2063 Pulaski Highway
Newark, DE 19702
54 Andrews Lake Rd & RT. 13
Felton, DE 19934
26831 Sussex Highway
Seaford, DE 19973
1505 South Salisbury Blvd.
Salisbury, MD 21804
Is it not amazing how well Obama's trickle up stimulus is working. This guy is such an idiot he said the other day that tax cuts for business and individuals do nothing but harm the economy. This guy does not have a business IQ high enough to run a neighborhood drink stand!!
It's noteworthy that all their remaining locations are in DELAWARE-- could this be yet another business that has had enough of the People's Republic of Maryland, and the business-hostile environment here?
I am suprised they lasted this long. every one in there was rude. they could not fix a piece of equipment. took for ever to get any warrenty work done. the place has been a dump since it opened
Obamanomic at work!
Alot of their failure can be attributed to their employees. I think the business started out well, but I could see it slowly continue to erode as time went on. Must have had a managerial change !
People should take a look at what is going on in this country.
The job that is have is moving lumber, and sometimes stone. All orders have been placed on hold for lumber and the stone contracts have been place on hold till spring. This has never happened since i have been in this business, 12 years.
I hope that someone wakes up, like our government and see that we need jobs in america.
Quit sending jobs to japan , china and whoever.
Buy american when possible.
Also 11:02 More like bushonomics at work.
Obama isnt helping much but he did not get us here.
I am truely sad to see them leave!! they have been very good to our bussiness and when we needed something fixed they always were able to stop and help or get it done in a timely manner so we were not down to long. We will still do bussiness with them out of seaford, I do think alot of thier moving had to do with poor sales because no body seems to be buying wonder why? And the fact that the taxes in maryland and city of Salisbury sucks its hard to stay a float even with out those issues this day and time. But good luck guys hang in there !!!!
Why would anyone pay 6% sales tax in Salisbury when they could avoid it by shopping in Seaford for the same item? That's $60 for every thousand spent.
When George W. was the president unemployment was 4.5%
Stop blaming Bush for the destructive policies of Obama!
The downward slide started when the Dumbocrats took control of congress in 2006.
Stop Blaming Bush, this falls right on the feet of Obamaq and the Dumbocrats in congress!
Well the current president is guilty of blowing the deficit out of this spectrum. Yes if you look at it the donkey party is behind a lot of the bull that is going on. Barney Franks should be locked up for the housing dilemma. Besides neither Donkeys or the elephants are great.Get rid of all the current politicians and put term limits on them. Make it illegal to accept donations for favors to get bill introduced and passed. Wake up American your freedom is at stake. God bless America!!!!!!
"12:19 Bushonomics?"
This is Busch/Miller/O'Malley nonomics.
O'Malley: Take the State helm with a surplus budget. Spend everything plus some and blame it on his predecessor. Overspend the State budget for all the following years of your term.
O'Malley taught Obama the technique as did Miller and Busch.
Maryland is, from an economic perspective, a dying entity.
"Stop Blaming Bush."
Nope, going to keep right on going.
Same with Barrie Tilghman.
Salisbury's going to feel the effects from the disaster she was for decades.
And Rexel Electric is packing up from Salisbury, moving to Delmar.
Help is on the way!!!!!
Yea, right
Wow..........they ALLWAYS! Took care of our needs and were very propmt in there services. They even left big dollar equipment for us to try before we buy......sorry to see them go.....but in our service company.....I am hearing more and more busness moving to DE or just closing their doors here in MD. Well MD does nothing for the small busness that employ most people here and instead invest in big busness that would rather make false job growth claims, and outsores to another country. The owner of our company was overheard talling about laying two people off after first of the year, based on the new taxes that he is going to have to asorb. Which is very sad
Barney Frank , Chris Dodd and Obama are to blame for our economic woes !
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