Dispite More Jobless, Crime Rates Drop
FBI: Big drops in crime rates in first half of '09
'Remarkable' given unemployment and the recession, expert says
WASHINGTON - Unemployment is high, the economy is down. Yet for all the signs of recession, something is missing: More crime.
Experts are scratching their heads over why crime has ebbed during this recession, making it different from other economic downturns of the past half-century. Early guesses include jobless folks at home keeping closer watch for thieves, or extra benefits keeping people from resorting to crime.
Preliminary figures gathered by the FBI for the first six months of 2009 show crime falling across the country — at a time when many experts and police officials had expected crime to rise under the pressure of high unemployment, foreclosures and layoffs.
GO HERE to read more.
Joe you know the answer. The criminals are in crime school here in Salisbury. After graduation they will stop scratching their heads
The numbers are down because SPD is a huge share of the statistics, but they misrepresent them to make the city seem safer. I bet the real numbers make Salisbury the most dangerous city in America.
Crime is down because there's nothing to steal.
Not to mention that most of them are probably unlawfully collecting unemployment pay, or dissability pay, or just plain Obama money.
When the entire population is suffering from Obamanomics and Dumbocrat control, even the crooks realize that you can't squeeze water out of a rock!
4:43... you minsunderstand. Crime is DOWN everywhere but HERE, debunking the economy excuse by local chieftain.
The article is saying what Ive been saying all along. Everyone I hear talks about how crime isnt as bad as the big bad city here. NEWSFLASH: it is!!! So other larger cities are seeing a crime drop yet Salisbury's crime is literally skyrocketing. There are so many local problems here that need to be solved but never will be due to the entrenched good ol boy network. Leadership around here is a joke and for most of the locals work is an inconvenience. Deny, deny deny deny. Say it 3 times, the shore is the best place to live, the shore is the best place to live, the shore is the best place to live. Keep saying it and denying everything else and you will be another one of the ignorant locals.
Ppl here sugarcoat everything. "Oh, you live in Salisbury, well thats right by the beach....whats that you live on Naylor St. Oh those houses are so cute back there. Its so quiet and peaceful on the shore, ppl are SOOOO friendly".
These are the kind of things I hear. Where I come from you tell ppl the truth. Salisbury isnt the greatest and I tell most ppl that only because I have lived in FAR better places. Why does the general public here have the "blinders" on 24-7?
I've lived everywhere, and crime was everywhere, but this article does validate my thoughts, crime is a problem in Salisbury because the policing and politics of Salisbury has allowed it to thrive here. The uptick in crime is not due to the economy its due to the ability of criminals to conduct it and get away with it! And the problem is not just the police, its also the prosecutor and courts that allow it. It's also supported by slumlords and blight.
It's time for the City Council to do their job and introduce legislation to correct some of these matters rather then bicker.
Fire chief search
The choice for a new fire chief has not yet been made. Mayor Jim Ireton said a consensus among firefighters, search committee members and city administrators could not be reached. A second search will be performed.
Too cold for them,wait til it warms up a bit.
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