See the white guy in the white suit,,, see the blond with the white dress,,, see the guy in the middle,,,, this picture was taken a few years ago,,, it seems Obama has known these two phonies for awhile, at least when he was a senator,,they are getting all this press now as party crashers and the secret service is taking heat,,,, funny how this has not come out in the press.
also with Fergie and her group.
That's the Black Eyed Peas too!! (Singing Group)
Its been obvious from the beginning that these people didnt crash the party. The Secret Service isnt that bad, believe me. Somebody let them in. Its just the fact that they were discovered and now some part of the system is going to take the fall. It certainly isnt going to be the President or any of his cabinet. Its all the fault of Bush.
I have no dog in this hunt, but how many times are politicians and celebrities asked to step into group photos at various functions and events. Do you really think they know each and every one of the individuals in the photo. I think not... Lets tackle real issues... the economy, jobs, defense, the budget, health care- do you really care who he has taken a group photo with???
Obama doesn't want the secret service around they might find out what he's up too !
Now this may be why there was no investigation. Obama lies roll off his tongue easier the slick Willie's. And I thought he either had it down to a science or was a pathological liar.
Yeah, they were in the same place at the same time. Doesn't mean they know each other. Everyone in a group photo doesn't have to be best buddies.
If someone does not have an invitation to a party, then they are a crasher, whether they are known to the party-thrower or not.
The point was a matter of security.
Some people need to get a life. Or go pick up a tabloid and read what Tiger sexted.
I guarantee it was a White House minion who let them in I feel bad the Obama administration is trying to give the secret service a black eye !
A motley crew.
call me a conspiracy theorist, but i think this whole uninvited guest scenario is obamas first exercise in his systematic approach to discredit the secret service so that he may disband them and install his own obama-youth security corps
10:05 you are a conspiracy theorist.
The person at the White House social secretary's office who was responsible for checking people off of the list was busy basking in his/her own wonderfulness as a guest at the dinner instead of doing the job the taxpayers pay for. That's the real culprit, not the Secret Service. The White House just wants to blame the Secret Service because the Social Secretary's office is made up of Obama toadies and cronies (which wasn't going to happen in this administration - change and all that).
it would seem most missed the fact that this is an old photo...
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