New reality show millionaire refuses to sell ‘sole survivor’ title
The sole survivor: Natalie White, 26, a former pharmaceutical sales rep from Arkansas, won "Survivor Samoa's" $1 million prize, taking the title of sole Survivor from one of the biggest game players ever, Russell. But his game was too big, and the jury gave Natalie more votes (third-place Mick apparently received zero votes). Natalie may not have outwitted like Russell did, but she outplayed and outlasted him.
Famous last words: After the first immunity challenge, Russell said of Natalie: "Who better to take to the final two than her? There's no way she can beat me in votes." No way at all. He also said that the other players were "my puppets. When I'm finished with them, just throw them in the trash." But he forgot that he needed to get their votes before discarding them.
Devastated: Before the final Tribal Council, Russell told us, "If Mick or Natalie won this game over me, that would just be a shame. It wouldn't make any sense to me. I've played this game strategically better than anybody, maybe in history." But during the live show, he displayed bloodshot eyes.
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There is no way on this earth that that stupid bimbo should have won the million dollars....Russell won the game hands down...that is the problem with these stupid shows. More often than not the person who played the game the best does not win because all of the jury members are bitter that the better player got them voted off. Russell won from day one
8:07 that is part of the game. You have got to play well enough to survive and vote the others out, but also make them think you are their friend and had nothing to do with voting them out. He played well but I am glad he didn't win. I think his arrogance was why he didn't get the votes.
Arrogance will get you nowhere in life. What a friggin coward to want to "BUY" the winner status. LOOOOSEEEEERRRR!
Russel was so arrogant to all the other player I can't even imagine them voting for him. Arrogance is NEVER an attractive quality and must be coupled with wealth and good looks to work!
I cannot believe that people spend their time watching this reality stuff when they could be making their own life a reality.
Every week Russel should have been voted off, but he kept getting the immunity idols.
His over confidence and arrogance lost him the game hands down. The jury realized how they were stabbed in the back by Russel.
He also stated that he's only like that during the game and when he's running his business, he's very honest and truthfull.
What really bothers me about this is the viewing public voted him the best. Why do we look up to those who lie, cheat, back-stab and bribe? When did these become admirable qualities?
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