If Ireton has ANY stones whatsoever he'll tell old Chiefy, BRING IT ON, WE'RE CALLING YOUR BLUFF.
More to come. Rachel Polk and I welcome the City of Salisbury to the Webster Lawsuit Club.
I'm sorry Folks. The reason he's suing is over the City's grievance policy. What rhymes with WUSSY! You're a COP, Webster. Do as the Judge told you to do in our case, GROW SOME THICKER SKIN! Webster is a sue happy BULLY who has 3 members, (once again) who will back and support him on the City Council and they'll play the very same game as they did the last time. He'll start to LOSE the case and the three Council Members will bail him out because his case isn't worthy.
Man, I sure do hope the case is heard in Wicomico County so a Local Judge can finally treat him like the wussy he truly is. FIRE HIM IRETON and get it over with. Suspend him, do whatever it takes to get that piece of sh!t out of running that Police Department into the ground. Clearly he can't curb crime and is flat out useless. Do It Now! No one else deserves to die in this City and another Cold Case sit on the shelves because the criminals are smarter than the entire 3rd Floor!
GO HERE to see WBOC's story on this matter.
UPDATE: Council Members have also been mentioned in the lawsuit. Hey, I know. Maybe Debbie & Terry can counter sue and find out who was writing all those old stories on JT's Site before he shut it down. I'd bet good money Webster knows who was doing it. Was Webster involved in any way? Looks like JR, BB & SB better check out their savings because some pretty nasty stuff was said, logged and documented by a local attorney. This can easily go both ways and perhaps Webster and others hadn't planned for what COULD be asked under oath. The REALLY cool part about it would be, the City would have to foot the bill for their defense, (Debbie, Terry & Ireton) and nothing would come out of their pockets and they'll finally get some justice. Connect the dots Mayor Ireton!!!!!
What is he whining about now??
Is this all he knows how to do?
Suit over WHAT??? Or, just leave us hanging to see it on DT's site.
I wonder if this is a scam to get money from the city. Sounds fishy to me. Could be done very easily with the right city folks involved.
What is it Chiefy? Too much crime and not enough management? I guess you need to sue the gangs over that!
Salisbury, when you FINALLY get rid of this A$$, hire someone who cares enough about the city to live within it so he/she really knows whats going on. If the council members and part-time mayor have to live within the limits, this position should also.
Sure am glad I don't live there any longer!
let me guess he wants to be King?
fire him immediately...or recall Jim Ireton for incompetence
I'm sorry; but citizens of Salisbury, you get what you pay for and ask for!
Its a bad place and time when the ACTING police chief is sueing his employer, the city. Kinda glad I got out of the 'bury.
Rob S
Just trying to legally rob the city blind. Greed is the motivating factor. Pure Greed.
He's begging you to fire him mayor. Just get it over with and let the chips fall where they may.
Fire Him NOW, Ireton.
How can anyone really blame the guy? I mean, he's shaved his head like on TV. These kind of things do scare crime away you know.
Maybe giving him a Police Boat will pacify him. Worked for the FD. Better yet, outlaw banks Salisbury. Take away the bait and you take away the crime.
Has anything else that seems to be better been presented?
Salisbury has a hugher bank robbery rate then LA California now. Throw the bum out Jimmy.
Is it possible that Webster believed that Jim Ireton may finally be growing a pair and was getting ready to fire him? Now Wilber will tell Ireton that Webster can't be fired?
This will drag on forever. Unfortunately, Ireton will have to bear the blame. He should have fired Webster on day one. Even if Comegys, Louise and Shanie would have refused to uphold the dismissal Ireton would have shown some gumption.
Stay off my Site JT. Your comment was rejected.
This "man" laughs at the taxpayers each and every day. He doesn't respect anyone he works with. If he did he'd wear a uniform and be proud to wear it. Ireton, your a fool for not holding up to any of your promises.
What is he suing over now, that he sucks as as a police chief.
Bring back a real chief like Colburn ! This guy is too busy calling lawers then being chief and his department shows. The motto is we will not stop the crime but look into it later when we feel like it.
Too many comments without knowing what the suit is about. Perhaos Webster has to go on adminstrative leave? That might be a good thing to do and the honorable thing, Dependng upon the suit.
Mr.Ireton should be smart enogh to understand what is happening here.
Fight Crime, Not Opinions, Webster!
Jim Beau:
Here's the game plan sweetie-pie:
Webster --- out --- NOW!
But, have you got the stones???
So, like who is representing that Kojak-cop this time?
My money's on T. J. Baloney
Robin Cockey is his attorney.
Let's hope the City, and Mayor Ireton, get a real lawyer, like Lee Clarke, to defend them; not a wuss, like Wilber.
Clarke would leave Chiefy for dead, after he cross-examines him. :)
First of all, you can't blame the police chief because of the robberies. That's going to happen with the economy the way it is. But chief, maybe you need to buckle up with your deputies. I mean why is it that these crimes remain unsolved? I rode by Market Street tonight and seen one of your boys driving while talking on his cellphone. Bet it was not work related! Your boys need to be stationed throughout Salisbury to be able to respond to such robberies in a timely manner. Ireton, if the crimes remain unsolved, time to get rid of the chief and get someone in charge who can get everyone on the same page!
Cockey & Baloney are law-buds. They are the ones who helped Barrie get rid of Chief Dykes back in the day.
joealbero said...
" Robin Cockey is his attorney. "
Isn't Cockey TJ Baloney, in drag, or is it the other way around?
Webster, you're not welcome in Salisbury any more. We pay you a salary and you sue us. Ireton, fire this sob.
Joe Said...
"FIRE HIM IRETON and get it over with."
Anonymous said...
Salisbury, when you FINALLY get rid of this A$$, hire someone who cares enough about the city to live within it so he/she really knows whats going on. If the council members and part-time mayor have to live within the limits, this position should also.
Sure am glad I don't live there any longer!
6:29 PM
That will never happen. That idiot Ireton is getting ready to ram Richard Hoppes down your throats as Fire Chief. WTF!
Lee Clarke would chew the chief up and spit him out in no time flat. I would love to be in court to see it!
Fire him!!!
Let him have the Warden job over at
WCDC on Naylor mill rd.
There is an opening NOW !!!!
Chief Sue the Council is at it again. He'll find out he has a suit he can't win then he'll ask them to pay his attorney fees to bring it to an end. Same Sh*t, Same Sue happy chief, different council, different year. Hopefully the ending will be different this time. HE WILL BE FIRED.
Screw Comegys, Smith and Shields, they've screwed the citizens long enough.
Robin Cockey another of Barrie Tilghmans lap dogs. I hope he doesn't hold plan on another settlement like Webster got when he sued Rachel Polk. I don't think the city will be paying his legal bills this go round and I don't think Cockey will be working Pro Bono. Chiefy better apply for a mall security job to pay his lawyers fees.
He is hoping to get some money from Salisbury to finance his campaign for Sheriff in Somerset County.
I hope those folks know what they are in for if they elect him.
Circuit Court of Maryland
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Case Information
Court System: Circuit Court for Wicomico County - Civil System
Case Number: 22C09001912
Title: Webster vs Ireton, et al
Case Type: Declaratory JudgmentFiling Date:11/03/2009
Case Status: Open/Active
Case Disposition: Disposition Date:
Plaintiff/Petitioner Information
(Each Plaintiff/Petitioner is displayed below)
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
Name: Webster, Allan J
Address: 27425 Evans Drive
City: MarionState:MDZip Code:21838
Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff/Petitioner
Name: Cockey, Esq, Robin R
Practice Name: Cockey, Brennan & Maloney, PC
Address: 313 Lemmon Hill Lane
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21801
Defendant/Respondent Information
(Each Defendant/Respondent is displayed below)
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:2
Business or Organization Name: Salisbury City Council
Address: 125 North Division Street
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21801
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Name: Ireton, James
Address: 125 North Division Street
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21801
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:3
Business or Organization Name: Salisbury City
Address: 125 North Division Street
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21801
Document Tracking
(Each Document listed. Documents are listed in Document No./Sequence No. order)
Doc No./Seq No.: 1/0
File Date: 11/03/2009Close Date:11/03/2009Decision:
Document Name: Payments Received
Plt App Fee $10.00 11/03/09 3/26257
Clerk's Fee $80.00 11/03/09 3/26257
MLSc Fee $25.00 11/03/09 3/26257
Doc No./Seq No.: 3/0
File Date: 11/03/2009Close Date:Decision:
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
Document Name: Line
Filed by Attorney: Robin R Cockey Esq
Doc No./Seq No.: 4/0
File Date: 11/03/2009Close Date:Decision:
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
Document Name: Complaint Seeking Declaratory Judgment
Filed by Attorney: Robin R Cockey Esq
Doc No./Seq No.: 5/0
File Date: 11/03/2009Close Date:11/03/2009Decision:
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
Document Name: Exhibits Filed
Filed by Attorney: Robin R Cockey Esq
Doc No./Seq No.: 6/0
File Date: 11/03/2009Close Date:Decision:
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
Document Name: Civil Non Domestic Case Information Report
Filed by Attorney: Robin R Cockey Esq
Doc No./Seq No.: 7/0
File Date: 11/03/2009Close Date:11/03/2009Decision:
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Document Name: Writ of Summons - Civil Issued
Doc No./Seq No.: 8/0
File Date: 11/03/2009Close Date:11/03/2009Decision:
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:2
Document Name: Writ of Summons - Civil Issued
Doc No./Seq No.: 9/0
File Date: 11/03/2009Close Date:11/03/2009Decision:
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:3
Document Name: Writ of Summons - Civil Issued
The complete case file can be obtained from the Circuit Courthouse.
Hey, if you can't beat'em, sue'em, ain't that right Big Al?
Get rid of this clown. Give him no prize for leaving and give Mike Lewis the resources to protect Salisbury. He and his staff are capable and competent and not afraid to deal with the thugs in this town.
Fire the bustard. The sooner the better for all of us. Lee Clake can make quick work of him. Get the three stooges on the city council while you are at it.
My apologies for not seeing the light sooner. I defended this guy. I am embarrased for being ignorant This guy needs to go, now.
Anonymous said...
My apologies for not seeing the light sooner. I defended this guy. I am embarrased for being ignorant This guy needs to go, now.
10:39 PM
Webster or Ireton? I say both!
So if you can't fight crime, that is do YOUR JOB, you create a distraction, sue everybody!
As a taxpayer, I've had enough! Fire Webster now!
Turn it all over to Sheriff Mike Lewis son.
Enough of this clown, when will it end ??.Worry about doing the job and stop wasting tax payer money on dumb lawsuits.Eight years of doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING !!! Time for a change !!!!! Get out and let someone in who will work for Salisbury and do the job they were hired to do !!
This is great...while Webster is busy suing the Mayor, crime is rising! Is he using City time to prepare for the hearing as well? As I recall, the Court system operates 8-5:00 Monday through Friday...doesn't Webster work the same hours? How in the world is he going to do his job (it's not like he has been anyway) and work up a case against Ireton? How about you look at his timesheets for the next couple weeks and see how much time his is stealing to work on his case instead of working on crime-like all those unsolved bank robberies! To me, that would be means for firing his pathetic ass!
The point is that since this lawsuit is now in the public eye, I can guarantee you that the crime will be on the rise over the next few weeks! Criminals read the paper too-they see that the police department is in some turmoil and WILL take adavantage of it! Webster, get your head out of your ass and DO YOUR JOB! Better yet, QUIT! I'm hoping that the only reason why he wants these reprimands struck from his file is because he is looking for another job elsewhere...I say we strike them and help send him on his way!
Does anybody know if there is anyway that the people can pull together to get Webster out? A petition or something? I would proudly sign my name to it!
If Cockey Robin invites you over to discuss things at his home, hands off the nanny!
Can someone tell me why the Mayor doesn't just fire this guy?
Maryland is an AT WILL state. Unless the Chief falls under specific categories, he can be fired for any or NO reason!
Someone fired in Maryland unless they are under some special category like a contract of employment cannot sue the employer for firing them for ANY or NO reason.
Just do it and get it over with! Geez!
Your Mayor is enjoying his limelight on this one too folks, don't think he's not. He enjoyed that interview with WBOC last night.
Chief Webster
You should be focussing on a crime rate that is out of control and the fact that your men have no respect for you. The public has lost all confidence in your police force and would like to see you resign. Lawsuits over petty issues will not make crime go away, but further lower the already low opinion of the public you serve. Get smart and move on before you get embarassed in the public eye.
Anon 8:49 AM, proudly sign your name like you did with this post?
Big man.
I'm not crazy about a part-time mayor having reign over a full-time cop. Doesn't seem right.
I love it, what do you think Paul Wilber is telling the Mayor? Then I will bet my last $5 that Wilber is telling Barrie everything he knows so she can tell Webster. Time to get that bum out of there and those fees!
Totally agree with 8:49! Where's the petition?
Many more details on this in the DTs. Go there, read and enjoy.
Webster has still not provided any creditable evidence, and this lawsuit alone should be enough to fire him. Webster be gone, Jim remove the reprimands in exchange for his resignation!
please these people care nothing about the crime, fire him and get someone who actually cares and is not scared to carry out his duties.
anonymous 8:49
Well said. In all seriousness can he legally be put on leave? Why can't he be fired?? What can the citizens do?
What a low life! And, he calls himself a cop. I have never liked him since the day the city hired him. He will continue to do this crap until someone fires him. What more will it take before he is gotten rid of.
I think we should sue the bald headed a$$hole for not doing his job. Don't we have a job description or something to go on. It would be so nice to sue him breech of contract, win a lawsuit against him and then fire his worthless a$$.
The sad facts are you can blame the chief for a large portion of the problems. I like Al Webster the person. I do not like Al Webster as Chief of Salisbury.
When Tilghman and company went shopping for a new chief they felt there were problems inside S.P.D. hence the I.A.D. guru was hired. Webster spent many years investigating cops vs. criminals.
Webster was needed in Baltimore City. They at the time needed his talents.
Tilghman a bully in her own right now has a Chief that is learning the system here on the Shore. Say what you want but it had to be a mind blower for Al Webster to go back 30 years in time when he came here. Nothing he learned in B-County prepared him for the Shore West of Ocean City. Amazing cross the 90 bridge and the fifty bridge welcome to the twilight zone.
So in a nut shell wrong guy for the job period.
New mayor can see this it is obvious as the nose on his face. Now wgat to do ??
I say take a vote of your rank and file. bring in an independant counsel to look at the morale issues. The lack of hands on supervision. The quality of some hirees. The volumes of citizens complaints that never make it past the lobby of SPD. The selective handling of internal complaints.. This is just a couple of documented issues.
Maybe go to an off site location with guaranteed immunity to the troops to voice thier concerns.
Ray Charles could see this guy is not the right person for the job here. He may have done wonders at B.C.P.D.
Well Jimmy I. it is time to put up or shut up. You have been bitched slapped into a corner. You will have fight or flight. The whole "Sho" is watching. Time to put your big boy undies on and get to work.
Al Webster do the right thing move on. Wrong timing, wrong place.
More diversion within just what the crimnals live for.
Have a Delmarvalous Day !!
Ireton better be careful or Webster will pull his badge and y'all will be looking for a new Mayor.
I don't really think the level of crime in Salisbury is relevant to this lawsuit. Why aren't people upset that our Mayor is trying to make an investigation of a City Council member disappear all together? Isn't that kinda shady?? The Mayor wrote 4 letters to the Police Chief reprimanding him for not following private orders to drop an important case, doesn't that seem odd to you? The Police Chief did the right thing in choosing to pursue justice rather than acquiesce to some back-room political agenda! The Mayor basically said "if you don't cooperate in making this go away I will make you look incompetent and fire you"...why are we defending the mayor? Should this instance of doing the right thing be negated from your opinions just because the crime rate is high? Try to separate the facts of this case from preexisting grievances you have about crime. I know it's not convenient to be unbiased when you all have worked up so much energy not liking the Chief, but give it a try. As citizens we are supposed to rise above all of this political nonsense in the pursuit of justice...aren't we?
See the Daily Times article-Ireton is asking for the law suit to be dismissed!
fire him and wilber. bring in lee clark as city atty.
Why all the whoopla over Lee Clarke? He isn't the best there is to represent the interests of Salisbury. Must be Clarke himself.
I agree , what's up with whoever it is that thinks Lee Clarke is all that! If you have been in Salisbury awhile .....think back and you may want to reconsider that choice. There are alot of good and trustworthy attorneys in salisbury .
Anon. 6:41 PM, says " There are alot of good and trustworthy attorneys in salisbury . "
True; but, we're talking about a court battle-not writing a will or a DUI guilty plea. Furthermore, the current Salisbury City Attorney, Paul Wilber, got his job the same way Chief Webster did-by being Barrie Tilghman's puppet.
Salisbury needs a lawyer who will fight for the taxpayers and citizens.
Of the 100+ attorneys in Salisbury, listed in the Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory, Lee Clarke is one of only nine rated, by fellow lawyers and judges, as "AV Preeminent 5.0 out of 5", which is the highest possible rating.
More importantly, Clarke's style would be to expose Webster for the incompetent he is as Chief of the SPD, while he beats Webster, and Cockey, like he owns them.
All Webster has done for Salisbury is draw $100,000 per year salary for doing nothing.
Webster, and Cockey, need to learn that the taxpayers, and voters, are fed up with their frivolous lawsuits. Putting them in a courtroom with a lawyer, who loves to fight, would teach them that long overdue lesson.
Ruark even said the statute of limitations had passed on this case of the tape, so end of story. Webster kept pushing it and leaking documents to the Daily Times. Ireton had to order him to stop pursuing a dead end case and he kept going, so he was written up by Mayor Ireton. Timing of tapegate was fishy too, with Barrie and Al bringing it up right before the election. Webster wants his grievance heard by the city council, so Terry and Debbie will have to excuse themselves and only the three stooges will be left. We all know how that will turn out! I think he should be put on administrative leave until the case is resolved. Turn in your badge and gun, go home to Somerset County until the lawsuit is over. Then fire his bald ass.
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