What's with Bank of America, anyway? They accepted a gazillion dollars in federal assistance, raised their interest rates to outrageous, and still can't get a grip.
A notice from Bank of America came to my mailbox a few weeks ago. It was for the credit card I've had with them in one form or another for over fifteen years, one that I regularly use, but always pay off at the end of each month. I use it because it's convenient, it generates points (slowly) that I can use for merchandise or gift cards or even a cash rebate (at $.01 per point, generated at a rate of 1 point per dollar spent). In the letter, Bank of America told me that they were instituting a $50 annual fee for the use of the card. Now, I come from stock that included New England hardscrabble farmers, and when someone tells me to pay them $50 for the privilege of gracing them with about 1 to 3% in profits each and every month on the $1500 to $2000 I spend on household bills, food, auto expenses, etc., I wonder what the world's coming to. ( I think one of their problems is that they have too much real estate and that what they have is overpriced and too fancy. Another is that they have too many employees at the top who make way too much money for what they do, which is ways to make even more. In that regard, they've failed miserably of late, but they continue to make the same bloated wages. President Obama said he was pissed about that, but I guess his being pissed is as far as it's going to go. Other people are angry, too, but in a more desperate and personal way.)

So, I called those folks at Bank of America, and asked why they were going to charge me for their card. The young fellow at the other end of the line didn't have a good answer, just that “it was policy.” When I asked if the fee could be waived for a customer in good standing (great, really – I haven't ever missed a monthly payoff), he said, “That's the one thing they won't let me do. It's the new policy.” “Well, what can you do?”, I asked. His reply was that he could cancel my card and set me up with another card that had a point reward program and no annual fee. And why couldn't he do that with the card that I already had? “Policy,” he said.
So, now I have a new credit card. I'll have a credit check done in about a month or so to see if my credit rating has been affected by dropping one card and getting another. I hear that it sometimes does, even when the holder keeps up on payments. As for the card itself, it's not the familiar orangy-red and yellow intersecting globes on the black background; it's silver with blue highlights. Already I don't like it. It looks weak and ineffective. Sort of the way I feel after dealing with Bank of America.
So, now I have a new credit card. I'll have a credit check done in about a month or so to see if my credit rating has been affected by dropping one card and getting another. I hear that it sometimes does, even when the holder keeps up on payments. As for the card itself, it's not the familiar orangy-red and yellow intersecting globes on the black background; it's silver with blue highlights. Already I don't like it. It looks weak and ineffective. Sort of the way I feel after dealing with Bank of America.
Care to share a personal story about Bank of America? Here's your chance to do it where just more than underpaid BoA employees will listen.
they suck all around, in every aspect of business. they don't give a crap about their customer's. it's all about the almighty dollar!
They gave me an outstanding loan modification ! Thank you BOA ! !
I got a letter like the writer's and my story is similar. But instead of getting another Bank of America credit card, I quit them altogether after cashing in my points.
Bank of CENTRAL America! Have NEVER and will NEVER do any banking with them!
The ironically named "Bank of America" is the primary bank doing business with American illegals, and to facilitate that no longer requires social security numbers to open accounts. As these indivuals frequently use fraudulent addresses or "mail drops," then disappear into the ozone, the bank loses lots of money on them. Yet another reason not to bail them out and not to do business with them.
Getting ready to leave BofA for the same reason.
They want to drain the good cardholders to make up for their lousy business deals. F 'em.
the true name of this entity is
Bank Robbers of America!
they will find anyway possible to steal from you!
"underpaid BoA employee" Oh, so you want them to charge even more fees? That way their employees wouldn't be underpaid.
Well I have new policy,Don't Use Them.
I had a checking account with them for years and out of the blue they started charging me a "monthly maintenance fee" for $8.95 a month. I called because I never signed up for an account with a maintenance fee and I told them how wrong it was to just all of a sudden start charging me monthly without any notice. I was told that it was "policy" as well.
After I asked the rep if there was anything I could do to get it taken off (Because I had been a BofA user for YEARS and I never had any overdraft or anything else) he told me he was going to send me a link to a video on "why monthly maintenance fees are necessary".
If you're thinking of buying a home,DO NOT cancel that card (or any card) till after you go to settlement because it WILL effect your credit rating. Even though you ask for the card to be cancelled,the way it's reported it looks like they said for it to be cancelled.(This isn't just BOA,this is any of them)
They suck, plain and simple.
They should have been busted into many smaller banks by now. Instead, ass####s "Ben" Bernanke and "Tim" Geithner bailed them--- with our money.
Speaking of which, Bernanke is probably going to "bailed out" himself in the next week or so by being re-confirmed as Fed Chairman by the corrupt U.S. Senate.
The Kenyan has already re-appointed him. Hopie needs a useful idiot to keep printing money for his "priorities."
Change you can believe in...
We got one of those letters. Canceled the card, closed the checking and savings accounts with B of A. Giving our business to Farmers Bank of Willards now. It's like night and day; FBW actually appreciates its' customers.
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