Salisbury Mayor James Ireton, Jr., is pleased to announce the appointment of Lt. Ivan E. Barkley as the City’s Interim Police Chief effective today, Monday, December 21, 2009.
Barkley has 25 years experience as a law enforcement official, all with the Salisbury Police Department (SPD). Acting Chief Barkley has served the citizens of Salisbury as a Patrol Officer, Detective, Community Police Officer, and now as Acting Chief. He is the recipient of 4 Honorable Service Awards, 5 Exceptional Duty awards, 2 Chief’s Awards, and a Salisbury City Police Department Silver Star. He was Salisbury’s Police Officer of the Year in 1991.
Barkley has held many assignments in the SPD including: SWAT Tactical Unit, Community Oriented Policing, and SPD Zero Task Force. Education and training certifications include: Firearms Certification and Training Procedures, ATF Explosives Training, and TOP Gun Undercover Law Enforcement Training. Barkley has previously been involved in Weed and Seed Coordination Training and the Wicomico Mentoring Project.
“Acting Chief Barkley’s commitment to our community is evident through his 25 years of service, his many awards, his Cops for Kids Christmas Outreach Program, and his willingness to take this assignment as Acting Chief of the Salisbury Police Department at this time,” said Mayor Ireton.
Yes .... What a great decsion!
You'll not find a better choice anywhere. Chief Narcley is what Salisbury needs great choice and I'm very proud to know him and to serve with him anytime he would ask.
Good Luck to you Chief Barkley!!
How about sheriff Lewis he can do anything he's superman and hotttt !
Sorry 2:28 he's a good cop but he has a face only a mother could love...lol.
Boffo choice of solid cop over third floor stooges!!!!!!!!!!!
2:28 we know who you are. It is just odd for one man to call another man hot. lol Go wax you Charger.
Congrats to Ivan.
Great choice for Interim Chief! Not one of the 3rd floor boys.
It's a man crush I'm not gay damn it !
This is the BEST decision they could make! I hope he is chosen to lead in 6 months as well! He will save the department and bring up morale! Just the news of this has already brought up morale! Be good to him and his family Joe as I know he will be good to you and this city!
Chief Barkley has 100% of my support.
Congratulations Chief Barkley! Mayor Ireton - great choice!
wow=Greay choice. a cop cop.No bs internal investigator.Now keep the jack coke away.
Woo Hoo!!!!!!! You did good, Mayor Ireton!! Finally someone who cares about the citizens of Salisbury. Good luck, Chief Barkley!!
my wife works for a local pharmacy in salisbury last week it was broken into around 2:30 am. the subject was in the store for aprox 2 1/2 min and did not take a thing. the salisbury pd came to the scene and found the subject gone. they were there for aprox 1 hour with the owners. they were told that the next day detectives would come by the store to view the video and get a copy for the investigation. as of today 12/21 no one from the salisbury police dept has returned or called. this is the 3rd time they have been broken into and the police act like they do not even care.
A great choice. Thank you Mayor Ireton!
Awesome!! Way to go Acting Chief Barkley! Definately one of the good guys, you won't find a more honorable man!
Ivan is a good man and a good cop. Give him the job he can do it.
Mayor Ireton- you have made an excellent decision placing Ivan Barkley in this position. you could not have made a better choice! as an spd officer who has worked with Ivan for many years, i can tell you that he has the support and respect of ALL the patrol officers. Moral there has increased already, and we are looking forward to the good he will do for this department and the city of Salisbury. We can only hope that he will be placed permanently in this position. Congratulations again Ivan!
3:59. It is not that they do not care, they are wat too busy to get everything they should done. The average police detective carries 10 to 25 cases at a time (depending on where you work). Salisbury carries 50 to 70, way too much for any detectie to handle. That means cases that are not shootings, bank robberies, murders, etc. get put on the back burner and eventually beomce too old to work with.
Barkley, I'm glad that you are the one to be leading, you are truthful and can be trusted. You have always had some great ideas about how SPD does things backwards. I am looking forward to seeing what you will do.
I know it is a tough spot to be in, with it being a temporary position, good luck.
As an Officer who works under Chief Barkley I would speak for myself and many more of my close colleagues. He is a man who we will all follow and respect to the highest level. Ireton has made the best decision for the citizens of Salisbury, and we pray that we will be led by Chief Barkley for many years to come. Thank you Mayor we are grateful that you have taken a huge step in the right direction. Joe good call. He has 110% of my support.
Congrats. Chief Ivan Barkley,
Great cop, and an excellent supervisor, when I was a new hire straight out of the Academy you were always around for advice and information. I know you will turn that Police Dept. around and bring those troops where they deserve to be.
"Salisbury Mayor James Ireton, Jr., is pleased to announce the appointment of Lt. Ivan E. Barkley as the City’s Interim Police Chief effective today, Monday, December 21, 2009."
Did you hear that? That was Hoppes and Bragg choking on the thought of the same thing happening in the Salisbury Fire Department.
Jim Ireton it is about time you do what is right in the city. Now please do what is right in the Salisbury Fire Department.
Sgt. Mike Carey of the WCSO would have been a better choice. I heard he once had an awkward moment.....just to see how it felt.
He is a lover not a fighter, but he's also a fighter so don't get any ideas.
Anonymous said...
Sgt. Mike Carey of the WCSO would have been a better choice. I heard he once had an awkward moment.....just to see how it felt.
He is a lover not a fighter, but he's also a fighter so don't get any ideas.
11:48 PM
Acting Chiefs generally get picked from within the ranks. Many times until a real chief gets picked.
Fire chief search
The choice for a new fire chief has not yet been made. Mayor Jim Ireton said a consensus among firefighters, search committee members and city administrators could not be reached. A second search will be performed.
Anon. 9:16
With all due respect, I understand that detectives are busy, but a simple phone call would be nice! Couldn't a uniformed officer have gone and retrieved the tape and brought it to the 3rd floor?! That is the problem, victims are ignored by the detectives and that's what pisses us off! I am not 3:59, but ANOTHER victim that was ignored by the detectives. A phone call only takes a few minutes. I hope that Chief Barkley will teach the detectives some manners and how to pick up the phone and make a simple phone call!
I think all we need to know is the officers of the SPD fully support this choice. That takes an incredible load off of my mind. There is a lot of work to do, but a cohesive team is a huge part of the puzzle of effectivness! Good luck Chief!!!
Da?n, dont the two captains feel stupid now thats wat happens when you become one of the chiefs pawns.. congrats Ivan you will do will especially if you remain a police officers chief continuing to wear the uniform and working the street like sherriff Lewis does.
7:56 With all due respect, that is hard to do when you are just so swamped and another "hot" call is coming in which means you have to jump up and run. I do agree that communication is the key and yes you should have been called. That is the way Webster organized SPD so that the detectives are busy. You are right it only takes a few minutes to call, but imagine having to call all 50 to 70 people, you couldn't do it in one day. So that is a whole day that is gone and time taken away from the major cases. I do not agree with it, the whole structure needs to be changed, more people, better organization. Barkley was a detective and knows that experience so I think you will see things change...I hope.
The real better decision would be to combine SPD and WCSO into WCSO, that would give the county and the city the best protection. Let the state handle traffic issues and the new WCSO handle all criminal. Then you would see a difference in Wicomico. Until that happens you will not trully be protected.
Small Example, you make the outside of your townhouse fire proof, however your neighbor doesn't, so you are not really protected until we all work together as one.
Louise and Shanie need to stay away from the rum cake.
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