DOVER, Del. — An autopsy has found that a Maryland girl abducted from her home last week died of multiple injuries.
According to the chief medical examiner's office in Maryland, the death of 11-year-old Sarah Haley Foxwell is listed as a homicide. The office did not specify her injuries.
SLIDESHOW: Police Search for Missing Girl in Maryland
Foxwell was taken last Tuesday from the Salisbury home where she lived with her aunt. Her body was found Christmas Day after a search that involved thousands of volunteers.
Thomas J. Leggs Jr., who has convictions for sex offenses in Maryland and Delaware, faces a preliminary hearing Jan. 21 on charges of kidnapping and burglary in Sarah's disappearance.
Authorities have said Leggs will face additional charges.
I saw an obituary today that said her date of death was 12/23, do they believe that she died shortly after she was taken then?
I believe that everything that was done to Sarah, should be done to that SOB..an eye for an eye so to speak
3:48, very likely the monster Leggs did his evil in a matter of just a few hours.
God, I hope he is fried and gets to smell his own flesh burning.
I too am wondering about the "timeline" leading up to her murder.
I'm sure the investigators and S/A are working nonstop for the answers.
Approximately what time did the abduction occur?
Were there any adults home at the time?
And what time was Sarah reported missing to the authorities?
Incidently Leggs has a court appearance scheduled in Ocean City district court on 1/13/10 for burglary.
I imagine she was dead before they even discovered that she was missing.
I'm concerned that he hasn't been charged yet. I hope that they can link him to the homicide.His fingerprints are probably all over the house, but I guess since she dated him that evidence won't help. His truck is probably the best best for establishing evidence. If he's not cooperating, I wonder how they will get his DNA. I'm sure they will need it.What about the kidnapping charge can they use the child's testimony to convict him on that? I won't rest easy until they release a court date.
Statistically speaking most children who are abducted are dead after the first 3 hours. A sad, sad, fact but it was one of the reasons the Amber Alert became law. Hopefully this tragedy will motivate people to vote for legislators that will change these laws.
May you rest in peace Dear Sarah and know that God looks over his angels.
3:48 did you ever stop to think that it may be a mis-print? right away people are jumping to conclusions!
4:50 a warrant can be obtained if someone refuses to give DNA.
At this point there is no rush to charge him with murder. The first thing the defense would do is make the speedy trial motion (I believe 90 days in MD.)
He was arrested on the 23rd, in the morning. This means he would have had to do this before he was arrested, right? DUH!
Don't worry, they will get him. Sometimes all it takes is one hair from her left in his truck. They need the DNA from her body and then they need to match it to anything found in his truck such as a hair or even a speck of blood. Or, his DNA on her body, footprints by her body that match his shoes, or even tire tracks that match his truck's at the scene. It all takes time and you can't make a mistake or he'll get off on the charges. A friend of mine is a defense attorney on the western shore. He informs me that most of the time it is a mistake from the police that get his clients off. Anyway, all this testing takes weeks, especially DNA testing (which is needed for the death penalty in Maryland). It isn't like CSI on TV where they have DNA test results in a matter of minutes. They want this to be an air-tight case.
Why is everyone starting to fight over this kidnapping/rape/murder. What we need to do is join forces. Be certain Sarahs siblings are in a sound loving home enviornment. Then band together to fight for stricter laws for childrens protection. Keep child molesters off the streets. Punishment for this animal TJ Leggs must be cruel. Then he will meet God. Think of the hell he will be in forever.
Well said, Jeanne.
Awareness is a good thing. Because of this story I checked the webpage for sex offenders and found one living in our park in Hebron Woods. I am going to alert our neighbors.
As for the child killer meeting his God, Jesus Christ reminded people that for those who harmed the little ones that it would be BETTER if he had had a millstone tied around his neck and thrown into the ocean.
the laws our government has in place regarding these crimes are not harsh enough.these men get away with these crimes over and over again.this is not something that rehab,jail,or therapy can correct.these men will continue to commit these crimes unless our government makes harsher penalties to protect our children.
Any word on Sarah's actually burial site?
I know that the very nicest waterfront plot in Parson's cemetary has been offered. This is an area that could easily accomodate both a very large funeral as well as a beautiful memorial. The cemetary is off north division and the area is all the way to the water.
The ghost of Leuschner returns. The last time this evil crept over Salisbury, two tiny angels were disguarded in shallow graves, all of our city fearing to turn our backs to our children. Most don't remember. I do. To see how little we have learned, to see the patterns and string of charges, convictions, and victims of this evil, Google Elwood Leuschner.
Her toothbrush was in his truck! The SA will be able to convict him. Now you got to pray a judge will sentence him to death.
DNA is NOT required 4 death penalty, this is going to turn into a politics for the upcoming election. as far as sex offender list,its not always accurate, sherrifs dept is supposed to keep tabs on wicomico, alot of times they have no idea 1 has moved . nothing wrong with laws, changing laws does nothing if its put on stet , or nolle Prosequi ,as case 22K07000036
Well we know she died of multiple injuries. And we know it was Thomas Leggs who did it. She was taken overnight Tuesday evening. And he was arrested on Wednesday. Thanks to the little sister who told authorities "Tommy" was in the house. So I am sure as soon as he took her, he murdered her! May he rot in HELL!!!
anybody seen the movie "TAKEN". drive some nails into his thighs, hooked to battery cables, then throw the switch. he'll talk.
Hate to burst all your bubbles, but strategically, I would not seek the death penalty. Maryland would never actually carry it out. Why do you think MD turned the DC sniper over to Va?? Because Va would carry out the sentence. Therefore, sentence him to life without parole- then spread the word to the general prison population-and they;ll take care of the rest in one year tops. And it will be a much more violent death than a simple needle in the arm. Thats what MD should do. If they do seek the death penalty-it would take 20-30 years if it was ever carried out.
Our Governor and Legislature changed the death penalty law to the following.
"Maryland's legislation will limit use of the death penalty to first-degree murder cases with biological or DNA evidence, videotaped voluntary confessions or video linking defendants to a crime."
From Fox news March 29, 2009.
It appears they are going to need DNA evidence in this case unless Leggs suddenly confesses.
Meh, i'll just sit back and wait for the court's to handle it, as far as i know they haven't even charged him with murder yet, just said their GOING too. I'm confused with all their saying, I try not to read the comments because its basically all just speculation and rumors and I don't want to spread any untruthful stuff.
I recieved a notice that I could be called for jury duty in 2010. As inconvenient as jury duty is, I pray to God I get picked for that scum bag's trial.
7:41, I remember very well. My son was 11 yrs old. I most certainly do.
I have not been able to stop thinking about this since christmas eve. I cant wait until they charge him. I afraid they wont have enough to get him. I want them to put him to death. Im sure none of us will be allowed to be on the jury. He wouldnt get a fair trial,not that he should. They are not telling us everything. We may never know. We just have to have faith they will get him. God, i hope they've got it.
8:54, I can almost guarantee that you would not be picked for the jury because you already know how you would vote. In the jury selection process, each potential juror is questioned very carefully, particularly on whether he/she could be impartial. If you lied just to get on the jury and that was discovered, then there would be a mistrial, and the accused would go free.
Actually, I would think that the trial could not even be held in Wicomico because it would be difficult to find 12 jurors who were not familiar with the case. No doubt the trial will end up in Western Maryland.
My sister is at Parsons Cemetary and it is on the water. Very peaceful beautiful place . Whenever you go there it is such a calming feeling. Also the place is always so clean.
8:54, I am sure the trial will not be held here. I would for one think it should be held here. It should!! Anitra Pirkle's trial was held here, so should his!
biological or DNA evidence,
its obvious they have the biological,
thats what they are trying to match DNA
i hope that they take their time, get the evidence they need and not screw it up like they did with the baby killer in ocean city
I heard the dna on the toothbrush did not match sarahs? I never know what to believe so many rumors actually to many idk where people come up with things that aren't true about a lil girls death u feel me?! I'm a hair stylist and everybody that sits in my chair says something new that's not true like the whole leggs was being treated at prmc cuz inmates beat him up. Come on now people!
Unfortunately, Sarah was dead before she was even reported missing. So sad. RIP Sarah and hopefully, Leggs will suffer a terrible death.
I would bet everything I own that, when all is said and done, this monster will not get the death penalty, even if they do get the necessary DNA evidence. I hope to God I'm wrong,but even before this tragedy happened, I had lost all faith in our court system and the judges in it. So-called "justice" isn't about the victim anymore. It's all about the criminal. All about these wuss judges slapping them on the wrist and that's all. Let's face it: In Sarah's case, if TJ gets ANY sentence other than the death penalty, he has gotten off too lightly.
When he goes to prison, I don't believe he'll be put into the general population. My only real hope that he'll die for this crime is that somehow the other inmates will get to him just long enough to shank him.
While I agree with the many who have posted on this site that we need tougher laws, I also think that if these damn so-called judges would enforce some of the laws we already have by handing out the stiffest penalties allowed, it would be a good start until even tougher laws can be put in place. Then once they're on the books, the judges need to carry them out to the max as far as the penalty phase is concerned. Our law enforcement people are doing their jobs. It's way past time our judges start backing them up by doing THEIRS.
Rest in peace, sweet innocent angel Sarah.
How many more sheep must be sent to the slaughter before "the system" will finally see that enough have died?
Rusty Marine & Troy Krause were abducted & murdered by Leroy Leuschner.
We'll never forget.. Every time i go over that overpass by Johnson's road.
Punishment fits the crime I say. Rape=pecker chopped off. Theft=fingers chopped off,,,etc
It bothers me that we haven't heard a word about why the other child didn't yell when she saw this monster in the bedroom UNLESS he's been in that bedroom before. That's one question I'd be asking every child in that house. Has that monster ever been in any of their bedrooms for any reason.
I believe the date of her death. She was taken late at night and he was arrest the next day.
How does a fire occur on someone's property and the property owners not notice smoke?
Yes, I have many questions.
Anon 7:37 am.
Rusty Marine & Troy Krause were abducted & murdered by Leroy Leuschner.
When was this? I live near Johnson road..I go over that over pass a lot..
Anom 8:11 - is it going to bring Sarah back, the fact that he may have been in the house? No. Fact is, with PROPER laws in place, and enforced, he wouldn't have been in the position to even be there. He should not have been free to roam and walk ANY streets. That's what we have to change. as for myself, making myself aware of who the current sex offenders are and identifying them is a job we should all undertake, whether or not we have children of our own. And if you see any type of suspicious activity, the least, the smallest - call in the local law on these bastards. If necessary, do what is needed. The local population i'm sure will back up any acts of - you kow what i mean.
We live on a small piece of property which is about an acre and a half.
If someone burned something at the back of our property, we would have NO clue unless we were outside.
People need to stop all this hatred and second guessing of others except the real criminal.
I've seen people's names dragged into this mess as LIES who were not even connected to this case whatsoever. There is such a thing as slander and defamation of character and I would strongly suggest that people think about this before posting such stuff about people.
You are never TRULY anonymous on the internet, some need to remember that too!
7:37 I sure do remember those two little boys. They were about my age. My Mom wouldn't let my brother and myself out of her sight for days. Our family prayed in church for their return only to get the bad news. That's one location in Salisbury that will always remind me of that terrible thing in our town. Only to be repeated again at Christmas. I pray our community never has to face this again. One thing for sure, our community loves our kids!
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