It was a complete shock to all as the schedule was completely full throughout the rest of the Christmas Season but Corporate has made a final decision and no one will solicit in front of Gander Mountain.
The Grinch has in fact stolen Christmas. I will personally be returning the gifts I purchased from Gander Mountain and spend the rest of this week purchasing gifts elsewhere. It's a two way street, the way I see it.
A solid Corporate decision would have been, allow them to finish out the Holiday and announce a decision after the fact. They made their statement, now I'm making mine. So you also know, I have not made a single purchase from Sam's Club or Wal-Mart either.
what could possibly be their reasoning for doing so?
Shame on you Gander Mountain AND Sam's Club. So much for Corporate America. I would rather take my dollars to the small man even if it means having to pay more.
Thanks for the heads up Joe. I will be returning my gifts as well.
Glad you posted this today. I was going tomorrow to buy some boots, jackets and a gun case at Gander mountin. I guess I will head over to Dicks.
Whoops. I was headed there today. Guess not.
Gosh, he really IS a grinch.
Maybe we should take up a collection to change his life. Like lap-band surgery, a personal trainer and oodles of psychotherapy.
Not having bell ringers--their decision. Boycotting their business--our decision. If Gander Mountain has so little regard for our community, why support them?
They are afraid if you give to the needy that's one less dollar for them!
That's it, I'm done with them. This was a stupid decision but you have to wonder what was said to them to make such a stupid decision. Dick's will get my business this year. Thanks for the heads up.
I am also returning EVERYTHING I bought there!!!
I dont understand what they possibly have to gain by doing this... do they think its gonna make them look good?
theyre a bunch of good-ole-boys anyway
It is a shame because I did love that store but you will not see me anymore fellas.
9:37~I was thinking more on the lines of tying him to a truck and taking off about 10 miles per hour and getting him to run.
most of those that claim they will not support a store for these kinds of reasons will still shop there. Maybe not Joe whom i believe has that kind of integrity. But most of you will still shop at gander and walmart because they have what you need at a lower price. Saying i will shop at the small man store is all talk and will not be follwed through with. THe almighty dollar in your own pocket will determine your shopping AS you will see gander and walmart will still make loads of money because its all talk
I agree with 9:39. Bad corporate decision, my personal decision not to spend a single dime there going forward
Call 888-5gander to leave them a message.
Tell them you won't ever shop there again!
What has happened to us? What happened to helping the less fortunate. I will never purchase from them again. Don't think they'll be around much longer anyway.
Is this because of Jonathon Taylor? Are you serious? That guy needs help
or somethinbg else....
If you go to:
that's there corporate website. Leave an email message expressing your displeasure.
I can't imagine that this decision had anything to do with Joe. It apparently had to do with them not caring about the community that they depend upon to support them the rest of the year. How arrogant of them to snub the Salvation Army when the business climate is so sensitive...they're going to miss the business that they've pushed away. I only hope they learn the lesson without actually having to shut their doors. We certainly don't need another empty building going to seed here in Salisbury.
They're so high-priced I quit shopping there long ago. I get my guns and ammo from local gun dealers like Wink's in PA and Big Brad's Gun Shop in Parsonsburg.
For the past 4or5 years I have spent $200.00 on four gift cards there, now I have to find somewhere else.
I cant wait to hear the reasoning behind this. I have only shopped there a couple of times but i swear i will never set foot in that place again.
This is a major blow to the fundraising efforts of the SA. I will personally drop even more money in buckets elsewhere and I hope many of you will as well. Its bad enough the weather put a damper on their income this final week. This is just shameful.
I agree Joe. This was a very poor corporate decision. I also don't blame you for not making any purchases at Sams and Walmart. The Salvation Army is a Christian organization and does wonders for our community. I will not make any purchases from Gander Mountain again.
You realize the "grinch" and "lorax" are copyrighted characters owned by Random House? We all know Random House would not give anyone permission to turn their characters into political stooges or vehicles to rob from the Salvation Army. So I think it's time for the people from this blog to turn the tables and let them know there is someone violating their copyright laws in a very vicious manner.
I just so happen to have the contact info for office that handles their permissions:
Permissions & Copyright
All requests to reproduce material published by Random House, Inc. must be made in writing. It is not our policy to grant verbal permission. At this time, we are not accepting permission requests via e-mail.
Permissions & Copyright Department
Random House
1745 Broadway, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10019
You may also fax your request to: (212) 572-6066
I just left them a message on their website!!! and told them that they have lost my bus!!!
Well, I did my part and I emailed them. I told them I wanted an explanation of why they made this decision, and that I'd be posting their response on our poplular news blog. I will let you know what they say. You all should do the same if you have time.
For whatever its worth on Friday night I made a purchase at Gander Mountain and upon leaving made a donation to the Salvation Army.My purchase was a hunting stamp which I can't return or I would.I to have sent a nasty gram to the Gander Mountain Corporate Offices.Anybody want to get up a bus trip to Bass Pro Shops? I'm done with Gander Mountain....
just rememeber winks and big brads,there are places places where you can get great personalized service at a great price !!!they are not that far away and gander cant seem to maintain handgunlicense anyway.dicks is a good spot,saved 80 bucks on same tree stand.I wish they would lower their price on under armour though.
anonymous 11:21, there were no bell ringers there Friday night. In fact, the persons that were supposed to be there ringing the bell called me personally to ask what the heck was up as they were told they could no longer ring there. I contacted the Salvation Army and it was confirmed that corporate had made this decision. The people that were going to ring Friday night were going to cover almost the entire weekend and this will be a major blow to the Army's income.
Turd boy, I told you I wasn't done kicking your ass, stand by, more to come my worthless donkey.
These corp. A--holes did not care about Salisbury or the small business people when they came here. They ran a bunch of the mom and pop stores out of business then jacked their prices way up. I found that Winks Sporting Goods in Princess Anne kicks their butt on most prices. If you folks want good home town people to deal with Please give Winks a try because they are great people to do business with. Gander Mountain sucks and most of there people do know there products or much about hunting either.
11:28 must love taking it on his chin,or getting it on his chin.whatever.....haha !
I don't know you, Jonathan Taylor, but I think you're a real creep. You've taken your personal war to the streets, and in doing so you're hurting innocent people. The Salvation Army has done nothing to you....or is that the problem? You're clearly a mooch, and maybe you're mad that they haven't given you a new bicycle or any free food. Either way, and whatever, SHAME ON YOU.
Joe I was in there about 5 pm the Bell Ringers were just setting up and hadn't started yet when I placed my donation in the kettle,apparently they were asked to stop just after I left but they were there.
anonymous 11:51, thank you. I believe that's what happened. They were instructed not to ring on Thursday night at the close of the shift. No one was aware they had made such a remark and I'm sure the bell ringer that evening didn't believe what they were being told. When they arrived Friday evening they laid the law down and made them leave. That's when they called me. I was at the 3rd Friday event when they called, so your timing sounds just about right.
Jonathan takes pride in hurting the finances of the Salvation Army. He will be remembered for the rest of his life that he caused such damage. A real mental scumbag. Thanks for all you do Joe and screw this guy, he's not worth your time.
I've only been in that store twice and both times I returned my purchase because I found it elsewhere much cheaper. So I didn't have plans on going back any how but this is the icing on the cake.
10:02, I respectfully disagree with you. While I agree that some who say otherwise will keep shopping at GM after this, I don't believe that it's "all talk", as you said toward the end of your post. I think you might be surprised at the number of readers on this blog who will make good on their threat. Not all live by the almighty dollar, and very many SBYNEWS readers really care about the community, even if it costs them more to do so.
The bell ringers were there on Thursday night, as I was there as well. They were still ringing as of 6:30 PM when I left the store ....
11:28, Taylor, you were warned months ago about using the term "grinch" when you started selling merchandise. I really don't think you know what you have gotten yourself into, but you will soon find out.
They lost their right to sell hand guns not too long ago , I think they suck. Go to Tin Mans on Nanticoke Road , used to be Daves Sort shop.
1:23 PM
I bet SSI would like to know about his (JT's) little retail business
Fraud Reporting Form
You can use this online form to report allegations of fraud, waste, and abuse concerning SSA programs and operations.
What they should have done is write the Salvation Army a check when they made them leave. The community wouldn't be so upset then.
I wonder if JR had anything to do with it. I saw him at the Salvation Army office a little more then a week ago and heard him threatening to sue them if they continued to have anything to do with Joe.
It doesn't make sense because Jonathan lives on welfare and yet he's attacking charity. If anyone should understand what it's like to be in need, he should.
Anyone trying to hurt the Salvation Army (or any other charity) because of a personal vendetta against Joe Albero (or any other individual) is a SICK monster.
JR is a classic "nut bucket." What possible grounds could he have for a lawsuit against the SA for their association w/ Joe?
Who is JR to sue anyone? He lives off the work of the rest of us. Why is it exactly that the phone skills he uses to whine to all of these corporations couldn't be used in a real job?
Got ya Joe. Guess our little letter writing campaign kicked you out. Take that, chump!
You all are giving JT far to much credit. First of all, he isn't smart enough to do the damage that has been done to the SA on his own. He is guided by anyone that will give him the attention he craves. His cohorts, JR, BB, SB, are the brains (if you can call it that) behind all that is evil in this town. These are the main players in this vendetta against Joe and anything he gets involved in. JT is definitely deeply involved because he provides the outlet for the venom he spews. He can claim corporate, business and political friends all he wants, once these people are revealed they too will become the pariahs in this town.
Not even Nathans. Sam's Club has lost a $1,000.00+ a month loyal Customer. In years past I would spend more than $100,000.00 a year in Sam's Club with the restaurant, bar and billiard rooms I used to own. I purchased all of my supplies, including my manufacturing business. Once I retired I still carried around $2,500.00 a month and I have ALWAYS paid off my monthly bill each and every month. I never carried anything from one month to the next. If you'll recall, two winters ago they lowered my limit from $2,500.00 a month down to $900.00 a month, which was no big deal to me because I was buying less. However, I'd run my limit, (not including what I paid cash for in Sam's).
Last Christmas I spend almost $4,000.00 in Sam's, they'll not get a penny from me this year.
The low life scumbags that played this game not only don't have memberships, they, (all together) don't spend in one year what I spend in Hot Dogs in a year at Sam's.
It was a major screw up on Sam's/WalMart's behalf and they have now lost one of their very best customers.
Gander Mountain will feel the same pain this year as we usually spend quite a bit on ghuns and ammo.
So you all know, I went to Farmer's & Planters and bought a skid of pellets and had them deliver it to my home. Because their pellets burn so clean, not only do they NOT clog up my stove, the ashes burn to either side of the stove and do not block up the main area where the pellets burn. I'll add, one bag lasts me 2 days while the pellets I was buying at Sam's Club would burn one bag every single day and then we had to clean the stove every day as well. The shes would not burn off to the side and it burned twice as much. Oh, the bags were around 25 cents more per bag but so well worth it mess wise and convenience wise. In the end, because one bag last 2 days, look at the savings.
As for WalMart, while they may be convenient for some, Muir Boda was the first reason I stopped shopping there long ago. His little scam of feeding Jonathan Taylor inside and then acting like a christian after he'd back stab so many kept me away from their store.
I'll add, I had a conversation with a local executive recently who told me the day after WalMart made the decision to ask me not to ring the bell there any more, he went to the Manager of WalMart and showed him his two week long grocery list as well as his prescription list. The manager asked why he was being shown this list and he replied, I just want you to see the kind of business you just lost because of your decision with Joe Albero.
Look, if he's the only one who did such a thing, it hurt WalMart by simply making such a decision on their own. Lord knows how much the Albero Household spent in WalMart but my guess is at least $300.00 a week. Food Lion in Delmar has now pipcked up all of our business.
Anyhow, that's how the Albero Household Rolls.
Billy & Stephanie Burke are behind it too Joe. I just heard they foreclosed on their home and they'll be on the streets very soon and homeless. I wonder who they'll con next for a roof over their head. Maybe JT can take them in and they can combine their welfare. This is very sad because they have a young son. Karma is a b!tch.
Why take it out on the SA if someone doesn't like Joe? How heartless can they be?
I'm happy people have found personal reason not to shop at Wal-Mart/Sam's but I am sorry that it comes at a great cost to the community.
Take the ride over to BJs in Delaware. They have amazing deals there. Plus it's tax free. As for Gander Mountain, Sams and Walmart, I think it's time for emails and phone calls to express our utmost disgust for what they are doing. I think I'm more disgusted with Gander Mountain because they just stopped the whole thing all together. WTF?
Can someone attempt to explain exactly why these people are attacking Joe through the Salvation Army? it doesn't really directly hurt Joe it hurts the needy...
I do not do business with Walmart due to the EEO lawsuits against them in the past, and since Sam's pushed Joe out, I have gone to BJ's and have gotten a membership and I get all of my meats at Hasting's Butcher Shop in Delmar.
I buy workboots at Gandermountain....but never again.
These nay sayers may have won this battle, but the Salvation Army will win the war with the help of a greater power than JT, the Burkes or any of their other flunkies.
On Friday night students from the National Junior Honor Society showed up to ring the bell from 5-9pm and were told to leave by the store manager A.C. When he was asked why, he responded by telling them it was a corporate decision. The Honor Society advisor then had to call and cancel all of the students that were set up for Saturday, all day... Craziness... The person who picked up the kettle Thursday night at Gander never relayed the message to the Salvation Army for the next day, so no one knew. Worked out ok though due to the weather...What is this world coming to????
I have to agree with 1002AM. I own a small business here in Salisbury and have people come in and say they want to pick my brain for "free" information. After doing so, they go home and get on the internet and purchase their goods from the internet, sometimes just to save a few dollars rather than supporting a local business. The problem is when they have a situation where they goofed up on their purchase, they want me to make it right and the forget that they need to go back to where they purchased it (in online zone) Geesh!
We bought our pellets at Farmers and Planters in Aug. They are ALOT cheaper. We ran out last year and picked up some bags at Walmart and Sams. You are right they ARE CRAP pellets. They would make my stove hum because there was so much ash. The ones at Tractor supply were not so bad but the ones from Farmers and Planters rocked no problem at ALL with them.
3:44, because these sickos hope the Salvation Army will kick Joe to the curb.
The S.A. has been threatened before and refused to do so. Unlike that green piece of shoe gum and his racist Pocomoke buddies, the Salvation Army is made up of Christians. Joe helped them feed, clothe, gift and keep warm hundreds of families.
To those sickos in that group, the hundreds of families you hurt this winter will be on your record when the Almighty is ready to judge. Salvation through Jesus Christ likely won't save you because he'll know you fake your repentence.
Enjoy Hell, you bunch.
As for the rest of us, we must double up our efforts to make sure the Salvation Army does even better this year! Defeat Satan as represented by those horrible people who seek an empty vengeance at the expense of poor innocents.
Let us make sure Good triumphs over those who are pure Evil!
someone get me up to speed on this. Is it true that Jonathon Taylor stole underwear from Debbie Cambell's house? Also, is this JT the fat guy that goes to the city meetings and sits in the corner all the time? I wonder if he is wearing her stuff that stuff
cabellas mail order huge discounts gander must be supporting obahma
it's pure jealousy and the need for attention that has been lacking throughout their lowly lives.
As I have asked in the past, How is JR staying business. With the amount of advertising ie radio, newspaper, Metropolitan etc. His business of clock repair, skateboards, gold, can't be that profitable - ????? or is he a landlord & has that income??
What goes around comes around.
As time moves on, many people, including myself, that were attracted to the big box stores low prices, are now in a new phase.
I am actively moving away from the big boxes.
Take Gander Mountain for instance.
I've been in there at least six times in three weeks looking to buy an AR15.
They can't sell it because they don't have a license???
Excuse me, I was born at night, but it wasn't last night.
I went to Winks in Princess Anne.
What a place!
Indoor archery range, tons of clothes and gear.
I felt good about shopping there because the place was warm, sales staff was friendly.
And you know what one guy tried to do?
He tried to actually sell me something.
It was refreshing. That guy actually knew what the hell he was talking about.
Not like the Gander cashiers.
I will not darken the door of any big box store ever again.
I may pay a slightly higher price, but I'll leave there satisfied.
All I know is I have given more money to the SA this year then any other .And yes alot of the reason is because of all the good Joe dose for all of us. SO to hell with JT and the others.
7:03 I've been to Winks and that older guy who works there - maybe he is the owner - is an a$$ho**. After a good bit of sarcasm from him I went to Big Brads on Esham Rd. in Parsonsburg. Even though the small gun shops don't have the inventory the larger chain stores have, they can order what you want. You may pay a little more but what you get in return is knowledge and experience. If you go to Winks you get to talk to an old mad with a bad attitude.
Much as that bloated pus-filled pimple JT and his crew would like to think they did this, it's a nationwide thing.
Still sucks. I've only bought a couple of things from Gander Mountain since they opened.
Now I won't buy at all, ever. Unless I hear that they made a whopping contribution to every SA chapter across the country.
So far today, I've notified 16 friends and family members long distance. Later, I'll shoot the email out.
Unbelievablew. I can't believe I shopped there today. Returns are not fun for stores.
4:51, I can't say whether it's true or not, but I will say that I've heard the same thing a bunch of times over the last 8 months or so. I know that, at one time, he was on the crime task force with Debbie Campbell and I know she made the mistake of trusting him and was stabbed in the back. What the particulars are, I don't know, but it wouldn't surprise me if the SICKO leach does what you suggested. Debbie IS a good looking woman. On the other hand, I doubt Taylor's fat duff would fit into any of her clothes.
I just know I'd hate to be in his shoes come judgment day. He's done a lot to hurt this city and its poor people as well.
Go to the Gander Mountain link and leave a message about your displeaure in their decision. Thats a start. I have already done so.
perhaps they don't want our money???
Just posted on Facebook:
is upset because Gander Mountain chose to have the Salvation Army remove their kettle from the store front in Salisbury, MD. I will refuse to patronize this establishment any further.
10:02 you may be correct about some here but you certainly aren't about me! I will never go through the doors of Wal-Mart North, Sam's and Gander again. I believe in our community and helping our fellow man. There was no good reason for them to put a stop to Joe rining the bell and there's no good reason to put a stop to all rining of the bells at this location. Dick's has my business now along with other places I haven't been to in years.
Thanks for the heads up Joe!
Just another reason to Boycott GM. Crappy service, Sub-par products, can’t hold on to their FFL people. Now community disrespect? No thanks.
Guess what?I was supposed to get my brother in law a gift there but I will explain to him WHY I didnt and make sure he tells ALL his MANY hunting and fishing buddies so they know too.
You may purchace any item there at other retail outlets. Screw-em!
joe, check this out..http://frankcalio.wordpress.com/2009/11/17/no-bell-ringing-at-laurel-food-lion/
I have no idea about the politics of all this, but Gander Mountain has been letting scouts, church groups, and civic organizations fundraise(very successfully) at their local store since it opened.
Whatever is behind this sudden change, I'm not willing to forget that they've been a positive and supportive part of our community for years.
They handled this poorly, but will continue to have my business. Our group has always been well-treated when we've approached them for assistance.
I'm sorry to be behind on this story, but I thought, Joe, that you were ringing the bell at Sam's Club about a week and a half ago? I know someone gave my two children candy canes, and about 5 minutes later it hit me why that someone looked so familiar.
Has Sam's stopped all SA collections? or just you?
Sam's Club had a bell-ringer just yesterday (Tuesday). I stuffed in some money to help make up for my health preventing me from participation in the campaign this year. He was a first-timer, and says he will do it again next year.
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