Incident: Possession of a Handgun and CDS
Date of Incident: 12 November 2009
Location: Salisbury Blvd at Baptist Street, Salisbury, MD
1. Stefon A. Smith, 33, Salisbury, MD
2. Christopher L. Singletary, 31, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 12 November 2009 at 10:20 PM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office stopped a vehicle operated by Stefon Smith for speeding. During the traffic stop, a WCSO Drug K9 team arrived to scan the vehicle for the presence of the odor of illegal drugs, during which the dog alerted positively to that odor. Both Smith and his passenger, Christopher Singletary, were asked to exit the vehicle so it could be searched. Upon exit from the vehicle, Singletary was discovered to have a .380 caliber handgun hidden in his waistband. The deputies also discovered a Glock .40 handgun on the front seat of the vehicle.
Both Smith and Singletary were placed under arrest for the possession of the handguns in the vehicle. The deputies also discovered that .380 caliber handgun had previously been reported stolen. Both handguns were loaded with hollow point ammunition.
Also the deputies located what they recognized as cocaine in the possession of Smith and Singletary. Upon checking their records, it was discovered that both Smith and Singletary were prohibited from possessing firearms due to previous criminal convictions.
Both Smith and Singletary were transported to the Central Booking Unit where they were processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, both were detained in the Detention Center by the Commissioner in lieu of $150,000.00 bond each.
Charges: Transport handgun in a vehicle, Possession of a Handgun, Possession of a regulated Firearm by a Prohibited Firearm, Possession of a Stolen Handgun, Possession of Cocaine
These two 'individuals' are a prime example of why honest, law-abiding taxpayer's should have the right to carry firearm's.
Prior convictions, drugs and hollow-point bullets = an extreme danger to society.
yeah lets see if Stefon gets any time. He'll probably find a way to get out of it. WCSO make him do hard time for gun crime he's a menace
glad they got them Good Job !
Maybe law-abiding citizens need to start packing the courtrooms when felons like this have their trials. Let's send a message that we're tired of the revolving door.
State's Attorney better get the max on these two. Sound like future cop killers to me.
How do we find out when their trials come up?
there's no crime problem in salisbury, it's always going to be there...
hinder the drug trade and see a decrease in crime
structually defeat gangs and see a decrease in crime
get leadership willing to tackle the crime problem and show what's being done and see a decrease in crime
People like this are a liability, enough is enough
Hey, Lynn Cathcart! You whined that the Sheriff's don't do anything in Salisbury? Look at this address:
Location: Salisbury Blvd at Baptist Street, Salisbury, MD
That's in, oh, right! Salisbury!
Look at what the SHERIFF's dept. took off the street, Lynny.
This is REAL cop work, not what your GQ chiefy does!
Strong work men!! Those are 2 good lockups!!
More good work by the WCSO K9 Cops!
That's why they are out!
Yeah like any of you will actually show up the courtroom....
The SPD can't handle this stuff. The last time someone had a gun they hid under a porch and blindly fired guns into the house.
my husband is innocent what yah need to do is focus on the real crime in wicomico county. christopher is innocent. go do some real cop work for once. ----- his wife
everybody knows steady is a set up. how is it that he keeps getting busted with heroin and keeps getting home. see... this is where the real cop work needs to come into play. do your job and make it right. lets see justice.. but on the right one.
Stefon is a known informant. Its public record. Thats why he constantly gets off scott free. He co-ops with the police. I think his lives have all been used up. Good ridance, its about time. Just in, I hear he's on house arrest. A convicted felon, caught with a weapon and only house arrest. Guess thats the reward for being a CI.
Any follow-up on Christopher?
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