This car was parked on the side of the road next to Sam's Club. It's a relatively new Chevy Impala SS that costs in the neighborhood of $35,000 but yet they are looking for hand outs for Christmas! Is there something that I'm missing???? How about sell the darn car!"
perhaps you should have stopped to talk to them and ask them yourself instead of speculating. they may have rented the car, owe back payments, are unemployed and can't afford the payments, have recently lost their spouse, need to pay for a funeral, medical costs.....tons of possibilities beyond actually owning that car outright. have a little compassion. one could speculate that the person writing this post is full of hate at a time where Love is needed.
anonymous 1:36, can't argue that point. Let me guess, you're a Democrat?
I have passed by before as well, and have seen a sign saying wreaths for sale and they had a few out by their car...
Really? Joe did you just say that? Are you in a bad mood? I'm not a democrat, however I try to see the best in people. Maybe they really do need help. Why don't you go or send someone to find them and ask them what their problem is and then we could all stop calling each other bad names like "democrat".
You ring the bell for the Salvation Army to help people right?
If these people are not really in need maybe they just need some guidance. Like to a debt consolidator or the classified ads.
I did buy a wreath from that couple, and am glad of it. Staunch Republican too!
Anon 1:36, you make absolutely NO sense! If they owe back payments or lost there job, there is nothing stopping them from selling the car and down-grading. I've done it! Another thing, if they rented the car, then they are just as rediculous as your post! How about this... Think before you speak! Merry Christmas!
While i do agree with 1:36 to a point... if i'm crying poor and looking for handouts, i'm at least gonna look the part so that people do assume the same thing that the person did who took the pics & emailed Joe.
Perhaps it's not their family they speak of when they say "family in need" Did you ever consider they might be trying to help someone else out in their time of need?
Last week I saw a lady using her food stamp card then drove away in a GMC SUV. My wife said maybe she was buying groceries for someone else. Doubtful, I believe you are
the only one that can use the card.
I like the comment left by Anonymous 1:36. No one knows another one's situation unless they ask. Those of you who don't feel bad for these people or people less fortunate than us will one day be in their shoes.
What a great idea, thanks
Tuesday, they had a sign asking for money for gas; Wednesday they had a sign out to asking for a nice Christmas for the baby. There is something here that does not smell right!!!
if they owe more than the car is worth how would they sell it??
Sell the car, buy a junker, & follow Dave Ramsey's plan.
I am my brothers keeper.
if they owe more on the car than they can get, YOU don't make sense. there is also the possibility that their home was foreclosed on and the car is their shelter. who knows, the repo man may be hunting for them. again, you never know. obviously you have never fallen on bad times due to circumstances beyond your control. that was my point. and Joe, I am a REPUBLICAN.
None of us know the circumstances of these people. They could have lost their job and had no cushion to fall back on. They could be selling those wreaths to help a friend or neighbor. At least they are offering something for the money instead of panhandling.
I saw them yesterday afternoon and I really felt guilty that I didn't stop. I didn't have any cash on me and couldn't have bought a wreath anyway. Honestly, I never even thought anything about the car, maybe its the only vehicle they have to drive. I just wish more folks would stop and think before they make judgements. Charity R.
Times are very tough, there's no question about it. While I even agreed with the first comment, don't shoot the messanger.
Clearly there are people out there who see this situation differently.
I grew up in NYC, (and many can confirm this) and there was always someone within a 4 block radius asking for money, it was a way of life.
I believe the shock of people seeing it hit home was something worth Posting. While I personally do not agree with each and every post we put up here, I can't deny it's worth discussing.
Here's the challenge. Now what can we ALL do to turn this into a positive situation? No, it's NOT my rsponsibility to adopt this Family and pay their bills just because I have money. Someone tried putting up that comment and I rejected it. I earned what I have and I also have every right to do with that money what I choose to do with it.
Don't critisize me just because I did a better job managing it. You also do not know what I do for others regularly, but many of you out there do.
I'll also remind many of you that this individual seems to be selling something while simply mentioning you'd be helping a needy Family.
As for my Democrat comment, yes, I am poking at the Democrats because they all want the Republican's, (and others) money to save the world. Like it or not, that's how I feel. I am against welfare and most of the Government programs that are nothing short of hand outs. I believe they enable people instead of motovating people to get back on their feet.
I have stated in the past, I grew up with nothing and when I finally earned enough to retire, I respect what I made and I'm extremely tight with it to assure I'm not a statistic who collects from you or anyone else.
I believe this person pictured above is making a living his own way. It may be different from what you do but at least he's not a drunk sitting in a subway station asking for a hand out for his next drink. (let's hope not anyway)
Get used to it Folks because it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.
Now start offering some solutions or stop commenting.
Sorry. I have little empathy. I worked for years and saved, drove old clunkers, so that one day I could to buy what I needed for cash. It is a matter of the ant and the grasshopper theory.
How about getting a job, and don't tell me it is too hard to find one. Some people just need to learn to lower their standards when they need to and take whatever job they can get. I work 90 plus hours a week, two full time jobs. I leave one and go to the other and I would work three before I sat on the side of the road begging. If they were trying to help someone else out their sign would read just that. I was in the grocery store yesterday and the woman in front of me paid for her baby formula with her WIC coupons and then paid cash for her cigs. She has money to smoke but can't feed her kids. Maybe she should have thought about that before she had them.
How bout this one folks, the people in the new car there looking for money had a clunker that was paid for.When Obammas cash for clunkers plan came out they raced to the dealer and got a $4500.00 hand out for their car (that was paid for and really worth $6000.00 Dollars). A couple of weeks after they bought the car and now have a payment obligation they lost their jobs because of the economy.Some kind of plan our government had huh?
I have no idea why these people are there beggin for money but I do think the sign they are using is a surely in bad taste. If they are actually in need they would be smarter not to have the car in sight. They have been out in that location on several occasions in the past so it must be a money making location for them.
i wonder if the owner of that property knows what their doing there
1:36 you made perfect sense. In addition to everything you listed, who's to say the people sitting in the vehicle is the family in need? They are selling Christmas wreaths, not panhandling. Who's to say it isn't friends of a family in need out selling wreaths that either they or the family in need made?
Yes, most Republicans are against handouts to the poor. They favor handouts to rich corporations in the form of white collar welfare. Can you say Halliburton, Blackwater?
Let's not make this a political issue. Political party does not matter. What matters is there is a man out there selling wreaths to help a family in need. His family or someone else's family doesn't matter, someone in our community is in need. What he drives, what he wears is not the issue. When did everyone become so cold hearted that they can't spare the price of a cup of coffee to help someone in need? My father in law used to say "the Lord loves a cheerful giver". Where are all the Christians that want to keep Christ in Christmas? Where is all of that Christian love? I hope none of you are ever in need and have to resort to roadside sales. I can spare a buck maybe even two to help someone else. It won't make me or break me. It might be the buck that makes a better day for them.
nobody knows there real story do we? All of your responses are speculations. If they are a scam so be it. Its what we do in life for other people that makes us who we are. Had I saw that I would have helped. why? Because its simply the right thing to do to help others. God is the judge not us.
8:19~The trouble comes when you do not know where your money really is going. For all you know, they may be codependent and supporting a crackhead and that could be their situational experience. It is better to buy what they need. Food? Clothing?
Just how the system should work.
If people need food then line up for your beans, peanut butter and cheese. Don't allow a huge grocery cart of chips, cookies and microwavable food. Give basic staples.
I agree with Joe. I also worked very hard and did without but saved as I went along so I would not be in this situation. No one is helping me in these slow times in my business - I just keep plugging along and stay on top of things but thank goodness I have a little cushion to fall back on - obviously these folks in the car did not plan for bad times.....
I still say if everyone would work for themselves then there would be no need for handouts! Get a job!
It may be a scam or they may be living in the car.
If I hear people say one more time, "they didn't plan," I'm going to scream.
All it takes is one illness to wipe you out.
My in-laws played by the rules, had a nice 401k saved, and the market crash wiped out 50%, then came illness to finish the job, even with health insurance and medicare.
After 65 years of working their a$$es off, scrimping and saving to leave their heirs a little something, they had a real hard time at the end. We were there for them, much as they didn't want the help, but not everyone has a family member able to help them.
You holier-than-thou people make me sick. And I'm a Republican!
I'm waiting for the comment where someone actually stops and asks what the situation is. If I go by, I'll stop and ask.
Judge not lest ye be judge yourselves.
Most low to middle income folks are slaves to an overtaxed society. The idea that everyone has the ability to break free and get ahead financially isnt't possible for most people. Of course hard work, saving responsilby and staying out of debt are key principles for reaching self sufficiency, less than 1% are actually able to do this. There are too many variables in life to think that everyone can follow these simple rules and actually achieve financial freedom.
I look at it like this. First I am a Repub and I am not a moderate - I'm much further to the right. But that doesn't mean I am not compassionate - nor does it mean that I will be a fool just because of the holiday season. These people could be a group that are playing the hearts of those who ARE subject to having themselves fooled by scammers during this time of year. All things being equal though, with the economy being the way it is, odds are they have fallen on hard times and are trying to be resourceful by trying to sell wreaths during the Christmas season in an attempt to earn enough to pay the bills and eat. If you have questions, by all means ask them. As far as selling the car? I have a friend who is a licensed home improvement contractor. He has been in business for over 31 years and had, prior to now, never been out of work. Now he has none. He has a 2005, loaded to the gills, SUV for which he paid almost $60,000 which is paid off. It has very low mileage and is in showroom condition. He is trying to sell it for about 1/3 of what he paid and can't. Don't say the economy isn't bad on some folks. I don't know anyone that it hasn't impacted in some fashion.
Sure the wreath folks could be scammers - but these days they are more likely to be hungry Americans. As I get older I've noticed that during hard times Americans with the means dig deeper to help fellow Americans who are down on their luck. Just go look at those kettles - they're full to the top! Now go go out and ask questions if you need answers. No one blames you for that. But if you find out the claim is legit - BUY A FRIGGIN" WREATH! And remember something a wise person once repeated to me - "There but by the grace of God go I".
actually i was hoping someone would go ask and post, i'm not on that side of town, won't be over that way for a few more days. Why do people ASSUME
If you look .
Go to Mcdonalds on Parsons rd.
Look at all the $50,000 dollar cars that eat there.
Follow them home .
Most go to Nithsdale.
I have noticed this for somtime now,nothing new.
Can they afford food or just a big house?
Funny how some Republicans say they "earned" their money. If by "earn" you mean rip off those that actually do the real earning then yes. Otherwise you're just greedy and heartless. I'm still amazed at how it is just never enough for these people. Better spend it now because you can't take it to hell with you...
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