Pastor William Warren of the Allen Memorial Baptist Church this morning is working on establishing a "financial Needs" fund for the family of Sarah Haley Foxwell.
The Family have chosen the Farmers Bank of Willards to create this fund and as soon as we get more details we will pass it along to you. The Family is truly in need of our assistance.
The Family have chosen the Farmers Bank of Willards to create this fund and as soon as we get more details we will pass it along to you. The Family is truly in need of our assistance.
I will be there Monday with a check in hand....God Bless Sarah..You are so missed and have touch so many hearts.
Joe have a question is there a demonastration at five at the sheriff's department
if all the people that showed up to help search for her sent just $2.00 then that would be wonderful for this young lady's funeral. regardless of how you feel about her family, the child deserves to be treated with class and dignity. Miss Sarah Foxwell - God bless you.
Does anyone know what is being done for the other child/children/siblings? If the family is in need of financial assistance, is there also a need for the proper therapy and counseling if they are not getting it all ready? This child deserves a proper burial. Thank you for posting the information so we can donate.
Just curious... What "family" is this money going to? The mother that wasn't taking care of her, the father that was incarcerated or the aunt that welcomed a convicted sex offender into their home and access to this child? I would LOVE to donate to Sarah, for her funeral a memorial or anything that she needs to be buried with dignity. But if any of the donations are going to the "family" then they won't be receiving mine.
Joe can you set up on your site where people can make a donation by credit card?
does the family have a particular funeral home in mind ifnot please advise i will make a few phone calls that could prove to b of great assistance
Please send an address where we can mail our check for the funeral fund.
Also, I've enclosed the site to contact Congressman Frank Kratovil. Perhaps if his constituents let him know how we feel about lenient sentencing laws for child sexual predators, he will introduce legislation that increases the penalties.
Thank you Pastor Warren for starting the ball rolling for little Sarah. I'm sure the outpour to help finanically will be as strong as the search. Keep up posted on the final arrangements. They will have to locate a large facility because I'm sure the community will be there in force.
Who is/are the trustee(s) of this fund? More info please.
2:11 is absolutely right. This family should not receive one red cent..all money should go to a funeral, the rest if any left over should go to a center for abused children.
I have to concur this fund would get a lot more response if a pastor or other respectable member of the community was heading up the fund and taking care of dispersing the funds to cover the funeral expenses. The grown-ups in Sarah's life let her down. I, like many, could care less about them.
I'm surprised the local funeral home hasn't stepped up and offered a free burial for this child.
It happens a lot when there are murdered children.
I think if there is a fund, people should be able to pay the funeral home directly rather than contribute to a "family needs" fund.
Perhaps one of our local funeral homes could step up to the plate and help, rather than profitting from Sarah's death?
Bill Warren is a good man and I know for a fact Davis Ruark is a member of his congregation. I would be more than willing to donate to a fund for funeral and burial expenses ONLY if it is set up at any monies exceeding the cost of expenses be either donated to the Childrens Advocacy Center or a childrens fund within the church itself. I will not give one red cent or any further assistance to the family of Sarah Foxwell.
Oh come on Moon Willow. If you know the Holloway's, like I know the Holloways, thhey're certainly not in this one for the money and I'm extremely confident they will help more than they'll ever tell anyone. You people need to think before you make such comments.
I agree that any donations not directly used for funeral expenses for Sarah should be rolled over to another organization. Maybe counseling or something for the younger sister that is surely traumatized by all of this. I understand that there is an older sister as well, does anyone know how she is doing?
I would love to donate to Sarah's burial just as long as I know who the trustee is. The family should not pick the stone either. She needs a stone in the shape of an angel.
I will send a check directly to the funeral home. Please let us know who that will be.
A bunch of drug addicts could potentially profit from this.
I guess the florists shouldn't make a profit from any flowers and hallmark shouldn't make any money from the cards people send and the post office shouldn't charge for any stamps mailed to their home.
Come on people a little girl is dead.
I am glad that a fund is being set up for her. She is our community's child and we will take care of her. It is too sad that it had to be under these circumstances. I wonder how many more children in our community may unfortunately be in similar situations. I pray that the legislation changes to keep these horrific animals away from our children and our community. I have written to our local and national representatives about Sarah and I hope that everyone who reads this blog will do the same.
I'll help anyway I can but these are all relevant questions. This child and our entire community deserve a fitting and proper funeral.
I would like more information as to how many funds are collected and who they are going to. I have NO DOUBT that the funeral homes and the florists as well as the good people here on the Eastern Shore will step up to do just that. We would just like to know that no one is profiting from this tragedy
From personal experience with both Holloway Funeral Home and Bounds Funeral Home, I know that both places have helped families - especially when it has has involved a child. They work quietly and with reserve to assist those in dire need. Thank you to both places. Maybe they will both be able to donate whatever is needed for this young lady's funeral. I know that there are several other funeral homes in our community. Maybe they will pool all their resources for this young lady. We are a community that cares
3:19 There are costs involved but really, and I am a capitalist, this souldn't be the time....
I have to agree with the rest of the comments...I would donate to the fund BUT ONLY if the remaining funds beyond the burial are donated to the Child Advocacy or the Center for Missing Children Fund. I DO NOT want any of my money going to the family or guardian of this child. Please let us know who will be handling the funds and where it goes after the expenses are paid. Thanks for all you have done Joe.....
This family should be made responsible for the cost of her funeral. They should be held responsible for the enormous cost of her search. I couldn't care less what hardships they face. I don't care if it takes the rest of their miserable lives to pay for it. They should never have another moment of peace. The surviving children should be placed in protective custody and never have to be subjected to these people again. They should know their family failed their sister. They should know their family failed them. I have tried to never hate anyone in my life, but I truly hate the people who have caused this. Sorry about the rant but I must say it and I must be heard.
Money should be put in an account and funeral expences paid directly for flowers etc. Any extra monies given to a non-profit for lost and exploited children...If the money were given to the "family" she would not be buried and there would be no flowers. The family didnt care for her while she was alive why should they be bothered after she is gone. They would use the money for a party. Dont think I am wrong..been there.
The next time you don't think life insurance is necessary for ANY age, think about Sarah. Yes she deserves a proper burial and other children need to be protected because of this horrific disaster. Maybe any money left over could go for a BULLET for TJ.
When my 3 year old son died, Holloway's provided the funeral services for free as their policy. We did, however, have to buy the casket and plot, which came to some $6k in 1998.
I would think their policies are the same today.
Thank you, Holloway's for this kindness. You told me that it's because children aren't supposed to die before parents.
Oh, for heaven's sake, stop jumping on me. It was just a thought. And no, Joe, I don't know the Holloways like you do. By the way, did I mention the Holloways?
A burial is necessary and will cost Sarah's survivors money. The comment about flowers and cards is comparing apples to oranges. People who wish to send cards and flowers do so as a choice; burying Sarah is not a choice; it has to be done.
I am as hurt as anyone else by this terrible tragedy. I am as angry as everyone else is that this monster carried out this heinous act. I apologize for NOT KNOWING that the Holloways, whom I did not mention, may offer help.
My suggestion was made in the spirit of community support. I know everyone is angry about this horrible crime. Don't let that anger overflow and put it toward people who don't deserve it.
Thanks, Joe, for lumping me in with "you people." You don't know me very well, but you DO know me better than that.
I'd rather start the tj leggs funeral fund.
I too will make a donation ONLY if things are changed and monies are sent to a funeral home. I WILL NOT send money to a bank where I do not know who will be receiving these funds. Please rally together and have this changed!!!! This family is not to be trusted, most are on drugs and I need to know that my money is not going toward someones drug high. MONEY ONLY TO FUNERAL HOME IN SARAHS HONOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Moon Willow, you're right, forgive me, you didn't mention Holloway's. I must have picked that up by other comments that were all coming in at once.
MW, I like you, don't know you but I like you. You make an extremely valid point in your statement. EVERYONE is now angry. We have all gone through a myriad of emotions over the past few days now everyone is angered for many reasons, all justified.
I like you because you pointed this out yet don't appear to be taking great offense. Your writing comes off as level headed, understanding and accepting of all the emotions surrounding us all at this time.
Kudos to you.
4:17 is absolutely right
Back in Berlin, I disagree, he doesn't deserve a funeral. He should be chopped up and used for chum.
give sarah a grand funeral that she deserves...anything left over needs to go to the little sister that broke this investigation and the CAC...CHILD ADVOCACY CENTER..this is the group in Wicomico County that led investigations that arrest sex offenders....there has been talk in wicomico county of shutting CAC down due to lack of funding...
I assume that all of you who are slamming Sarah's family are personally aquainted with these people and know for a fact that your allegations are true? And you also know for a fact that they're not hurt by Sarah's loss?
I tried to make a helpful suggestion in my obviously abysmal ignorance and got slammed. Yet others are drawing their own conclusions about how Sarah's family feels and are excoriating them---and that's okay? Okay, got it. I'm sure that's what Jesus would do.
so....should the funeral that the community is donating to exclude her family? huummm I believe that Sarah's tragic story has touched alot of lives and we are appalled at how these things happen. Well... it has happened in our back yard. We need to do a lot of things to help prevent this in the future. Right now, let us help lay a young lady to rest with dignity. I do not presume to know Sarah or her family...but, I feel that Sarah probably loved her family. Her family will be held accountable in the long run. Let's take care of Sarah now.
Moonwillow - I don't think the people that are speaking out against her family are all personal acquaintances. Several facts in the case have been presented - she lived with the aunt who was a former girlfriend of Thomas Leggs. Her parents were seen as unfit so custody was given to the aunt. All of these are facts that can not be argued. Only the family members know if they truly deep in their hearts love Sarah. There is a difference between loving her and caring for and about her. They let her down.
maybe any money left over could go toward the prosecution of TJ !!!
anonymous 4:36, let's talk more about facts. Custody was NOT given to the Aunt. There was NO formal paperwork from the Courts or anyone else giving the Aunt custody or even guardianship. The Aunt simply ended up with the children through the Mother.
I can not believe what im readin gon here. I was totally amazed by the little home town community getting together to help search for little sarah but im even more shocked at some of the comments on here.
People, there is a little girl that died here and you guys are busting on her family. I am a police officer so i deal with drug addicts on a daily basis, but i would never bash a family when they are grieving a loss. That is just wrong. No matter what your opinion of the family is, you should keep your comments to yourself.
The bottom line here is this little girl deserves to be treated with dignity and have a proper burial. Its not a matter of who gets the left over money, its a fact that she deserves the proper funeral, proper burial, headstone to mark the little angel and flowers to celebrate her going to heaven.
Please, i know that alot of you guys like to comment on politics, leave comments to stir stuff but for gods sake, leave the negativity out of this and let this girl rest in peace.
Joe, thank you for posting this about the fund raiser. I will be donating.
Yes, 4:36, I agree with what you say. But keep in mind that even the police didn't know Leggs was a child molester when he became a "person of interest."
YES, as a matter of fact I do know Sarahs family and also went to the same school as Leggs. I talked with one of the family members last night and I must say that ofcourse they are devistated, they would have to be totally inhumane if they were not. I can also say that there are alot of feelings of guilt, RIGHTFULLY SO I MUST ADD!!!Members of the family on both sides, mother and father have a criminal history and a long history of drug use and prison time. There are alot of rumors flying around but what I DO know is that this family should not be any better off FINANCIALLY because of the death of precious and innocent Sarah. THEY SHOULD NOT BENEFIT FROM THIS IN ANY WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Us as the loving community that we are will see that she has the funeral she deserves and in my opionion that is ALL that family deserves. This is about SARAH, not making her family rich!!!!!!!!!!!
anonymous 4:40, While I agree with most of what you have said, please understand that we are rejecting many of the horrific comments. However, that being said, there is a grieving process with literally hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world reading this situation and emotionally attached to it.
Everyone needs to understand, just because we allow a comments DOES NOT mean we agree with them.
I concure .I will be glad to PAY/DONATE to the funeral home directly. AlL other fund to the C.A.C.
p.s. Thank you Davis,Lewis and all ppl who helped.Tooo many names to mention.Mr RUARK please over see this fund!!!
O, i totally understand that Joe. I seen you out there. You actually took some pics of me and were taking a bunch of pics of the lil bloodhound pups. It affected everyone and I know that this isnt the views of the site.
Moon Willow 4:42, You're wrong. I don't know where you got your information but one thing I can assure you of, the Police absolutely knew who Leggs was and his history.
I will donate and pray that the money is used properly. Who am I to judge anyone. We all have faults and we all have to answer to God in the end.
Joe, Please let our concerns about these monies be known to the proper people. It sounds like we are all willing to give Sarah a beautiful farewell but ONLY when we know the monies are going to that purpose and donating the remainder to a cause or organization related to the tragedies of this case. NO MONEY TO THE FAMILY! PLEASE LET THIS BE KNOWN. And then provide us with the proper businesses/ funeral home etc. so we can donate directly in Sarahs honor! Thanks Joe!!!!
Moon willow, you are definatly wrong there. As soon as the incident was reported, it was known the Leggs was a sex offender and that is why he was immediately placed under arrest. Usually, in most cases, we would have sat and waited to follow Leggs around in hopes that he would lead us to Sarah, but due to his prior arrest record and his recent arrest in oc, it was necessary to place him under arrest immediately.
4:50 I couldn't agree more. Now is not the time.
Joe i know in your heart you wanna do write by them.But help make a trust so the bills get paid.To many ppl are angry at her 'family' now.There were alot of failures here period.If the public want to pay the home ok .His bail hearing is mon i think lets all show up.
Coulda sworn I read it here, Joe, but if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. It still doesn't mean the aunt knew the guy's history.
Please understand that I am not defending Sarah's aunt; I'm just saying people shouldn't jump to conclusions. You never know what you're going to land on.
We all want Sarah to have the BEST funeral. God bless her soul. I can tell from the comments that everyone is still as angry and upset as I am but please remember right now this is only about this little girl. Yes what happened to her was wrong and the man should be help responsible but right now let's put a smile on our faces for Sarah. She is watching from heaven and she deserves to see her community stand together for her not sit on this blog and bicker about her funeral.
Also, as you are talking about how terrible her family is and how they don't deserve anything try to remember that as far as we know right now all of her siblings are still in the home. They DO deserve our support and help in any way that we can give it. We can not have the children taken away and whether they are or aren't we should be there to support them and help them through this. Those precious children have done nothing wrong.
We are all heartbroken by the events of the past few days. Every little thing that happens reminds me of this baby girl. But please let's continue to stand strong together as a community.
Backinberlin 4:17 I agree there needs to a funeral for TJ Leggs,But there will be no need for a fund cause we could just dump trash like that in the landfill and let him rot like the rest of the trash there. That's as proper as it needs to be for him.
I am the adopted parent of two of my biological half-sisters children, ages 12 and 8, their birth parents in and out of jail and on drugs so this tragedy cut closer to home than most can imagine. What I don't understand is how the aunt had the children with her without the oversite of social services. When my two were left with me my entire household underwent background checks, fingerprints, in home and in school visits from social workers, etc the whole nine yards and the process took a great deal of time before I was given custody, let alone the additional time required for adoption. And our school system requires proof of custody or guardianship as well as residency so how did the aunt have the girls with no supervision? My heart goes out to Sarah and her sister, I know how much counceling and therapy a child needs just to be removed from the parents and the process they go thru emotionally to trust any adult again. I only pray that her remaining sister, and children all over in these situations receive the proper oversite they need, as well as counceling and LOVE!!!!!!!!!! I know my husband and I will hug ours a little tighter every day!
I certainly hope that the situation of the younger child is under scrutiny--it would be unforgivable for this child to suffer as well.
I think some of you have way to much time on your hands, but let me tell you all this I will not see that poor little girl go without a proper funeral and if possible i will see that it is lead with a POLICE escort because she deserves to be buried with the highest of honors. and as for you people worried about a dollar or two probably have more money then you no what to do with in the first place I don't really expect you people to take part anyway, but those of us that are one payment away from loosing it all I know SARAH CAN COUNT ON YOU ALL.
Rest now our little child for you are now in the
arms of our lord and you will never suffer again.
Thank you Anonymous 4:40 and Anonymous 4:50. Both well said.
While I can certainly understand people wanting to know how their donations will be used, I can't understand why people would bash a greiving family, no matter what mistakes they may (or may not) have made. Of course they loved little Sarah, and are absolutely devistated by what has happened. To even think otherwise is rediculous. I'm sure they must be guilt-ridden for any mistakes they may have made. Sarah's family will be a long time healing from this tragedy. Sitting at our computers, typing mean and hateful things won't help anyone. Show some compassion. At the very least, make your point without being hurtful to people who are obviously already hurting much more than those of us who knew nothing of this precious little girl before a few days ago.
One way or another and unfortunately, the families of this child will benifit financially with or without our help. The media will ensure the importance of the death of Sarah Foxwell. And, people all over this country will make notes of this horrific event. Mark my words, a movie will be made of this events. And, there will be people out there willing to pay big bucks to see this on the big screen.
5:34 Shut up.
I agree that there should be donations but like everyone else not a trust where her family can get there hands on it. We could always donate money to a scholarship fund for police academy or even a child who could just not afford it. I know the family is still suffering no matter what the circumstances are. My god that is someones child. I could not even imagine loosing one of mine. I am also fond of Holloways funeral home , when my sister died we had no insurance and they did not turn us down they even came up with ideals that we would of never thought of. I do think the extra money could go for her sisters counceling also. She will definitely need it. I praise her for her help in knowing who this monsters was that took Sarah. At 6 yrs old that is commendable. Sarah will remain in all our prayers forever. Let's always keep her name alive.
Yep, I'm wrong. I could have sworn I read that Leggs was a person of interest before the police discovered his past criminal activities. I have no idea where I got that impression, and have no problem admitting I'm wrong. I feel pretty stupid right now, so it won't be necessary for anyone to tell me that, okay?
Moon Willow, if there's one thing I know about you, it's where your heart is. You're "Good People" and you have nothing to worry about.
BackinBERLIN You are nuts. Why start a T J Leggs funeral fund???
Our tax dollars are gonna keep him alive wayyyy too long already. I like the landfill idea personally.
Wow people nothing like sowing a seed and saying what should be done with it...Did anybody think (and Its my Prayer) this is a life changing event to the parents of Sarah and they might change there ways? You people who want to say what goes on with your money should just keep it in your wallet.
Moon Willow 5:39, Don't feel stupid at all. You're not completely wrong. It was reported, (but maybe not here), that Leggs was at least "a person of interest" before the authorities realized his extensive history. I forget the exact details, but I read it too... possibly on WBOC's website, although I'm not sure.
WBOC said that he was a person of interest before they knew of his background...they said that multiple times throughout their broadcasts.
I read in the Baltimore Sun that the aunt admitted to police that she knew his history as a sex offender/pedophile. I hope that charges are also brought against her.
Her sister saw her leaving dressed, not in her pjs. Her TOOTHBRUSH was found in his truck. God only knows what story he told that little girl to get her to dress and leave so quietly.
Davis Ruark is quoted in the paper as saying that the aunt knew Leggs was a sex offender.
What he did not say was whether she knew that when she started to date him, or did not know until the end of contact with him.
Another article said Leggs ceased contact with her, not the other way around. Some speculated that he did so because she found out.
I don't know the truth about any of it.
It will not affect my desire to help Sarah or her siblings if I can.
I imagine the aunt is going through plenty enough hell. Any parent making a mistake that leads to a child's death would.
I remember the man who fell asleep with his baby and rolled over on it, smothering it. People could scream what an idiot he was for sleeping with the baby. I just felt his pain, knowing it would be forever.
Thank you, Joe, and thank you for the tremendous amount of work you have done to keep us all informed. I tell everyone, "If you want to know what's going on, go to sbynews." You have done a great job and a great service to our community.
You were correct!
"He was developed as a suspect early on in the investigation before we were aware of his criminal background, but he does have a criminal history to include third- and fourth-degree sex offenses of small young females," Lewis said.
Can't the criminal injuries compensation board assist this family with the funeral?
Criminal Injuries Compensation Board
Suite 312, Plaza Office Center
6776 Reisterstown Road
Baltimore, Maryland 21215-2340
(410) 585-3010 TTY: 1-800-735-2258
Toll Free Number 1-888-679-9347
Moon Willow..I think I read the same exact comment you are referring to on wboc. I know I read it too! Blessings:)
Moon says:
>>Coulda sworn I read it here, Joe, but if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. It still doesn't mean the aunt knew the guy's history.
That isn't what the Sun paper has been reporting for days: that the charging documents say she acknowledged knowing that he was a sex offender and partied with him in spite of that, to the loss of her niece, who should have come ahead of her party or lust.
The LA Times had more facts on the story than local news agencies, pitiful. We do have a right to know the facts; we also have a right to be angry. 1000’s of citizens without question showed up to support law enforcement teams in search of this little girl, who was failed on a multitude of scales. Friends, neighbors, relatives and government agencies should all be ashamed for looking the other way, not getting involved and allowing this tragedy to occur. The LA Times was quoted as saying, that the aunt stated she knew he was a predator. It was also reported that she was also in a disagreement about the lack of money she was receiving to care for the children. Did she take them for love or for profit? It is easy to play the victim and gain empathy and false need. I am not sorry that I also have no compassion for the family who did not find value in this poor souls life until tragedy struck. It is a sad day when a woman has such low self-esteem that she puts herself and children in harms way just to have a man on her arm. Her judgment is obviously impaired. Way too often we blindly give money out of compassion, only to be duped
So those want to donate to the Bank of Willards should do so.
Let us contact Holloway and see if they will accept donations for funeral costs (casket, plot, ect.)If the family would agree to them performing the services.
We should also see if the Sherriffs department would like a role in that funeral.
Hopefully this would be an approach that would satisfy everyone who is so emotionally involved in the death of this child (me included)
Let's think of solutions. Please after everyone came together for a common cause, lets not bicker on how to lay this little girl to rest. It's really not up to us anyway.
We all know that Sarah is going to receive a proper and loving farewell. Money really isn't the issue. I will donate to whatever fund is setup. I like the idea of this being a turning point for this family, but it cannot change what has happened. They need to feel this weight for a very long time. They need to share their experience with other at-risk families. They were responsible for this child, and they let her down. How can you argue that? I stated earlier, that I felt hate for them, but I now realize, that I just can't understand what has happened completely. I just look at my children and can't imagine putting them in that position.
With regard to trustees of the fund, if Bill Warren is setting it up, you can be sure the money will be used well and there will be sufficient oversight. He's a man of integrity.
Pastor Keith
Harvest Baptist Church
I suggest that any funds left over from WBOC 's BLESS OUR CHILDREN fund be put towards Sara's funeral fund also.
Just earlier today I was telling a family member that for the first time since moving to the eastern shore I was proud of the communities and proud to be a part of this area because everyone joined together to hopefully bring Sarah to safety. Unfortunately Sarah wasn't brought to safety but she was found and can be buried to bring some sense of closure.
After reading these comments now I recall why some of the people around here make me sick. A bunch of religious hypocrites that want to lash out at one another rather than continuing to bound ourselves in order to, at the very least, get this poor girl in the ground. Why must so many of you become idiots at a time like this? Just knock it off for goodness sake. Sarah is gone we cannot change that, but what we can change is the the safety of other children. What we can change is the law and the way these SOBs are allowed to keep hurting the kids.
Everyone is plain and simple ticked off and everyone does not understand why this little girl was put into such circumstances but we cannot accomplish protecting the children that are still here with us if all we do is bicker and place blame. I think the parents and the aunt are all at fault in different ways, but it doesn't matter at this point. They will get theirs in the end. Right now please people let us all continue to fight for our children in Sarahs honor.
Jantizzy - Jesus (remember him? We just celebrated his birthday) said What ever you do for the least of my brothers and sisters you do for me." There is no escape clause that says 'unless you feel duped' - so either give or don't - but certainly Sara Foxwell was one of the least of Jesus sisters - let down by her family, the state, and - until she was dead - her community. The people who could have prevented this from happening to her didn't. How much more 'least' can you possibly get?
Money should be donated to the following only:
1. Funeral Costs
2. Overtime expenses for those
on-duty who put in tremendous
hours and left their families
3. A fund set up to help get the
six year old out of that
For those who have no experience w/knowing someone w/drug addiction, addicts will beg, borrow, and steal to get money from their own family and friends to buy their drugs. These people have a valid point and have a right to know where their hard earned money is going. If you search the father, he has bankruptcy history so he obviously cannot manage money. Can you imagine if the money was spent on something other than a funeral? how devastated the community would feel? And Holloway's does bury children for free, there is an age limit but I can't remember what it is. We need to remember it is the FAMILY who will be the decision makers in the funeral home, monument, etc. I think there have been some very nice ideas about the police escorting little Sarah but it is the family's ultimate decision. I hope they have it somewhere where the community can all attend.
Please keep the Missing and Exploited Children's Association of Maryland. This group is in great need of volunteers and contributions. www.mecamd.com. This group has been the forefront in enacting child safety laws for the last 25 years. The original members are gaining in age and they need help to keep this group going.
This is Duane Shores speaking on behalf of the Fathers side of Sarahs family.. Allthough we all have had troubles in our past .. you cannot really believe that we are looking to profit or gain anything from her death and that we not mourning her passing.. we want nothing more than to give her the best funeral, flowers, headstone and everything..she deserves nothing less..For those who may doubt our family may god bless you... I know the truth in this and she is more important than anyone in the world right now.. I cant believe that the people who helped our family to find her are now bashing us and our wrong doings of which we have paid for.. No matter what has happened to the mother, father and aunt of Sarah I can say that her fathers side of the family is doing nothing but thinking about Sarah and what went wrong..please stop blaming us and put the blame on the monster that actually committed this horrible crime.. If you dont want to help than shut your mouth and move on with your life and those who would like to help us give our lil Haley bug a proper funeral than I thank you in advance from the bottom of my heart...
I agree Sarah will receive a proper and loving farewell.
I think Pastor Warren or Mr. Ruark, if they would agree to do so, would be my selection for trustees for the account set up for Sarah. Also, how about having a memorial garden in front of Wi Middle or somewhere the community may visit, like the one on Beaglin Park Dr. near Parkside Apts in the future?
Don't give a dime to the family that failed to protect this sweet innocent child. Her parents failed her or her aunt would not have legal custody of her.
The aunt failed her by letting a registered sex offender anywhere near those children. Now the "family" has a financial need and they want us to give donations to a bank. How do we know the money will be used for the appropriate purpose?
Sarah should have an approprite burial and there should be a way to give money directly to the funeral home. Excess should be given to an appropriate charity. One that advocates for children would be great.
Custody of the other child should be taken away from the aunt and probably will be. I will be shocked if she is not brought up on charges of child endangermement herself.
From what I have been told by my son who's boss is a family memeber of Sarah's, the aunt found out about his background and that is when she quit seeing him.
This family is going through enough. I see no need to bash them. I am sure they are being harder on themselves than any of you could ever be. Hind sight is 20 20. Yes there are things that they could have done diffenrently, like moving the key that was hidden outside, but again this is in hindsight.
Leave them alone and let them grieve. This has hit us all very hard on several emotional levels and lashing out and placing blame on anyone but Thomas Leggs is wrong. The aunt quit seeing him when she found out his history!
4:40 who should profit? you're a police officer and you feel we are wrong to let our steam out. this has touched all of us. i have spent every day glued to sbynews to get updates from the beinging. i have more sorrow for this little girl then the people that put her in arms way. map
5:54, we are expected to be good stewards with our money and everything else we've been blessed with.
I disagree with your view that those who want to say what should be done with their money should keep it. If nothing else, I think we have not only the right but responsibility to try and be sure charitable contributions are put to best use so as to do the most good - not end up inadvertently assisting in bad. If this view makes me a fool, then so be it. I'm a fool.
are any of the family a member of this church
Duane where were u at when little haley bug was with the aunt and a child molester?
Sorry I didnt hear about you searching for her christmas day and never saw you on news pleading for information.Funny your only reply came when it came to donating money.
I have four kids 2 girls and 2 boys from 4 to 15 and we have been watching this worried to death and all my kids prayed everynight my son went to school with her brother.I have no problem giving my kids 20 dollars a piece for sarah as long as it went to a good use funeral casket flowers etc not to a family that i didnt see the whole time or a drug addict or a convict.Sorry if this sounds cruel but the way my family feels.God bless sarah
AGREED 10:20 Hit the nail on the head.
Someone better look up Duane Shores on Maryland court cases - he's on there right along with the rest of the family!
PLEASE! This dicourse is making me sick. I will personally attempt to call the family and Holloway tomorrow and see if funds can be sent to the funeral home directly. Please stop this.
To those slamming her family. There are so many factors that you do not know. You don't realize that maybe a parent had died and other horrible things that her mom had been through or that she had many brothers and sisters and how much her mother and aunt are hurting beyond words. Don't judge. You were not there and this type of talk creates rumors that are not true. She has a wonderful family that loved her dearly. Please please don't judge. If you knew all the true details you would recant your words.
PLEASE! This discourse is making me sick. I will personally attempt to call the family and Holloway tomorrow and see if funds can be sent to the funeral home directly. Please stop this.
Quit being so naive 10:37! If the truth hurts then don't get on here. You obviously don't know Duane Shores do you????
10:20, you summed up very well the way a lot of us feel. Well said!
RightCoast, I'm truly sorry this discourse is making you sick, but I hope it DOESN'T stop. As has been said already, Sarah was failed on so many levels - not the least being the safe haven and responsible parenting she should have received at home. 10:20's comments raise very valid questions that should be addressed whether they are "sickening" or not. If you don't want the public's opinion voiced on a blog that's known for serving the public, well. . .
I say thousands if necessary for Sarah's funeral and whatever it takes to get judges who will enforce the tough laws that already exist for monsters like TJ . . .but not one cent for Haley's "family."
Those who disagree, please feel free to fling all the mud you want at me. At least I won't ask you to "please stop it."
Well I am not 10:37 but I see he is an ex-convict and has an extensive record as well. He is also on facebook. Looks like an inmate in one picture for sure.
The topic at hand though, is the burial of this angel. So glad the pastor is heading the fund. It needs to go directly to her burial and anything left over, should go to organizations that will help make the laws have stiffer penalties for child molesters!
You people need to stop making comments about the family! Seriously This could happen to any one of us. How many of you do background checks on your friends, Aunts , Uncles, Cousins, boyfriends, girlfriends? I know I don't I have looked at the sex offender registry but I didn't until this tragedy happened! You don't know the whole story no one does but the aunt parents and the piece of crap in jail! There is only one person to blame here and that is TJ Leggs! Not the family! Sarah was 1 of 6 children. At least the Aunt stepped up to the plate when she took custody of 2 of the 6 kids! What we need to concentrate on is making sure that angel gets a decent burial & that the little sister gets the help she is going to need. I think a fund should be started for the Burial and one for the little sister for therpy. Make it so that it gets paid directly to a doctor or funeral director.
Duane Shores, it's a crying shame that Sarah wasn't more important to you than anyone in the world BEFORE she was killed. You say your family has paid for "wrong doings?" I must disagree. It seems to me that SARAH is the one who has paid for lapses in judgment.
But then what do I know? I'm a nothing and nobody. Just one of thousands who showed up to look for Sarah--one of the people you now feel it's OK to say "Shut your mouth and move on with your life" to.
Think nothing of it, Mr. Shores.
Please, everyone read Joe's latest post about ALL the funeral expenses being picked up by an anonymous benefactor!
I wish more people on this post would spend their time taking remedial English, spelling or Grammar 101. If that were the case, then you wouldn't come across as the ignorant fools that you are.
Duane...where were you when Haley needed a father figure? Where was her father? If you cared so much why was she with her aunt? This community will see to it that she gets a proper burial, since her "family" cannot seem to get anything right when it comes to this precious child.
This funeral has been paid for.
All I will say is I am absolutely certain without a doubt that little Sarah loved her family. Can you please respect her enough to hold your attacks on them until after she is buried? Please don't dishonor her by bashing the people she loved.
It's not that I disagree but people are soiling her whole ordeal and life right now. Please try to respect this child.
Thank you.
Duane Shores is a piece of trash just like the rest of them..
11:07 if you don't like the post.don't read it.
Thank you hollaways and the local citizen who paid for all costs I will not donate my money to the family but will have my kids pick out flowers for sarah
11:14 I read the post because of Joe; at least he can spell!! I read the comments for amusement!! There are many hard working teachers in this area who look at this and just shake their heads!!
11:21 You're a teacher?
You are correct about Hollaways... I had two different frinds who had lost their child in both instances Hollaways donated their services and the familes only paid for the marker and plot... They have done this for quite a while and in my opinion speaks volumes about their integrety as a business God Bless All!!!
11:04, It saddens me to say this, but maybe one thing to be learned from this horrendous tragedy is that we should START doing background checks on potential boyfriends, girlfriends, etc. Yes, I know how paranoid that sounds, but the sad reality is that the world we live in today has come to that point. Don't believe it? Just spend a few months watching Nancy Grace's show. Yes, she's a drama queen, but that doesn't change the fact that she covers cases like this from all around the country.
Can you imagine Sarah's situation multiplied by THOUSANDS each year? Well, that's where we're at.
Yes, Leggs is the only to blame for the actual commission of this sick crime. But does there come a time when others should bear some responsibility for making it easier for the crime to be committed? If I'm the hiring manager of a bank and don't take time to do a background check on an applicant, then hire him and he embezzles my bank blind, do I bear some of the responsibility for making it easier for him to commit the crime? I say YES, I DO!
A bank manager wouldn't put him / herself in such a position. Well, aren't our precious children precious enough to us that we should at least give them the diligence we would give money we're entrusted with if we were bank managers?
11:04, as far as making sure Sarah gets a decent burial, I can personally assure you there isn't a funeral home in Salisbury that would allow her NOT to get one - regardless of the family's ability to pay or lack thereof. How do I know? I know because I work for one of them, and know the owners and workers at our competition. And as far as this topic goes, neither would the people of our city allow her to not have a decent, loving, respectful burial. You need only to think about yesterday morning's turnout at Perdue Stadium to realize that.
Why is the family hiding anyway? Oh yeah - because they feel guilty for their own guilty actions. Have you ever seen the family of a missing child not wanna show their face on national TV - NO! These people know that they let Sarah down & thats the reason why we haven't seen or heard from them! Where's the real father been during all this???? Or the real mother??? This family has used these baby's as pawns is what it amounts to... very sad
then there r some teachers that need to get a life if that is the case.
Teachers in Wicomico continue to disapoint on the blog. Stay away from my children.
RightCoast, it's not disrespecting Sarah or her memory to be angry - or to express that anger - that this didn't have to happen. You can offend me and all the other readers who feel as I do by saying we're "soiling" Sarah's ordeal or memory by "bashing" those she loved. You're as entitled to your opinion and the expression of it as we all are. Just don't crap in our faces by saying we don't respect this child because fact is a lot of us on here were there yesterday morning just as I'm sure you were.
I'm quite sure Sarah loved her family too. The bitter truth is that doesn't change the fact that she shouldn't be gone from us now, and most probably wouldn't be if they had shown more responsibility.
Go ahead, as some others have said already, and see what you find about Duane who's had the temerity to post his 1 cent worth here attacking people who helped in the search. Then come back and post about the people she loved.
11:27 makes a good point. Think of how many of these kinds of murders take place every year and think of the ones you've followed on national news. How many of the child's family keep silent as Sarah's is doing?
Truth can be a bitter pill.
To the family of Sarah Foxwell: I am truly sorry for your loss. I know you all are devastated by everything that has happened. I hope that one day you all will be able to accept that Sarah is safe in Heaven and move forward for the well being of her siblings. I will pray for you, as my family and I have prayed for Sarah. I know because of what has happened to Sarah, everyone in this town will be very aware of sex offenders in this area and we will all go above and beyond to see that this doesn't happen to another child in our area. Sarah is "Salisbury's Angel". She will always be in our hearts. Knowing how much this child has touched my family without ever meeting her, I cannot imagine the pain her family is enduring. May Sarah rest in peace...and may her family also find peace. Duane, I am sorry for your loss.
11:58 as i said, I don't disagree, I just think this discussion should take place after we bury her for respect of her. Believe me, I understand the anger. Even my own kids are mad. I just think there might be a more appropriate time to unlease on the family. I respect your disagreement with that.
11:07 - Be careful - any sign of education or knowledge of grammar and punctuation will get you branded as one of the 'liberal elite' - oh and don't use any big words either!
11:07, thank you for being willing to lower yourself to the depth we fools are at in order to share your divine knowledge and wisdom with us.
I don't know what we'd do without you - but I'd bet a lot of us are willing to try.
I Once Had a Criminal in my House I just didn't know it.
He was a highschool friend of my husbands. He seemed nice enough. Just misunderstood. Strangly, he kept getting into trouble. Knocking up younger girls. He was arrested for robbery and some othe extranious crazy crap. I really didn't realize how nuts he was until he bashed in one our fences letting out all of our live stock, possibly endagering people driving. We called the sherriff's office. We could not prove anything. We could not prosecute. Once we understood, he was removed from our lives.
When in the hell are you people going to wake up? Your are so quick to blame everyone else for what has happened in the past with crime, including what took place with Sarah.
You blame everyone but yourselves. You act like you are the innocent victim in all of this. GET A GRIP.
Wake UP! It's YOUR community and no one else's. Take control of it, get involved and MAKE the city council and law enforcement clean this S&!T hole of what you call your community up.
I am not a great fan of Joe Albero but I do respect him for doing what others fear to do. SPEAKING OUT. Stop the I am so sad for Sarah crap like there was nothing you could do about it. You had your chance and YOU failed her.
Crime has been out of control and most did nothing for years. You should be absolutely pissed at yourselves that this happened on YOUR watch.
Grow some nads and put an end to this crap.
It's your community, take control of it!
Really glad to see so many family's have there act together and have no problems in this world. (hope it stays that way for you) All post today have not even been worth reading the victim was Sarah. WAY OFF BASE PEOPLE......People change sometimes when they hit bottom. I hope this brings some change to this family.
RightCoast, this is 11:58 again. I can - and do - better respect what you just said and especially the deferential way in which you said it. Thank you for that.
You will see / hear no more comments on this topic from me until after Sarah's services. But boy have I got an earful to say then!
Rest in peace, Sarah. We all agree on this much: You were and are an angel, and we'll never forget you or the Christmas morning you brought us all together as one family. Not one so-called adult in this city has ever been able to do that as you did. In the very darkest time of despair, you gave us "our finest hour."
12:31, I trust that you've been at most city council meetings, as I have, since the days when "people" like Mike Dunn were on City Council. I trust you've gotten up to that podium like a concerned citizen, as I have many times, to speak your mind - only to be shut down 1/3 of the way through because Council President doesn't like what you have to say? I trust you've voted in ALL local elections since the 60s, as I have, only to see our city end up as it has? GOOD, I was sure you had by the tone of vulgarly worded comment you made.
Sorry you feel it's "I'm sad for Sarah" crap. If you knew as many people in this community as I do, you'd know it's not "crap". A lot of hearts are breaking here.
Also sorry you believe that "all of you" failed Sarah. "We" couldn't be there in her home life to dictate what - and WHO - she was exposed to or when and how. I don't know whether you live in Salisbury or not (hope to God NOT), but wherever you do live, I'm sure you must be blame free and must not have failed Sarah or any of the other children who have had the same tragedy happen to them.
It's too bad you're NOT a great fan of Mr. Albero. I'd think someone as blameless and perfect as you are would be able to see what a great service he's doing for this community LONG before this tragedy happened.
This is God speaking.
Yes, the one whose name with which you frivolously pad Joe's comments forum like we've ever met in person or something.
I know everyone is very upset right now and that spelling and grammar seem, among many other things, difficult concepts to grasp, bless your poor, philistine hearts. Obviously, as your so-called Creator, I've been slacking over the past century. Sue me!
That being said, please keep in sight what remains truly important here; not the nitpicking and inconsiderate, nameless badmouthing. Also I am aware (I'm omniscient!) that most of you don't know any better, so please read carefully and find in this special ode to moving on I wrote for you in this trying time, a message of utmost relevance:
Go lightly in your suspicions
Ease your minds
Take your time
Always think positive
Listen to your heart
If not now, it's never too late
Forsake good & evil, as
Everything is everything
P.S. If I'd have known you all were going to waste your precious lives constantly staring at the television, I would've reconsidered that whole "conscious being" thing. Tomorrow could very well be YOUR last day. Put that shit in your quadruple bypass burgers and smoke it!
There is a lesson to be learned about so many dear children being born to people with absolutely no ability to take care of them. Not one or two kids in these families, but many kids. Those reproducing the fastest are the least able to support them without massive help from social programs. That has to be reversed for any long-term solutions to succeed. Poor Haley and the thousands like her.
Thank you, 6:22 and 6:38. I knew I had seen or heard that; just couldn't remember where. Thanks for backing me up. Now I can stop wondering where I got that idea.
Hey 8:02. There are other ways to support people that do not include money. I do not think Jesus was speaking about money. idiot
2:19 AM, smoke another one. I do not think God appreciates being impersonated. Maybe you can pretend to be Jimi Hendrix on your next rant
2:19, how long did it take you to come up with that blasphemous crap? However long it was, YOU would've been better off watching TV because you are a blasphemer. Being as literate as you dream you are, you must know that's the only unforgivable sin.
See you in hell! Now you're stuck putting up with my badmouthing for all eternity.
Hate to say it, but beyond burial expenses & emotional losses, what else needs "a fund". Some anonymous benefactor has provided funeral expenses. What else is there?
RightCoast, I think there's no way to stop the discussion. We are all grieving and need to vent.
That being said, I do believe that to rant about Sarah's family is wrong; bringing politics into it is wrong, bashing and insulting commeters is wrong, picking on spelling and grammar is stupid and petty, and most of all, judging is wrong.
Let's remember that we are talking about the loss of an innocent child. Focus on that and stop squabbling and accusing. Please.
people grow up.. i cant believe the crap im reading..whatever sarahs family is or is not has no berring on an 11 year old dead child...sarah had no controll over her family and who cares who let who down..facts are she is DEAD! stop being so common and leave your ingnorant comments about her family out of this! if you dont know where your moneys going dont send it. there are enough of us out here who will help...after all of the people who turned out to search (and i did) i cant understand y our community is now turning so UGLY...
8:31 is right about the huge number of children being born to people with no ability to care for them. Many in society want all babies to be born, which I can respect, but those voters need to understand the obligation to support social programs to "raise" those babies because the parents can't or won't and there are thousands of kids waiting to be adopted. Once they're born, all of us become responsible.
Can one person tell me who in this family went to Allen Memorial Church. ??
God have mercy on anyone who attempts to profit from this tragedy.
There needs to be a board of independant trustees set up.
11:10, I can't, and I've been a member of Allen Memorial for some years.
If anyone else can shed any light on this, I'd be curious myself.
WE SHOULD BE BASHING THE FAMILY OF TJ AND OUR GOVERNMENT FOR LETTING PEOPLE WHO (CONTINUALLY) REPEAT THIS SICK BEHAVIOR WALK THE STREETS AGAIN & AGAIN. THEN MAYBE THIS WOULD NOT HAVE HAPPEN. You may now go back to bashing Sarah's family....Turn your anger where it will be positive and do some good for Sarah and all the other children that this could happen to around us. What we should realize is there are a lot of dots on the registry and that is only the ones that have been caught
Tommy Foxwell the father used to attend ALlen a number of years back. He even played in the Praise band when his life was together....
11:27 I know the community would make sure she has a decent burial..I was referring to all the nasty hateful comments directed to the aunt and family. they are placing blame on them and not the monster that did this. Like I said not everyone has internet access and not everyone checks everyone they come across out. I do agree that with the world we live in now that we should do background checks on everyone we come across. They say that Tj Leggs was a ex boyfriend of the aunts..maybe she found out about his background and that's why he is an ex? did that ever cross any ones minds?
And I'm sure the aunt does take some responsibility for what happened.. Just like she took some responsibility when she took Sarah and her little sister in her home. With what happened to Sarah already on her conscience she doesn't need everyone bashing her on top of it.
wow you got duane asking for money not to judge him or the family for what they have done in the past that they have paid for thier wrong doings and sayin dont bash the father well what kind of father allows any man to be around his kids without putting fear in him or to have somebody else take care of the child man up
Living in Ohio, I was just recently aware of this and i am equally horrified. This thread has made me confused on where or should I donate. Can someone help me? I am from Maryland and practiced Medicine almost 5 years in Salisbury and consider it a home away from home.
I wanted to do something as soon as I heard but this thread is very uncomfortable
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