The appalling fact that there has been another massive failure of the governmental duty to protect innocent children from the monsters among us cannot be masked by the admirable conduct of the many citizens and law enforcement and fire/safety personnel who have been involved in the latest tragic episode. Public officials who operate or oversee the agencies charged with discharge of that duty must be held accountable and appropriate action taken promptly to prevent a recurrence.
Punishing the particular perpetrator in this and other instances does not address the greater problem that exists, which is both systemic and endemic. Sarah Foxwell’s brutal murder cannot be prevented at this late date, but it is not too late to prevent future tragedy of the kind to other children.
The upcoming session of the Maryland General Assembly is an opportunity for the members from the Lower Shore counties to take the lead in the State’s role. Local elected and other officials can take more immediate action. But will they?
The good news is the man is in jail. Now what are YOU going to do Ruark to keep him there?
Let us not forget that the guardian of this precious little girl knowingly introduced evil into Sarah's safe haven. There is not amount of legislation that will ever eliminate stupidity.
Every day profile one offender on your site JOE .That too will help till better laws are passed.
Joe, I thought you were about smaller government. Throwing more money into government won't solve this.
We must band together and ask our representatives to enact a bill for tougher penalties for child predators. The system is only as good as we make it. Deals can be made to protect making children from reliving the incident but the registery could show that it was a PLEA down or something or the laws could be changed to have stiffer penalties overall. It maybe a broken system but we the people can get that changed!
Women as a general rule are stupid when it comes to making decisions regarding Men. They want to believe the best, they want to give people a second chance. Its not that I dont want to put blame on the guardian, but I believe she will live with her own guilt forever. She isnt the first woman this has happended to and she wont be the last. Most reasonable adults would not put children at risk knowingly. Its the other part of the relationship most of us will never get. Maybe more public information linked from the offenders website would help.
I am from Bradford County Pa and I am so very sorry for your loss. I have a 9 year old daughter and a 10 year old son and I would be complete disaster if something had ever happened to them. My heart goes out to Sarah's family. I kept coming back to this site to check the updates. God Bless you all!! Little Sarah is now with God and is now at Peace!!
It's not only the registered child sex offenders you have to worry about, it's all the ones that haven't been caught YET.
Most predators usually have many many victims before they are caught.
What needs to happen is strict long term MANDATORY sentencing for anyone that harms a child. Monitored GPS monitoring for life, once paroled. If they re-offend (which they ALL will) no second chances. Life in prison or the death penalty. No exceptions!!
Until the court systems step up and start giving more protection to women and children and less protection to the criminals...tragedies like what happened to little Sarah will continue to occur.
Maryland needs to have a minimum mandatory law for anyone who commits a sexual offense against a child. I would say life in prison is a fair sentence as these predators never get rehabilitated. Maybe call it Sarah's Law in memory of this poor child. If our laws didn't protect child molestors, they would never have a chance to reoffend.
@1013 - Ruark cant do anything to keep him in there except prosecute the case. Judges and laws need to change.
Hate to ruin all your day here. You KNOW the ACLU will step in and get the case moved to a all liberal judge county and get him a wrist slap.
I also am curious about how we failed to protect this child. MD has some of the strangest and strictest child protection laws. If a parent so much as touches their child without smiling, CPS will be knocking on the door.
While this discussion continues, we need to consider how to protect children, while also allowing parents to raise their children. Many problems we see around us today are children who have not been up properly. Sometimes a young man especially needs an a$$ kicking to remind him of his place.
I'm sorry, but this piece of ameoba $#!@ does not deserve life in prison. He doesn't deserve to make it to trial. I have known him since high school and he was garbage then. It's also my understanding that his family tried to give him an alibi AGAIN!! Doesn't that constitute accessory after the fact? Impeding a criminal investigation and maybe even aiding and abetting? His entire family should be euthanized to rid this world of the evil they permeate. TJ deserves to be raped and tortured and then set on fire... I'm sure that his prison mates will be happy to oblige once they get him to gen pop.
The system bears responsibility for not prosecuting lots of his offenses. The laws were there, the follow-through by the prosecutors was not.
Barbaric crimes deserve barbaric punishments. If our current legal system insists on letting these animals out of jail, I say brand their foreheads with "MOLESTER."
Joe, Any chance you have any info on the the abduction/murder of a young boy in the late 70's (maybe 1977) Troy Krauss? I remember that as a child and for the likes of me can't find any information on it?
11:17, I remember that case well and was telling my wife about it last night. It is eerily similar to what happened to Sarah - I still remember the pain and shock in the community. I had worked with the young boy's father and he was a good kid. A sad reminder that these things keep repeating themselves.
Ruark will prosecute this case and believe me he will do an excellent job - he was out there during this whole ordeal, unlike Pollitt, Ireton, County Council/City Council members. Let's see what the judges do from here on out and if they are restricted by Maryland State ignorant laws, then the laws need to be changed. All these politicians want your vote but when it comes to something as important as this - where were they?
I noticed a lack of help from Reverend Bailey and his community I thought in a time of crisis we could put race on the shelf !
Pray that during this investigation our officers found some DNA evidence to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was the one to do this horrific crime. Our Governing Body, in it's infinite wisdom passed this earlier this year.
Mar. 4-Senate passed amendment requiring DNA, biological evidence, or video evidence of crime or of a voluntary confession for a capital conviction. Mar. 5: Amended bill passed by Senate
House Judiciary Com. passed reform bill 14-7 on Mar. 20
He is too arrogant to confess on tape and I'm sure he didn't record his actions himself so our only hope is to get Biological evidence to be able to pursue the Death Penalty for him. You can see for yourself what our wonderful Legislators have done here:
Make sure to notice that the Governor wanted to abolish it again. So glad the western shore voted that idiot into office!
Is there any laws that can prevent us, the citizens, from purchasing billboard space and posting their names and pictures every few months around our community. I would doante to a fund to support this continuously. Anyone?
Troy Krause,
I only found one old article mentioning him.
NOBODY should ever have to bury a child!!!!!!!!!!!! This man needs to fry!!!!!!!!!! Let the public take care of him!!!
Its time to post all of the telephone poles in your area with the pictures of the local pedophiles.
We the people of the Eastern Shore can make sure O'Malley doesn't get a vote in November. I'm willing to work my ass off to assure that he does not hold office again. Who is running against him? Who is willing to run against him? We need a governor with a backbone not another pansy ass liberal that would cut public safety.
Adults on Heartwood Drive need to be vigilant in their supervision of kids/ bus stops, etc. There are three offenders listed, two in the same house (105) and one at
Let's do the research and post names of the non compliant and absconders from the Sex Offenders Registry,
I just got a text saying Leggs is at PRMC with multiple stab wounds. Lets hope it's true!
Was this Tommy(45yrs old or so) kid?
I read the first sentence and stopped.
We don't need more government.
Government has failed us all.
We need to clean house and start over.
This guy needs to vacate this earth.
Melissa P. has the right course of actions, but - no long-term. Too lenient. I am not in favor of even giving these scum the slightest chance of - Rehabilitation? No. Fix it so they can't ever again physically harm anyone, anywhere. If you want to leave them breathing, that's one thing. Then a great many of them know - They have another chance at striking back in some way - again. Damnit, fix them so they can't - period. Plenty of doctors who wold perform the service - free of charge. And IF they re-offend? No. How about NO CHANCE to re-offend?
Would love to see Erlich run again. Political correctness fueld by white guilt is being used to promote criminal perverted illegal and immoral behaviour. Fight for what is right and decent!! No matter who is "offended'
The Anitra Pirkle case was high profile too and did not get moved.
I hope it goes to the same judge who sentenced the monsters in the Pirkle cASE.
Amen Moon Willow !!
Jail is the safest place for this monster right now There are at least 3000 community members that would love to get their hands on him, myself included!
11:31, who is Reverend Bailey. I never heard of him. Or does anyone know?
Aunt Carrie disgusts me. She apparently was so desperate for a man, any man would do.
I don't care what she says now, she should have known Leggs was a child molesting creep, everyone else did. Now he is a murderer.
Aunt Carrie needs to go to jail too.
Yes Tommy Foxwell would be about 45 yrs old.. Lived in the area of Melson road when in high school. He went to delmar ..and yes that was his daughter..Owned a plumbing company
the laws need to be tougher once again another child was killed by a pervert let loose to do it again they can't be released into the public.my opininon he needs to be put6 foot under put in in the same situation he put baby sarah in.my heart goes out to the family.rest in peace baby sarah.
Joe, please dont forget that this aunt knowingly and uncaringly allowed a sex offender around those children. She also let it be his knowledge where a spare key be kept. She had a responsibility to keep those children safe when she took them into her home. Maybe if she had let them go to a foster home or let someone else in the family keep them Sara would be alive. Please remember this woman allowed a sex offender in her home around innocent children. Stupidity is driving drunk, it is a crime to put children at risk like she did, there is clearly a difference. She needs to go to jail as well. Im going to call Davis Ruark and im going to ask him about knowingly putting a child at risk being child endangerment and she allowed these kids around a sex offender who isnt suppose to be around kids. Anyone who wants to protect kids step up to this, hold people accountable for their actions and their lack of care for children.
BTW...this wasn't the first time he used that spare key to get into her house AFTER they broke up. She knew he knew where the key was even after knowing he was a child molestor and she didn't take precaution to even remove the key from his easy access!! Give those kis to somebody who really cares about children!
Do the same with Tonya Leggs' kids! Please, please, have CPS take these kids to some place safe! I know that DSS tries their best to "preserve" families and there really is a great team that works for our children... I am not saying anything negative about these wonderful people.... it's just that sometimes their heart is so big and they want to believe in people so much that the child is left in custody of unfit adults.
Just think if more healthy adults would not be so selfish and open their hearts and homes to children that need protection? Then DSS would be able to take more children from these homes and place them immediately in a good home. So much healing needed and so many changes need to be made.
I agree the Pirkle Case was high profile and held here. The same should be for this. With the Pirkle case we knew most of the details like going to get ice cream. What is the story from the get go?
any truth to the rumor that the aunt was working at the exon accross from wor-wic when the abduction occured and the kids were home alone? why do we have to pay 50k a year to house these criminals with free health care and all the perks? this is bs. i work 2 jobs and stil dont have the luxuries this ass@ole is going to have. an eye for an eye and see how it feels to be a helpless victim. rot in hell legg you pos perv! your whole family for that matter! go to baltimore and you will fit in with the rest of the city trash!
1:29 Thx, I thought so. Know him all my life. His dad owned the company. Tommy got lost in life a long time ago, and it looks like his kid paid for it.
2:39 was that Doug foxwell's plumbing???
I would rather you figure that out...
Frank Kratovil is best friends with Martin O'Malley and as liberal as they come. O'Malley quashed the Death Penalty in Maryland and is responsible in part for this child's death. Anyone who votes for a Democrat should be ashamed of themselves.
Vote O'Malley and Kratovil out next election. I know both of them and they will stab you in the back for a vote.
3:22 (or is it "sniper"?)
Kratovil has had nothing to do with her death, and as the States Attorney for Queen Anne's County he did more to stop such things than you have ever done.
Put a lid on it pal!
My friend and I were discussing the Troy Krauss abduction yesterday. Our children were small then and now our grandchildren are about the same age as Sarah Foxwell.
Thank-you to all law enforcement, searchers and everyone who helped in anyway.
To the detractors of the family: there are many wolves in sheeps clothing. They are experts at manipulation of any situation.
There is a new breed of law enforcement in Salisbury and Wicomico County, who are about catching the criminal and wearing a uniform, as well as being proud to serve the cititzens of our area.
To Dallas Ruark: Please try to minimalize all plea bargains, stet, nol pros, etc. in all cases. Load up the county jail.
To the judges of Wicomico County: you are not bound to follow any plea bargain agreement. I have heard that disclaimer everytime I have been in court. Please dispense a fair judgement on the crimes. Not some liberal, "I am in rehab", "I go to church", "My preacher is working with me", or "I signed up for this program to help me" The criminal can detox in jail. The preacher can council him in jail.
To the new acting warden at the jail: please take lessions from Sheriff Joe in Arizona. The inmates and ACLU have not been able to successfuly sue him for violation of prisoner rights.
Rest in peace Sarah Foxwell, you are safe in God's hand.
I remember little Troy, I was a friend of his two older brothers and sister.
Troy had some health issues, he had to wear leg braces and sometimes used crutches, I believe it was around 1975 or 1976 when he was taken, and if my memory is correct, they never found the creep who murdered him!
On another note, the house that the Krause’s lived in used to be the old Pittsville Hotel, (now torn down), but there was a very young girl that lived there before them, and she was abducted and raped by a convict that had just gotten out of jail, I’ve forgotten his name, but he had lived in Pittsville before he went to jail and then released to rape this girl!
There are sex offenders living in Pittsville to this day!!
Thanks for mentioning Troy Krauss's name. Isn't he the young child that was abducted in the Pittsville area and killed by Leuchner and buried on an Athol farm near Mardela Springs? We were attempting to put this story together yesterday but couldn't quite do it.
Parents in Maryland need to let elected officals know we demand tougher laws. I have a 5 yr old and I am outragged that Maryland has tougher laws for drug dealers than sexual predators.
Oh and when Leggs gets to jail he will get three meals aday, gym,free cable tv and card making workshops. All paid by tax payers.Thanks liberal Maryland.
to the dumbass that says i need to be in jail get your facts straight i wasnt the one who was dating him and there is nothing desperate about me i have 4 kids of my own and i always know who is around them at all times dont put this on me i was put in a domestic violence shelter while all this was going on so put ya finger at someone else and keep your mouth shut if you were following the story it was her aunt amy you idiot cant you read be more informed before you point fingers it wasnt me dummy
in case my other one doesnt get posted because i was pretty mad that i was being accused of messing with this jerk i was trying to clear my own name i am a mom of 4 and doing it alone but i know who is around my kids at all times matter of fact i left my husband because he spit on my child i would never have put my kids or my god children in this position i didnt even know what was going on over there in that home i thought everything was okay i was never under any impression that he was around them it was kept from me and i am just as angry as the rest of you and i want revenge too but i know my facts before i point fingers at anyone so in case the words were too little for you to see here you go IT WASNT ME WHO WAS WITH THAT SCUMBAG I AM FAR TOO SMART TO DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT THEIR IS NOTHING THAT I WOULDNT HAVE DONE TO PROTECT HER BUT I WASNT THERE
Demanding newer tougher laws aimed at sex offenders is one way to make sure this precious girl did not die in vain.I would suggest anyone who writes their elected officials also contact John Walsh as he has been instrumental in the fight to pass laws protecting our kids from pedophiles and child killers.I hope an entire media circus ensues over this so that attention can be drawn to the fact that if we had stiffer sentencing and harsher,more severe punishments,hundreds of child murders would have never had to happen because these guys would have been locked up where they couldnt hurt anyone. So many child killers have a history of sex offenses,shouldnt this tell us something?Perhaps "therapy" is useless and we should just accept it and stop trying to rehabilitate after a certain point?Some people cant be saved and if they cant control themselves,I feel safer with them in jail-not living or working in my community with pisspoor supervision by the State.Time to get tough.We lock up addicts for posessing drugs and hurting only themselves,but we let scumbag predators skate by with counseling and suspended sentences.Time to demand accountability from judges and the legal system in general for their part in this.
For those who want to see a change in Maryland law concerning stricter sentencing guidelines for convicted sex offenders, please read this article from TIME magazine a few years ago. Yes, we DO need stricter laws. Let's get this right so there will be no more innocent children lost.
Justice needs to come quickly for Sarah. Our legislatures must hear from us NOW so new legislation can be drafted and implemented quickly.
Our gratitude to Mike Lewis for his dedication to finding this child. Also, gratitude is given to the person(s) responsiblie for seeing that the expenses of this child's funeral will be met.
1 24 post that funny cause that carrie isnt who was with that sick sob the aunt of the girl carrie is the god mother ur so stupid and further more this is about the girl that i spent day after nite seraching or waiting to serch with my team to find out so was not alive and broke all of our hearts he needs to be dead.. put in the open we country boys will show hm what pain she went threw .. he is sick and dosnt deserve to see another day.. joe gr8 job i seen u there most of the time .. u did a gr8 job keeping up on all..
As I understand it, Ruark was Legg's attorney back in 2000. Well, now he has an opportunity to make amends.
Very sad story - obviously.
However, this evil rotten government cannot and will not protect any of us from the monsters here in time.
I was in about 5th grade at Pittsville School when Troy Krausse was abducted and killed. I think he may have been in about 3rd grade? After that happened, I remember some of my friends parents saying he used to ride right on our road to get to work everyday. That is creepy. I thought it was John Thanos who killed him but I may be wrong.
The father Tommy Foxwell graduated from Parkside in 1983 and also attended in 1982. Someone said he went to Delmar. Not sure about that but yes, his family did own a plumbing business Foxwell Plumbing. Not sure if it's still in business or not. Too bad he did not go down the right path. Still praying for him in the loss of his beautiful daughter who looks just like him.
6:22 you are correct, it was John Thanos. Good memory for another tragic incident.
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