The incident happened on State Street in Crisfield. State Police and Crisfield Police were on the scene as well as Jimmy Henderson with Animal Control. The dog is being tested for rabies and of course our hope is that the test comes back negative.
Mr. Casey was taken to PRMC and was released that same day. All our very best wishes to you Mr. Casey and a Merry Christmas to you and your Family.
Get a picture of the actual dog into the blog and the Crisfield paper and see who comes forth to identify the owner. Include the numbers for the Crisfield police and Somerset animal control.
OK, let's start this "thread" all over again from last week. I am now ready for all you pit owners who think these are harmless dogs who only bite because they've been mistreated to come forward and tell us your address (no names needed) so we can stay the hell away from your property and your dog. If you took a poll the pit "supporters" would number only 1 in 100. In my opinion if you own a pit, you are guilty of reckless endangerment in our communities.
This was a DOG attack DOG attack DOG attack!! The dog being a pit has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with it. I am sorry the man was attacked and that he lost his dog that is terrible. But the fact is you can not blame the breed. All of you that want this breed banned what are you going to do when they start going after the breed that you own? Because if you start this it will not end. Instead of going after the poor helpless dog you should be attacking the stupid people that use this dog for fighting or whatever else. If they are not able to get a Pit Bull they will just use another breed...maybe a lab? And then in a few years instead of you throwing a fit that Pits be banned you will be doing everything you can to protect your precious family lab because some stupid people have given it a bad name.
Please take the time to read this report
READ THE WHOLE REPORT before passing judgement on this or any breed of dog
Another thing about Pit Bulls is they are the number one breed in this country for unprovoked vicious attacks on other dog breeds that result in death or serious injuries!
They are mean, viscous animals and should NEVER be trusted. And take a look at the kind of people that own pit bulls!
I will shoot any pit bull who is not under control of the owner , no more Mr. nice guy. Nice guys finish last. I'm a little sick or touched anyway.
Sometimes pit bulls trained to fight have a signal that sets them off. Some innocent person can give that signal without meaning to--disaster!
Late breaking News !!!!!!!
It was not a Pit Bull after all. A local camera caught all the action. Apparently the women had been eating sausage and some of the grease dripped on her leg.
J.T. was riding by on his Rascal and had not had breakfast.
Well and now you know the rest of the story.
Tragic I tell you.
Anonymous 1:48
I completly agree with you as long as the dogs is threatening you or yours. but if you shot my pitbull I can promise you I would shoot back......
Anon 2:58
Thats funny!
Why don't you people wish this man a quick recovery instead of all these comments about killing dogs.
Why don't you neighbors call him and ask if there's anything you can do to help him over the Holidays.
Come on people, get a grip on life.
Just the type of respond I would expect from a pit owner, even though if your pit was loose it would be your fault. Perhaps, you should consider shooting youself, instead of someone protecting their life. Everyone has the right to be able to walk down the street or out their front door to get the mail, without worrying if a loose dog is friendly.
His name was John Carey not casey and he didn't go to prmc....he went to mccready. Still no owner to come forward from this tragic event. Our prayers go out to him for not only losing his best friend but witnessing it in his own yard.
The mans name was Carey, not Casey. He had a awful experience. I can only imagine. He is expected to recover. Lets all hope so.
Joe, I think you got your photos mixed up in this story, dude. You meant to post a Pit Bull pic, did you not? Well, take another look. You put up a picture of Louise Smith on one of her best days.
Um .. State Street is outside of city limits.. So Crisfield PD would not have been there.
Wow! This is a nasty looking dog. Something like this attacking you will have lasting effects on you if you are lucky enough to survive. This one needs to be put down.
joe i know you will not be able to post this but pitbulls are not wired right. the problem is they are an unsual breed 1/2 gator & 1/2oboma's great grandfather. they dont know to bite your leg or your wallet.
Anonymous 334
Are you just stupid? DID YOU READ WHAT I WROTE?
I do have a pit and he doesn't leave my yard, office or location that I am in....he is the kindest, loving dog you could ever ask for. But the people who think that this breed is a bad breed, well no one will ever change your mind,,, and I don’t care, but why don’t you EDCUMACATE yourself before "rep-ing" yourself in such a stupid manner. There is a tag line above I looked at it and read it ....Why don’t you. I would think that the people who wrote this are more of an expert than you will ever be. Read WHY these breeds are the most aggressive dogs and what people do such things...but you would rather post your personal opinion and that’s just what it is...My father told me long ago "opinions are like A-holes....everyone’s got one"
Maybe you should take the time to be around a pit that has been in a well rounded home....and not tied to a tree or a post in the yard, fenced in a 6 X 6 area and starved
I have had plenty of neighbors, co-workers and on-lookers that started with the same outlook as you, but left with a totally different opinion and some even became owners and lovers of the breed.....
1:48 must be the the guy in charge of dog control. I sure hope that man doesn't carry a gun. I've heard very negative things about that man. If Somerset county doesn't get someone decent in that position, my guess is that they will be faced with a lawsuit in the near future because of his actions. He is very rude and abusive and has a terrible reputation and temper from what I understand. Does anyone know how he got a job with the county even as a dog catcher?
I know Mr. Carey and he is a very frail man. I sincerely hope he recovers. It's to bad that the county spends so much money on animal control only to have this type of thing happen. The commissioners need to hold someone responsible. I see dog control trucks traveling the roads all of the time, but it's rare to ever see any animals in the truck. Are they just joy riding or what?
Crisfeld P.D. was there i am a city employee so i know what did and didn't happen that tragic day anyway i know john well and from my family to his we wish you a speedy recovery and so sorry for your dog
Dog are most always a product of their upbringing. We have a wonderful English Bull Terrier and he is as gentle as a lamb--a very clumsy lamb. I would be willing to bet that this dog has had problems before he attacked Mr. Carey. Best wishes on a speedy recovery.
To add a little more to the story!!! The that was killed was his mother's dog who has passed away. The dog was really special to this man....
If a poodle would have attacked the man I would feel the same sympathy for him as I do with it being a pitbull that attacked him. It truly doesn't matter what breed of dog it was, it matters that he was attacked and is now recovering from his injuries and that his dog was killed in the process.
I have a Rotti which also have bad names and I can tell you my big lug head is a part of my family. He never spends more than a few hours without human contact and is a sweet friendly dog. It really sucks people generalize any breed of dog because just like humans there are good and bad in all types. Get a grip people start seeing beyond what is thrown in your faces and you will realize there is more to life than jumping on the bandwagon.
I've been told that PG county has completely outlawed pitbulls?
Thats in Md of course, why can't we adopt the law here on the shore?
Oh geesh, Here we go ago again with the pit bull thing. Once again I have three of them and there like babies. If people on the shore raise their pits like they raise there kids I guess so. And I find the picture representing this article to be mildly inappropriate.
7:49~There have been several lawsuits of discrimination brought on my pitbull owners when these bans were implemented and the owners have been successful.
Judging a pitbull because of their makeup and special teeth is like judging an african american as big and strong with no intellect just because they are come from a line of slavery.
Innate nature is a small part, but nuture has a bigger part. You are a product of your environment.
I don't hear about this kind of thing happening in Wicomico or Worchester county. What is wrong with Somerset County. Heads need to roll down there.
OMG just shut up about pit bulls.ALL dogs are potentially dangerous.I am more concerned about the health and well being of Mr.Carey and why the hell nobody can figure out who owns these dogs.
As anyone in the Crisfield area can probably tell you 2 people were arrested last month on outstanding warrants for animal abuse,neglect and cruelty and what kind of dogs do you think they were?There are many more who havent been arrested who are just as bad.Ironically,even though dogs arent "allowed",the housing projects in Crisfield are full of pit bulls.I have no problem with pit bulls having owned two myself,just the idiots who keep them for the wrong reasons.Thugs,not dog lovers in any sense.
I don't remember having these kinds of problems before we had a disfunctional dog control headed up by James L. Henderson.
Why aren't dog attacks by other breeds reported? There are many middle class families who raise pit bulls to be sweet, caring and loving pets (who are actually very good with children when raised correctly), and there are societies who raise, support, train and rescue pit bulls. I guarantee many people who posted comments on this blog have been in the presence of a well-behaved full-blood or mixed pit, and didn't even realize it. They are terriers, plain and simple. Yes, some are difficult, but they important factor is SOME, not all. Get off you high horses!
All of this is very interesting to me - not only do I live around the corner from State Street, but I am editor of the Crisfield Times.
As of Monday afternoon, there was no apparent attempt by dog control or police to place information about the suspect dog in the newspaper. Had this information been forthcoming over the weekend or by mid-day Monday (in time for the Wednesday paper) we could have alerted more of the community about it.
Joe - your posters are welcome to e-mail me to have their comments placed in the newspaper's "Sound Off" column.
Thanks, and Merry Christmas....
Richard Crumbacker
Crisfield Times
914 W. Main Street
Crisfield, Md. 21817
Most news organizations should go after this kind of story aggressivly, not wait until someone brings them the information. Get out of the office Mr. Editor and demand information from the officials and don't take no for an answer. Ever hear of the freedom of information act? Government loves to operate in secrecy and it is your job to prevent it.
the PD was there on the scene with shotguns but weren't allowed to fire cause they were not told to do so by the higher ups
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