With Part One Crimes continuing to spiral through the roof, citizens want Webster to step down and resign. As you are all aware, 3 additional robberies occurred in the City within the past 24 hours, (perhaps more) and many are saying, Enough is Enough.
Monday night the Council moved forward in a first reading to add an additional $20,000.00 for a full time person to battle crime. NOT GOOD ENOUGH, not even close. Comegys stated he wanted to front an additional $150,000.00 after back stepping from the week before after Mayor Ireton slam dunked Comegys and now Comegys comes back a week later and says, DO OVER, I didn't mean it the way it came out. Nice try Gary but you looked like a fool then and you looked like an even bigger fool Monday night.
The answer, either get rid of Webster immediately or allow Sheriff Lewis to take over the City by order of the Mayor and stop the BS games. Even IF Comegys idea sounds good to those foolish enough to believe him this second go around, even the Officers coming out of the Academy right now won't be able to work on their own until some time in March.
So let's just say we hire an additional 4 Officers with that other $150,000.00 Comegys spoke of. By the time they hit the streets it will be the year 2011. Nice try Gary but Salisbury needs help NOW! Call in the State Police, the WCSO and even the Salisbury University Officers to do what Webster clearly cannot do, LEAD!
Mayor Ireton needs to stop this waiting game before someone else gets seriously hurt or even killed. Salisbury needs emergency protection and since the City of Salisbury is within Wicomico County, ASK FOR HELP! Webster is refusing help and no matter what anyone says, Mayor Ireton is refusing that help as well.
Mayor Ireton, it's time to make some leadership decisions and stop playing politics. Screw the Council, GO TO WORK NOW!
Right on Joe. Remember the meeting before Monday night where Comegys said he'd rather give money to the Zoo then he would the Police. He took that back too, sayting he didn't mean it the way it sounded.
If nothing is done the only thing you can bank on is another innocent person will get killed. Who the hell would want that on their conscience.
I wonder if webster has ever had any police experience in the 40 years he has said. I don't think so! He ain't gonna step down , he gets paid to do nothing , I wouldn't step down either. Look at comegy , he spent most of his time at home with the state truck hidden behind his home. Got a bunch of losers in the city.
The sheriff has police powers in the city limits now. I got a moving violation ticket from a deputy not long ago. If they can give out tickets in city limits they can certainly do anything else they want if they really choose to do so. Having said that, I don't blame the Sheriff for not getting involved in this mess. What's he got to gain?
SPD cant keep officers due to Webster and the other azzhole on the third floor. It isnt an issue with the pay. I work at this hell hole and if we had good leadership it would be a lot better. After every call, we all debate if we are going to end up in IA or have time taken from us. Third floor does not back us up on ANYTHING. They will hang us with out even giving us the chance to explain. IA, suspend and take time, then ask questions.
You think about Anitras little baby girl still saying whens Mommy coming home, whens Mommy coming home. You burn that image into your mind. You want to tell her Mommy isnt ever coming home, do you want to tell the next little kid that Mommy isnt eber coming home. You burn that into your mind.
Webster was an internal investigation officer when he was across the Bay. He never worn a uniform or worked the streets. He always wore a suit and tie and investigated other officers. He never worked on criminal investigations. Is that why he is afraid to hit the streets here. His presence in uniform, like Mike Lewis, would do wonders for morale.
If the mayor wants to help the city as he claims, then he should stop worry about it and get in touch with Sheriff Lewis and Maryland State Police. Screw the council and everybody else. We demand help and have been screaming this for years. Chief Webster can just sit at his desk and watch as the real police take over and get this city back under control. If people don't like it, oh well too bad so sad. There has to be a way for him to declare an emergency and bypass the rest of the village idiots.
Doug ,
Like I said , he ain't gonna step down. He doesn't care about any of the residents or anyone for that matter. CUT his pay way down to almost nothing , then he will go.
4:20, name who you mean. No more cover for your dolts.
Inform the people. Let them know.
It could save your life.
I believed Jim Ireton would have kept his word and cleaned up this city. I encouraged people I work with, friends who didn't know him and family to vote for him. He has done nothing to help this city yet! How many people need to say they want Webster gone and our city back on track! We voted you in, we will not make that mistake again. Do something to save our city, save our people and give us back a place to raise children and grandchildren. It is going to come down to us taking matters in to our own hands. What we need are the "Good Old Boys" back. The men in my grandfathers generation wouldn't have tolerated this. All of you people who are so liberal and who are more concerned with the rights of these animals who are shooting, raping, stealing and killing are no better than the ones doing it. Let it happen to your family and you will change your mind I am sure.
LEADERSHIP. That is the single most important trait that has to be present. Mike Lewis leads by example as Chief Dykes did. The officers on the force are down and they need a lift. Their good officers and they could do a good job if lead by the right person.
The second thing to work on is the Rental property issue. Crime is bread and refined in areas where rentals exist. That would be most of Salisbury these days. Slumlords and rundown properties are fertile ground for a bad element. Nearly all the criminals in the area come from the Church St area, Smith St. Princeton and the loan trailer park near the mall. Ask any police officer and they will tell you where to look.
A Crime prevention specialist is a waste. A leader is a must and we need one now. If Mike Lewis wants the task, then turn him loose. I'll guarantee things will improve.Its pretty obvious this clown we have now doesnt get the message.
We are losing our city while the council and mayor behave like children. Sadly many more innocent people will be hurt and die before anything changes which will be too late. I can not for the life of me figure out why they ran for office when its obvious they dispise and hate the citizens of the city.
He would step down if we did it my way, That I promise you.
Doug, shut up for once in your life. You sit behind a computer talking sh!t day in and day out, yet you never show up to make a difference. Your tough guy image is a load of crap and everyone knows that by now. Your multiple names and personalities are a clear sign of who you are. I'll close with, the fact that you continue to attempt to get comments published for more than a year now while we reject them clearly tells me you're mentally challenged. So you know, JT, JR, TM, BB & SB have been doing the same day in and day out while we sit back and laugh to no end seeing them attempt to do the same and get rejected. You have to have some serious mental challenges if you continue to doo so more than 2 times, let alone a year or two.
Do something Doug or simply shut up.
Ya know, that guy looks like the character "Prune Face" from the old Dick Tracy comic script.
I wondered how long it would take before you turned on me to. I live in Delaware dude and dont own property in Salisbury like you do. If I were to show up I dont even think I have a right to speak. I care because I make a living here, if Salisbury is dead then nobody prospers. Tough Guy huh, why your only right down the street want some. You can put my wgole life up on this screen if you want, I dont care. Im proud of who and what I am now. Some of the things that I say get inside people, they have to. I choose to help like that. You want to battle with me, bring it the hell on. Mental, ole yeah. Mental and MNirror of life, what do you got.
Give that 150,000 to the Sheriff's Office to pay overtime for deputies to patrol the city. Crime will go down, I GUARANTEE you. They are not scared or afraid to DO THEIR JOBS. They will be proactive and I promise you crime in the city will decrease, and (here's a novel idea) CASES WILL BE SOLVED!!!!
Here is something to ponder. While we have an obvious moron as a police chief, I have been wondering something. Why is the Chief of Police, assigned to care about and prevent crime not doing a darn thing? I wonder if he is getting kickbacks from the local criminals to take it easy on them. Hey, the only reason I can see that he's not doing anything is money.
I suspect much of the area crime is gang related. It has happened before that high ranking police officials have received payoffs to look the other way.
Could this be happening here too? Is that why our fantastically idiotic chief does nothing but sit back and make multiple paychecks?
Something to ponder folks.
Personally, this idea of a "full-time" crime specialist is a joke at the quoted salary of $20,000. With the background and qualifications needed for this type of job, who the heck is going to work for $20,000 a year? Get real - we need to invest more money than that to get QUALITY, SKILLED, educated, and motivated people on board. I thought it was a misprint when I first saw the figure. well, I guess that's Salisbury's way to do things - halfazzed and unproductive. What a joke.
If I had won District 2's election we wouldn't be talking about this police chief, we'd have a new one by now!
As a citizen I wish he would do the right thing and resign. However, he's quoted saying Al's not going anywhere until "Al" wants to. What an elitest POC
Theres nothing that you can do to hurt me or anything involved with me, with me you POWERLESS. Go ahead and try if you need to. I dont care.
To link me in with them is the ultimate disrespect to me, its a good thing that I always expect the least from people. Why set yourself up for a fall.
anon 420- dont know what your job is in the pd, but pay is a big issue why many have left and will continue to leave SPD. and who can blame them. crime is out of control, we are very understaffed, and you can make more by doing much less in any agency around here, especially the WCSO. and im not being critical of the sheriffs office with that comment. they deserve the money theyre paid, but lets face it. their calls for service dont even come close to the citys, and they are not responsible for most of the crap that is happening in this county. city officers have little time to be proactive, and are stretched so thin, we cant even maintain a presence where we are needed most. it sucks when you are expecting another robbery, and may even suspect what type of business it will be. but its hard for one officer in a given area to watch everything. Chief Webster has been asking for additional officers at least the last several years, even before the city started going to hell. but not a whole lot he can do when the city council and mayor(tilghman) flat out refuse his request. keep buying those fire trucks gary, and it will only get worse. the blame for officers leaving the city pd so often falls more on the shoulders of the city council then chief webster. and not all the council members. there are two good ones.
How about the woman that was assaulted at Chef Freds on Black Friday. She is now paralyzed on her right side and in a spinal cord rehab in Baltimore. Not even a press release was done on that crime. That was without a doubt some of the sloppiest police work I have ever seen, and reflects poorly on SPD and is a reflection on the leadership at SPD. The buck stops at the top. Thank goodness for WMDT's Staci Sakai for the wonderful work she is doing on this story.
I'm thinking Dougie's been pwned. He's a wind bag.
You put me in with people that do not understand their Mirror of Life, I do, for that you must say you were wrong. I spent way to many thoughts and pains to get here to let you insult it with utter disregaurd like that. If you dont understand that, then you are not the MAN I thought you were. And if that is the case, Im in the wrong place.
Doug, if there's one thing I've learned it's not to get intoa pissing match with a skunk.
Either get back on topic or your comments will be rejected. Get involved or stop talking so much crap.
Let the windbag talk, Joe... its the best laugh I've had all week. You called him an idiot and he's proving himself to you.. LOL
Webster....OUT NOW...resign panty girl!
4:20 Can you explain 'IA'?
What an ugly chief we have. Cant imagine waking up to that face every morning!
All I can say is Salisbury wake up Webster is a joke, but to blaim this on him is ill advised. We have a problem the Chief is part of the problem but only a part. When our court system thinks PBJ or Stet is the only way to rule then we are in deep trouble. The average working person thinks working a half a day is 4 hours its not it 12 hours. If we want our city back we need to take it back. Get involved, you are part of problem or part of the solution no middle ground!
Let us remember one thing... Jim is aparently taking some action, that we can't see. The recent lawsuit states that. That whole deal can not be over yet.
Chief might be fighting for his career. Imagine having for your reference having 3 bad letters in it... think he can pick up another job. Look how that pulled red flags on the fire chief candidates.
Maybe it is time to find a nice way to have chiefy go away. One where everyone can smile and wave in the end. Sometimes scorched earth doesn't work.
Maybe Jim can also continue to tell 'chief' to do things. Like wear a uniform. If he insists on keeping the job, then keep giving him orders, and keep documenting him ignoring them.
Until the black community is willing to turn over its felons, there will be no safety for any of us. They will not turn in a brother no matter how violent or illegal his activities. Many know who's running the drugs, who's got the illegal guns, who's doing the robberies, etc. They'll never tell. The rest of us are expected to pay for the welfare, the dozens of babies, the Section 8 housing, the food stamps, the jails and the crime. These robbers are described as black. Somebody in the black community knows who they are. Do it anonymously, but turn them in.
This picture is a jolk. I clearely remember Chief Dykes in his black fatiques with his MP-5 strapped to his chest preparing for a raid on a drug house. Here we have Chief Webster in his yellow tie, to match his back, preparing for a raid on a cocktail party.
8:56PM, how do you know these black guys are Salisbury residents? And if they are, why do you think they would broadcast that they are robbing, drug-trafficking and dealing in illegal guns.Routes #13 runs north and south, and #50 runs east and west. Every thug knows how Salisbury is accessible with an easy getaway. And how lax law enforcement is.
The day after Webster looks in the face of the mayor, council and citizens stating "I'll step down when Al Webster says it's time to step down" what does the mayor do? He sends him a letter asking for his resignation. BFD the man already told everyone, more than once he is not going anywhere until he is damned good and ready. FIRE THAT MF'er NOW.
If you think the drug activity in this town is all the work of people who live out of town, you are delusional. Lots of people in Salisbury know who goes to Philly and brings in the stuff. They know how it gets transported around Salisbury and which stores are fronts for drug activity. The vast majority of the gang members live in Section Eight housing in this county, not some place far from here. Cabs, a store that sells kids clothing are involved. Crackdown.
The man was given the opportunity to walk away but flat ass refused because he is a typical BALTIMORON who thinks he'e better than us!!! FIRE HIM JIM !!! Please get someone who cares about Salisbury and work with that individual to bring back the city as it once was. If you let it go too much longer you will NEVER get your hands around it .
7:22. In case you hadnt noticed there is a spreading disease on the eastern shore called I dont give a sh!titis. Ppl here care about one thing, themselves. It took me about 2 years of living here to realize that. Baltimoron or not, there are plenty of other LOCALS that have ruined this area with their constant denial and good ol boy agendas. There are many avenues to pursue if you want to actually solve problems here. When this new chief starts and crime continues maybe then they will address the years of gang and drug activity that happens daily here. Not to mention the horrible schools and increasing poverty levels. Businesses have been leaving here for years and nothing was done by the local leaders to increase any business here. Problems locally here are far more deep rooted than just the police chief.
I guess this is not making it to the daily times.the cheif better get his head out of the sand,cause the sh@t storm is cummin !!!!!I guess he dont need another job.....
420---internal Affairs. SPD is so quick to toss you in IA investigation. I dont do this job for the money anon- 614. This is your issue. You live beyond your salary. You spend more than you make dumb ass. Some foolish people here and it sounds like your one one them. Yeah, we are paid low, yeah we are working with low manpower. BUT you know that. LEAVE if you dont like it. I love this job no matter the pay. Its bad that we have low pay WITH azzholes with brass on the 3rd floor. AND we all know who they are. And they are the ones making us leave.
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