we feel in the next election.
1053 you forgot a lot are bitching because these are the ones who increase their compensation and constant pay raises along with the judges and other Good Ole Boys in this club without tax payer input while they slash others pay and compensation along with jobs. The Public sector class is not compensated as well as the private sector. I know because I have seen a lot of comparisons per job where private versus public. The public sector is 25% + under private sector compensation. I have been there and done that. Homework needs to be done before commenting. They are rewarding the Unions not the workers.
Maryland is 14th highest among all the states with a per capita tax of $2,386.95. The idiots running this state think that is good.
26% of the WORKERS in Maryland pay NO income tax to the federal government. Though I can find no data on Maryland state income tax, it is very likely higher. I would bet the majority vote democrat.
The fella in the back ground, by his body language, said much more than Busch, but was probably "speaking" for Busch.
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